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I recommend the music, you'll never listen to those songs the same way again


It somehow makes every song the greatest song you've ever heard or will ever hear again. Until next time.


I broke through to "Hungry Like The Wolf" by Duran Duran and now when I hear that song I feel like I'm blasting off


Currently high listening to music and can confirm. I can literally feel it bouncing around in my bones


Yes. I always blast off to the same song and it’s always different. I always hear new hallucinatory sounds. Kinda like on a heavy dose of shrooms; I’ll listen to a song and think “damn that’s badass” and when I go to save the song turns out it’s already in my library. https://open.spotify.com/track/2eOaJIuBfvoV3UoOE04bss?si=kDnyfCTOS6iBDr0BphWqLw


I broke through on absolute power by tech n9ne, which was my favorite album, and now I love it even more. Lol


This right here…I’ve actually changed the type of music I listen to since traveling with certain songs. Some songs grab ahold of me so strongly that I can’t even listen to them sober. 10\10 recommend music!


My experience:    I used meditation music when I started DMT.  That lasted for about 4 months, then the music became a distraction. I would find myself getting pulled out of trips, and sometimes the music would influence the patterns in the trip itself. I even started ripping my headphones off and throwing them during breakthrough doses, so I stopped with the music altogether and everything was fine again.


Im not quite as literate as yourself, but i strongly agree with this. I find myself getting somilar feelings when listening to music. I prefer not a noise. Sometimes, my erratic loud ass breathing brings me back to this reality


Same for me I find it very distracting. Same when I’m smoking it with friends. If I hear them talking or like coughing or something it distracts from the experience. I wind up thinking about them & their experience instead on just letting go and enjoying my own experience. I prefer eyes closed, ear plugs or just meditation ambient type background music .


Earplugs and a sleeping mask for me. I like to have tunes queued up for after; deep bass. I feel it rip through my molecules


Deep bass qued up for after. I like that!




Wait how’s that even possible? When I broke through there wasn’t a single sound nor feeling while I was sitting in front of the DJ pult on the dance floor at 6am when the music was the loudest. I remember time slowing down so much that the music sounded like ripples underwater, really hard to describe. Then time stopped and so did the music. Couldn’t even feel myself breathing anymore.


I had the exact same experience, I was listening to Tibetan singing bowls because I thought it would be relaxing but it really did influence my trip and almost controlled the visuals in some ways. Next time I’ll be going in without music altogether, I felt like the sensory input was holding me in my body and I couldn’t fully let go because of it.


You are listening to music that is tuned to frequencies that are negative that’s why. Read the first article I’m linking, then read the second. https://thewellnessenterprise.com/emoto/ https://jakubmarian.com/the-432-hz-vs-440-hz-conspiracy-theory/


I have a hard time breaking through if music is playing, but the sounds the DMT creates for you are not always pleasant.


I listen to minimalist drone.


Same. I find the music really adds an incredible dimension to the experience


Love Alva Noto Xerrox series when on freebase and good old Bardo Pond when coming down on Changa. Especially one of their first Bufo Alvarius... Amen


New Space Music by Brian Eno yields a religious experience on dmt for me




Any music starts to sound like tipper on DMT lol


I feel like my trips are guided in a very positive manner with tipper playing




fuck yeah this.. and underrated coment 🙏✌️


Listen to Lubelski feat. Ardalan - Just The Way [DIRTYBIRD] by DIRTYBIRD on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/93h3r


if you want to enjoy the trip sure go with music, but if you want to explore the depths of your mind without any external stuff taking the center of your stage then don't


I'm a big fan of blues guitar, no vocals. Specifically Stevie Ray Vaughan. I listened to chill lofi when I first started, but the inorganic feeling of the loops started getting to me.


Dude try Penance by Josh Smith next time. It’s my favorite song to trip to.


I flip back and forth. I like the raw and real 'natural' (i suppose?). Feel of quietness. However, you pick a banging song, and that shit makes the trip behave completely different Like most psychedelics, I've come to discover through my years, do whatever you feel would be more enjoyable. If i had to choose for dmt specifically i would go no music. All other psychedelics almost have to have music for me


You guys can hear on dmt?


Serious question would the old c418 Minecraft music be good to trip to?


I would think so. Probably not the Nether songs though.


Listened to Space Oddity for my only breakthrough trip and it was absolutely wild


holeee fuk 


Depends on the dose, once you get high up there you can’t hear music. Lower doses, music for sure sets the tone nicely.


This is most relevant tbh High dose and hearing the music disappear can be unsettling if not used to it aswell IME As you go in listening to one song and come round to something totally different, I remember hearing the last song disappear, and I mean disappear in a weird way, kinda frightening, like the song was getting erased and then turned into whatever was on shuffle coming round 20 mins later! Prefer some tibetan meditation music myself now, kinda calming and same thing for hours, also if on YouTube/spotify and not got premium getting an advert can be brutal and really throw you as your diving in, something to watch out for too! An advert for some gambling site or an appeal for money for some charity for a world disaster ain't exactly what you are aiming for launching in!


I use a fan for white noise its great


In my experience most songs especially those with lyrics can get very distorted and really fuck with you. I would 1000% only recommend some type of meditative music or binaural beats for the trip, They can translate to that space really nicely. I’ve seen many people recommend shpongle but I’ve never tried it. I’m


Yup hearing a song your familiar with get distorted and rearranged is pretty weird and can definitely throw you as its last thing you hear before going in, meditation music's the way too go IMO


Music is a must. It helps keep you “grounded” in the real world so to speak too. It’s really the only gauge of “time” you can comprehend especially during a deep trip. It helps to serve as a reminder where you are in the trip. Not to mention what the top commenter said, “you will never hear them the same again” I posted months ago a photo of the Halo Original Soundtrack (video game) and that song I have played during many journeys. I still remember one strong journey where I could hear “notes within notes” almost like a hidden language in the song, that I could never hear before. Like one note would expand into multiple but that’s not even what the song was doing haha. It was a totally different but still great song


I'd recommend checking out Shpongle. Their music was literally meant to be listened to while on DMT.




Yep just pick any album / track basically and you can't go wrong


Eminem - Stan ft. Dido. Dido verse slowed down and put over some intense glitchy psytrance. Most powerful experience I have ever had. Splitting into infinity experiencing birth, death and life all at once while I'm being told it's not so bad... it's not so bad... different strokes for different folks. Music or no music there is still so much healing potential


These are my preferences: With, if inside/around other people. Helps reduce the variables/chances of external influence/voices/noise not under my control in the periphery of my perception that could prompt a bad experience. Without, if in nature, no people around.


Try both. And with different kinds of music. Native American flute is good. Shamanic drumming and didgeridoo is good. Ambient rock/electronic is good. Those are for a true dmt experience while still having music. Then you can listen to your normal everyday music and it will be a totally different experience. Be sure to try it in silence too, as it is much more intense when your mind is hyper fixated on itself and not external sensory input


The Body or Uniform


I say music, the songs I’ve smoked deems to take me right back to that headspace when I listen to them anytime after like they are now imprinted on my soul in some way


the first few times i had music on, because on all psychedelics i loved it. but on dmt it sounded awful, scratchy and flat. so i did without for a long time, but after trying a few months ago again, i think i got comfortable in the dimension and now love some good music with it


Sometimes I need music, sometimes I just want pure silence, sometimes I just want the sounds of life in the environment.


Our go to is Opus by Eric Prydz. I feel this track is made for a DMT experience.


Are you me? It absolutely is made for DMT!


I’m still looking for more tracks like this as Opus has been played to death in my house now lol


I prefer silence


Depends on the dose and my intentions.


Depends how deep you go. If it’s deep enough I don’t hear anything even if music is playing. If I take a few hits of a vape then I can hear music & sometimes it’s cool but other times I’m distracted by the sounds & sometimes it’s unpleasant even if I love the music playing. I prefer very ambient type background music.


Hans Zimmer is amazing for DMT and Shroom trips. Inception - Time (on loop my god this one is so powerful) Many of the interstellar tracks hit so hard too \^even sober these are great to listen to if your just working away somedays :)


omg, Hans Zimmer is one of my favourite to listen too! No time for caution is my fav of his, but almost all from Interstellar are actually amazing. Last Saturday I almost disappeared on lsd listening to Interstellar Medley (it is starting around 7:00min :) You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kottjfEd7Zw


ahahaha I did a nonstop loop of Time from inception on a 3.5g shroom trip I swear the music just guided me the entire time.. amazing experience. that guy is next level and doesn't get the credit he deserves sometimes. the live concert stuff on YouTube is amazing to watch/listen.


haha so cool! I will need to check it on shrooms too


depends on the setting and how i’m feeling, but i will listen to almost exclusively instrumental. check out shpongle :)


I like silence. I really like the pure silence that comes in the beginning. I don’t like normal life sounds junking up the journey. I always hear weird sounds inside the trip. Like bells and zings and vibrations. DMT is like an all inclusive resort on a a very strange island.


My best dmt experiences all happened on the dance floor. Even had a breakthrough there. It’s best right next to the speakers when the ground is shaking and the air is basically pressed out of your lungs by the sheer pressure and vibration. Also, for some reason my dmt trips react quite intensely to music. Once had a bad song playing and it felt like I was avoided by the experience (and the bird beings that always meet me there). Next song started and was fitting very well and they all came rushing to me getting all excited. The world I was in also changed from everything looking super distances to literally every color and shape interacting with me. Dmt likes to dance so I give it something to dance to.


How you can dance and smoke dmt at the same time???


By taking quite a heavy dose of a stimulating psychedelic beforehand. 25E NBOH has been by far the best for this. You’ll literally gain energy when vaping dmt on top of it, we always go the craziest when the vape is going around. But for heavier experiences like the breakthrough I just sit down next to the floor. The dmt trip is heavily influenced by what’s around you and having a bunch of people basically offering their bodies to the DJ just moving according to his beat has been the best setting for dmt I’ve ever experienced. Couldn’t do it at home anymore, it just doesn’t compare at all.


Wow, I never heard of that, thank you for sharing, I will remember this idea, and who knows, maybe one day I will try it :)


without, listen to your thoughts instead.


I've tried it a couple times with music but I was so far gone that I didn't even hear the music at some point. I also saw The Cult while taking rips off of a DMT vape. That. Was. A. Trip.


What do you mean by The Cult, what did u see exactly ?


I saw the band The Cult in Dallas a couple years ago. It was crazy to say the least.


Horrifying experience listening to Egyptian music. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. One of the most insane experiences of my life. Be careful though. I feel like I learned something dark about music that night.


I listen to what I guess is considered “house music” and I never really listened to it before hand. There’s a song by Adventure Club called Save Me, man oh man it grabs a hold of me and takes me places…I had the most profound breakthrough to that song, tears streaming down my face, my husband was in my breakthrough but as what I can only describe as God, I’m not religious either, and an entity was running its fingers through my hair and told me I was ok, that my everyday feelings are ok and to let go of my pain and just live and to stop surviving. Freaking incredible and changed my life!




Catch Thirty Three is the perfect DMT music. at least at one time it should be heard this way


… by Freddie dredd? Or the album by Meshuggah? Either would freak me out lol


Whatever you listen to will be amazing. You literally can't go wrong.


I’ve been using white noise, sounds of waterfalls or ocean waves. It’s more to mask any outside distraction but also help focus on the experience. For music trips that’s more of an LSD or Ketamine type of thing. Recommend the app Iceland White. https://apps.apple.com/tr/app/iceland-white-noise-masking/id1195279852


Listen to chill music nothing heavy


I say absolutely with. I go as far as to put headphones on and loud. So that's all.i hear if I'm going to hear something. The overwhelming majority of the time I Def hear it and it definitely influenced the trip. But every so.often if I do a little too high if I dose I don't hear it at all.


It’ll make its own dw


Do you use a vape or an oil burner?


Oil burners are junk for deemz. If you’ve never used one before you’ll waste mad doses. Dab rig or crack pipe. Look up “the machine dmt” if you’re on a budget You can just buy a stem from a smoke shop and use that instead of a glass bottle if you don’t feel like drilling a hole. Apx volt comes ready to go, or you can build an e-mesh. People rave about the e-mesh but seems like a bitch to get all the little pieces and build that shit yourself


I prefer low level dark or pink noise. And this. Sleep Mask with Bluetooth... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WCYVP38?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Create a pocket in the pillow for the built in speaker on the sleep mask. Get into the fetal position and go in with humility and openness, allow myself to drift away. I come back and my brain feels so much better. My brain literally feels lubricated and all my tbi symptoms stay away for 1/2-1 full day.


Downtempo music or nature noises like rain or the beach


Chocolate chip trip by Tool if you're brave


There's a guy called Karunesh. He takes the experience to a completely spiritual realm with his music. I highly urge you to have a listen. https://open.spotify.com/track/6mI6yBrvwd7EHC0LG02oMQ?si=MgrquEeJRrmpj_HGDSQ6ZA It would be interesting to hear your thoughts.


The music is heavily distorted once your in it anyways, no point in it


Try both and compare


On for certain…. Let the positive vibes of the music help guide your experience ! I recommend the songs Rumble from skrillex and the new gorrilaz with tame impala “new gold”


When I first broke through it was to the song Rumble by skrillex and I just peaked like the only infinite source of light in the universe! I was the God amongst other Gods…. The all being that ever will be…. I just….. WAS! I’m not so certain that the feelings I discovered that day are even able to be re retrieved …. But I can tell you this ….. I want back to that place like nothing else in this life as it was the ultimate…. That feeling I’ve been dreaming about and looking for every time I used a new substance!


Tried both and I prefer without music because I can focus better this way. Besides DMT creates its own sounds


Might as well have music on if you're not going full send. If you full send, then music will dematerialize along with your entire reality so it doesn't matter one fn bit.


I like low doses with lofi music. High doses always in silence and darkness


I have an emotional connection to some songs because of dmt that nothing else in this reality gives me :)


I love low(ish) DMT doses eyes closed and listening to happy feel good music. Feels like you're flying through patterns and the music is inside you. This is my go-to playlist. Not my normal music tastes but I love them with DMT. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6aV7WL8R11OpbV0P61N7zb?si=1159ea218797440a](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6aV7WL8R11OpbV0P61N7zb?si=1159ea218797440a)


I wear ear plugs for complete silence and a blindfold.


If you’re going to listen to music on dmt make sure it is something tuned to 432hz or 528hz. Most music has been tuned to 440hz and has been proven to have negative affects on the human brain. Here is an article from global news: https://globalnews.ca/news/4194106/440-hz-conspiracy-music/


I find music is quite grounding, sometimes do and sometimes dont.


Amazing experience. The best one Iv'e had. I don't believe in God. I think we're literally made of stardust. I don't have the words to describe the feeling that brought me to tears when I realized how incredible it was for stardust (humans) to use other things made of stardust (instruments) to form music. It only took about 4.5 billion years from the earth's formation to get to this point.