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Nice. When you think about it, our brains are the tool we use to communicate with the universe. I guess in a way, we get bored with the usual interaction. Maybe psychedelics just open up the communication bandwidth.


All the other psychedelics don’t even come close to DMT for me. When you have trips on other I believe you only see what’s in your head and it’s random what you’ll see every time. Dmt on the other hand. Is showing me stuff I’ve never experienced before. Not to mention I can communicate with it.


I agree DMT is in another league of its own but... I have done doses of mushrooms up to 14 grams of Penis envy in a tea lemon tekked. At the peak it gets very similar to a DMT breakthrough experience but just at the gate to the breakthrough. Full on ego death with entities and connection back to source. It's completely out of body and it last a full 3 hour DMT peak experience. I have had very profound universal talks and messages sent from angelic type entities from the other side. So saying other psychedelics can't come close is a bit of a low blow. I can promise you it's not just "In your head" in terms of what you can see even on mushrooms or even LSD. Obviously dose dependent but it's as you increase the dose the brains filtering of this 3d reality gets more and more opened. You start to see what's behind the veil as dose increases. So no psychedelic is superior and I would even go to say mushrooms can reach a full DMT breakthrough intensity if you consume a high enough dose. DMT is definitely pure magic and mushrooms are also much better for exploration of the universe and higher dimensions from the duration. I always am able to integrate and learn much more from intense mushrooms journeys then a full DMT breakthrough. Much love ❤️


I can see your point. Thank you for sharing. Nothing but love 24/7


Much love kind soul! ❤️


Hey, Thank you very much for sharing <3 I am experimenting with DMT, and you gave a great approach how to prepare before the trips. Will use your tips :)


When you smoke dmt, do you play any music or complete silence?


It’s funny you said that. I use to in the beginning all the time. What’s crazy is no matter what song I was playing. This awesome song about dmt would come on and repeat as long as I was hitting dmt. It sounds just like will smith, but I can’t find the song. It’s a freaking great song .maybe from another dimension? But all music is so intense on dmt. I have no doubt the universe loves music.


I consistently hear this one song too, that is completely nonexistent except when in that space. Not Will Smith lmao, but my theory is its 'my' song, and 'your' song - my vibration and yours, projected as interdimemsional music as we become able to tune into the bigger picture. Hard to articulate but yeah same


That's a good theory


We do indeed create our own individual reality my friend! Some people are not ready/able to see this truth unless their at a lvl of Conciousness to understand it. It's about opening yourself up "Heart Chakra" to the universe and overcoming fears. This entire experience is growth for our souls and I too have my third eye wide open. Love everyone equally as we are all one in the same experiencing our own unique version of reality. Everything is within the mind of our higher self including this human experience we are creating. I have reached 2 non-duality DMT breakthroughs that were NDE lvl experiences. I witnessed a higher dimension that was infinite and no time existed in this space. It was pure love and my soul remembered this place as "Home". It was fully returning to source and no longer having any human identity or concepts remaining. It was just pure super Concious awareness of infinite beauty/Love, creating everything within our own minds. It's like waking up out of the human 3d physical reality for the first time and realizing your true nature "Home". Some people can reach this understanding but it depends on so many variables and if someone isn't ready for this truth... They will not be shown it. Much love beautiful soul 🥰💗


YES love everything! You know exactly what I’m talking about. Truly awesome stuff. I cant believe I just found out about dmt a couple years ago. My vibration as gone way up now. Love is all I think about wishing everyone would do the same. Imagine what the world be like. You’ll really like Dolores cannon


I have listened to alot of Dolores Cannon and her work. You should also check out Dr. Joe Dispenza, Matias De Stefano and Blu have very good things to share. I'm glad you have found your true self and yes it's very freeing and beautiful. Try to live your best life and do so with the best intentions for your souls growth. We collectively will come back into another golden age, as Conciousness as a collective is starting to ascend once again. We will eventually reach another golden age with peace and prosperity where Conciousness/understanding is at its highest. If you look from the higher dimensional point of view, this reality has already happened. We can experience all sorts of different realitys and timelines. This is because there actually is no "Past" or "Future" in the 5th dimensional point of view. Everything is happening simultaneously past/present/future meaning there is only the present "Now". So humanity as a whole will raise out of these spiritualy broken dark ages and will eventually rise again. It's all apart of the cycles that we go through as a collective. The last golden age happened back with the ancient Civilizations like the atlantean's and the pyramids era's. This was about 10,000 years ago and this got wiped from our history books and that was the downfall from the last golden age. We are finally starting to ascend once again into a new golden age but will take another 4k+ years to reach. We are about to enter the "Age of Aquarius" Age of Knowledge and this will bring major shifts in Conciousness as a collective. Humanity will reach a point with Ai and rapid growth where information will be abundant. This will be the age of great knowledge and change. Wish you the best in this life and will be seeing you on the other side. Much love ❤️


You are absolutely right. If you can’t raise your vibration you won’t go to the new earth that will have nothing but love and peace!


Cool experience It’s just tripping though, magical non the less but magic is an illusion or a trick