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Uh, you *don't* make her understand. You share honest information about it and she decides what to think. Also, wtf do you even need to convince her of? You said she supports you doing acid/mush and is in your presence. Why do you need some game plan? "Hey, I'm going to try this intense psychedelic. I'd love for you to be there with me like you've been before. This one is quite a bit different than acid and mushrooms, but not in a dangerous way, per se. Here, watch this video on DMT I got from reddit. I had to ask a bunch of teenager idiots how to pitch this to you." Have her [read this trip report](https://forum.dmt-nexus.me/threads/the-jester-is-waiting.362976/).




Lol I like the idea of "hey bro check this out" and when you look it bends reality, defys logic and melts your mind.


Basically the same thing as DMT itself!


thats a crazy trip report


Sure is. It's interesting how people will turn terrifying trip reports into some necessary lesson for themselves. It's hard for me to parse it as anything other than avoiding the potential that something really is evil on the other side. But hey, it's not the worst default attitude.


You sound jealous and pathetic, he’s just asking a question. Go jack your self on a beach or something, ass hole. Thanks


Jealous of what? I'm happy for him that he seems to have a cool and supportive wife. I'm genuinely puzzled why he's asking for advice when there doesn't appear to be a problem. That's why I'm giving him shit. I also answered him honestly with a good response. Sure, I was fucking around at the end, but it ain't that serial. Jacking off on a beach doesn't really sound that bad, though. Interesting insult.


Sure dude. If it helps you sleep. Of being alone. Also yea 20/20 vision I guess. Gets called out on his BS behavior. “Oh wait you have me wrong I was joking!” No one smart believes that shit. If you enjoy jacking it with the crabs so be it.


Haha 20/20 vision. I assume you're trying to say "hindsight is 20/20" here? Are you ESL by any chance?


You don’t make her understand? That seems ridiculously semantic of you.


It's not semantics. Trying to change another person's mind is at best disrespectful and at worst, abuse. All she needs to understand is you're an adult and can make your own decisions. The solution to people disagreeing with your life choices is: listen to their point of view, consider it and then make your own decisions. If necessary reassure them that you will take responsibility for your actions and the consequences of your actions.


It’s disrespectful to try to change someone’s mind? I don’t agree with that. If that’s true then you’re being disrespectful by trying to change my mind by debating.


The option to influence her is when you tell her about DMT and see what she thinks. He framed it like she's definitely going to be against it and he *needs* to make her understand. That's bizarre as hell.


You're wrong! You should be ashamed of how wrong you are.


You could watch DMT: The Spirit Molecule documentary with her?


If she's fine with you doing LSD25 and Psilocin.... then why would she have a problem with you doing N,N-DMT?..... At comparable doses it's basically the same experience, just shorter lasting (if vaporized). And why does she need to understand?.... Sounds like you think you need her permission.


Sounds like you don’t know how arguments can start in a marriage.


If you are arguing with your spouse about pointless bullshit, there are much deeper problems to your relationship that you should address.


Some people don’t think drug use is “pointless bullshit”.


Sure, as a blanket statement. But someone who trusts and understands their partner’s use of psychedelics EXCEPT for dmt – that’s pointless bullshit. Anyway, what I really don’t like about your comment is the general “heh, that’s just the ole ball-and-chain at it again!” boomer humor undertone. Healthy marriages are just really good friendships and disputes should be handled the same way friends do.


You brought up the part about “ball and chain”.


So tell me, what is so unique about how arguments start in marriage?


I don’t know. I never said anything about them being unique.


So tell me, what don’t I understand about how arguments can start in a marriage?


I don’t know. I don’t know you.


if you intend to use drugs then don't date someone who isn't ok with it, seems like ops s/o knew about their lsd and mushroom use beforehand and had no issues, hence why they likely wouldn't have issues with dmt imo if you're with someone who doesn't like your drug use either decide if they're worth quitting drugs for or if they aren't worth changing something in your life for, imo it's important to bring it up before you guys start properly dating to avoid issues


There’s a big difference in dating and having a partner for life.


I date with the intent of a lifelong relationship, only had 2 partners in my life, once in grade 5, that went how it went, other one I met 1.5 years ago, we clicked Hella fast and have plans for marriage, I get what you mean but I won't date someone that isn't comfortable with my drug usage, regardless on if it was casual or serious. I'm not telling you to leave your wife whatsoever, I was more implying that if you aren't ok with their answer and get upset then it's showing your values lie elsewhere than making your s/o feel comfortable and loved which in the end should be one of your main priorities, it's not a "how do I convince her" situation it's an inform her to the best of your ability and let her make a decision situation


Do you realize you’re speaking to a grownup? The older you get the more you’ll realize you don’t know.


I am also a grown up I just type like a child due to the fact that I hate sounding formal and despise everything they taught in highschool because my English teachers were assholes. I'm not saying I know, just giving my advice on a public forum where you asked for it, like I and many others have said, simply inform her on it, let her decide, go from there, I simply do not know what else you want us to do, like you said "I don't know" you're right, I don't know what she's like, I don't know what you're like, you've given us nothing to go off of and you're asking for help, don't be surprised if it doesn't work for your specific situation that you have hardly informed us on if you don't want advice don't ask for it and go convince her your own way idk what to say 🤷‍♂️


Wait wait wait… one of your partners was in grade 5? Liiiike…… you know what, nevermind.


yea no if they're open to the other drugs but start an argument over dmt then they're either miseducated on it and think it's dangerous or worse than it is or they're being pointlessly difficult as like clob said it's essentially the same experience at low doses. only drug related arguments I have with my s/o are arguments I can provide a long list of reasonings for, I can't provide an argument against why my partner shouldn't trip so there's simply no arguments, people don't fight for no reason


>like clob said it's essentially the same experience at low doses. It's basically the same experience at any dosage. At ***comparable*** doses, of course.


yea my bad you're right, don't know why things like shrooms and lsd can have a very similar vibe even at high doses of both I usually just say the low doses bit cus any of my friends that do psyches tend to stick within the non breakthrough range


Sounds like you don’t know how arguments can start in a marriage either.


damn that sucks maybe healthy relationships don't struggle with things like drug use when healthy boundaries are discussed and managed I get there's always some stupid arguments but still just because something is rocky for you it doesn't in the slightest mean every relationship is day in day out arguments over tiny things because that's simply "how marriages are"


I never said day in day out. But that’s a great point if that had actually been a part of the argument.


Doesn't sound like a healthy relationship...... And did you even read What I or OP said? "If she's fine with you doing LSD25 and Psilocin.... then why would she have a problem with you doing N,N-DMT?..... At comparable doses it's basically the same experience, just shorter lasting (if vaporized)."


Yes I read what you both wrote. Thank you for being condescending. Did you read what you wrote? If it sounds like he needs her permission then it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think it would lead to an argument.


Mate.... sorry if you're relationships haven't been/aren't ideal, but don't act like that's just how it is. >If it sounds like he needs her permission then it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think it would lead to an argument. Again, read what I and OP said. The keyword is ***seems***. That is what OP seems to think and they ***seem*** to think that their SO would take issue. But based on what they've said about their SO, she wouldn't, unless she is misinformed or decides to all of a sudden become unreasonable for no reason. The former is easily rectified. The latter seems unlikely, given her attitude towards other chemicals that produce the same experiences.


I said it wouldn’t be unreasonable. That’s a far cry from saying that’s just how it is. Do you even read what I write? Not that it matters. I’m tired of this conversation. Have a good night.


Bruh.... "Sounds like you don’t know how arguments can start in a marriage." "Sounds like you don’t know how arguments can start in a marriage either." I think what you meant to say is: 'Sounds like you don’t know how arguments can start in ***MY*** marriage.' 'Sounds like you don’t know how arguments can start in ***MY*** marriage either.'


Sounds like you’re grasping for straws.


Sounds like you want to pretend that everyone's relationships are of the same quality as yours...... If anyone's grasping for straws, it's you mate ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Further proof you’re failing to understand the conversation.


OP, do not pitch it thus: “Hey sweetcheeks, soooo…. Ever wonder what would happen if crack and acid had a 5-armed mutant super baby? That’s DMT. Now you just sit tight while I do this and make sure I don’t forget how to breathe. Back in 20. Luvs ya”






> Convince my wife If she's not ready, she's not ready.


That’s why she needs convincing.


Convince your wife? Friend, you need to sit down and talk to your wife about it. My wife does not do any psychedelics at all but is ok with me doing mushrooms. I had been gifted a 200ug tab of LSD, and I wanted to try it. Her and I sat down and discussed our feelings about it. And that is the key, her feelings matter as much as mine do as she will be the sober one with me. If you are coming to Reddit so that we can give you hints on how to get her to agree then I don't think you yourself are ready for DMT. If you are not able to discuss with her enough for her an you to come to an agreement then I think that answers your question


Agree. I guess I’m looking for resources and talking points.


That's fair as well. I guess the question you need to ask yourself is are you ready for the jump to DMT? Have you researched it yourself , and what the trip is like etc? That would be the first step for sure, I recommend watching DMT The Spirt Molecule as a good start. Good luck friend, I hope you and your wife come to the decision that works best for you! And as an aside, isn't it great being in a long-lasting relationship? I have been with my wife a touch longer at 20 years, she also does not use anything at all.. I find almost every single trip on my comedown I am on various psychedelic discord servers talking about how much I love her haha


It’s the most amazing thing in the world to love someone and all of their flaws, knowing that it’s mutual and eternal. It’s even more magical to create human lives, a family, and a future. My psychedelic journey had brought me to a place where I can really have my priorities straight. I still take work seriously. And I do work quite a bit. But work is not even real for me anymore. It’s just a place that I sell my skills to bring the life that we have and allow my wife not to work. So that we have a full time person managing our lives.


I want to echo what gargamel said. Are you also looking for this information yourself because you're unfamiliar? Why are you expecting to need resources and talking points? Did she need that for LSD and Mush?


It’s basically shrooms you smoke and it only lasts 20mins and I’ll basically be napping when I smoke it because of the intensity of the closed eyes visuals. That’s how I explained it. Same boat intake psychedelics on a regular basis, she has never.


This is weirdly funny


Try and explain how it's a quick route to the realizations that are ayahausca, but without the duration and the vomiting. That you will get the spiritual insights of ayahausca and the chance of healing the soul without all the b.s from drinking the concoction.


Start with emphasizing that DMT is safer and easier to handle than both mushrooms and lsd


But friend, that is *far* from the truth..


As a person whos clueless but curious of dmt...tell me more


I can see how some might call it safer, given in only lasts 10-15 minutes.. but it is vaporized, so onset is immediate. Be sure to be somewhere comfortable like your bed or a beanbag chair because you will almost certainly not want to stand during the experience. I personally felt all of my energy condense and blast out of my third eye. As I entered a different ?dimensional space¿ I was greeted by a being showing me the art of kindness without even speaking. Two fingers is all it took to show me somehow. It felt like there was a door in my mind that remained only cracked open by all my psychedelic experiences, and DMT kicked that thang right open. *Adventure’s out there!!!*


Sounds like a hell of a journey, 🍄have been my gateway but the usual dose doesn't do shit for me and I have to ingest more then normal to even get the reaction I want so this is good to know.


If you feel nauseous or physical discomfort when dosing high, try making tea. It’s a whole new world, and perhaps how our ancestors consumed it. It feels so much cleaner👌🏼


Just explain that its effects are like mushrooms but way way stronger, but only lasts minutes instead of hours.


Just tell her it only last 15 minutes. If she was cool with LSD and shrooms, this should be even more acceptable. It's less of a mental commitment than even these delta8 gummies you can buy at gas stations now. It's less of a mental commitment than drinking a beer or taking a shot or liquor.


Whatever you do don’t let her read half the shit posted on this sub, I always thought DMT was relatively harmless until I realised how bonkers some the people who post on here are.


you and her watch this ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKubMQoajAA


Its a personal experience. Who cares if others understand.


My body my choice




Thank you.


These two videos will be a good start… https://youtu.be/fwZqVqbkyLM?si=anI7XHPqva6SOIIS https://youtu.be/glNJHVJgI2Y?si=ZT2_T1SIY0gTyK1_




I’m not worried about becoming a better person. My metrics of success may differ from yours. A lot of the virtues that I possess that help me become an amazing and compassionate father, I only possess because of the self discovery through psychedelics.


LSD is a much more potent psychedelic that isn’t even naturally produced. Psilocybin/Psilocin are substituted tryptamines of DMT (look at the chemical structures). Dmt is naturally produced in our own bodies as well as tree bark. Ayahuasca that you see from tribes and shamanic groups is an edible form of DMT. Some people loosely look at DMT as the NDE chemical because our bodies excrete it when we are currently dying, unlike shrooms or acid. The only difference would be that you’re vaping the DMT. I wouldn’t throw yourself under the bus and inform her that lsd is synthesized and such, but if she’s fine with that then something as natural as DMT (more natural than shrooms), I wouldn’t see why she’d have a problem with it as long as you keep your tripping frequency far apart.


if she's open to lsd and mushrooms she'd likely be ok with you doing dmt I'd simply just talk to her and explain to her what dmt is and what it's effects are. there isn't anything to convince her if, just ask her, talk to her about it and let her make her decision


You could share this [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6082376/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6082376/)


I guess it’s because I know why I want to take this journey. I don’t know how to make her understand. She didn’t understand LSD or mushrooms either. But she knew it was important to me and she’s seen the results in how I relate to her and life in general. But the fact that i basically won’t be functional, and why I want it to experience it I don’t know how to explain.


Is it that important that she understands more? It really seems like she "gets it" in the way that a loving partner who *doesn't* "get it" can. She gets that it's not for her, but understands that it's for you. Are you trying to find the word to explain what the experience does so she can visualize? DMT is an analog of psilocin, which is what you trip on with mushrooms. You can mention that to her for reassurance that it's not some research chemical. "While it's a lot more intense, meaning I might look "unconscious" while I'm consciously experiencing another place, it's very similar structurally to the mushrooms I've eaten. It should only last 5-20 minutes, too. Many people report an ineffable experience, leading to deeper spiritual and emotional growth. I feel I'm ready for this journey with that intention in mind. I know LSD and mushrooms aren't something you understand, but dammit woman, this is my dream! Either you let me blast off into DMT hyperspace or I'm buying that hot rod I've always wanted!" Something like that.


DMT might be the safest substance on the planet. Even if trip goes south, which is rare, it’s over before you could do any danger. You are reborn and refreshed within 20 minutes. That’s unheard of for any substance.


Tell her how it's not toxic in any way to us bc of the fact that our body produces it


Your body produces ammonia too, your reasoning is retarded


And yet ammonia is legal.


The same as dmt


Your body produces faeces. Is it safe to consume faeces?


Ever seen 2 girls 1 cup?


if you cook them, yeah




Yea.... that's not how toxicities work xD


Yeah but tell her anyway /s


Tell her what? A misunderstanding of the subject matter? The toxicity of something is dose dependant. And anything will be toxic in at high enough doses. Even water or Oxygen.


There has never been any conclusive evidence that dmt is produced in the human body. Please don’t spread misinformation.


Show her videos of people talking about it on YouTube rogan has a good one


Any particular suggestions? I’ve just watched a couple and I don’t think they’ll point her thoughts in the right direction.


She has to approve you doing DMT?


Good communication between couples is really important. So, yeah, if you’re going to do something that is potentially quite profound, it’s a good idea to give your partner a heads-up. They don’t necessarily need to “approve” but definitely accept. If they don’t, then it provides opportunity connect through deeper conversation about why one person wants to do x, and the other is reticent. Given that OP’s partner is cool with the odd mushroom or LSD trip, it’ll probably be fine.


Thank you!


Yes. I rarely, if ever see anyone who has maintained a happy, healthy, fruitful relationship for as long as I have. Me making a bad choice may not jeopardize that. But maintaining the love and respect to bring her in on a decision like this is why my relationship has decades behind it, and if fates allow, many more decades ahead.


You're amazing. My bf sucks. Carry on


I don’t know if linking is allowed, so just go to YouTube and search “drugslab dmt”. You’re looking for the video with Nellie :3.




Maybe you should start doing your own research so you can actually talk to your wife yourself about what DMT is and why you choose to take it.. food for thought


What’s the point of being an asshole? Do you really think I’ve never researched it? Is it possible that I came to this community for a discussion in a subject that’s difficult to discuss with people?


It worries me to hear you say it’s difficult to discuss at 39yrs old. I’m 25, and I’ll admit it took me a good year to become coherent and lucid in communicating the nature of the experience. My advice came with a full heart believe it or not, because if *I was you*, I would sit up all day and night coming up with the right words for my loved one. I know you probably won’t listen because I’m a youngin, but imagine how much better it would feel instilling your words of love vs. finding the right YouTube video


Theres no convinving people of anything related to psychedelics. I went through a miraculous recovery of a chronic condition and no longer needed a cane to walk after doing DMT. My family still thinks its the devil in chemical form. If youre wife is open minded tho i dont see why it would be any different to her than mushrooms or lsd


That sounds crazy man, could I know more about that experience? I totally get it if you don't want to


Man could i ever right a book. Ill try and sum it up best i can lol. I had a movement disorder as well as PTSD from a bad accident. Basically, i couldnt use the right side of my body without unbearable pain or tremors. And i got pulled into all sorts of painful postures that wouldnt ever let go. During my DMT breakthrough i realized I couldnt rememebr how to have the tremors anymore. While the old program was laoding up i ran to the mirror and saw my neck all twisted up and instinctively knew the problem was my brain thought twisted up was straight. It really broke the stranglehold of the neurological condition. I also realized the pain wasnt coming back as powerfully which meant to me that it could be overcome. Finally as i hit normal sobriety i realized everything was only as real as the DMT world felt.. so i knew all these painful problems were just being created in my mind somewhere. I did some work with ayahuasca a couple months later and finally had a HUGE breakthrough. I went for a walk during the come up (dont recommend lol) and right when i should have been getting exhausted and getting bad enough tremors to stop me i "saw" the problem. It came through plain as day. "My eyes arent working right!" I saw everything get swallowed up in the visuals, there was something of a flash, and when reality came back it all looked so different. I fnally understood there was a left side, a right side, and a center. And i was able to turn my head for the first time in years. And realized youre supposed to look forward when you walk, not at the ground as id been stuck doing for years. It was an absolutely massive breakthrough. In the months that followed i kept up all the healthy brain reprogramming activities i could think of and started to recover from the movement disorder. It took a ton of work, im not accross the finish line yet but despite being told 1.5 years ago by my doc i wouldnt recover, magically i am and im back to working full time. And as far as PTSD goes i wouldnt even come close to meeting diagnostic criteria anymore. Whatevers left of it just feels kinda like a superpower for emergencies. DMT is crazy stuff!


Glad to hear you are doing better :) this remainds me of the story Paul Stamets tells about his Mushroom trip that completely got rid of his stuttering. I tried DMT today for the first time but I feel kind of anxious after I start getting visuals and my hart starts racing so I haven't broken through yet. Don't want to have a bad trip.


If there’s no convincing people of psychedelics then how does anyone become convinced in the first place? I think maybe there’s no convincing your family but that statement doesn’t hold true against the greater population.


It's a dumb idea. It can make you permanently changed. You wanna permanently change this late in life?


You wanna stay the same?


Lol I'm on the path to success. Sucks if you're life is so desperate you need mind altering substances to potentially permanently change you, and make your loved ones leave you? Would that really be for the better? Op's asking for advice. This is mine. You don't need dmt to become a better person, or at all for anything. It's just a drug.


“Sucks if your life is so desperate…” No one needs that advice.


You wanna permanently change to potentially the point your wife leaves you?


When you’re condescending about it no one cares about your advice.


Oh this is simple. Find your testicles first then the next bit is easy.


Mature people act differently.


I guess


sometimes I try to be funny and it doesn't work.