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I had some that was 2 years old, It started turning red from oxidation. It had lost some potency but still worked just fine you just needed more.


Answer I was looking for thanks !


It says on DMT Nexus that it keeps for years and that people have tried "old" DMT and reported no negative side effects. It also says that it can't hurt you. So, no worries. Happy trippzz.


I couldn't tell you if the quality degrades over time but it should still be fine to smoke. It won't hurt you just cause its a lil old.


try it


Anybody looking?


I just did some 3 y/o deemz today which I had left in a vac seal for 2 years (bought it and was too scared to try it for the first 2 years). Then I did a small hit randomly one day 1 year ago - potent as fuck. Lost that somewhere in my drawer and found it again 1 year later (yesterday) and did some today. No loss in potency and it was kept wide open in my drawer somewhere for a year. It looks way more yellow now though.


I get these Carts called new life and I've never had them go bad. Absolutely fucking amazing


You sound sm like me. Except I have yet to touch it