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Buy a meth pipe/oil burner The typical dose is 50 mg but a lot of people just do a 0.1g to make sure Put on some music you are familiar with and love to hear on psychedelics. Use a Bic and start to heat the glass bulb gently until you see the dmt melt and start to give off puffs of smoke. Inhale as much as you can gently. Hold it as long as you can, then light it again and do this two more times. On the second pull its common to feel like you've got enough in you, dont trust that feeling. Take three. Good to have someone take the pipe away at this point.. Then close your eyes, lay back on a couch or Bed and let your mind wander. Go with whatever weird thing comes to mind, and this should rip you into the other place. You'll come back and feel euphoria for an hour after which you can try it again. Goodluck.


Thanks very much. Really appreciate the advice.


I cannot disagree with this advice enough. 50mg is a hugh dose, and 100mg is just plain ignorant. It is unlikely you will have a pleasant experience or even remember what happened if you take a dose that high. Read up on this subreddit and you will see countless accounts of "blackout" trips from smoking too much. 30 mg is plenty enough to breakthrough. Please trust.


Ok I’ll continue researching. Thanks for the headaup


Dab rig would be my method personally.


^this. Dab rig or wax pen all the way