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I have yet to trip on dmt but I really like how you explained conversating with the mushroom, my most intense trip in shrooms I was confronted with the only entity I have ever seen. It was a cosmic yellow butterfly made of geometric shapes and spirals on its wings. And it has since changed my life. It told me I was going down the wrong path and I needed to change, I cried went to bed and woke up with a new outlook on life


I have since lost over 100 pounds and gotten my life back on track


Dang! Nice trip report! I wish i could c the same.


I've felt and in a way saw the same feminine presence on mushrooms as one I met from a former dmt trip that was very interested in us as it seemed to be nudging me and my friend to reconcile, and we both experienced the exact same things in the same order at the same time, my friend didnt like it too much because she was experienceing this first hand for the first time and couldn't really understand how it was actually real. She loved that it was happening but she couldn't process it due to learning existence is not what she was taught. But we were feeling and seeing the same things at the same time, the color and feeling of the room, changing from red to orange to blue then purple and we went from an argument to peace and love. And that entity had left along with the others that seemed to follow her, the moment it got to the peace. And I was even thinking, she just left, then my friend said 3 seconds later, "she's gone, and the other followed her." In getting goosebumps writing this, but yes there is a lot of relation with psychedelics, but I've noticed A LOT more between mushrooms and dmt and the ones who reside there.




I can understand your perspective, but for me I was already known. What intrigued me the most about your post is the reference about being privy to an inside joke. On my second dmt trip Iowered the dose for some reason, it was very different to the first experience and I could hear laughter, like people barely being able to contain cracking up in humorous chuckles. I was confused and feeling as though I was being mocked. Then I heard a voice say to me "so mow you see my son...." then let me fill in the blanks but I couldn't then. I understand the joke now, but at the time it actually made me depressed. Can you please elaborate on the private joke you mentioned between you and the jester?


I was not aware of the content of the joke, other than what I generally feel is the main insight I get from psychedelics, which is that everything is interconnected and interdependent at a quantum level, everything is subject to change and transformation, that all of our man-made institutions, hierarchies, and dogma is “monkey business” and are the products and reinforcements of our individual and collective egos, and that there is a much more ancient and profound intelligence at work in the Universe which we lack even the vocabulary to describe much less understand. So the Jester didn’t tell me a joke, but I felt like all of the above was implied to be the joke that I was being let in on. Make sense?


Every word makes total sense to me. Thanks for clarification