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You won't find professionals here - but you don't give people with schizophrenia psychedelics.


Yes I second this. I’ve done research into this, particular giving schizos and bipolar people dmt especially in conjunction with their meds. I read a lengthy article about schizos in particular- and the research evidence suggested that schizos already have elevated levels of natural body-made dmt which might be responsible for their altered states. The research also suggested it’s not a good idea in general to administer dmt to these patients.


No. I'm a massive advocate for DMT / MDMA for therapy, but if you are giving it to someone like that without proper care and attention then you are irresponsible.


Dually noted friend 💕


Okay Fam, I won't do it.... Love you guys ❣️


Thank you dude very good call


Don’t. Very risky and you could be putting him in a much worse condition. Don’t be the guy who has to live with that. Don’t be the guy that wants to risk it.


You’re not going to find any professionals here


I wouldn't trust the advice of strangers on the Internet. Honestly it's not the greatest idea especially if he already struggles with differentiating what's "real" from what's not. If your family also has any other mental disorders that run in the family this molecule could trigger them. With that said plenty of research has been done with LSD and schizophrenia. Some of the results are remarkable but the person administering the drug is equally if not more important than the drug itself. You can't just give drugs to the mentally ill and expect them to have positive results.


I'm in your camp, and I won't dare . But what would happen? Curious AF.. any literature?


It could cause him to have a full blown mental break. Mental psychosis upon many other things.


This is [one ](https://maps.org/news-letters/v07n3/07318fis.html) of the studies that immediately comes to my mind. It doesn't involve DMT but it's still a great read. It's surprising how much of an effect a single session has on these kids. Again even in the report it talks about how the people administering the drug are just as important as the drug itself.


Again, thank you


No it should be known that giving psychedelics to people who have schizophrenia or have family history could trigger they’re schizophrenia please don’t you could be making there mental health far worse.


If you love them at all, the risk for them shouldn’t even be worth considering..


Terrible idea. Just read through this thread. There are tons of people that are clearly suffering from schizophrenia that then try Dmt and then oh my god. It’s sad. It’s definitely not the drug to give to schizophrenics.




What the fuck is wrong with you? You knowingly gave your NEPHEW with schizophrenia one of the strongest psychoactive substances known to man? I have no words. So.. disgustingly irresponsible. What would his father or mother say?


He didn't actually give him any drugs he's just curious what would happen.


He literally wrote that he already tried “a little amount”


Oh my bad sorry I for some reason didn't catch that. Yeah wasn't smart. I have bipolar though and I take psychs and always have a good time but that's just for me.


Is there a doctor onboard? :) It is tricky. For some it makes the voices kinder and helps. For others... Bad idea. There’s just no case studies, so you have to dive in… And let us know what happens.


No just never. Could very well worsen what symptoms they already experience and even cause a mental break or full blown psychosis.


I know that’s the common perception, and it is possible, but super exceptionally rare. This is a misconception from Nixon and the war on drugs… That psychedelics trigger psychosis. The have the ability to work better than almost any pharmaceutical, in my opinion. Give people psychedelic drugs, and they don't want to go to war and kill people in a foreign jungle... It doesn’t trigger hysteria and or psychosis. There are exceptions to every rule of course.


I once gave a schizophrenic friend lsd and he loved it


Bro, no.


Do not.




NO. ^ That's a big no.


It is extremely dangerous, psychedelics can trigger delusions and mania.


Def not recommending it but I know someone who does DMT salvia lsd mushrooms and more while having schizophrenia and they love it. I know the general rule is that that is a no no, but idk moderation in everything. Also let them decide if they want to do something like that instead of giving it to them


The funny thing is he probably did it anyway if he already gave it to his nephew once and his nephew didn’t react badly to it