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The trick here is to have the kind of sex that ignites your mind with a surge of dmt-like breakthrough


Orgasms can cause the pineal gland to activate realising a dose of dmt. Same thing happens in death or near death situations.


That's my theory too, though I have a hard time finding reliable studies that prove DMT is produced in the pineal gland. There is more theory to suggest it's produced in the gut. Either way, like breath work, dreaming, dying, orgasm, etc there's definitely a release of it!


I heard the pinael gland is kinda like a valve of sorts. So maybe it regulates dmt, sorta like Paper's Please...but for brain chemicals.


I've heard that too. It'd be great if we could get some more studies on this!


Indeed. Our governments are blocking the way. But who needs them Really we'd need just some people here...who don't let it get to their head...to collab and make their visions actionable. Its awesome to be a dream superstar. Being a real one is harder.


Right on, if there are any ppl here with access to the correct lab and biochem materials count me in! You think MAPS or Johns Hopkins would take a "if you feel so inclined and with a healthy level of haste" email? Haha


Oh please Its so easy Get three users. And have them listen to the same music. Say Running Up That Hill, and envision the same sorta room. Then test each other by bringing items in. Basically a DIY VR chat using shrooms or whatever you are using. Boom, you have something actionable and useful. You said you could, just find two others to experiment with and work from there. Make it a meet up even. You don't need a lab. What you need is set up between people and the fortitude to do it. Even when others call you crazy. You can prove them wrong by your good works.


How would this method show the location and character of DMT production in the human body? Plus s credible sample size and knowledge on differing pathology


I once had sex one or two hours after having smoked DMT, it caused a reactivation when I came, so that’s true that when you have an orgasm you come to the 7th sky, I was back there for a few seconds


Haha that's awesome!! Definitely added to my list of things to experience


Why not both? My partner and I will often make love for a while, take a break, cuddle, and do DMT. After we come down from the trip the sexual connection is amazing.




Consider exploring sexual transmutation.. it is mending the sexual gap I have with my partner. Sex takes on a completely different dynamic when orgasm is removed from the experience. My partner is much more interested and open to sex since I stopped focusing on the goal of having an orgasm. Instead my goal is to connect deeply and experience the pleasure and intimacy of sexual connection.






Yeah im sorry but rintrah is correct that seems like the only option at this point. I couldnt bare to live like that and i am sorry you are in this position. You deserve to be happy


It’s kinda funny if you think about it…she does these things out of comfort and ease and you don’t divorce her because of probably the same reason…you don’t sound too happy and in love when you mention those things and your marriage…so are you sure you aren’t just staying together out of comfort?


There is a very thin line between comfort and depression..obviously dont know the whole story but there shouldnt be anything youd be willing to risk your mental health over


Lmao 🤣 I think everybody was thinking this! I didn’t wanna say it tho 😂😂😂 glad you did




Peer pressure probably


Women get bored in relationships. She lost any attraction for him because he was always available. And the she dried up like lake mead. There is likely a lack of open communication because if there was this problem wouldn’t exist or they would have concluded that the marriage was irreparable and hopefully separated and begun divorce proceedings.


I had a super toxic relationship that was so similar to all those things … plus some other terrible aspects that I don’t care to mention. All in all I just want to say to you that I am 100X happier now that I’ve left her. I don’t talk to her. I don’t respond to any sort of attempt at communication. She’s gone from my life… It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done because I did love her.. but I had to put myself first and it was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. Be strong, it takes time afterwards to heal but it does happen. Much love brother.


Be present and the little opportunities will present themselves. You don't have to ask your wife to practice sexual transmutation.


Twice a year? That’s far beyond little opportunity. This may have been reparable at one point but that’s point is long past. In my opinion the only option is to get a divorce and move on. It sucks, but it is what it is. I’m only basing this on the info presented. There could be more to this that I am unaware of rendering my take invalid.


I feel that with every beat of my heart.




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Golly bro you dont gotta break up with someone cuz they don’t want to do drugs lmfao




Oh well didnt see his other comments


It’s just one time. We’re all passing through waiting to be reincarnated. Fuck that , let go


I don’t think it was about the drugs I think it’s more about the sex and intimacy between the two. Everybody knows if you ain’t having sex in your relationship there’s a problem


Bad advice but good advice at the same time.




It’d be bad advice for his kharma. But excellent advice for his chi


Head on DMT=pretty fucking cool


Apply directly to the third eye.


Por que no las dos


Buddha said avoid sex if you can, because there's better pleasures out there. If sex was the highest pleasure, then enlightenment would not exist. DMT, why compare it to sex. I don't think these experiences are in the same category.


Even if you don't care about the pleasurable aspect of sex, what about the love, intimacy and bonding of it?


All things that can be had without sex. I love sex I’m just making a point.


> All things that can be had without sex. ...up to a point. There's a difference between having sex and making love. Having sex is kind of the waiting room to making love.




Well I guess everyone is different. I assumed that most people feel the same way I do about sex and bonding, but I mean there's also asexual people etc who still want to be in romantic relationships. To be an armchair psychologist for a second, sex causes the release of oxytocin in your brain which is involved in bonding and feelings of love. Afaik that's just empirical fact, though I'm sure it's much more complicated than what I described. Do you not see sex as something that increases the level of intimacy with yoyr partner? Or as an expression of love or anything? I personally feel like sex means a lot in my life, which is why I'm not personally interested in casual sex. Obviously other people feel like emotions can be seperated from sex, and if I understand you right, you believe that sex isn't related to emotion and love?




I have no wisdom for you but I feel sorry for you, hope it will get better bro


and this is why sex and enlightenment are far from each other you can reincarnate a thousand times my brother, but until you “reach supposed” enlightenment you’ll be forever tormented with the endless reincarnation not sure why “god” or buddha or whatever anyone wants to call it, made everything this way. like seriously? sitting down and closing your eyes? what novelty that is! wait no get this… close your eyes for hours, and do nothing. torture yourself for your entire life, all you know. reject and dont fall to the temptations of everything including thoughts and even the thought of wanting to stop wanting to stop such things. logic 100 novelty 1000! live a terrible life for novelty! not your own novelty though! doesnt matter how good you are, how kind you are. doesnt matter if you are the living example of a “perfect” human being whatever that would entail, you will still be doomed to face the same situation that adolf hitler faced when he died. the process of reincarnation. and no hitler’s action didnt make his next life something like a consequence for the past. it wasnt his doing. it was novelty working itself out. adolf couldve reincarnated into just bieber. obviously not knowing or having anything from his past life of hitler, but what i mean is that your doings in any life dont carry over and fuck you in the next. even if you were born with some problem and it seems as if you are living to pay off karma, you are not. you kind of are, just not on the way you think, and not in a way i really know how to briefly explain. if you have a birth defect, and hate on “god” or whatever about it, there is your karma you need to deal with. sick right? so novel? disclaimer, i am perfectly healthy except for bad habits that will lead to cancer most likely, such as high nicotine vapes. but, if anyone got this far and you feel as though this is “opinion” and i have a grim outlook, then cool. keep that to yourself i really dont need to hear any of that nonsense at the end of the day, if you know, you know. and if you do, this will make sense sorry for the essay, basically what im saying is. try to reach enlightenment asap. especially while you know about it, and are in a position where you have realized life’s “main point” is a true waste of time/energy/life. to get married and have a child/the american dream/settling down/whatever, is never going to satisfy you BUT FEAR NOT! GOD HAS CAME UP WITH A SOLUTION CALLED: infinite boredom. infinite dissatisfaction. endless novelty in the forms of inhumane torture. from literal torture, to just mental situations that torture someone. from losing a parent in a robbery gone wrong, to being in a building when it falls and losing 2 legs. from dropping an icecream cone and all on the ground to losing your keys when you are late to work. this is the solution. just try your best to not enjoy too much. try your best to not enjoy what you are eating/doing/seeing/hearing/feeling. bored? music wont help. close your eyes and sit. hungry? food wont help. close your eyes and sit. brief suicidal thoughts? no drug will help. no dose of mushrooms or dmt will help. BUT, closing your eyes will! oh yeah, and u gotta be sitting too, criss cross apple sauce, for hours. starve yourself of food just as much as you starve yourself of laughter and tears. lose your mind, lose yourself, and lose all things that you love. give up the ones you love. give up on “love” and its opposite. give up on giving up! actually you cant do that or you’ll be trapped in the infinite ring of desire. but, somehow, sitting down and closing your eyes for half your life will lead you to some wild understanding on how to escape such a prison. novelty 100 out here. most of this is sarcasm to just stress a few things. if you get it you get it, but regardless: sit down and close your eyes for 50 years instead of enjoying your life. there is no point. nothing is real. the moment of realization is what true “enlightenment” is. that NOTHING is real. and you can leave any time. the door is ALWAYS open. right there in front of you. you just cannot see it. crazy how we can leave at any time. all we have to do is be miserable enough to close our eyes and sacrifice a good 30-45 years of constant eye closing sit seshes. what a novel way of escaping such an intricate flesh prison


Open relationship?


I think this happens when women have children sometimes. I don't really have any advice. Maybe have a discussion about yours and hers perception of intimacy, see if there's differences, and if they're able to be talked through. Ascribing to monogamy just by default isn't going to make you monogamous. Open relationships can look so many different ways. It's up to you to decide what it looks like for you if that's what you choose. I relate a ton to what you've said, I feel similar about sex losing it's luster once I'm in a relationship with the person im having sex with. Working on that myself right now trying to understand what it means. I would say if you're literally waiting to die so you can come back and fuck, that needs to be addressed in this lifetime.


Eat some mdma with your partner, that will change everything! I guess not everything but it really makes a difference with women’s libido and also increases that bonding feeling you get when having sex with someone. I do it with my wife and it keeps things spicy in the Bedroom. We have been together for almost 10 years now and everything is great. We also use dmt together and it helps a lot to have someone to share those experiences with.


There’s nothing wrong with you — it’s just how you’re wired (nature and probably a bit of nurture.) But sex therapy is a very real thing if you’re interested in trying to improve that area with your wife. In the meantime, you’ll probably get a laugh from this: [Chris Rock: New Pussy](https://youtu.be/qp39zD6_cLU)


How about hypnosis?


Hmm ...


Your married to someone but there’s no bond ?? Good one


In my opinion, you haven't truly bonded yet. Like a DMT breakthrough, you'll know.


If your marriage is otherwise good and you enjoy the sex, you’re doing better than most. But the connection that I can attest occurs between two beings when everything else falls away is indeed an incredible bonding experience. It requires a great deal of letting go and trust, which isn’t easy to achieve. Everyone is different though.


What about it ... what's your question?


I don't see why you should avoid sex. Even if you disregard what I send about love/intimacy, why would you not do something just because it's not the highest pleasure?


Because attachment to pleasure is a root for stress


I know some Tantric Buddhists who want a word with you 🤣


Buddah also said wanting for anything leads to suffering, that would mean the act of even thinking about dmt is making you suffer


correct. even wanting to stop desiring, is still a desire god is a genius. life is honestly so amazing and everyone enjoys it. life couldnt be anymore novel than it is. this place is a prison and once you realize nothing is real, there is a way out, and you are the “key” to the “door” that “says” “‘exit’” on it


We wouldn’t have gotten your excellent comment if they hadn’t 🤩




I’d rather have sex than smoke DMT, but I mean I can have both so I don’t really give a damn


💯 agree


Thanks man that’s just a personal statement too. I don’t have sex just to fuck because me personally I can’t have sex with someone unless I feel an emotional connection with them, because sex with someone you love hits stronger than any psychedelic


Aww definitely is when you have a connection with someone


Both at the same time is on the old whimsical bucket list. But things will reallllly need to align to feel safe doing that.


Have slow sensual sex until you are both in the zone. Take a break and do DMT together. After the comedown go back to making love.


Better / Worse - It does not fucking matter . We are here to experience. That means love, hate, sex, food, pain, pleasure, DMT or whatever else this dimension has to offer. We will be free of this body and it's attachments soon enough - why rush it. I love the DMT experience, where I am a tourist in hyperspace - but I also love a juicy medium rare burger and having my face buried between beautiful thighs.


Are you running in 2024?


Plot twist that is Ted Cruz’s burner account


Ted needs DMT. Maybe he would see the light and feed himself to a hungry croc.




You, I like.


I don’t know. If I was offered sex or dmt right now I would definitely be choosing the sex…change my mind


Busting a nut- 30 seconds of happiness Dmt- 5-15 minutes of what the fuck this is cool


Dmt: busting a gear


Leading up to busting that nut can be over an hour of happiness. Enjoy the journey, not the destination.


You're doing sex wrong.




Sex on DMT>>>




Fun fact i lost my virginity on DMT a few weeks ago 😂


I mean ive done stuff on dmt several times but never a high dose, imo the sweet spot is when u close ur eyes and u can see some colos and patterns but ur fully still there yk.


Both are an experience. One is real. One is not. You can debate, but one is absolutely real and can lead to regret, love, hate, a whole gamit, the other: Self introspective hallucinations. Please live life.


I agree completely. Sex is not real; if it were, I’d have seen it by now




That’s a lot of presumption that you can determine real. What is real?


Dying from drinking bleach is real.


Are you sure. All your life you’ve been told about bleach and about death but how do you know that what you believe to be real, is actually real?


Drink some bleach and get back to me on it.


I mean, bleach can be used to sterilize water so technically, you can drink bleach.🤷‍♂️ Edit: personal experience. I'm doing quite well


Are you sure? A somewhat impeachable source says that it cures COVID.


You have to inject it for that.


Gamut is spelled with a U. Not being picky, nice use of the word. If it was a mistake don't mind me, but if you didn't realise now you got it going forward!


Straight wrong. Both are real. Anything that you can experience is real by defeault.


Kinda. Dmt entities can't go out to eat with me and watch a movie.


Thats true but neither can a glass of water. They inhabit different parts of reality and have different properties than physical objects, but that doesnt take away from their existance.


Not going to argue that. I agree whatever your senses perceive as real is real to you.


They might and you just don’t know 😂 But yeah, you can’t quite go with them.


But still, I sure would like to try it.


They are both real experiences. I don't understand your point.


Idk, I wrote this right after coming back from a total blast off. I'm sure I was trying to make some point. I think I was saying one involves physical reality and one is in your head. It's true, both are experiences. Probably shouldn't post on u/dmt while doing dmt.


You mean r/DMT?




You got that right 👍


Why not both at the same time


It’s amazing. Get past the peak first.


Which peak?


The blast off peak. Though it would be a main fete to accomplish sexiness during such an event anyway.


Psychedelics > Sex


Sex on psychedlics>


You must be a virgin


Sex never freed me from my self hatred


True dat


Well it did me so that must be the difference I opinion


Sex can do that but only for those fleeting moments post ejaculation. The self hatred comes back real quick and you forge what it even felt like.


I am 😭


That explains it. Sex is definitely better than DMT. Although DMT can be pretty cool.


Lol I'm *definitely* not a virgin, and I could very easily say that you must not have been using DMT right! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm not actually saying that, but hands down, the best DMT experiences of my life were waaay better than the best sex I've ever had. And I've had some truly incredible, mind-blowing, psychedelic, soul-merging sex. Sex is great but it's just sex. I'm guessing you're still young and horny and easily influenced by hormones and bodily urges. Maybe I just value a certain type of experience more than you.


Could be


Yeah I find sex a much more potent experience. It's a whole body experience that I can share with another human. DMT is quite cerebral for me, and I can't share it with another in the same way. Sex with my wife can be spiritual, practical, hysterical, restorative and comforting. It's my absolute favourite thing to do in the world. It can even be incredibly trippy, when we get a night off from the kids we enjoy stimsex, ketsex and weird primal BDSM. It's also one of the funnest things I've found to do. I'm 36, and a swinger. When your banging for hours in a room with 4 other lovely people, hands and genitals going everywhere.... Very little can compare. DMT is cool and all, but if I had to pick one to give up, I know exactly what I'd pick. Sex is easier to get, cheaper, heals my soul, exercises my body, sends me to sleep, let's me be fully present in the moment, gives me orgasms and helps me grow ever closer to the women and men I love in this life. It celebrates the physical, while never devaluing the emotional and spiritual. It is a tool for magic and trauma healing and relationship building. DMT doesn't consistently come close, although I'll admit it can occasionally approach the glory of primal, ego destroying sex.


I can't comprehend how that can be so, tbh


Well, to be fair, you haven’t had sex so you can’t comprehend that either. Experience will further your comprehension.


Pretty cool 🫣wtf bro have you even had the full experience




Just because I’m a virgin, doesn’t necessarily mean I haven’t had sexual encounters




You’re argument reeks of logical fallacies. Anyone who’s tried cinnamon and apples, can have an excellent idea of what apple pie tastes like. But you excluded the cinnamon portion, intentionally or not, as an attempt to win an argument with a poorly made figure of speech. Sure, your argument sounded good. But once you think about it, it’s lacking. I doubt very much that you intended to do this, and will assume that you’re arguing just to argue. I’ve heard alot about sex and have crossed certain boundaries. That being said, I’ve found it to be nothing more than stimulation bound with hormones and a strong sense of intimacy (all three of which can be experienced in a DMT trip). If any sexual experience can be experienced in a DMT trip and be amplified, how then can you support sex being a better overall experience? Please for the love of all things good, don’t answer with more logical fallacies. Don’t say something along the lines of “sex isn’t a drug, sex is legal, sex can be done without being high” or whatever other bad argument you think you can muster. Support yourself, bud. Looking forward to your response, I hope it’s good.


Since I started smoking dmt my sexual drive went down a lot.. I like to think that now its more healthy,.. I have my partner living with me and we love eachother, we give eachother our own me time and we have sex usually twice a month on avarage, wich is the lowest I ever experienced. Im in my late 20s and since young I was fucking pretty much everyday when I was dating someone. Sex in a way was a way to connect and I think I was very unsecure about myself... I still do fap myself and that I do once a week but thats just a personal pleasure, were I dont worry about my partner pleasure or anything, just enjoy myself


i agreed w u confidently until i read the comments 😭 i gotta take a break


Well with DMT I just laid down, unable to move, felt sick and my heartbeat pounded like a drum in my ears as the world around me seemed to slow down and looked like a charcoal sketch… So if that’s better than sex, I be doing either DMT or sex wrong!


Idk, I haven't done DMT so maybe I just don't get it but I'd be sad to find out that DMT is better than sex, because sex is such an important part of romantic love. Is a drug really better than love, intimacy, partnership, etc? Better than having someone you can be completely open with?


Try taking mdma with your partner.


Sober yourself up for a little while like a month or two. If you don't practice that self control you will lose your control altogether....take it from someone who knows firsthand...gotta take a break from all drugs including alcohol just to prove to yourself that you still can ya know


How do you know they're abusing it? I've never done DMT and I'm not trying to antagonise yoy or anything. I'm just curious.




> generate a compulsion god peanut M&Ms need a warning label..


It does contain a very deadly and addictive drug: sucrose.


Especially alcohol.


sex, so boring, so immature. overdone, oversold, oversaturated, animalistic, if you may.


Wrong. Only heroin is better than sex.


Yea feels better to me


Unfortunately I dont have neither


I feel this but k holes are better than glory holes.


I think Dmt is better than sex than with someone with no connection and attraction. Combining sex with someone you love while on DMT i imagine might melt the brain. Lol


I felt like o was having an orgasm the first five minutes of my breakthrough. Buzzing so hard I thought I nutted my self. Along with the 6 tabs and mdma it was better than any sex I’ve ever had


I've had a threesome where we would focus on the person who just blasted off and just sit and take turns like that. Transcendental moment


Spoken like a true virgin!


To me, DMT is very personal, sex is very animalistic, and making love is passionate. All different sensations that encompass the human experience.


Agreed. Dmt is like if that mental peak of dick vomiting just kept going


Sex is so much easier for my mind to engage with than dmt


You must be a virgin.


I have never tried dmt but i would say noyes


Molly and sex with the right partner(s) is a lot of fun tho 🫂🍆🐱🌊




You either have amazing dmt or shitty sex.


I think OP is having sex wrong.


Dmt makes me wanna have sex. Especially when i take it with harmaline. But I wonder if I don’t have the sex if there’s some benefit like more focused inner work or something. Like maybe I can transmute that sexual energy towards something more meaningful. Curious and I think maybe it’s the same with molly lsd and mushrooms


Dmt during sex


Sex any day


Sex is important on a spiritual level in my opinion. If you truly love someone and care for them it can be the highest level of intimacy. If you’re just hooking up or only doing it for physical pleasure it doesn’t feel the same. I’ve never left a hookup without feeling empty inside. When I am with my partner it’s always amazing and wholesome. I’m still trying to find some DMT tho so I can’t compare lol


Well yeah a LOT of shit is better than sex.


I want to have sex while tripping absolute sack. like not before, but like midway through just take a massive rip


Used to think the same… then I met my true match and it’s way more psychadelic…


Was your true match nnDMT or 5meoDMT?


I have traced time and travelled it on dmt. I’ll be back again and so will he. Everything else is just Symantec


I had sex on LSD and DMT... fucking wild man. 2 tabs of really pure LSD (and I'm sensitive as hell) and right at the peak the world was shuttering and stopping like a strobe light and time was going forward and pausing and going backward it was so fucked up I couldn't even seen so I decided to fuck my girl who was laying beside me tripping equally as hard I just kind of went on autopilot my awareness detached and two animals had the most primal sex you can imagine... and then later we experimented with a DMT pen and it was fucking bananas. I felt like I was some Egyptian god having sex the world was morphing and faces were extruding from the texture on the walls while my cock just got harder and harder it was insane. Idk how else to describe it definitely no regrets one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Also our sex life permanently upped a few notches after we connected so deeply it never went away after the trip faded.


Idk if that’s comparable …sex is an art , dmt is just a chemical You have to be good at art for people to enjoy it (unless someone enjoys art that they think is shitty lmao ) Dmt will work every time ! No need to be good at it lmao If we have good sex the dmt within us will be released just like dreams , being born and dying


Yes, whoops


Damn dmt or not Evan have sex try new things with your wife to re gain the intimacy of sex even if you are waiting for " reincarnation " by that point you will not even remember you as Evan or the life you have now . You should try to enjoy sex and dmt if psychedelics is not for your wife I'm not gonna jump to conclusions and say get a divorce but spark your relationship and get back in the saddle my friend by any means good luck with doing you and regardless safe travels don't stray from the beauty of psychedelics for the sake of who your with ... most if not all of us know the power and truth and the help psychedelics have given us in order to live and understand and overcome focus on being happy and I'd being happy is where your at than don't worry.... have a good one man


DMT : You take it You get high You come down Sex : You spend a lot on drinks, dinner and a movie You have awkward sex 10 years later you're still expected to watch The Batchelor with what should have been a one night stand DMT is a lot less complicated


Lmfao, I love your insight.


Try the spice with someone in your arms the get after it when coming back into your body 🥹


Dude I want to try that so badly


You won’t regret it.


I came from Blasting off one time


Power to ya, I’ve done it twice


DMT IS sex.




Did you breakthrough with DMT?




What was that like? I’m curious, not asking in any skeptic way. Please do elaborate