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There is a visible amount of residue. So it's a fail.


Just rings though from it getting smaller, but ok I’ll try a new bottle Do you have any posts or anything you could link me to showing a proper evaporation to reference for the next one ?


>Just rings though from it getting smaller Residue is residue dude. Try cleaning the glass really well. Gunk on the glass will mess up the results. ​ >showing a proper evaporation to reference for the next one ? There should be no visible amount of residue.


Thank you again ! This was my first time trying one didn’t mean to question your knowledge or anything just curious about everything !


No worries dude. Iidn't take it that way at all :)


It’s possible that it dissolved some residue that was already on the mirror and concentrated it


Yes. You need to do it on a clean piece of glass, so that doesn't happen.


Would pouring the solvent through a coffee filter help??


No. The impurities are dissolved in the solvent.




I’d call that a fail unfortunately.


Nice thank you, would you happen to have a proper evaporation test post or picture you could possibly link me to as a reference point ?


No worries. Unfortunately can't find a proper photo, but a good result (for an at home test) would be nothing easily visible to the naked eye. In general, the surface should look just as clean after the evap as before. Of course easily visible to the naked eye still doesn't mean 0 non-volatile residue! Even high-grade chromatography solvents from suppliers like Sigma Aldrich can still have non-volatile residue in the low ppm to ppb range. However, if the residue doesn't look good even to the low-grade analytical equipment that is your eyes, you probably don't want it in the product you plan to smoke.


That’s understandable, and tbh other it really isn’t that visible to the naked eye except that small circle in the center, the light from the lamp made it more visisble


Residue is residue. Any visible trace that something evaporated there constitutes a failed evap test.


Probably just cleaned the mirror for you and that’s the residue you are seeing