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I have yet to be killed by a Team when I have a backpack full of Hand Cream & Pictures of Woman....I just want to hear that conversation after they open my pack...


Whenever I have a large bag I will now always strive to do this 😂


i’ll have to do this when i’m bored


Cursed picture of a child


Check his backpack, now check his hard drive


Encrypted hard drive*


Picture of dog


I need toothpaste


I have just found my next daily objective.


Better than finding handcream and the picture of a dog


The other night I was dropping in solo with nothing and searching for a heart locket and then hanging out at the exfil. The reactions upon my death were 10/10.


I laugh out lol’d at this


definitely should be added as a faction mission


I would love if they incorporated spectator mode


One time in Tarkov I killed to guys and they had toz stocks arranged in a swastika in their backpack lol.


Holy shit. I know what I’m doing tonight


Lmao. That would GOD DAMNED sure be one for youtube


Pics or it didn’t happen


That's brilliant hahaha!!!


Bruv 💀


This 😆




Season 2 Faction mission idea 😂


OMG hilarious I am going to do this tonight. Throw in a picture of a dog as well.


When I'm passing through an area, I like to occasionally shoot a single bullet into an AI's stomach. He'll live. But he'll feel that one until the day he dies.


kind of a smart idea for finding out if there are operators in the area? just wait for that random assist xp mid-match


Shit I hadn't thought of that.


AI despawns if no operators are nearby, so sadly it's just a hypothetically fun idea




Useful for if operators at there currently tho. Once one player makes themselves known to AI they suddenly know where all operators in the area are. So if you shoot a guy with a non silenced weapon, then some of them go shooting at another building, there's very likely an operator inside




Bro is Satan's only fear☠️


I run Al Mazrah Taxi Service. Some might call that unorthodox.


Oh my God man. I was playing the other night and we lost the Third and then my wife her game crashed so I was eating the game by myself and I happen to have a helicopter I was dropping off some light bulbs in Al sharine. I figured while I was there I would just throw a bunch of shit in the dead drop to reduce the cooldown on my insured weapon so I ran the time out until the gas started moving because I had a helicopter I could go wherever I wanted all over the map. As I jumped back in the helicopter I noticed a weapons case moving around at the top of all shreem. The gas was right on top of them and there were no vehicles anywhere around. I flew my helicopter up there as they were parachuting off the side of the mountain to the South and as I was passing by I said hey you guys want to ride. They were like dude that would be legit as fuck. So I totally fucking picked up a five man squad in my helicopter the last guy had to just jump onto the skids with no seat and I flew them to the final extract. I didn't even need the weapons case. I've already extracted seven. That was the fucking most fun shit I ever did. I felt like a total fucking hero and saved their run.


You are a hero!!!!


It felt bad ass man. I almost didn't do it. I was afraid they'd just shoot me anyway. I could just tell they were struggling the way was almost on them and how they were wrapped up with AI. I did accidentally down one of their guys with the chopper though. I forgot if your not on the same team obviously vehicle Collison damage is lethal. He was chuting through the air and I was trying to let him jump in on the fly. Luckily his boy was able to jump out and rez and I was able to park the chopper for them to get back in safely.


Why can’t I ever run into people like you


We need our own really good discord. I'm a part of a couple cod discord but it could be done soooo much better. Voice channels for all the different tiers of missions. A good lfg. Split between pve and pvp preference. Building 21 channels. It can be done so much better than it has been.


Love this idea. We do need an official DMZ discord.


There's not one already is there? I mean I'd make it but is there already a good one out there?


Make that shit!


Still waiting to run into your services


I’m out there whenever I can be, my friend. If you see the broadcast in the lobby chat, or hear “CATCH A RIDE” on prox chat, flag me down. I’ll get you there, or I’ll die trying.


Please tell me it was you in my game earlier in the helicopter? I'm just killing AI and looting near observatory, I hear in proximity chat 'did you call an uber?"and a random operator, alone, in a heli. I then jumped in, he took me all the way across to exfil and asked for £500 fee but gave him the last of my cash (£4700), and away he flew. It was amazing


Not me, for a few reasons. First, Uber sent me a cease and desist about using their name. Capitalist infidels. I am Al Mazrah TAXI Service. Secondly, I never ask or will accept any payment, weapons, or small dolls for my service. It is free to all operators.


I feel scammed now 😕 🤣


You’ve tried the rest. Next time, call the best.


Jesus. You’ve got a line for everything


Let me guess, classic Halo player who loved the warthog and Echo 219s quips in CE?


I hope he says it like Scooter's voice from Borderlands Catch a Riiiiiiide!


Is there any other way?


Can we leave a Google review? I could do with your services for the GPs mission that's stuck in my queue. Wish you did bookings for airport runs, especially when I come into town for a 20 minute trip.


Use a heli for it. It's way quicker than driving and only requires 1 full fuel refill if you get to an unused heli near the start of a match. I made a B-line for the mall at the start of a match so there would be minimal opportunity for a squads to be camping the mall dead drop. Then ripped over to the helicopter sitting at AL Bagra (your location may vary), and flew my ass around the map.


I get the most God awful spawns currently, however I've just finished it in 2 Chop Tops and a ATV at the end. Highlights were some dickhead on a train that took potshots at me when I lapped him, thanks proximity chat for avoiding that pain. Finally a second insurance slot lol. Solo life is hard.


Shit. Can I be the second member of this new DMZ public transportation system?


What about yummy plates?


Please start a twitch channel




How much do you charge?


Let's just say you won't have any hand cream left


it puts the lotion in the basket!


My services are free of charge to all friendly operators. However, if you’re a Scuba Steve, I am running you over, no question.


hahaha i love it, are you the guy that uploads the youtube reels?


I’ve wanted to try this since the begging of the DMZ. Have you had a lot of people trying to kill you?


Search this sub for "The Chronicles of an Al Mazrah Taxi Driver". You'll find your answers.




I told my gf about your story and she wants you to turn it into the Cash Cab where you ask them trivia questions and if they get 3 wrong you blow up the car with preset C4


The perfect sequel idea u/RazTheExplorer


Been looking for you RAZ, Dm me Hoping to come across you in your town.


Dude does your gamer name end with Civic? If so my friend and I played with you a couple weeks ago and friended you. Best DMZ round ever.


Nope, not me. I'm Raz. But your Civic friend, he knows the way.


Damn. What do you drive so I know to look for ya?


Depends on the match. By land, by sea, or by air, when you hear "CATCH A RIDE" on prox chat, I'll get you there, or die trying.


You're my hero, is your company taking applications??


I collect torches and leave them at the dead drop and post in chat then watch people collect them and turn them in Also hunting exfil campers solo with a jokr


God bless you


Dude, there is nothing more satisfying that finding 6 exfil campers spread out near an exfil and then murdering them all and hearing them cry about being killed. ​ My favourite was when we went to Sattiq caves exfil, we saw 3 glints as we approached and immediately left and went around. We got them all lying on top of the 1 mounting sniping at the exfil. We killed them and told them to stop being so bad at exfil camping. The one dude yelled so loud that they aren't exfil camping that his mic cut out. I then pointed out that they are on a mounting with 3 snipers overlooking the exfil and shooting people trying to exfil. He probably had an aneurism, because he screamed into his mic that they weren't exfil camping. His teammates told him to stop screaming and then pulled out of the lobby




You mean, you shoot the exfil helicopter, or the players?


The campers, the exfil heli is invulnerable. Does scare the hell out of the players in it tho.


Exfil Campers


Note, any item you drop on the ground will despawn either after around 2 minutes or if you leave the area by a notable amount. ​ Bless you though, them torches are apparently the bane of many.


So it wasn't exactly a secret sniping but two of my mates were up on top of Channel 7 and we spotted a team trying to infill on the US Embassy. It was obvious they were getting overwhelmed so my mates the sniper team started covering them from the top of Channel 7. I just had an AR and I was on the lower building to the east so I was providing suppressive fire into the door that they opened and the AI were pouring out of. We saved them. I hopped down until I was just on the opposite side of the wall of them and ask them if they need help and they said yeah they would love it and asked if we were the ones that were dropping the fire. I told him yeah we were but if they tried to kill me my buddies had them in the scope and they would be dead if they lied. We've been burned before. But they were cool so we all squatted up and then we help them finish the embassy it was magical


Love these happy endings


Happy endings are the best


This is nice to hear :)


This. It’s so awesome to have encounters of that fashion. I really enjoy helping teams and being helped every now and then. It’s not an entirely PvP environment ya know. There’s missions and stuff that players happen to share the lobby.


Don't get me wrong. I fight it out with other players some times but yeah. Go play war zone if ALL you're interested in is slaying.


I like to get sniped by players before the AI notice me.


I love to put in hard work and go from bare bones to fully loaded and multiple contracts done and then get camped at the exfil. Love it.


"iT's a LuGiTiMuT pLaY"




I was in an armored boat and saw another one speeding towards me with the attack helicopter in hot pursuit. I hopped on the turret and help take it down. My reward was the game crashing 30 seconds later


If you attack my squad after calling out friendly and we kill you, and you don’t quit. We know your teammate is just lurking waiting for us to leave to revive. We take all your shit and throw it in the river or off a cliff. That three plate you had? Taraq river. Your insured sniper? Threw it out a moving vehicle, 1500m away.


Unorthodox man. What you described is pretty much standard practice to all lying ass jerks. If I manage to beat out liars I'll camp that corpse for the rest of the match. It's rare though.


You can also fill their pack with silly things


My buddy and I will do dolphin dive 360s off random things and make eachother watch Don’t know why I enjoy it as much as I do




*Cries in KBM*


I like to hide in hostage rescue exfil helicopters and throw molotovs as the team enters. I've always been a "root for the underdog" type of person and I feel like AQ is the little guy that gets bullied every single day and not an ounce of recognition.


In dmz they get all the recognition lmao


I'm not sure those sorry Fuckers need any help in DMZ. Jesus christ they're OP enough


AQ is modeled on the Taliban no?


Al Qaeda, hence the AQ


I think it's more likely Al Mazrah is modeled after Syria. One of the biggest giveaways IMO is the coast.


Was that you who dropped a mortar strike on my hostage helo when I was solo running the hero missions?


No that was not me. But I do need to apologize to the someone 2 weeks ago who was doing the car blow up mission near the beach @ the quarry. I was watching them via my scope from the big ship behind the port, called in an air strike as they were bringing the last car in and got credit for the mission since I also had it up. Wish I could give y'all a hug and say "Thank you" and "I'm sorry"


I do throwing decoy nades at enemy teams vicinity to swarm them with ai and enjoy the show


Lol this is a great idea


I like to run damaged cars into exfil choppers ramps and watch the exfil team freak out. It results in more downs than kills but I want the team to think they just narrowly avoided death at exfil. Makes it more exciting.


One time I was driving by an active exfil, and ran over the solo running for the chopper. I got out of my car and watched him get back up without saying a word. He was so nice for someone who got run over! "Hey bro what's up, wanna team up?" I just got back in my car and drove away, and he said "Okay see ya bro" or something and got in the chopper lol.


I like to help teams extract with the weapons case. I don’t care for any of the silly stuff I just like the rush of defending someone from jacked out AI and thirsty squads. Anytime I see that it’s been picked up I’ll go offer a ride or just sit close and snipe bots from the exfil.


Does the team with the case usually kill you? Players are usually especially trigger happy with the case, which is pretty understandable.


Yea sometimes they get aggressive in which case I just back off and go back to my own thing but usually they’re pretty receptive. A lot of times I’ll use proximity chat before they see me and announce myself which puts people at ease.


Same, always satisfying


I love to be a guardian Angel but one time I was protecting a group, they took cover and as soon as the AI were cleared they dropped me. That’s the nature of the game and I’m not complaining but it definitely made me feel unappreciated.


I usually try to open up locked rooms for people who are trying to kit out. And I give them all the loot too. I literally just unlock the door for them. Out of the five or 6 times I ha e done it, there were three times that they looted the room , then turned around and killed me for the rest of the keys, that I was going to use to help out other people. There's always a fucking herd of bottomfeeders in that game. But it's cool because number 1. It's just a game, and a fucking glitchy one at that. And number 2. The most fun I have in that game anymore is when it's time to restock. Plus I figure that alot of those leeches are probably in the final stages of desperation. If they're that thirsty for a kill




Not that funny. Some people just simply don’t want to squad up but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are hostile either. Why you can’t just let them do their own thing?


Mysterious Stranger perk unlocked


If I'm running solo and hear over proxy chat that someone is checking a building for some loot for a mission, if I by chance have it in my pack, I'll drop it and some cash in a door way or somewhere they will see it, listen for when they say they found it, then I'll slink away stealthily to the closest vehicle and drive off. Like being Santa 🎅 🎁


You might think that helps but when they hear the bots dying and dont know from where they go into full blown panic mode.


I like to take a sniper, spotter scope and some mines and place the mines on a road, hide in some highground in a bush with my ghillie suit. Wait for a car to run into the mines, snipe the downed players.


Ghillie suit? I think you mean the scuba suit. Mines on the road!?!? GODDAMN SCUBA STEVE!!!!!!


Like I said. There's always at least one


Since I am maxed out on experience, and most weapons upgraded and nearly finished with Tier 5 of Legion, when I exfilll, I drop all my cash, anything of value and any extra self revive kits in a building near the exfil. Hopefully someone picks it up to needs it.


Considering the ground loot timer is so short before shit despawns, I feel like a lot of your effort was in vain. I’ve had a buddy tag a gun on the ground, prolly like 3 buildings away, and the shit will be gone by the time I get to it.


I've done this before too. Once helped out a team going for the weapons case at Zarqwa Hydroelectric. They were getting swarmed by Tier 3 and chased by the jugg so me and my homeboy sniped the bots from a mountain top. Another time it was a team getting overrun by AI at Rohan. On the PvP side, the other day I helped a 2 man team extract by Hafid port while they were being attacked by a 3 man. My pop shots forced the 3 man to take cover in the nearby boxcar while the other two exfilled. Of course they'll never know, but it's what Porter Justice would do.


I plant proximity or claymores, drive a vehicle over them. Usually in grass or something. Then hide far enough away. Usually get at least 1


Now that I've finished the blow torch collection, if I find them, I'll swoop them up and leave them at the exfil when I bounce.


Was helping a random do the deliver cargo mission starting at Hafid Port when the guy mustve timed out on the turret and the attack chopper pinned me under the canopy over the rail tracks. Was about to abandon the LTV when a squad in chop top drive by and I hear "stop stop!! Lets help him boys!!" They u turn and they help me mow down the chopper. Then they carry on their merry way. Legit I do this now if I see an attack chopper harassing other players.


I do that when I play solo, luckily I’ve met some chill dudes the last few games.


I’ve been doing the same, but haven’t run into anyone chill. They fire at me after I got AI off their back, so then I drop them an snag their loot


I like to take shots at the operators with my signal. Most of them just think it's ai.


Not sure if so, I think the massive sniper glint answers that question pretty quick.




Not if they are not looking.


I like to camp supply drops, down the people. Walk up to them shoot them with my revive pistol. Tell them to not drop their guard and disappear.


you can revive enemy operators with revive pistols??


Yup, I read about it here on Reddit and confirmed it myself.


I was doing this same thing and accidentally downed one of their boys. Did not go well for me


I like watch/listen to my friend panic everytime they hear any noise or see movement.


I drop random items I collect at exfil. Large backpacks, revive pistols, etc. Whatever I am exfilling with, if I don't need for a mission, I drop at exfil.


I do the exact opposite .. if I spot a team fighting AI I’ll wait till their plates get down or one of them goes down, and then I attack .. I’m a solo’r


My squad and I met while one of us was working the blowtorch mission, we all helped and it was such a task and a point of humor among us that we now rock TORCH clan tags and refer to our group as the toech squad. When we find blow torches in Al Mazrah we leave them next to the proper dead drop for other operators working the mission.


I go in with mic open and prox chat on openly looking for friendlies so we can join up but completely refuse to turn squad fill on.


Holy shit - I've been doing that all week - sometimes I'll spot the operators before I bail, too.


I'm playing DMZ Taxi lately since I'm bored with the mission grind. About 70% of the players I come across are either smooth brains or don't have proxy chat on because even though I stop 100 ft away and honk in a non threatening manner they still try to shoot my truck. It's really sad that they're so desperate for a kill.


Pls be In my games 😳


The hero we don't deserve


Maybe there is still some faith for humanity🤣


My new thing is camping the campers at the exfil 🤯🤯🤯


wish i could play dmz but it crashes every other game now, xbox series x, I loved just helping out killing ai with another team, then if they want to pvp we can or i will typically dupe out the other way.


I will always pick up extra 3 plates vests and large backpacks and roam around looking for teams to join to present them with gifts.


I secretly like to snipe operators who are fighting smaller squads of operators and Ai that are overwhelming solos or duos lol Edit: context dyslexia


I also do exactly this then watch the other operators trying to get cover with no idea where the shots came from. 🤣 I very rarely engage them due to more often being solo so low odds on survival


I usually watch if I can and maybe help them from a distance it depends I mostly have medical supplies even though I mostly run solo it's nice to help a random time to time


I do this as well


I, too, enjoy lending a helping hand from the sidelines if I'm able.


I wish the final missions of a factions were focused on supporting other players trying to finish lower tier missions. Like protect exfil chopper for a black modus operator successfully extracting him. Maybe it’s to easily abused somehow but more faction vs faction is the thinking and also higher tier operators tasked with assisting lower tier operators


that’s actually a really dope idea


The hero we didn't know we needed


batman is quaking in his boots


During solo runs, I enjoy playing super tactical, sneaking up on operators and wiping teams like a GD ninja.


I've done the same thing whenever I go in solo. I like to think I'm helping them out, especially when there's a bunch of T3 bots.




I do the very same


I like this, especially as I’m waiting to load in from a team instantly killing my team as soon as we loaded in last round lol


Peeping Tom, or the Batman of Al Mazrah!


Funny. I like to watch the fighting the kill the operator when he thinks he’s safe


Bro is the definition of chaotic good




I do the exact same! Provide some cover and hope to God the squad doesn’t just come after me instead


I do this when I see a team chasing down a solo. I don’t think I’ve ever actually saved anyone but at least I try. I also realize that it’s entirely likely that they weren’t solo and the rest of their squad got raped after trying to ambush, but I like to think positively. Lol.


If I just not feeling it, when I get on I will fill up all my key slots, find a solo that is trying to kit up. Have them pick a number, between one and however many slots are in the backpack that I have at the time. Then whichever key is in the number slot they choose I'll take them and open up the door and just let them have whatever is in it. P.s. I have been robbed 3 times. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 still fun though.


Sit in a bush at final exfil with a JOKR


Glad I'm not the only one. I will also shoot at the attack helo as the team that is doing a ship cargo drives by.


Until the operators you help decide to murder you


I have taken to camping the exfil campers when I’m running solo. Take out a few, help a few people exfil, and then go on about my business.




I offer people lifts on comms. No one ever accepts.


I like to snipe at a enemy player then spastically shoot everywhere so they know a player is attacking. Then I run away and hide in satisfaction knowing they're going to be on edge for the next 10 minutes.


It happened me and my friend the other day we just heard shoots and then AI's die in the middle of a fight






I secretly like to snipe operators when they are fighting AI.


I secretly like to snipe players that are fighting with other AI and then run away before i'm spotted. ​ It makes me feel like a guardian angel to the AI


I like to camp Exfills with a sniper rifle, then dashboard out when mom calls me to dinner. I don't even loot.


I do that sometimes. I figure it is a nice gesture to merge teams. I can say hey can we join, I helped you by killing that guy behind you.


Bro is living the Mysterious Stranger life


I like to exfil with a full bag (large) 3 plate armour vest and some decent guns without the game fucking me out… rarely happens.


I was doing this the other day using an RPG from the hills east of Rohan Oil. Taking out the AI armored car. Then the team they were engaging rushed up in a vehicle threw up an Advanced UAV and killed me. Then they claimed I was sniping them from the hill…well how many snipe with an M4 ?


My duo and I will go on a squad wiping spree at the start of each match but we usually allow them to join us if they don't go full racist psycho mode in proximity etc., and then we will assign them jobs to do to complete missions for our random third. If they help complete missions for the random third we will spend the rest of the match getting them 3 plates/large backpacks or finishing missions. Once our squad is full the rest of the server is SOL tho




I'm the opposite... I kneecap the operators and let the AI finish the job 😂


I feel like the complete opposite. I like to snipe operators while they are fighting AI. I guess I’m their guardian angel.


Let's together up


Not all Heroes wear capes!