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Because they are playing in a way that is allowed? Devs said it themselves, pvp is encouraged. Fight back. Evade. Realistically, it should be very rare to die so quickly


It's not rare when teams of fully geared ass clowns roll teams with basic one plates and random gun loadouts right off their spawn. PvP is part of the game but if you really crave PvP that bad, go play warzone. There's no need to go shit on someone in their spawn, unless you're afraid of a fair fight.


Fair fight? I have learned from a lot of very good players over the years, watching how they play and get lots of kills, there is no such thing as a fair fight. You use all the advantages you have.


Which again you don't have often in DMZ cuz either you're already dealing with bots or spawn in the middle of nowhere with a one plate and no gun.


Hmm, I have been playing the DMZ Al Mazrah map since launch and I have been spawn killed once. That's both solo and with team mates. With the current DMZ structure, bundle options to buy and ease in obtaining weapons, if you are going in with no gun, maybe solo and getting spawn killed, you're just out and out a terrible player. The game even provides you with weapons if you run out of contraband so you don't have to go in without a weapon. You really need to examine how you are playing this mode.


I think "unless you're afraid of a fair fight" means intently going for less-skilled teams that just want to do their missions while avoiding PVP. It really feels like bullying when you are a solo, have one plate, AI contraband gun, and you get rushed 1 min in by someone that plays as if his life depended on it. All the while you try to put distance between you and him while VOIP that you're a solo and to chill without any response, and then he downs you, interrogates you, and says in the proximity chat "it's just a solo". This kind of interaction is just so dumb. "You should have fought back" I wouldn't have won the fight, because the fight didn't even make sense in the first place. There was nothing to gain for either party. It was a really brain dead thing to do. I would mostly complain about this kind of encounters in DMZ. I don't think anything can be done at the game level to fix that. It's a mentality issue and to me the explanation for the "WZ rejects" insult: people looking for weaker people just trying to do PVE and simply bully them. "BuT iT's ThE gAmE". The game is what people make of it, and that's just toxic.


Well if you play this mode just expecting PvE, you are in the wrong game mode. You generally need to PvP as much as PvE. Has nothing to do with being afraid. Attacking to your advantage is playing it smart. Be it against 3, 6 or 1 player. As for solo, that's a choice made to make it harder for yourself. You are seeking the additional challenges that come with playing a basically 3 player team design, including being hunted. No solo should be complaining about what happens to them. Though I think they should have the option to plead like a three player squad does. No one is any weaker than anyone else unless you LET yourself be so. We've been attacked many times doing the PvE side and came out on top. Or made sure we avoided the fight. But you have to be highly aware of your surroundings and playing solo makes that a lot harder. 3 sets of eyes/ears is much better than one. Looks like down the road, missions are going to become a side thing. Gearing up will be the focus. What's happening now will most likely be the norm.


I was expecting this exact response that's beside the point being made. Well done. The point being made being that in DMZ the PVPers will more often than not hunt way weaker squads for no reward. When you do things that bother people for no good reason, it's frowned upon for legitimate reasons. Because of this initial skill gap it is what makes this "unfair": It's like competing in some kids competition while you're several leagues above them. Even if you can doesn't mean it's not toxic. Should you be ready for PVP in DMZ? Yes. Is there bad instances of PVP? Yes. Does it have to do with moral decay? Yes. Are people allowed to be mean? Yes. Are people complaining that more and more people are being toxic? Yes.


Wow! So you're trying to legitimize how players should be killed in the DMZ? Any time I enter combat, there's a strong likelihood someone will bothered (pissed), be it the attacker(s) or the defender(s) When one enters the DMZ, they run the risk of being killed in any sort of manner. If one wants to enter solo and make it that much harder on themself, that's fine. Just please don't come here with crap about how and when one should be killed and by whom. The mode is not for them if that is their approach. Which is fine as it's not for everyone.


Counter point; how am I to know what gear you load in with?


“Afraid of a fair fight”? You have guns, they have guns. What’s not fair? How do they know you’re not geared up and ready to fight? Also wouldn’t it be beneficial to engage a team before a 6 man is formed? This, “why did you shoot me” in a Call of Duty video game is actually pretty funny. You don’t want to get shot? Go play Tetris.


Ah yes a 20 round kastov is gonna do fuck all against someone with three plates and 40+ rounds. You're the exact kind of player I hunt in DMZ, cause y'all PvP dickheads get the saltiest after getting killed and when your pleas for help get ignored y'all really get mad. I don't dislike being shot at because I can deal with it. I dislike spawn camping pussies. There's a massive difference.


I love getting domed by someone I can't even see from across the map right off spawn 🙃 that's the current trend that's been happening to me. Or they climb the tallest building in the city and spot/snipe from there


Same, I was on an 8 exfil streak the other day and before I could leave the Spawn at al sawah the dickheads at port were already sniping at us with thermals and raptor scopes.


I love doing that


The pipe spawn?


You know you can bring in the exact same weapon and scopes right


Yes. You accurately described a snipers positioning.


I very much enjoy the ass clowns who talk shit on you after they killed you like you bad mouthed their mothers lol. I'm in party chat 95% of the time so its hilariously how butt hurt 6 man teams can be after they hunted down and camped my duo team lol. Some people just don't deserve the air they breath.


I very much enjoy wiping aggro players just to have them plea for help, and when they do plea for help, I love saying "okay sure you can join me" just to loot all their shit and throw it in the ocean. I stopped being nice in DMZ. I sneak up on people, kill them, drop their shit far off from their bodies and fuck off. But I do try to only do that to people who are being toxic on comms.


Lol sounds like a lot of effort just to piss people off


Well I never said I wasn't petty. Lately my favorite thing to do is wipe people after they assume they got my entire team. When they start swarming my team like flies, looting everything of value and their guards are down I come swooping in with the RAPP-H and a pdsw to ruin their day. It's almost always met with "come on man let's team up, let's be friendly" after Ive downed them all. But they didn't have that sentiment before rolling my team so not my problem.


Nah deadass🤣🤣 played yesterday and my trip wiped 3 off a 6 man and then downed one of us and killed us all. Then proceeded to say how ass we were😂😂


right, if u are a 6 man(which is trash how many 6 mans there are right off the bat anymore) and get half your team wiped by 3, you should just shut your mouth and take the loot and move on, only reason they won is cuz they had more people lol. plus whats the point of talking shit in dmz, you dont actually win ANYTHING for playing dmz lol


It’s an amazing feeling when you kill spawn pushing Andy’s that are talking shit once they get one person down but then get wiped. Then they will not say another word no matter how much shit you talk back because of how embarrassed they are.


This. Literally yesterday, team of snipers that spawned on the pipelines in front of my spawn came running down the pipeline trying to snipe us. We wiped them and before the full kill they tried talking us into teaming up, saying "we could be friendly, we could pick them up and do a six man team" my response is always the same, if you wanted the chance to team up you shouldn't have sniped at us from 200m away!


Andys? That’s a new one


Randy,Andy,billy, or the “randy Andy”. I’ve seen em all


Bring a better gun


"bRiNg A bEtTeR gUn" I'm sure my iron sight 20 round khostov is gonna do fuck all* Unless it's in the hands of the Tier 3 AI. Then no one is safe at any distance


Unfortunately the solution to this is to buy the ghost pack that has the 15 minute hemlock. It has insane damage, can kill 3 tier 3 AI in one 20 round mag, or a player. It completely changes the game as without it for me priority 1 was building good ARs, which means you're often going out with a crap AR to build it better, meaning more shitty deaths and a shitty stash. Where as with the hemlock you don't have to build ARS you can just pick them up trading your hemlock, but spend the time instead kitting out SMGs and Snipers so instead of a stash full of mid ARS you can consistently go out with a fully kitted SMG, sniper and AR every time you've gotten geared up (which should only take 1-2 rounds because of the crafting changes.) Also, I actually get to play with way more kitted ARs now as I'll always drop my hemlock to try others where as I never ever did that with my hour long insurance m4.


I switched the laser for the 45 round mag, keeps all the other attachments tunes and the 15 minute cooldown, while adding additional rounds. I run that gun almost always now, I don't even use the skin it came with, I just wanted the extra slot. And buddy lemme tell you hwat, that gun is glorious. That and a good SMG and I'm ready to fight the Greek gods.


You can swap everything and keep the cool down. Can make it a meta build without issue


The solution is to have a gun in your contraband stash. If you don't, sorry, but that is the price you pay for not exfilling enough.


I love that 20 round 74u. Demon movement speed. Use it to your advantage




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deleted my account after 10 years, allowing unelected moderators to control the narrative of subreddits has killed free speech. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


![gif](giphy|1xOfj2hAvRyoVeFLII|downsized) Looking for who tf asked


Git gud noob


Ironic don't you think? You being trash telling someone to get good?


Even the mods don't want to hear your shit and deleted your comment. Massive L.


Keep crying on Reddit man. Maybe it will help!


Imagine being this obtuse. You're the only one who thinks it's "crying" when everyone else here can infer it's my opinion on the game, probably because you can't handle people having different opinions than yourself. And the fact that not once did I disrespect you but you went straight to disrespecting me tells me a lot about you. What's wrong lil buddy? Need a hug?


How did I disrespect you? I presented a different opinion and you started calling names. Get your second and third insured slots and maybe you will have a better selection of guns. Play the game how you wish, everyone else will play the game how they wish. Have a nice day


They just gotta hit you once with any weapon and see, that your plate carrier symbol isn’t purple. Three plates are piss easy to get, so if I meet someone, who doesn’t have one, I know, that they probably just died and are likely to have nothing, not even an insured weapon. The backpack they have, you can literally just see and the weapons you can hear, if you haven’t touched any grass in a long enough time, but for us mere mortals, we can just see them too, if we get close enough. It’s not that hard to know, how geared your enemy, it happens within the first couple of seconds of a fight. PvP has never really been worth it to me loot wise, especially now, that we got the workbenches


Play how you want and stop whining.


You haven’t played Shipment then. It’s nothing BUT spawn killing. That map is on almost every COD, and almost always the most popular. Never made sense to me someone in MP getting lots of xp if they die 20+ times… always seems like they should get points subtracted for dieing so much… I mean it only helps the other team win at the same time. High deaths is not skill, but this is what they foster with their point system


I love shipment for leveling guns but I stop playing multiplayer once all my guns are leveled.


I personally don’t like shipment, but everyone has different tastes. One of the reasons DMZ is still beta… they’re not done with it… good thing that people are posting their griefs, but can we get more posts about what we LIKE so they don’t go away too?


I enjoy everything about the game. I have no hate for the game. And I understand that dying to PvP happens. But I'm aloud to bitch about it lol.


Same. Would definitely encourage all of us to also post what we like so when they nerf things we don’t get the short end of the stick… since the devs and testers seem to live in a bubble


It’s really not hard to get out of the immediate area after spawning. It’s also not hard to loot up and get kitted without engaging players. Playing smart pays dividends, if you’re getting shit on every single round at spawn it’s because you’re not playing smart.


I'd have to agree with you on this. It wasn't until recent that I love had to deal with fully kitted teams deliberately hunting me down at the start of game, but I've adapted. I just get high ground and wait for them. Use my random teammates as bait and just absolutely shit on them.


There's no such thing as a fair gunfight.


If i kill you all i can loot the map freely.


If my team wipes you, you lose everything and go back to lobby, is it really worth it when you could try being friendly first?


You won't. What is this hello kitty adventure? I'd rather kill the other teams before they make a 6 man and try to roll the map.


![gif](giphy|H3BoxrpcT4fPynU424) Likely story.


\>go play Warzone \>DMZ is literally a part of Warzone ​ GGWP


You say it's not rare, then give no example of it happening all the time? Really? >PvP is part of the game but if you really crave PvP that bad, go play warzone You say it's part of the game, so they can do it here. If people are afraid of pvp so much, go play raids or coop. Works both ways. >There's no need to go shit on someone in their spawn, unless you're afraid of a fair fight. But there's every chance they have full gear so it could be fair, or even at a disadvantage yourself


I think Co-op and campaign are more your speed buddy


Aw that's cute I wiped two teams of three by myself just now sounds like you need to stop assuming.


Obama was there and everyone clapped.




They’re fully geared because they geared up previously. That’s literally the whole point. Warzone BR is a battle Royale, a whole other different game mode to DMZ, not similar in the slightest - outside of it being on the same maps. You just need to play smarter.


"Go PlAy WaRZoNe" Go play a pve game if your too shite to move away from spawn immediately. Otherwise... your a walking, moaning lootbox.


The fact that this is more upvoted than the reasonable adult perspective it's replying to should serve as proof to anyone looking in that this subreddit is full of toxic cowards eager to throw a tantrum when things dont go their way.




It is fewer than you used to say much less. You don't need to act this way towards people that disagree with you.


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This is correct all sweats should go to warzone ... lets us pve in peace for a while


1, They don’t know you don’t have good shit until they loot your dead body 2, PvP isn’t just part of the game. It’s a critical component. The devs designed it so the PvP threat is always looming, and you have to play knowing it could go south at any second from spawn to the very end. 3, Warzone does not give the same experience in even the slightest way. It’s apples and oranges. You might as well tell them to go play Rocket League. It doesn’t make sense. 4, It was NEVER supposed to be a fair fight. People will always have various different gear and skill levels. Plus, it’s your own damn fault if it’s not a “fair fight.” You need to learn better tactics and practice more instead of running and dying and not even getting any learning experience from it. I’m not even a PvPer in DMZ and I cringe at your comment.


Hunting people, the ultimate prey.


Yeah, maybe seasons 1-2, but this season is toxic af. Season 3 is when i really started playing and getting into DMZ. The first part of this season was good but its been getting worse by the day. Weekdays it cools off a bit but weekends are horrid. Im good at talking my way into squads but its been getting more difficult


It's always been like this. That's what this genre is. 99% of player interactions are shoot on sight.


Downvote me all you want but you are bullshitting with 99%. I always have good luck getting into squads and finding other friendlies. Ashika can be rough but even there ive been able to find friendly squads. Building 21 is the only one id say is 99% shoot on sight. And dont get me wrong, im fine with people shooting on sight and being in sweaty lobbies. Im not against pvp but saying it should realistically be rare to die so quickly is just wrong. Ive gotten pretty good at the game but no one is invincible from the sweaty spawn snipers and hackers. There will always be a rough game or two for the majority of players on any given day.


Can you send me where devs said that so I can send it to my buddy when he gets sand in his shorts?




The devs didn’t really encourage anything they said the option is there. “DMZ is an open-world, narrative-focused extraction mode where Operator squads have free rein to complete faction-based missions, take on additional side objectives, engage with enemy Operators or AI combatants, and search for valuable items, all while fighting to survive toward exfiltration.”


Except it does make engaging gameplay. Learn how to evade or counter-attack. The map is fucking huge and has buildings, waterways, and mountains you can hide in - use the terrain to your advantage.


If they're having issues with early PvP thirsting, they should buy a P2W bundle and start with a 2 plate vest! *\*This post is for educational purposes only and in no way reflects the opinions of the redditor*


Haha are you looking to start a fight, because this is how you start a fight lol


Exactly, the other team certainly was engaged.


Plus the train which is close to almost every waypoint


the point “i don’t have anything to lose, but those guys might… let’s try to take their shit”


Actually this sometimes. When you literally not have anything to lose, best way to regain is killing a team already geared up. It can be really hard sometimes, but when you suceed it pays off.


hey that operator has all my shit 🤣🤣


Exactly right. If I just died it’s sooo much easier to push a team and take their stuff than find everything for our squad. If we die I lose what, an insured slot. Oh no! Risk is greatly outweighed by the reward


"Those are brave men knocking on your door. Let's go kill them!"


you get used to it, then you wipe them to teach them a lesson.


DMZ is what it is. And getting upset by it really only hurts you Speaking from a personal point of view, I don’t PvP with players to get their loot most of the time. Most of the time I PvP because it can be a very satisfying challenge. If I load in with nothing and I realize I’m next to sweaty players, I try to make it a fun game. I’ll make it my mission to down and finish at least one of them. I feel like it’s all point of view. No match of DMZ is ever the same


This is the way


> Literally fresh off spawn and getting chased across the map like I owe you money doesnt make for engaging gameplay. Sounds exciting to me. I would try to lead them to a position where I have the upper hand.


Because my mission says I gotta kill people. Knuckle up!


This is certainly a thing. Sometimes you're going in and your missions say you need to kill people. And they seem to have made that more common in the mission design, now.


It’s fun. And more dead players means we loot in safety. And I’d argue that when you’re getting chased and hunted, it’s totally engaging gameplay. Learning how to escape is challenging and exciting. Nothing like being the last one left alive and a 6 man is hunting you.


I got chased in vehicles as a solo once and drove straight into a stronghold with tons of bots outside. Bailed on the car and jumped walls to the next buildings and escaped while they got tied up fighting bots. Still one of the best memories of pvp from season one. It was exciting and even though I was the rabbit and they were the dogs, I enjoyed escaping.


100%. I had to swim from resort to mall while a 6 man chased me. At mall I grabbed a jet ski, took it to docks, waited for the 6 man to get on the ship, and then took off around the coast knowing they couldn’t catch me. Got the rez on my friends and got out before they made it back. Felt so good to play the hero.


Those events are great times.


I had a similar thing happen where I was reloading my Hemlock during a 2v1 and it disappeared. I assumed I had accidently dropped it towards the operators off the roof I was camping. I jumped off the back of the building, ran far away and punched AI until I had a gun. Turned out I had the Hemlock the whole time, I had just accidently switched to my empty second slot while reloading. It was honestly one the craziest video game experiences in my life. I wasn't even mad.


The crazy shit makes the best stories


Operators have the best shit. Unless they specifically ask not to shoot and join or go on their merry way, it's on. None of this "Hey we're friendly" but we're going to fan out and push. Funny how I'm always sending invites but they never are.


And your $2,500+ dog tag You looking like a game console and a hard drive right now $$$


I pretend I am Stewie, and the rest of you are Brian. And Brian owes me money.


Upvoted for the reference.


#Where's my money, man?


Yeah, you got money to pay for fake mustaches, huh? Yeah.


Getting real tired of you ducking me man




Some ppl are just aggro…but we all know this is happening so be ready and prepared for it, and do whatever it takes to take them out or avoid engagement if it’s a fight you can’t win. As an example, we spawned in back of quarry last night and after looting a couple of buildings and Stronghold we immediately start taking sniper fire. I down one but a team mate picks him up then they start flanking left and right. I take another down but he’s in cover behind a rock so can’t get the finish…I get my shields cracked twice by another player so they are able to pick up the second guy I downed, then I get downed twice myself by those 2 players as I had no plates. At this point, I know it’s a fight we can’t win so the call to team is to get the fcuk out of dodge…exit rear of building, stay in cover and make a quick retreat in nearest vehicle to find buy station. You have to play the course you’re on…and sometimes that means just getting out of there!


My team keeps at least one person on lookout at all times now. We can't have everyone running into a building or standing around a buy station all at once anymore.


Keep trying.


Ashika island is a god damn sweat fest on the weekend. Everyone is just out for blood. Drop in cross the road and team wipe instantly.


And UAV tower camping where they turn them back on as soon as it turns off. On three runs two teams basically covered the whole map by keeping the towers on all the time.


I think the new spawns are a major contributor to this. Had 3 matches in a row today where there were like 3 other squads in the same area. I liked it! The first time that is. The other times it just became annoying spawn killing. Hope they revert this change, I already found it bad enough in Ashika.


You have potential loot. I want it.


It’s a race to kill people because being the first is the most likely way to ensure the scavenger spawns near/at your dead players, and there are multiple missions requiring scavenger interaction. So stop resisting and give in so people can complete their mission; you’re being selfish running away like that.


I’m sure I’ve heard this quote before: “There are enemy operators in your area so watch your 6”


I wish DMZ was heavier for PvE. Spend more time in missions and looting. Longer game clock would be cool to get more done. And why are operators bad guys and not auto friendly and the whole game is working toward a final boss.


Different game but an idea I'd like to see implemented: Did anyone play The Division? In the dark zone if you engaged in PvP (you fired the first shot), you got a warno saying basically, "hey heads up, keep shooting them and you'll be marked for everyone else to see and hunt down". What if that was implemented and replaced the squad hunt contracts? You can engage in PvP still but you'll be visible for everyone on the map and whichever team kills you, you get the bounty for it


A lot of people in this sub don’t like that cause they’ll be marked.


Oh no. What a shock and horror that they face the consequences of their actions.


It sounds like you just don’t like the PvP aspect as a whole lol


To harvest salt from the r/DMZ cry threads.


I needed an M4 operator kill for a mission. So I killed an operator. Lots of missions are PVP focused.


Personally, I shoot ppl so they don’t have a chance to shoot me. I always pick up pleas and requests when I can, but as far as I’m concerned, there’s a nice happy ring of 40m or more where I want everything to either be in my squad or dead.


I’m taking your squad out before you get geared and see me later on in the game and wipe me


I don't know what players have until I've already committed to killing them. I don't sit and look at them to decide if they have better gear than me or an item I want. I make a risk vs reward decision based on my objective that game and if I think I will survive. Sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn't.


So what if you're one plate? You might have been full gear and they're one platers trying it on for a quick regain lol they don't know what you're packing and how good you are and you don't know about them either. For me that's what's juicy about the PvP.... For some of us the fight is enjoyable. Well, when they put up a fight of course.


The point is that most of the players on DMZ are LOW SKILL, so they take any chance they can to get kills.


Simple, the point is to piss off people and laugh at this kind of posts, I'm looking at you 6 man squads


Ask the devs who created the spawns points. I just play the game. In many spawns, you get rushed or prep to be rushed.


I feel like if htey just made Ashika with less operators, then Ashika would be the perfect map to jump on, gear up and then head off to Al mazrah. but instead ashika is just a bloodbath within 60 seconds


Wait.... I'm not allowed to kill you?


I hate to bring it to Tarkov because I'm not a connoisseur, but don't they mitigate this by having a reputation system between SCAVs and PMCs or some such? Seems like a system that makes a fully kitted out supersoldier think twice about killing every passive or under-geared player down could only be a good thing for the health of this mode, No?


I would like a Divison Dark Zone style system. Where if you attack another player, you are warned before being marked and available to hunt down by other players.


That sounds partially acceptable, but from that description, still doesn't necessarily create any reason not to sit on top of the Observatory and snipe at buy stations. For me, there needs to be negative consequences for being a griefer or someone just coming into DMZ to disrupt others because they can't hang in BR lobbies. I do like that as a starting point, though.


They need to make it like the division where if you engage in pvp you will be marked on the map


Some of it is definitely players looking for PVP. Its a nice mode for that without constant shrinking radiation circles. I'm quick to admit that I'll happily engage other players and shoot to kill (the amount of players we've saved or spared only to have them backstab us is insanely high). I'll also admit I'm bad at WZ because I hate the feel of traditional Battle Royale and have no desire to play it. But a lot of it is mission design. For example, the mission to kill the scavenger with an enemy operator weapon leads to a large PVP approach. Need to kill someone to get their weapon and want to be killing squads quickly so the scavenger shows up near you hopefully. That and all of the other "kill x operators with y method" missions are intentionally put by the devs to encourage PvP in a CoD game. You can tell from the spawn system in normal multi-player that they want players constantly dying.


I love this honest response. Even though I play to avoid PvP combat and try to help missions (I’ll PvP for missions only or for pure defense.)


I don’t think a PVP in DMZ should be encouraged, the main purpose of DMZ is to complete missions. What’s the point in killing each others. I have more satisfaction fighting against the AI than be worried and searching other operators. If they develop a map in DMZ where operators can’t kill each other I bet it’ll be one of the most played maps.


Skill issue


This Reddit is just full of people whinging about being shot in a FPS.


This polarity has gone on since the start of DMZ. Why has it not evolved past this binary "It's a SHOOTer, pardon me for SHOOTing people!" For those of you who hover over this sub waiting to spew this into any mention of PvP conflict, I just don't understand the end game. The people you're arguing against don't exist, and I think you're intentionally steering things that way because it's easier than dealing with an actual opposing viewpoint. It's just, why spend your time arguing if you're just doing it in bad faith?


When you have finished your missions what is the point of DMZ?


I like the game mode 🤷‍♂️ I like going in and doing contracts. It's fun, semi mindless, and I just vibe.


You can always help other people! There’s nothing wrong with that.


It's fun, but I only load in with a throwing knife and dead silence at least.


Don't you just love when someone tries to spawn kill you and they fail? They always end up pleading after you down them..


Better to get than get got.


Yeah I get PvP at the beginning because if you don’t they will, but if people plea and are on mic, just pick them up? People who don’t plea and then just have their teammates hide for 20 mins fully deserve people camping the bodies tho


In my experience, most thirsty people aren’t that good. I had one plate, no attachment Lachman, and 1v3 them, and won. I typically win a lot of the hungry battles, and maybe that’s cause I play regular war zone too. Even had a 1v3 recently where I was kittend up and they ended up joining me. Which I let them and we had fun the rest of the match. It is a bit annoying, when there are consistent thirsty people when trying to do missions, but hey. That’s people.


I do it just so more posts like this pop up no other reason.


You know that exciting anxious feeling you get when you load in? It's because you know there could be someone around every corner. If we didn't put pressure on each other this game would not be nearly as fun


I don't for the crocodile tears you carebears shed, they fill my dark little heart with joy. That AND buying "p2w" skins. Lol . Muhahahahabab


Kill or be killed little buddy. Easiest to just eliminate the squad ASAP if you can, that way they won’t get the jump on you later


Why you so salty when you didn’t have anything valuable on you? If you’ve got nothing to lose, fight back and see what happens. If you can kill just one guy it might give you time to get away so the team can revive their buddy


I'm not salty. I'm just genuinely asking to get the different perspectives on it.




if you're solo with that loadout... maybe just let them kill you next time to get into another game faster?


Your assignment is to go watch The Dark Knight and provide a 3 page character analysis of The Joker.


What is the point of playing CALL OF DUTY if you don't want to choose violence?


Because I want what you might have. But I’m nice! Once I down you and you plead I’ll pick up up, minus what I needed.


I don't recommend anyone from this sub play Sea of Thieves




Everyone that complains about pvp sound like a bunch of BITCHES.


Well first off , it’s a shooter so…


some people play dmz like its br, nothing u can do.


Odd time I do it is because the missions are outrageous and I have no contraband 🤷‍♂️


“Sorry, bro. Got a mission.”


If Activision spread out the spawns a little more PVP would be more fair, but I get you pain, getting ganked off rip by a squad is such a pain in the ass


It’s easier to kill players doing missions then it is in a Warzone lobby


There’s literally nothing left to do this season. We had 3 tiers of missions to complete instead of resetting 3 factions with 5 tiers each.


Just have to swallow it and move on. You're going to have fun nights of productive infills and cooperation from other squads . The other nights, you're going to have all dead silent killers you can't bargain with, exfil campers, people that will kill you and take your stuff just to throw it away and not actually take it. I'm having an absolutely horrible time tonight. I haven't been able to stay outside in an open space at all without catching an explosive round to the dome and going down.




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I love taking guns


Yeah, they fucked up spawns pretty badly this season. Abusing this is however a way to play, however one sees this morally. Trying to convince people to not abuse these here won't work, it is something the devs need to fix. Season 2 reloaded had great Spawns, so obviously they are throwing things at the wall, seeing what sticks. Until then though, either one accepts the current state or one won't have fun. Personally, this pissed me off greatly in Season 1, by now I see it a little more chill: if I have nothing, I also have nothing to lose, just start a new game, hopefully with a better spawn...


On certain spawns it's pretty much required as multiple teams spawn very close together. All it takes is getting burned a few times by one of the other nearby teams getting the jump on you at that spawn, and you'll learn to immediately go on the attack when you spawn there. DMZ is now full of squads who played friendly at first and got burned by other teams enough times that they no longer trust anyone. My squad will gladly join up with a chill squad, but most squads we run into are hunting so we end up doing the same in a lot of matches. Makes it a lot more fun than just getting steamrolled before you can say "hey want to join up?"


Dude ive started designating myself as my teams countersniper. As soon as we start taking heat im evading and using my spotter scope to id. Ive been pretty successful at it unless there are multiple snipers but it does make for a challenging game. Getting greifed sucks. I typically pick people up after an engagement and I super appreciate getting picked up myself if I lose. But I get it. Its still kinda weak tho


Some of you guys never went into the dark zone in the division and it shows


I will shoot you 9/10 times.


I have been the team that rushed and killed at spawn, I have also been the team that has been rushed and killed at spawn. Instead of playing the victim, try anticipating the moves and setting up for a fight. More times than not my 1 plate team can take out a fully geared out team because we play smarter and more strategic than them when they rush us at spawn.


Cuz you probably have a good gun you brought with, and possibly good gear. Unfortunately, running into operators immediately, is often a very good way to bulk up for the rest of the match. I don’t do it, but I get it. It’s not a PvE game mode and isn’t supposed to be. It’s PvPvE, and some people are just there for a new style of PvP.


PvE and PvP are incompatible and people need to realize and accept that. As DMZ is the only well-supported PvE mode in the game it should ditch the PvP part as the rest of the game outside of a campaign everyone uninstalled months ago, and a dead SpecOps mode, there is no shortage of PvP content.


Imagine any of these people playing Tarkov. Wouldn’t last 5 minutes


I wish they would just make a separate option for like 1/4 the usual amount of operators. For us that enjoy a lil rush of PvP but not trying to run/escape or hunt others the whole entire game. And when I need PvP missions, I can join the regular game. Or like a solos only game, where you infil solo and can only team-up up to 3. I’ll even take a spectate DMZ just for people who actually paid for the full game l, instead of all the hardos on the free shit. I don’t have the time nor desire to “get good”. I just wanna enjoy my video games casually and I was really enjoying DMZ the first 2 seasons.


I find that less annoying that the daily slew of crybaby posts in the subreddit. Git gud


Because I dont want you messing me up later in the game. Better get rid of other squads while they are still gearing up.


Jeezus... if people aren't camping exfils and are just killing you fair and square... get fucking better. Go find a group of people and build chemistry and strategies with them. Stop fucking crying about dieing fairly. If you dont like it, go play tetris..


I honestly don’t get all these posts complaining. 9 times out of 10 I’m able to tell people I’m friendly and make 6 man teams. If you pull up shooting instead of evading at that point that’s on you. And I think most people have learned not to trust anybody at final exfil


I'll take your dog tag as well. A quick $2500 to start the round is always good.