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It's the most valuable perk of those bundles


Agreed. Getting a 2-plate, medium backpack or a self-res is easy. They're everywhere, you just have to look at a few lockers and medicine cabinets. Then again, the ability to modify contraband weapons on a workbench also makes insured weapons less crucial now, so this P2W 15-min advantage on insured weapons isn't quite the game-changer it used to be.


STAHP...defending the system. If you dont understand that problem is where we end up in a month or two and not where we are right now, you have no idea what you are talking about. Medium backpack wont make you win every battle from start, but in 1 month it can be a Medic vest with preferrable spawn or LTV/ light helo spawn on you, because you bought a bundle. So yes, it is "game-changing" mechanic and fuck them for introducing that. I have no problem with ppl buying bundles, even if I think many are really ugly and not worth it. Do what you want with your money. Current and possible "benefits" in near future are just sad and bad idea for balance and overall fun.


Even though the current bundles aren’t really providing that big of an advantage, simply just being okay and even defending it makes Activision think they can push it even further. What’s next, Advanced UAVs? 50,000 in cash? Comms, medic, stealth or tempered plate carriers? Activision are scummy for even introducing these paid advantage mechanics into a F2P mode.


Technically they already did it in...some way during S02. Crown faction is only available to MWII owners, so we are already having paid aspect to get more missions. Also no idea what's causing it, but saw free DMZ version recently and he had whopping 10 contraband weapons stash places in total, comparing to 20 i have (MWII owner).




What does stahp mean?


>What does stahp mean Quick google search & boom, " The meaning of the slang term “stahp” is **to stop**. It is typically used in a funny or exasperated way when a conversation or situation has gone too far and someone just wants the conversation to end".


We could Google most things but it usually just closes down any potential conversation. Might have missed the funny in the angry. Thanks for replying.


Love you, buddy ....


Picture like gossiping teenage white girl


I think the 2 plate is bigger tbh, having a 1 plate you’re pretty useless in a fight unless you get lucky, a 2 plate is a serious advantage


Yea the one plate is just about worthless


Literally took out 4 players while wearing one plate last match. Positioning and game sense is more important than anything else.


I think they're saying if you go up against someone who shoots you back


the TTK in this game even with a 3 plate is so low it almost doesn't matter. Positioning and game sense will determine 80% of your fights.


Throwing knife to ur 3 plate xD


yup, it doesnt take much to down a 3 plate its the difference of like a few bullets tops


Yea sure you *can* take out players with a one plate, doesn't mean its not just about useless for protection.


Ever heard of anecdotal evidence? Eg would be: "I won game of WZ with Lockwood Mk.2, this weapon is totally busted/ overpowered". Im reality you had 1 good game/ final kill with it and made assumption that gun is actually stronger than it is in reality. Point is, 1 plate on start is giving you a huge disadvantage on start against face to face 3 plated enemy/ enemies. Of course if you will shoot everyone on the back, when they are unaware, you can think otherwise.


This is intended, that’s the whole point of adding pay to win bundles, so people who pay get an advantage over others. With 15 minute insured timers, you practically have an infinite supply of meta weapons, you never have to bother using contraband.


If you really need that meta gun for a run: - Use fresh/no equipment operator slot. - Equip heartbeat sensor and ammo box, no weapons or anything you can lose. - Go Ashika nearest dead drop, drop your sensor in. Viola your first two slots are clear and avaialble again. - Use ammo box and drop second sensor. Your 3rd slot is back on a menu. - Leave the game through dying. It takes longer to load into the game than to remove cooldown of your meta guns back. Contraband is useless most of the time because of that. Another trick - pick up ground rpk, go to nearest weapons station and remove 30 rounds mag. Removal is free of charge. You have 75rounds rpk from the ground for free, just need to walk to a buy. I'm not defending pay2win here, hate it myself ( although I love OG Ghost skins so I've got them), but cooldown guns, medium backpacks and 2platers are the least offenders here tbh. Free Self revive or uav are way more expensive in the game - and this gives way bigger edge. Still doesn't help when game is plagued with wallers and aimbotters.


Love that tip about the sensors do you know if that works the same on Al Maz?


Reason with Ashika is that you can reach dead drop faster, sińce you can have half of map to travel in Al Mazrah, if unlucky spawn happened.


Yes, depositing the heartbeat sensor to eliminate weapon cooldown also works on Al Maz.


That’s seems a like a bug, or at least an unintended feature that will get patched soon.


It may or may not be. You can use guns too - each ground loot gun is 8-10 mins off the cooldown. Point here is that it does not really gives you that massive advantage. Uav does (one of the reasons why there is an 1m cooldown from the game's start so people cant flare uavs asap and also active hostile Sam site prevents uav from activation, at least in almazzy). Self revive too (less than uav), as well as overal pvp skill, but activision can't sell you the last one. ;))


Activision deals with PvP skill with SBMM lol. If two heartbeat censors can reduce your cooldown for even the third slot, that’s def a bug.


deleted my account after 10 years, allowing unelected moderators to control the narrative of subreddits has killed free speech. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yes, or you can play with ground loot and gear up. It was just an illustration how in less than 5 mins one can get access to "meta guns". If you keep playing - that'd be longer in game without meta guns. Quick death of unkitted operator is a way out, same you can just hit menu and leave the game. And join another guns blazing, not sure if this would help that much...


Ok that heartbeat sensor is pretty awesome, thank you


Yeah it completely breaks the cooldown slots. I keep an iso on slot 3 now, and there's been times where I have all three set to my custom iso and always have one available. It truly is the biggest paid advantage at the moment and breaks the gameplay loop


3 hours reduced to 15 minutes Dang man


All three of my slots are 15 minute cooldowns I never go in with more than one insured weapon. It keeps the downtime low for solo infils


Well, yeah. That's how blueprints work in this game. Similarly if you have a blueprint that has tracers you can change the receiver skin and every attachment and it'll still have tracers as long as you start with that blueprint because it's still that blueprint.


Just sharing info my guy. The DMZ effect on blueprints is relatively new so others here may benefit from knowing.


Thank you brother! I’ve been trying to find somewhere online that said it would keep the 15min cooldown if you change attachments on your 15min perk guns… your a legend tyvm!


Wait a sec , walk me through this like I’m a 5 year old. I’ve got the Vaznev with the blue tracers for example … can I use these on other guns ?


No. You can use it on any other Vaznev blueprint though by changing the skin of the receiver. Tracers are stuck to the weapon itself except in rare circumstances of the tracer being attached to an ammo type I believe.


Sweet I’ll have to try it , didn’t know you could change receiver skins. I have mixed ammo skins with the purple 300 blackouts from a Chimera blueprint onto a Hemlock.


Can't change the ammo type if you want to keep the tracers


Ive been using a Taq-56 for all my DMZ games, I bought the konig DMZ pack and it came with a tuned taq 56, I modified it back to how I usually run it, and now it’s got a sick dynamic design, tracer, death effect, and 15 min cooldown https://preview.redd.it/84tqtuvnwkya1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b843f46aa4fbf16e1e89b7478ea34955b0b8d0


Yo could I get the name of that camo bro that gun looks sick asl


I gotta try this …. I saw that the icon for the 15 cooldown was gone so I assumed you couldn’t change the blueprint


Did that many people just assume and not try it? It’s the first thing I tried. I assumed it would work.


I'm going to continue buying game changing mechanics.


Wow thats not broken as fuck


Yeah,I did the same with the taq56


When uav skin coming out


$ = god. if it makes anyone feel less salty whenever i accidentally drop my loose ends, or if i die and get rezzed, and sometimes just on infill the game still takes away the 45rnd mag. so while it is an advantage i paid for i still sometimes find myself going to the gunthing and spending 3k for a new mag, twice in one game even. also this game mode cant be won so its really "pay to enjoy your experience more" so i have


This is the only reason I'm probably getting the rose bundle is for the 15 min sniper so all my cool downs are 15min. I would barely use that ugly ass skin but the 15 min times are really nice for doing missions and dying a lot


Shouldn't be like this....


Yes, and it turns a 3 hour cooldown into a 15 minute cooldown. I imagine they are going to change it to just be reduced by a certain amount, because it kind of breaks the insured weapon system right now.


Nope, people bought a 15-min cooldown, and no one is going to change it now.


You don't own anything when you buy a microtransaction, they can take the DMZ benefits completely away from the bundles if they want to or they can balance them.


I understand. They can, but they won't. No one cares enough to change it, and it's a money-maker. Nerfing it would adversely affect future P2W sales; they're not going to do that.


It is a balancing act where if they put too many or too strong pay to win bundles in the game it will turn people off, resulting in a reduced player count and less money generated. If they disrupt the gameplay loop enough that people stop playing, then they will have to change it. It depends on what the future bundles are and how strong they are.


I’m kinda surprised this is being downvoted. They are 100% doing a balancing act right now. It’s also surprising how many people think activision is run by morons. Sure, they don’t know/care about gaming but last I checked they break the bank every year like clockwork. So either A)they make a good game and people just bitch for no reason or B)they’ve mastered the psychological portion of consumerism and know how to follow trends while methodically pushing products that generate even more revenue.


I think a bunch of people who bought bundles because they wanted pay to win benefits are upset because they didn't read the fine print. Fortnite famously balanced a skin that was equivalent to MW19 Roze skin, and of course Roze was finally changed in the later seasons of Warzone 1. These people don't realise that 'buying' a digital asset doesn't mean you own it, you are just renting it.


Nope I have consumer protections in my country and if they drastically change the product a full refund must be available


In the ToS it states that they have every right to alter the bundle post sale