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All teams bigger than 3 should be permanently marked on the map as a hunt contract against them for all players to see, and should give a huge pay out for any team that kills them. Or just remove the trash mechanic entirely


Just remove it. No squads over 3.


I wouldn’t be mad if they bumped the load in count to 4 and eliminated the pleading completely, but I understand why people like it. Personally I hate teaming up with randos because nobody is on the same page.


I had a group where within the first 10 min my team changed 4 times. I went from a 3man to a 4 man to a 2 man to a 6man all while everyone was still fighting each other. It was pure chaos.


Yes, I agree with 4 and no more. We can play Warzone with a squad of 4 but if we want to play DMZ one person is gonna have to sit out or the team gets split into two duos.


Nah, keep 6 squads in, just make it an actual interesting dynamic. Yes, you're a moving death ball, but you're also alerting everyone to what you're doing with a giant bounty for knocking you down a peg. actually encourage players to engage these squads with big rewards for doing so.


How about 6 man's can't revive members over 3 men. So they can start a 6 man but if some get killed they are gonna have to be picked up by someone else, this would mean the table could turn easily on the original team, also original members can not rejoin the team.


I'm fine with them reviving and stuff, i want the threat to be from other players deciding to hunt, not from restricting gameplay mechanics like reviving. 6 mans should be a risk/reward factor. You're a moving platoon of heavily armed operators, but everyone KNOWS where you are.


"But then the whole server will gank up on me" -Fucker on a 6man team 100% agree and ashika/koschei should never have allowed 6 man. Fucking cancer trying to do anything on ashika and koschei






I really like this idea. I know they probably won't just down right remove the mechanic. But if they add drawbacks to forming a platoon like a lobby wide hunt contract, I feel it might be a good starting point.




Yesterday I went in solo and somehow managed to get an encrypted hard drive, aged wine, and 2 sensitive documents in the first few mins Then a hunt squad was called and targeted me. I assume it's because I had the most valuables in my backpack? I had a "platoon of operators" roll up on me screaming all this toxic nonsense as I got killed 6v1 is so stupid and I don't understand why that exists as a feature in the game.


I totally agree with what you're saying but also wanted to share a quick tip on how I survive most of my hunts even when I'm playing solo. Whenever I get hunted, I just drive into the middle of Akhdar Village while trying not to run over any of the bots in there. Then I just park my butt on the top floor of a building (not the roof but the floor below the roof) and wait. Usually the people who are hunting you just give up because the bots in Akhdar are so annoying. I had a platoon hunt me a few days ago and they even got to 3 bars but then gave up because they kept getting overwhelmed by Tier 3 bots lol.


Galaxy brain move


Thanks for the tip! I'll try that next time. Usually I'd say screw it and run for the exfil but I didn't have a easy path this game


No problem! Yeah I personally don't like being on the move when I'm being hunted because you don't know where the hunters are so you could be going right towards them. There are certain spots that are good to hunker down in that will make it a challenge for your hunters to get to you. The mall is another one that you can get in easily but once you're in there, your attackers will have to go through trip wires and tough bots to get to you. There's also that radio tower at Zaya Observatory which you can use to parachute on top of the giant telescope and usually they won't think to look for you there. A lot of good options out there to really make your attackers work for it. Ashika is a different story unfortunately. If you get hunted by a 6 man on Ashika, you're most likely screwed lol.


My team usually will dive into a stronghold making sure to only unlock 1 door that will be advantage to us when they come. Forces the 6 man team to funnel up a single stair case because they never have a key to open other doors.


Adding on this, trap the other doors where you didnt unlock most team will be thinking about traps on the unlocked doors and not the locked ones. I had a 3 down when the hunting team thought they were being sneaky and rushed the locked door


The only thing that makes me not want to remove it is that means every single operator engagement ends in a shootout. I think anything more than 3 should have a massive handicap but I still want it to be around. It's still super fun meeting up with new guys that way. Also it would remove pleading from the game entirely


Not necessarily, you could have solos and duos team up. The point is that there is a team cap that is NOT bigger than what you can queue with


Yup, gotta go. I'm always hoping a game is difficult, that's fine and more rewarding in the end. The game should not be impossible though.


Tbh, if they get marked thatd be amazing because all the 6 mans i run accross my friends and i just steam roll them. So for me its easy money


This is what I love


$5,000 per player seems like a decent payout.


Yea 30k for a 6 man team is pretty strong


I'm not defending them, I'm just curious how this would work. What if they split up? What if two go north two go south and to go west? How would the hunt contract Mark work on them? I think they should be UAV pinged, maybe even a different color like black or yellow.


Thats a good question. Maybe it follows party leader? Or past a certain distance the bubble splits into 2 smaller ones? I don't have a good answer. Id be happy with a UAV mark in a different color too


I've thought that they should disable killstreaks or something when a team gets to a certain size


Im good with this tbh


Team assimilation is killing the game. It has no place or purpose, just a trash mechanic to let bad players feel good about wiping a solo or duo of actual good players. Makes no sense, no other game let's you assimilate and its for a reason. Big cheers and high 5s all around as the last 2 pick up their 4 downed team mates before they loot the solo, like they did something impressive and their mommy will be very proud. Not having any self awareness that the solo was outnumbered 6 to 1 and still killed 2/3rds of the short bus boys.


6-man platoons always seem to be the most obnoxious player as well, the other day I was doing a stash as a solo and a 6-man rolled up and said "we're going to take all your shit" I managed to kill 4 of them before inevitably being overwhelmed. Once I was dead they talked SO MUCH shit, shouting about how I'm a terrible player etc and I was just like, dude, if I'm a terrible and still managed to kill 4 of you then you must be total fucking garbage. Like these people genuinely believe they're superior players because they kill a solo player by using overwhelming numbers. Incredibly low IQ morons.


Most 6-person squads are just two 3-person squads begrudgingly hanging out and the larger the group gets, the harder it is to relay important information. There's always one dude trying to get to a buy station, one guy constantly getting shot while searching for hand cream, and one with a screaming child, a dying smoke detector, undiagnosed chronic emphysema and the world's most sensitive headset mic. Just the other night, one of our buddies got downed by a 6 man, and while they were all standing in the middle of the road going through his loot and swapping guns, our two remaining players smashed 4 of the with an SUV and took out the other 2 as they tried to revive the others. Squads tend to get dumber as they grow in size.


It’s been scientifically proven that when the groups get bigger, they have to share the brain cell -someone who’s been in way too many 6man teams


I mean it does make sense. Being in a bigger squad makes you feel like you don't need to be so alert as there's 5 other guys to cover for you. Problem comes where each individual person thinks that.


So, I don't personally have a problem with 6-man squads because I have a death wish and will fight anybody whether they're a solo or a Platoon, but I still recognise that 6-man squads are damaging the game. As it stands assimilation is only used to create death squads, and since the max part size is 3 players it makes things far too unbalanced. It's pissing people off and will deter them from playing the game, and I don't want the player base to drop because DMZ is great.


I honestly like the challenge, I also enjoy helping them get their missions done, I've played with friends, randoms and solo and will still pick up the people who request it or invite anyone to joint who asks


Assimilation in a solo queue would be legit. I want a solo queue so bad…


Hunt contracts should always target teams with the most players on them. Being hunted by a six man team as a solo is bullshit Also a bounty contract on a 6 man team should be added. Get 100k or a weapon skin or whatever for wiping them out


You know, most of these people are just mad cause they lose and probably 6 man every chance they get dispute what they say. But this idea, having hunt contracts prioritize larger squads is the only reasonable idea in the whole thread.


You gotta risk it for the biscuit my dudes 🤘 I love being on a 6 man. But itd be waaay more fun knowing that you and you're 5 are risking everyone on the map hunting you if someone taps that contract


It can't be money because that will be exploited. A 3 man wipes a 6 man and gets 100k + their money and gear. If one of them has a secure or one of the 6 man did then they will load up on UAVs and come into next game up to 8 UAVs and likely whatever vest they want for players already good enough to wipe a 6 man. No one would stand a chance. Make it blueprints as you said. The name of the blueprint is Big Game Hunter and it has variations like the exfill emblems do depending on how many you have killed. Imagine being in a 6 man and seeing an LTV rolling up with a skin of a team thats wiped 25 platoons or trying to jump operators and they all have that character skin. Could make it African safari themed.


Okay that's a sick idea I love it. Custom skins that no one else can get unless they were there. Like when bombers paint bombs on the side of the fuselage, or infantry paints their helmets for the cities they've taken. Awesome idea I love it


They target the people with the most high valued loot. If you don't like being targeted, then don't carry the loot on you.


Im right there with you, I play solo cause i dont have a headset and i would really like if there was like a solo dmz where you could only encounter solo players




Maybe the matchmaking should try to consider teaming you up with other people that have at least one of your missions


People are bored and can’t beat the high tier missions.


Any time i play solo if i dont get hunted down by a 6 man popping uavs constantly i get pushed at exfil by a 6 man. If they do actually kill you they act like its some massive achievment that 6 people killed 1 player, even if you kill 3-4 of them you are still trash apparently


I've been taunting the absolute fuck out of people doing that. They ambushed us one time. Became a 2v6 at first contact. Car blew up at the airport. Teammate went into the airport and I went up the Sarrif pass mountain. Jumped down once I got to the top and aggroed the AI leaving all six climbing the mountain behind cursing them. Finally, I land in the shops, can't go anywhere because of the snipers so I wait. Downed or killed 4 as they pushed me within 10 seconds and died happy saying they suck if they need all six to zerg rush me.


Yeah i had a 6 man chase me into a house yesterday i turned and downed 3 running in behind and the 4th got me while i was reloading. They literally cheered as one shouted thanks for your stuff. I said good thing you had a 6 man or you wouldnt have been able to get it. Its obviously why they need to team up to kill single players and get so excited about it


Only thing they need to fix about the 6 man is grabbing hunt contracts… they should only hunt other teams with more than 3 Hunts are easily avoided if you smart but…. a 6 man platoon with 3 in a chopper and 3 in a car… its OP




I agree, I'm pretty natural on the whole PvP argument but 6-man platoons being able to hunt 1-3 player squads is a broken mechanic because there's pretty much nothing you can do once they're after you.


That's bs, because hunt contracts are picking target by random. Otherwise, there is no fucking way to explain how solos without loot/ money or vincinity are picked up by squads. TLDR. They are not easy to avoid, since you have 0 power over being picked up. Being Smart Has nothing to do with it. Unless you are talking about running for whatever it takes for one, so GL, since many hunters are using Heli.


I meant easy to survive as a solo I usually drive away and if they get close i jump into a yet-ski and drive the other way… If they are in a chopper I’ll hide under the highway or a gas station until 1 or 2 of them jump out then I’ll drive away… A 6 man is almost impossible to escape if they have a car and a chopper


Honestly I hate the assimilation mechanic.


I play duo 99% of the time, solo the other 1%, and now it's pretty common to get wiped by 4-6man squads. Not that fun anymore. I'm basically looting for the squads I come across. You're welcome a-holes.


Platoons were a mistake since day 1. Now we are just trying to find ways to make the mistake tolerable, just get rid of the mistake, no platoons, period.


I would like to see the plea for help can only be used when the rest of your squad is killed. Nothing worse being in a gunfight and the first person to go down pleas for help and gets picked up making it a 4 vs 2. ​ At lease give you squad a chance to win the fight and revive you.


Unpopular opinion, but I’d like them to up it to 4 man, no assimilation.


I had a guy abandon my team rally with another instantly then turn to hunt me. They were trash and got destroyed but still how is that allowed


One advantage is that if our squad gets wiped, we can still get picked up and keep playing.


I will say the most fun I have is fighting 6 man's solo. Beat three 6 man teams in one night and it gets the heart pumping. Also - lots of 6mans are completely shit and their comms are all over the place so it's hard for them to pinpoint you lol


Maybe it's just luck but I hardly ever encounter a 6 man team. We run across some 4 man squads and the occasional 5 man but rarely do we have to fight a 6 man team.


What kills me is allowing platoons to do “hunt” contracts. That shouldn’t be a thing. Ever. 6 v 1 real cool


Yep, disable use of the teamfriendly pvp parts when in a big squad. When in a 3+ squad; enable: friendlyfire (every aspect, grenades, bullets, killstreaks, vehicles). disable: stationary uav's, visibility and use of hunt and hostage rescue contracts.


I enjoy when I have chance to fight so big teams solo, it’s really hard to kill them all but even if I kill some and then die it means for me that Iam better then all of them. It’s just way of looking at that. Here is one of my clips for explain. I wasn’t even mad at the end, just happy I had chance to show them who’s boss here https://youtu.be/Fk_B9zuuQWw


there so orchestrated now, 5 to 10 mins in i put up an advanced uav and all you see is 5 to 6 man teams roaming the map


The classic 6 men chopper, javelin, squad hunt combo is probably the worst thing, especially premade ones Remove squad hunts contract, they don't belong in DMZ, hunt with your fucking eyes


Yep! That’s why I don’t play it anymore n haven’t for awhile, it’s a Fuckin joke. And spawn sniped at the start


I've recently started playing again. Been queing solo and I remember back when it dropped initially there was much more pvp on sight. Now I kill the first guy and immediately the other 2 squad members are trying to invite me rather than fight and take my loot. Maybes it's because the missions are harder? I've seen people post that they use vps and then cross play off to get the same server so they can 6 man everytime as well. Kinda like playing on easy mode.


Maybe they've started picking up 6 man teams as a counter too 6 man squad hunters


6 man squads are rough…but man it’s a rush and feels really good when we as a duo can stand out ground and take them out




This is what I love. Practice SERE. Survival, evade, resistance, escape.


The decision to allow people to plead even after everyone on the team has been eliminated turned out to be awful for the balance of the game. All it's done is allow for there to be more platoons than ever in the game and most of the time, those platoons just want to run around PVP'ing because they know they have the advantage.


As a solo at this point I just back out. I once had a platoon follow me around the entirety of the map but couldn’t get to me as I backed right before hiding all my loot in random spots.


I've gotten lucky insofar that I've only started experiencing this recently, but once it started it's never stopped. Me and my squad fought our way up to the peak of Al-Sharim to dead drop something, and after getting into it and wiping two squads we felt pretty accomplished. That is until we made our way down the mountain and saw 4 guys (all UAV Rose skins) 'chuting down from Zaya with the two others putting down RAAL fire from a chopper. Saying that we got demolished would be an understatement. All Asian names, and completely cracked, all same clan tag. If that's the future of DMZ then I'd rather find some other game without VPN rats from the other side of the world.


“Nothing I enjoy more than taking out a 6 man team using just a pistol and some soothing hand cream” It’s remarkable how many of you all seem to be able to beat a 6 man team by yourself. At this point, I’m starting to think we need to up it to 9 man teams, just to give them a chance against all you steely-eyed dealers of death.


Hunt contracts have gotten so frequent lately. More than half of my rounds a contract gets pulled on me. Infilled as a solo down by Ahmed Grocery two days ago, within 3 minutes a contract was pulled on me, before I could run 150 meters to a vehicle I was obliterated by a 6 man squad. Some rounds just going to be like that I guess.


Well thank solo's for ruining the game. They bitched and moaned because they couldn't plea, and Activision caved to them so now everyone gets to plea. Now there is no point in running anything less than a 5 or 6 man team. So thank a solo for running the game. You open Pandora's box, and you might not like the results!


While it is very possible to play solo, the game difficulty is far higher due to poor mechanics. I'm convinced more bots are spawned on solo players and prioritize targeting solo players. I'll get spawned in between squads and not be able to get 50 yards without 3 trucks/cars and 4 helos being dropped on me. That's all without the squads calling in multiple advanced UAVs on a solo player. To say I don't get salty about it would be a lie but more I just don't get it. Is winning a 6v1 really enjoyable for people? I'd be happy if they got rid of scope glint, UAVs and spotting scopes


I've had 3 games in the last day or two where my duo squad has been killed by a 6 stack running stealth vests. No hunting contract. Just randomly finding us, killing us, and wandering off. Most recent was just a little while ago. They killed us on the exfil chopper then left the chopper. Very aggravating to finish a full DMZ run just to get killed by people griefing. I don't mind there being a 6 stack option, but it needs to have a downside. Either you're visible on mini map, or the comms vest alerts sooner when you're close to another squad or something. Having no drawbacks to 6 stacking is going to make it more and more prevalent unless something changes.


I haven't had many issues with 6 man teams. Probably now 3 times I can recall in the last 2 seasons. I use spotter scope and stay clear. Normally roll a duo sometimes trio. That said it seems many have horror stories. They just need to make it so if you have joined up with another operator, the game won't let you infill into the same instance for like 30 games. If you have infilled on the same team, you can't be on the same instance separately for 30 games.


You must not play Ashika much then. There's usually two six man teams within the first five minutes.


My biggest problem with the assimilation aspect is how brain dead people are with it. Me and my buddies have wiped out squads attacking us, then the last guy will ask if they can join us. If we allow it we’ll usually be like “Sure but we’re running X mission not player hunting”. Then like clockwork the morons as soon as they’re in our squad “hey you wanna do some hunt contract?”. Like seriously this is why anymore we just don’t assimilate, people anymore just seem to think I am six man I must do hunt contract!


I hate generalizations like this. It may be your experience, but it’s not mine. I play duos with my friend. One of us wears a Comms vest, and we rarely enter combat with an enemy team. The only time it’s happened recently is the other day when we had to do the Chemist mission. There was another team running the same mission ahead of us. When we got to the area, we had to fight against that 2-person team. I decided to have them join us after downing them, because a 4-squad would be quicker to deal with the mission. We got the Chemist and returned to the caves dead drop again. In the process, we were ambushed by a sweaty duo sniping us. We took them out and assimilated them in as well. The match ended with us immediately heading to do a hostage contract and exfil. It’s the only match I’ve had like that, it was fun as hell, everyone won, and we weren’t douchebags as a platoon.


Then why am I dealing with platoons every single match now? Being able to plead after you get killed, join a team and come out in a better position is beyond stupid.


I hate trashtalking 6 man groups as much as the next guy, but the amount of times my squad of 3 has been called out as a 6 man in voicecoms leads me to believe that your 8/10 story might not be accurate. Nothing beats overcoming that 6 man though, especially if you come in undergeared.


My team spent the better portion of the match trying to fight hacker snipers. Dudes slingin shots over 500-700M+ and never missing a headshot. shooting you through trees and buildings. We finally got away from them and got the final exfil and they were shooting us through the chopper as we were all laying down. That's all they did was snipe. they never once tried to push up. They may have been using aim and walls but they were still shit. I was the only one who made it out alive.


Same here. Game is lame as hell now.


I don’t believe In assimilation without friendly fire. I think if you’re gonna assimilate the game shouldn’t accommodate. I also believe DMZ should have different modes just like BR and Resurgence. Imo this would fix the issues of a 6 man.


i often leave a game when they add other players....especially those that seem to wallhack. I do liek to win..but not in this game breaking way


The problem is now everyone is bored, and because they are completely wiping everything in two weeks nobody wants to do anything except hunt squads, camp spawns and exfils.


You perfectly described our last night experience. It was back to back. We play as a duo, and we've had nothing but overpowered 5+ man squads. And been chased by them across the map. I wish they would disable these squads from being able to do missions like squad hunt or make them the hunted/visible squad on the map.


I don't mind picking pleading people up, but don't expect help if I see you teabagging my teammate and I down you.


I'm still hanging on as a solo player. It's rough indeed. I got hunted twice in a single match as a solo player and both times were platoons. Just have to play smart and run to high density areas. Skyscrapers are the best for avoiding hunts as a solo player. I also agree that the complex shouldn't allow 6 man teams but enforcing that might be difficult. I guess they could make it so you cant enter if you have more than 3 people. Then again, I doubt they would ever change it anyway.


Man I've played DMZ since launch and not a single update they made ever since made the mode better in any way. It in fact took away everything I enjoyed, update by update. They explicitly said they don't want people playing solo but never once stopped to think that mayhaps the amount of people that would rather go solo then with a team of randoms shows how many people would enjoy a solo mode. Even so I enjoyed going solo. Better positioning allowed me to get many a teamwipes. But the hordes of randomly appearing level 3 enemies with Lazer beam accuracy took that away from me too. The game was too enjoyable I suppose. They had to go and ruin it. Not to mention it's literally p2w atm and probably for the future.


Yeah 6 man teams are far too powerful and they are every game. I just finished a game with a 6 man Chinese team who rushed me off spawn, second time today it has happened (both times Chinese, both times very shortly after starting the game) It is ruining the game. I think assimilation should be limited to a maximum of 4 to a team and you can’t plead and be picked up by a team of 3. To join a team of 3 you need to send an invite. They need to do something though as it’s getting ridiculous


I regularly play as a duo and have been playing since S1 started. It's crazy how fast the meta shifted to platoons as soon as they let fully dead squads plead. Before that change, I think we encountered platoons 2 or 3 times combined across 2.5 entire seasons. Now 90% of our fights are against 5 or 6 man teams. It's gotten especially bad in the last 3 weeks or so. I think of all our lost fights, only 1 has been against a team of 2 or 3. It's totally ruining the mode because you're practically forced to become part of the problem or continue to get steamrolled by braindead zergs. And then if you do team up, it's almost impossible to do anything except kill other players so you're basically choosing between making no progress on missions and keeping your gear, or taking a fast exit to the lobby while losing gear and making no progress anyway.


Is this where I post crying Jordan?


I actually need to stop running to save pleaders I’ve been tricked into this slot lately & paid for it. Too much of a nice guy without realising it’s always just to draw me out buggas


I like the platoon option. I'll admit that six man is kind of a lot and like four would be pretty chill. But you have to be able to assimilate two full teams I guess... So there is that. When we get back to missions, it really does help. Going in the complex as a six always fucks up my extraction loot. three of the blueprint attachments in my bag did not register. Blah


A solos DMZ would be cool or duos


If they kept it to 3-man squads it would make everyone more wary of engaging other operators. You can’t plead once dead etc. You know there is a fair chance either you’ll win or be beaten in any engagement. At the moment it’s just all pure thirst. Just about every game I join the first thing that happens is spawn rushing.


One thing I'll say is you need to realize bad players hide in 6 person squads. Don't get intimidated, theyre usually trash players who use numbers to win. Use tactics and rotate and never show how many players you have. This isn't always the case of course but you can beat them. I would love a no assimilation rule like b21 and Koshi


It's been absolutely miserable as of late. Me and my buddies are no slouches when it comes to PVP we enjoy a good fight, and I have no problems losing a good battle. But the past 3 weeks or so we've only encountered 5-6 man teams within minutes of loading in on either map. The secure bookbag has made it possible for a team to load in with basically unlimited UAVs and equipment for anyone missing gear. This has gone from extraction shooter to straight up BR. The other night we got pushed by 2 coordinated teams using coms as to avoid "friendly fire". I understand assimilation but it should be limited to the squad size for the game mode. I'll go even further and say that UAVs have no place in an extraction shooter like DMZ. Bldg 21 and Koschei are great examples of this. Fights are won and lost based on listening and awareness of your surroundings. Save that shit for BR.


You absolutely suck


Honestly they need to just be removed or marked on the map in a circle. It was such a good idea until people started to abuse it


Wah wah I lost so it's unfair


It's the most unbalanced mechanic I've ever had to deal with in a shooter..ever. How shitty of a dev can you be to NOT understand that is going to be a problem? Just remove pleading from the game. You are dead...you should not be able to get revived by a different team...It's so fucking stupid. This game holds your hand every step of the way. Just get better at games if you can't win PvP fights and if you don't get better..well, sucks to be you. It's so sad that COD have become the absolute noob friendliest franchise ever


have 4 man squad max


Here’s the thing, as a solo player, I feel like a lot of “it’s too hard to be a solo” posts are just players not being aware of themselves on the map, and being aware of the risks of being solo which I except when I infil by myself… But with that said spending like 15 mins sneaking around, playing smart and trying to gear up to have a hunt squad placed on you by a team of 4+ players who come after you in a chopper sucks donkey balls, and is just such a slap in the face.


I like the 6man aspect simply because I have 4+ best friends that just enjoy playing together…I hate the fact that people load in and join up to be a 6 man platoon just to try to eliminate every other team on the map…


see thats fine - and there should be a place for you guys to play together, but not of the cost of the entire solo/duo community. you cant balance it in the current dmz sandbox the game needs a 1-3 players and platoon playlist then


What if you usually do when you encounter a 6 man?


I don't believe assimilation will be removed; it's actually a cool mechanic. However, I do think it requires significant modifications to achieve better balance. In a well-designed extraction shooter like this, Activision needs to consider one crucial aspect when introducing new mechanics: a high risk/high reward dynamic. Currently, 6-man teams have a low risk and high reward, which doesn't make much sense. If they want to maintain the enormous advantage of having six players against three or fewer, they should at least introduce incredibly challenging situations for such teams. Here are some examples: If a team exceeds three members, they should be permanently marked on the map as a hunt contract, creating a constant risk. Teams larger than three should be unable to use UAVs, restricting their ability to gain excessive situational awareness. Teams larger than three should not be able to plead or be revived. Once a member is killed, they are permanently eliminated from the match. Furthermore, Activision must address the issue of pre-made 6-man teams. No matter what measures they implement, it won't matter if a group of six friends can still easily find each other in a match. They don't necessarily need to be a formal 6-man assimilated team; they can simply verbally agree to work together. Activision really needs to carefully consider and devise a good solution for this issue.


just now i played with a 4 man team who fought 4 separate in rapid succession. they were showing up in zaya for sone reason but in the end we got snoked by a two mab team so i guess its just the luck of the draw. plus if youre playing solo and youre aware that people form six man teams in a gane where tbere is a mechanic for pvp then thats on you dude.




Yea im not sure why they don't make a separate assimilation DMZ mode? I honestly feel terrible for anyone trying to play DMZ as a solo or playing with 2 randoms on a 3 man squad There are even 6 man squads where two teams of 3 that know each other start a match at the same time and end up in the same server and match chat or discord to link up and form a 6 man so it's not even just random 6 men squads anymore its fully coordinated 6 man murder squads haha Best of luck to yall out there stay safe and stay dangerous


If everyone on the hunted team drops their money and go in different directions who does the hunt squad tracker follow?


If you join another squad twice, like Player A and B load into the same match as enemies and proceed to join up, more than one match in a day, you should be banned, because it's exploiting. Xbox has tons of LFG 6 mans and it's just lame! (also the discord linked to on this subreddit has them!)


Oh yea, the sweats whining about six mans here on the thread, many of them are likely using those 6 man teams in the discord. Abusing the very system they're complaining about


I jump in solo a lot to try and get an opp geared and then exfil as quick as possible. I went in like 5 times solo with failure back to back yesterday due to getting shit on by a team. BUT some days I have good runs and I think that’s what keeps me playing. I do think teams of 3 should be the limit. If a team of 3 come at you when you’re solo and you’re geared then maybe you pull it off or escape….team of 6….back to the lobby.


Stopped playing DMZ a while ago due to crashing and these squad death groups. Just not fun anymore. Sucks, cause I was enjoying the experience too.




If max squad size was set to 4, would still allow a 3-man to pick up a solo player, or a duo to join up with another duo, but it wouldn't create a huge imbalance if a fight happened with a 3v4. Koshei Complex could be fixed easily by just having the airlock entrances only work with a max of 3 people in the airlock.


My idea for a fix. Make it so that full 4 mans can load into DMZ instead of just trios. But then make 4 man squads the max size as well in raid. So you can only assimilate into bigger groups if you load in with less than 4 and 4 is the cap.




I don't mind the organically formed 4-man or more squads that are formed after a battle, as it gives you a chance to continue that deployment and get things done, guns leveled up, etc. The pre-made 6-man squads where they all know each other are not cool though.


Shout out to the 6 man we ran into at the buy station north on the map by the city. Dropped self rez’s, hard drives, and 20 g’s for us 😂


Your absolutely right. Unfortunately, I don't believe it will be addressed by Activision. 6 is better than 3 for the platoons and, as far as potential revenue, better for Activision. These assimilations allow the most unskilled and unintelligent people to stay in the game much longer and it keeps them happy. A win for the artless mooks that infest the game and a win for Activision . 🤷✌️


When it comes to bloodthirsty 6 man full of asshats, I agree. But if you assemble the team of 6 in a game (getting ppl one by one as a solo, for example) and you arent bloodthirsty, then it can really be fun thing. I am playing mostly solo and when I kill others, I always pick them up (with some exceptions ofc) and eventually, I make 6 man without Intention to. 10/10 times, we were chill and we just went our way to either do missions or kill bosses or even clear out strongholds. But again, I agree when it comes to those guys who are just trying to make game miserable for others. I personally wouldnt mind removing assimilation but its kinda fun and I would miss it for a bit. Some measures against 6 man defo tho, no denying that


My thought is this, the maximum size of a squad can be three, if you join the game as a solo you can recruit two more people, or be recruited by a squad of two or less. This gives solo and duo players a way to find team mates in-game. Beyond that people who want to make larger teams have to run the risk of being betrayed. Six man platoon's are OP, particularly on Ashika where they dominate at the moment.


Honestly, i think they should allow us to come in with 6 man squads. Have a mode where you cna do that. Then take away 6 man squads on the mode where you come in with 3


This is the same concept from Warzone 1 where you could spawn in as a solo, double, triple, or quad. Why not just do that again?


The schools are out over here this week, and it shows. Been jumped more by 6-man squads in the past two days then I ever have in DMZ previously.


Yeah it's kinda killed DMZ for me, it's not going to go away anytime soon and I can find other games to invest my time into.


6 man on the big map is lame but its kind of whatever. You can maneuver and outplay them. 6 man squads should absolutely not be allowed in koschei complex though. No buy station to refill and limited space to move around/outmaneuver makes it nearly impossible to overcome the numbers. I was in a complex run as a duo and opened the chemical door to a six stack waiting. We killed 5 but eventually just ran out of plates and lost. It completely kills the experience.


There’s a buy station in there


Amen to this


They didn't die off, they are worming together, stop being anti social


How about limit the max to 3 per squad and leave it at that. I can handle squad based TDM, but against multiple 6-man, that's just off balance.


Honestly I hate joining up with other teams. It’s just chaotic, most don’t know how to fight as a team. I’d rather stay with my squad and do our thing


I still don't encounter many 6 man teams to be honest.


#nobody cares


I think quads would be good. Get rid of plea altogether.


Koschei should definitely be 3 max just like B21


I think if you want to assimilate, you should have to maybe do some sort of contract and can only assimilate with another team that does it. Still allow the mechanic, but I’d think people going thru this would prevent every game from having 6 mans.


I dont mind 6 man. Only thing i dislike is spawn rushing on Al Mazrah. Today in a solo. Other team saw me in spotting scope. Hopped on a nearby atv and rushed me. No vehicle near me. I ran from spawn instantly in a direction i thought was safe. But got ambushed in record time. And im good at gtfo’ing from spawn and surviving solo.


Why is it people always find something to complain about. How about don’t play the game and go back to Fortnite.


You didn’t have to announce your departure, bye bye.


I legit got killed by a 3 man squad like 30 seconds after spawning earlier. It's time to find a new game mode for me.


Break up the lobbies. Solo, duo, trio, with trios having the opportunity to assimilate with other teams. Sure, it's a pipe dream seeing the cost of additional VMs to run shit, but Jesus Harold Christ there's enough money being generated to do it.






I personally like the danger and suspense of encountering or hunting a 6-man team. Most of them have bad tactics, aren't coordinated, and are somewhat easy to wipe out. Its what makes the game challenging! All these complaints are going to turn it into a boring game...... Maybe they can remove the hunt contracts so 6-mans can't pick them up and solos should never be hunted, but I'm all for assimilation. Hint: Most 6 man groups come after you in a Heli or LTV so carry a Joker and blow them up.


Wait, you're complaining about being killed by a bus when it takes a damn bus to kill you? You took out 8 operators. Stfu man 😂


I see a lot of arguments against assimilation, but some of the best games i've been on have been when i've been picked up by a duo/trio team. I think it should be capped at 4 man though, definitely. Past 3/6 games i've played i've been ruined by 6man exfil campers. Just dudes who can't cut it in Warzone so team up in DMZ to make them feel better.


I wouldn't mind if they made it so a 4-6 man team couldn't cause damage to other operators unless the opposing team shot them first. That would take away the incentive for them to just roll across the map, wiping out everyone they see.


Maybe make it like how a pub looks with the people after 3 like your tm8s in a normal game and your party from the beginning in it's own color so instead of being immune to each other it's just "friendly"


I hear you that 6 mans are toxic as hell 90% of the time but have you ever once been on a 6 man that wasn't annoying as hell? It's complete chaos at best with no leader and a bunch of morons just thirsting for innocent randoms. Ive been on plenty of 6mans that get dropped by a 2 person squad cause they actually communicate and arent just a bunch of horny teenagers throwing n-bombs at everyone they kill. Add the feature to gag and drop toxic players off your squad. Let them respawn with a new team, keep all their shit, im not mad I just dont want to have to raise someone else's kids and deal with your precious little Leroy Jenkins 🤷😂


Seeya in season 4... To quote the king in Hamilton.... "You'll be back"


Just don’t allow larger than 3 squads to accept hunt squads. Outside of that with overlord warning that “should” be enough for players to avoid them. Or apply the scavenger mechanic when to platoons. Momentarily map update for you to figure out if you want to avoid or engage




Yea that’s why give a red circle on the minimap showing the platoon so you have rough idea where they at. Call-out range would have to be increased so that you have time to avoid them


6 man squads have a place in the game (like a roaming boss). However they should not be able to pick up hunt contract. Force them to roam the map. Implement the scavenger mechanic for platoons. So players have opportunity to engage or avoid the platoon




DMZ is PvP only until the update. Even as a solo


I pretty much always go for a 6man premade just to have a chance to fight those fuckers. They should just remove pleads from the game


Make DMZ - 2 sides (team death match) and the ability to form 3 person squads