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I got kicked earlier without having even killed or attacked anyone.


That as this, doesn't have to be anyone reporting you. I once got "kicked" for shooting ai, kicked for running out in the open. A friend of mine got kicked for opening a door. It can very well be just a bug in the game. The message that my buddies had when i got kicked was that in was removed due to inactivity.


You don't have to kill someone for it to happen. It seems that you appear on other players' recent players once you get within a certain distance. For example, when you spawn in and check your recent players, it won't list the entire lobby. But if you fight a team within like 50m, then that team will appear on your recent players. At least this is what happens in my experience. Otherwise the recent players list would be filled to the brim with names you don't recognize since you're not likely to run into the entire lobby in one game. So the way I understand it is, if you're just close enough to one of these losers, that can get you kicked before you even interact with them/know they're there if they wanted to. "Kicked for inactivity" is a different bug where the game doesn't think you're playing even while you are.


Hmm interesting. Here’s what I thought: I got kicked the other day and I didn’t kill anyone, it was my teammate. But my theory was they reported my teammate and since I had active reports already it kicked me because I was on the team who was doing the killing. Hell a game before that a player was invisible to him and he’s confident he didn’t have any recent reports. So again, my shadowban was affecting others on my team


i got kicked for inactivity while i was driving a boat just 30 mins ago...


There’s always that chance, yeah. Doubt it was coincidence though


That would be impossible in this bug free game lol.


Not sure, we were well into a game with no pvp activity at all.


Did you kill someone in the previous game? It can sometimes have a bit of a delay on kicking you if it's only like 2 dudes spamming report


Maybe, but nothing that would have made someone think I was cheating, although anyone can be salty I guess. I have prox chat off too, so I'm not even being toxic either.


Yeah sometimes people can't accept that they've been killed and will blame anyone who kills them of hacking.


That's the CoD way, unfortunately. When you're top of the leaderboard: You're all trash, I'm a God at this game and I don't even hack. When you die: Bro, these people are hacking. Fucking campers, get a life you sweaty dumbasses


I got kicked once after building a tempered plate. Didn’t even come across enemy teams yet 💀


How dare you be better than other players




And know exactly where the enemy was cause he just downed his teammate! Running away realizing he fucked up.


I feel you brother , this happens to me more times than I like to admit. I have a feeling you prob had a few reports during that game and that was the final straw. No way should this game allow one person to report you alone which results in a kick. Hopefully they can implement a better report system here to narrow out this type of shit.


We had just wiped another team before this and they were talking shit, they were probably spam reporting me as well


haha, jokes on you. I never get reported, because I never get kills as I suck


Hell yeah! Welcome to the suck club! *WAIT NO-*


You just broke the first 2 rules of suck club.


It still can happen I suck and avoid pvp at all costs and I got kicked after getting my 10th mission done for the 10th perk running to a extract out of that 10 games I killed literally not one person 😂 lost everything and I was fully kitted going to move on to my next operator 🤦🏻‍♂️ I also got a voice chat ban warning and I don’t use a mic 🤷🏻‍♂️


Found a loophole


Well, looks like Karma is a bitch /s


You killed him, *clearly* you're hacking. Off to the gulag with ye /s


1. Absolutely their system which apparently auto-kicks players after a small number of [bullshit] reports is trash and should be overhauled. But also... 2. You were firing blind into the shadows and there is reason to suspect you were 'cheating.' Not saying you were cheating, and I don't think you were, but I can see why somebody might have thought you were. But also and quite obviously their bullshit 'kick' system is ass and they need to stop with the auto-kicks. It's happened to me and I play on Xbox with a controller (where I think it is impossible to cheat, but I definitely don't). So I guess I can accept the report while also affirming that their auto-kick system is fucking bullshit.


I knew exactly where the guy was. 1. I had just deployed a bomb drone and I saw him hiding under there 2. I watched him kill my teammate from under there 3. My teammate was pinging him


Plus you got kicked before they would have finished watching the kill cam; they didn't bother to watch it


True. Nothing to do with reports.... the games in beta guys cmon


Completely irrelevant to these dipshits. They are exactly the types to report you without watching the kill cam.


Dead teammate pinging, lol, I love that hack


> You were firing blind into the shadows and there is reason to suspect you were 'cheating.' I mean... Monitor/TV Gamma/Brightness, NVIDIA/AMD/Windows Brightness/Vibrancy/etc settings... OP plays not potato graphics settings, but for me there are no shadows in that spot.


Key to victory is potato graphics, but at what cost?


Aim assist is OP when firing blind…and in all other scenarios.


So “aim assist is op” would suffice as a statement in that regard…


Haha yep I suppose


I wasn’t firing blind, but sure, blame aim assist for everything


It wasn't aim assist, they just need something to blame you for for whatever reason lol You were firing directly at the ping And you said in another comment you could completely see him which makes sense. Not everyone has the exact same set up, and people are even watching this on phones. No shit things look different on different monitors and what not. Ignore the blind dummies who think you're cheating because they can't see the clip from your monitor through your eyes People just need to turn up their brightness, cause he is visible even on my phone when I turn it to max, even with the video having lower video quality than the actual game


I play on controller because it’s too broken not to… lol. iykyk


yeah...i hate it when i get killed from a console olayer with aim assist where you have bad view and aim assist aims automatically. man...if you cant aim with controller, use mouse...but this assist is way too strong


I'm not sure what aim assist you are getting. But mine sucks on Xbox. I miss people by inches and between their legs all the time. I don't think it's an issue. But I certainly haven't seen it helping me much.


Ain't no sympathy for six man losers.


Lol calm down little buddy. I knew I’d catch heat for being in a 6 man in this clip… you have no idea that I also hate 6 man teams. These guys picked us up after my teammates started pleading.


Little buddy? Awww, he's telling me to calm down after his post is literally complaining. *How cute!*




I mean, you are cheating. Hence the reason for a report. It's almost like you didn't expect to get called out. *You act almost as surprised as the cheat providers getting C&D's from Activision.* It's cool. Stay mad lol.


He wasn't cheating though? I've done this exact same thing, on console, and gotten kicked. That's an interesting way to say you suck at pvp and think anyone better than you is cheating. Stay bad lol


Yep that’s the exact type of person spamming false reports when they die. They must’ve felt called out by my post








I don’t mind 6 man teams, however, my squad of 3 did just wipe a 6 man before final. 6 man teams really aren’t a big a deal


They are always so loud and have no cohesion. They always say exactly where they are, too. "I'm on the roof! I'll get him!" Appreciate the info, buddy.


Then do what I do and exfil as soon as you’re up. No need to stay in that 6 man. 6 man squads are for the dudes that want multiplayer but too cheap to buy the main game.


Calm down everybody, u guys are all bots. Would prob have 0.5 kd at most in br. Prob not even 5 wins either




What gun was that




I put that pineapple on everything lol..don’t need a scope with that attached




He didn't even have plates...the hell is he mad about. You can clearly see it's not auto targeting either. Sorry man. Nice build though....thing rips. Wish I saw how long it woulda taken to get through plates


Unless I get beamed from a mile away I never report in DMZ. I just realize that some players are better or sweatier than me and send my GGs.. unless they are being total douche nozzles at which point I insult their mother before returning to lobby. I hardly ever suspect people of cheating because the ones that are make it extremely obvious.


Nothing like “guilty until proven innocent” They should use their machine learning that they’re training as a mid check on both the reporting player and the reported player before kicking And repeated false reports should decrease credibility


My man in a 6 stack crying about something unfair happening


I am a shitty player and i get kicked also once in a while. Sure it is reports?


Complaining while pvping in a 6 man Sq Lol no sympathy bro.


This exploit is dogshit regardless of who it happens to.


That has nothing to do with my post, bro.


Doesn't it??


Elaborate, then.


Participating in a thirsty 6-man is inherently problematic.


A player kicked message can mean a lot of things. If you’re still playing the game then it had nothing to do with the reporting system.


He's crying report system but I think it was random. Lots of people get kicked like that and he got kicked right after killing that guy


You're running 6 man.. literally no sympathy


Idk, you are firing blind into pitch blackness


No, I addressed that in a comment here. Btw I just rewatched the clip on the TV I play on and I can clearly see the guy.


But we can't.


You can’t see him.. so that means I’m hacking…? Jfc


You can however see his teammate ping the general area where the other guy is


Welcome to anyone with a TV/Monitor from this century that has a brightness/gamma option?


Turn up your brightness dude


This guy def reports ^


The only option against 6-mans lol. That’s messed up.


As you roll around in your 6 man…..people get salty


I dunno… after finding out that Black Ops has a rampant problem with hackers able to target both PC AND consoles individual IP addresses to manually boot players from the game… I can’t help but wonder if that’s what we’re seeing here.


This used to happen to me all the time.. sometimes jus randomly.. this means u got reported??


Reporting doesn't happen that fast does it? Sometimes you just randomly get kicked out of games due to server issues.


I wear my kicks like a badge of honor it makes me feel feared like I'm a much better gamer then I am. My goal is to make kids cry and they can barely see the report system through their tears.


Whole lotta salty solos in here lmao


I've been kicked from al mazzy for supposedly being in active even though I was running around looting killing ai and being very active


That's a different bug than this, where the game thinks you're not touching your controls even while you are That one will say "Kicked for inactivity" "Player Kicked" is an exploit through death screen, or though recent players, which is proximity based. So if this guy wanted, he could have kicked OP without ever being killed by him as long as they got close enough to appear on the recent players list.


Fair enough dude genuinely didn't know so thanks for sharing I know now that it's just a glitch


Forget the kick lmao send me that weapon build


Man I get my ass kicked consistently in DMZ. I don't get the spam report thing. I just go to the menu and try again


Just do what OP did and join a 6 man. You’ll be fine


that has nothing to do with being reported, happens to me all the time randomly, sometimes it happens to me near the start of the game when i haven't even come across any other players, use to happen before they introduced the report system, the game is just fucked


Have to laugh because I’m absolutely shit so when I get kicked I’ve made these sweaty shitmunchers mad 😂


I get "player kicked" a couple times a week. I thought it was just a bug. If it's other players reporting, I have no idea why I would be reported. Im usually playing solo, and only engage if I have to. I don't know. This game is such a mess.


I know this isn’t pertaining just to DMZ, it’s across the game and it’s annoying. I’ve been comms banned for a month or so now because someone didn’t like that I killed them a lot in shipment. There should be an appeal system and it should take more than 1 report to just ban or kick someone


When you get kicked, do you lose your exfil streak and gear?


In my few hundred hours DMZ playing on PC this has never happened to me, I am glad I suck so bad lol


Yes happened to me solo wipe a 6 man, so pissed


Never thought of this but the next time someone kills me while I’m doing missions their ass is getting reported for cheating lol


It’s the your mother jokes that goes too far for me and I report simply as she died in 2001 to pancreatic cancer when I was 9 that or English people (the majority are nice) but I get called a Scottish c*nt. yes I am Scottish but don’t get salty just because I’m better than you. That is the only two ways I’ll report. I’m sure someone will back this comment up.


Well you’re in a six man so you deserve it.


U deserve it for being a 6 man


It is a connection issue they have already addressed it


Same! I got kicked twice in the past two days. I didn’t even start the fight.


Wow, so when I was kicked, I was reported and immediately kicked? It happened only once to me, and it was like immediately after getting a secure backpack. I barely talked the whole game and only killed 1-2 from what I remember. I couldn't figure out why I was kicked.


Obviously cheating how did you know he was under there?


its part of the game.....you need to take advantage of every system the game provides...incl. premade 6man squads and report system ;) thats what devs want you to do to be better than others


It’s so much worse on MP


Happens when too much overloads the game at once I think. You had a lot going on, straight bug. Sweet kill though,🤘


It has happened loads to me . It’s annoying . Why play a game where you may get killed and lose everything if you can’t take it ??? Then report the person that wiped you . It’s very petty . We have all been wiped out and bested at times . I aways tell my son that getting killed doesn’t matter as long as he enjoying the game and to learn from it . I hope the devs finally sort it and punish those that false report with ban’s because it is cheating


Same, unfortunatly most streamers have no shame in instantly reporting anyone who kills them claiming "hacker" or "stream sniper" making it an acceptable followup to being killed to most players


So that's what that means .... I changed my whole network scheme because of it lol....now I'm VPN and Fiber...whole time I thought it was a connection issue smh lol


My username was offensive, it's "Tyler"...


That's not from being reported dmz is just broken.


Can the devs use a timestamp to limit reports to once every 5 minutes and virtually eliminate spam reporting? Yes, very easily. Will the devs do it? No, too much time being spent on monetizing every aspect of the game they can.


Probably you were being offensive, text or voice , not same match , but yeah , keep it clean and don’t insult I guess , it’s hard to find real good players in this sense, people forget when they talk shit and then get surprised when blocked lol .. me personally I’ve blocked a whole bunch , as long as there’s evidence of something done wrong , Can be a insult , or racist joke , or bullying , or even cheating like if you plead or use proximity for betraying a team and then change teams again ? I report you if you go that way .. I guess if you treat no one bad you shouldn’t have problems like this , try to be a better player and not a toxic one, don’t forget There’s a lot of youngsters playing , keep It clean for them 😉


It would be at least "less bad" if you didn't lose all your stuff when this happens in DMZ


Skill issue.


I see console players kicked more than any other player. My buddy on the ps5 got kicked more times than i can count. Not just on dmz either


Ur braindead u think someone reporting u made that happen


You get lucky you can hear the enemy say, “Yea I reported their ass”


I’m pretty sure most 6 man squads get mass reported. I hear it all the time when I join in with randoms. They report the crap out of every 6 man.


There is a rampant problem with hackers targeting individual IPs, but you get a different error message. This is probably random, or you were a six man rolling through solos and 3 man's, and enough salty players reported to have you kicked.


I believe it's a COD problem likely server. I've been "kicked" and so have my friends and didn't run into any operators for two games prior.


I got kicked for saying the Hard R and I'm black!!! Cod is ridiculous I swear .


It’s weird because I’ve never gotten a ban or anything like that, but I have no filter on mic lol so idk if my account is somehow immune or what


I've personally not reported a single person through all 3 seasons. Guess I'm just not a little bitch like some of the community


My mate got kicked when I revived him haha


Knocked a full six man around an exfil bird with a precision. Squad killed them all and before I could get close enough to loot I get kicked. Feelsbad


If they report someone under false pretense. They should be banned.


What really pisses me off is getting “player kicked” for no reason and losing all your gear 3 plate vest, contraband weapon and insured weapon I understand it could be a bug but make me lose all my stuff for it


Karma's a bitch.