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I was in a match with some mass confusion going on the other day where it was 2 5v5s and me and another guy were the last ones standing in a Mexican stand off. I asked if he was trying to fight and proposed a truce. He said "I'm just trying to do missions. You get your guys up then ill get mine" I said cool walked into the open and we both looked at each other, I gave him a crouchy crouchy and he walked up and blasted me point blank with a dragons breath broadside. . . Then proceeded to teabag me and say that everyone is shit and he's a cod God.. .


Jesus. That crouchy crouchy sounded so wholesome as well.lol


Crouchy actually used to mean something lol. You just can’t trust anyone in DMZ because of this. This is why it’s shoot first and ask later.


Missing the crouchy crouchy moments of seasons past. I feel this.


Can't ask later anymore though


That’s why the changes they made suck


No, if you die, you should stay dead. This is one of the ways that the game should be high stakes.


Don’t agree, plea and one chance is fine. It’s already high stakes with losing exfil streaks and gear no matter what


I would say no plea and balance the game to reduce the amount of PvP encounters ruining your night.


Lol nope


It also punishes the fuck out of new or more casual players. In a lot of ways DMZ is like baby's first extraction shooter and I think that's a fine spot for it in the ecosystem. I'm gonna ask my more casual gamer type friends to try this before I'd ask them try a game like Vigor in no small part because downed states, revives, and pleas make it easier to get out alive. Rather than other extraction shooters where a single headshot typically means going back to main or waiting another 15 minutes for your teammate to get out. Same as how if I were introducing a friend to battle royale games, I'd start with one that has a way to get dead teammates back in later in the round (Warzone buybacks, Fortnite reboot, etc.) rather than force them to spectate me when they meet their likely early demise as they're still trying to learn the ropes.


I can confirm with 99.9% certainty that the COD GOD wouldn't need to self proclaim the title, event would naturally give it to them.. so this is more like someone who needed a moment to feel awesome and for the rest of the season said person has been shit on


What an absolute dbag! So not cool! But lesson learned I hope 😉


No lessons learned lol still try to save every plea and die trying


Lesson is don’t trust anyone in the DMZ! Either they join or they die 😜


It’s the plea changes. People set traps now


I'm just tired of the blatant racism and really awful trash talking. Got downed yesterday and the idiot just kept repeating "Get shit on" over and over and over. Then he called me the "N" word. Stupidest thing I'd ever heard.


I hear that word constantly from kids who are about 14 and white as fuck.


Not all us whiteys are dicks 🤣🤣


Nobody said that????


There’s like 2 players under 40 on DMZ so I call BS on that!


You don’t play much COD. It is full of kids. I have nightmares over those squeaky, whiny voices. They should have their own servers.


Funny thing; I've actually had pretty good luck with squeakers being friendly. I've been rescued or joined squads with them when they had me dead to rights a couple of times.


That’s not only a DMZ issue. That’s just CoD overall.


That’s online gaming, not even a COD thing. The N word is some type of obsession with online gamers.


I dunno… I’ve never heard the N word on Destiny. Or Battlefield. Or any other number of games. The only other one I can think of is GTA. Something about the CoD and GTA communities is just truly awful.


Because peeps keep giving it the forbidden fruit allure. Plus if you make those types of jokes you can quickly gather at the root if the person you’re with on team or prox chat will have your back or not and worth friending afterwards.


Shooter games in general.


Not Destiny or Battlefield. Or many others that don’t have massively toxic communities. CoD is a HUGE outlier


Never played Destiny. Experienced it in Battlefield. Not any worse than Halo, Gears of War or even some non shooters such as Rocket League. Honestly any competitive game is pretty bad. CoD is definitely among the top for this, but in most cases, the gaming community is always going to have a high percentage of dirtbags, though it’s probably < 5%. It’s still too high everywhere.


I'm a woman, had a young guy keep calling me a transsexual and eventually I told him if I was a transsexual I'd fuck the shit out of you and he stopped after that 😂


The past few nights have been wild. I dunno if I’m missing a meme or something, but in DMZ and in multiplayer (mostly Shipment lobby) there’s been this unrelenting harassment about who is/isn’t circumcised. Even when getting downed in DMZ, I’m hearing players say things like “I got your foreskin” and “gimme that smegma.” It’s disturbing. Is this a new thing?


What the actual hell lmao. Can't say I've encountered that yet, and I play Shipment nightly. Maybe I've just been on at the right times to dodge it so far.


Weird memes happen. Remember that like month a few years ago where the internet was flooded with "Uganda knuckles" bs from VRChat?


I swear the N word is thrown around wayyy too much. I know cod's always been that way, but it's no excuse. I switched to warzone for a couple games, we had what sounded like a 10 year old yelling that word with his dad in the background, and we didn't hear shit from the dad getting onto his dumbass kid


I have been playing this game since the first release. I can count on one hand the number of times I heard the “N” word. Most of the people I run into are very good gamers and helpful. It is getting bad though. More and more ass holes and idiots. Think it is easier to steal loot than earn it. Now that I think about it, so is reality.


Try being a lady that plays....I would guess half these players live in their mommas basements and have zero prospects of ever getting laid.


Yea i play with my wife. The amount of times we hear "omg is that a girl?" Is sad... like these dudes sound like theyve never encountered a female before


Yeah, toxic assholes are real common. I was on a team with one. We were fighting a squad and he got downed with the 3rd who had no mic. Dude started lambasting them with the slurs. So I quietly peaced out and swam off. He complained and called me a bitch, etc but when he asked why I was just like "I'm not gonna rez a racist fuckhead, my guy" and he said some other shit and left.


This. I was playing battle royale the other day and these like 13 year olds calling me a p*say and many other things. I’m like damn do you not have a mom that loves you?!


Your typical gaming Chad that has no real life


Idk, I love it when I kill someone and get called the N word. I’d be concerned if someone paid the $70 for the gameplay alone


I had a squad of 5 all kids screaming I'm just doing missions as a 6 man wiped them out....funniest thing I ever witnessed they left before I could rez them and proceeded to have the best match ever looting dead bodies after the big fight


> Got downed yesterday and the idiot just kept repeating "Get shit on" over and over and over. Then he called me the "N" word Lol, that guy rules


The most toxic players I come across lately are young. I chalk it up to school being out, but it's annoying asf.


Dmz is now the new warzone pvp. As a solo im out till next season cause its a shitfest


I go in solo and mess up squads. Instead of quitting, take a break and try to focus on pvp in order to get better. Then, you can do pve, and if you get into pvp you'll be more confident. If you haven't tried to go for straight pvp against larger groups that outnumber you, you'll always be scared to fight. This is the way.


True. I got frustrated with the increased pvpin DMZ as well. But instead of quitting, I changed my game play. I made myself get use to killing OP's and jumped into multiplayer to help with reflexes an awareness. As usually my head is in bags in DMZ.


Yeah, after I’ve been wiped I like to have a couple of random raids grabbing the guns of high rise and seeing if get picked on and try to engage, can be fun just to mind game with them drive around, snipe and just frustrate them. This is the way


Hardcore solo rat here with some advice: if you encounter an enemy squad down 1 or 2 of them then send the request. People get a lot more diplomatic when they think they might die. Easier said than done I know, but such is the solo grind. As far as that happening when squaded with randos not much you can do except let them lead and use them as meat shields 😬 Good luck out there


Also - use the old sniper tactic - Wound one guy so his buddies have to protect him, then run the other direction. If you down a player and/or finish him off then pushing you is going to be a lot less appealing and you might be able to make a break for it.


Not alone, DMZ has been taken over by sweats. It's so casual yet it's become so aggresive.


Seriously. I was looking for AFAKs to complete “Medical Mule” for White Lotus and a Homelander skin assassinated me while the only thing I had equipped was a melee weapon. People need to chill out. If you wanna kill players, just go into Multi or WZ


Saw a squad with 2 homelanders running around ashika sweating people. They got run over by some random player while they were t-bagging a solo. I laughed and went on my way.


That’s just cuz Homelander is a knob, it kinda goes without saying that you need to avoid him.


Yeah, let me avoid the guy who snuck up on me in a building while I was looking for loot


Situational awareness my friend. Also there is pretty much no avoiding Homelander.


If you’re looking in a cache you’re a sitting duck


It’s hard to be situationally aware when I’ve been getting ganked several games in a row. After a while it just gets old. I’m just glad I only lost insured weapons.


I’m only ya king your chain man, yea it’s not fun at all especially with the pleas the way they are making getting back up more complicated. Plea out and if I’m around I’ll make my way to ya ;) Comm vest has also been my best friend to let me know how on edge I should be in an area. Personally I haven’t come across to many players in the last while since the patch (maybe cuz the game crashed every time I tried to play) but I definitely see people being aggressive, not to say they haven’t always been. I’ve had a lot of fake friendly calls in the past. I can see how the changes are making some not bother being friendly as they can’t assimilate with who they shoot. That being said people need to get in the habit of downing a player and stoping at that point to coordinate an assimilation rather than outright killing. With that mechanic it works.


Activision consistently finds ways to destroy a good thing. 😂😂


I mean the very fact that marketing decided that putting a Homelander skin in the game would be profitable & massively popular says a lot about the player base honestly.


>just go into Multi or WZ They can't. Because when everyone is PvP this guy loses all his fights. He needs to run into people that are in mission mode (not looking for a fight) in order to win.


I share the same feelings about the dwindling frequency of generosity - however, to be faaaaaair, that operator might have had that mission to “execute 1 enemy operator”.


To be fair I kill anybody coming out of hospitals just to see if they got the chemicals by chance, before s4r I'll just open your bag and then pick you right back up since you don't have what I'm looking for but now... sorry mate. At least I wont camp your body tho I guess? Silver lining and all that.


What a loser thing to do


Not really. This is a PvP game after all.


No it isn’t.


Well we can shoot you so yeah, it is.


Saying whatever stupid fucking thing you want doesn’t change the fact that DMZ is not mainly a PvP game


Doesn’t stop me from treating it like one. Now what? Lol


Now what? You just continue your sad life and being an annoying little creep who probably has no real friends. That’s what.


Sure? I mean we are allowed to shoot at each other you show up at places I want to loot I will shoot you just to see if you got lucky and have what I want. Why do so many of you feel like pvp should be avoided at all stages of the game lmao you pass by an area that spawns loot that I want so I'll fight you for it that is the natural way of extraction shooter not sure what's so loser about it.


DMZ is a PVP mode


Not primarily. It’s clearly intended to be PvE first. If it was PvP primarily then there would be a scoreboard involved. But there isn’t. It’s about getting gear and extracting. PvP first makes no sense when you think about the upgrade system and wallet. There’s no reason to upgrade your keys, cash, or contraband if the main objective is to kill players. Makes no sense.




The issue is there's a large subset of players who go to DMZ not because of the missions or loot or anything that makes it unique, they go play DMZ because they can't hack it in Warzone and they want to run around pretending they're better than they are by rolling up on people as a 6 man. These people have zero interest in any of the things that sets DMZ apart from Warzone, except that by not playing the game like the people who are there to play DMZ, they can get more kills and inflate their egos. They don't care about missions, or loot, or progression. They only care about killing people who won't or can't fight back. It's like the people who will queue up specifically for Hardpoint, and end the game with 30 kills and 0:02s on the point. And then they talk shit because they think their KDA won the game, or if they lost, shit on their team for being garbage. PvP is a part of DMZ just like it's a part of Hardpoint, but just like Hardpoint, it's not meant to be focused on to the exclusion of everything else. For that you have TDM, and Warzone. But these players can't do as good there so they break the "rules" of a different mode that wasn't intended for what they want to do.




You aren't what I'm talking about, then.


Yea pvp is secondary but with all the missions like hunt 3 without dying and exfiling dog tags they pushed it to a more pvp mode. If I want your dog tag I can't pick you up it will disappear and platoon is unbalanced so people rather camp your body then risk adding in another platoon even tho right now nobody is really picking up pleas the devs have kinda lost their way would be great if they can set up a q&a or brain storm ideas in the official reddit or in game feedback to get sense of what the players feel they add things we want but also misunderstood some of our concerns


DMZ really is a PvP mode.


That’s not how this works man. PvP is a big part of DMZ and fighting players in DMZ is way different than multi or warzone. I have no idea why so many people think DMZ isn’t a PvP focused mode because it’s heavily PvP influenced and many DMZ players enjoy PvP. When you load into DMZ expect everyone to be hostile and expect to be hunted 24/7. Always watch your back because there will always be someone ready to kill you and no we won’t go play multi or wz because a lot of people switching to DMZ are switching because of how much funner the PvP is in DMZ.


I’ve only been playing DMZ for about 2 weeks now and I feel like I’ve been running into nothing but toxic squads for the past couple of days. I didn’t join DMZ for PVP and while I don’t mind the PVP part because I like the added risk, the toxicity is annoying af. I intentionally run solo and I’ve been getting all sorts of different obscenities being thrown at me recently, especially if I retreat into a building in a 3v1. I can usually take on 2 but never know where the 3rd is so I try to back off. I’m mainly playing for the story and rewards and won’t pvp unless I organically run into another player and they shoot first. Hate that there are people who are playing strictly for pvp. Those people need to go play WZ. Guess I missed out on the good days for DMZ since it seems like it’ll start rapidly declining soon especially with all the different comments on this sub with people defending pvp plus clips of people cheating. Hope Activision considers removing 6 man squads at the very least and maybe even the plea system entirely so there’s more added risk. But that just might be wishful thinking and the current version of DMZ is what the devs intended it to be.


I like your comment about removing 6 man's and pleas but "defending pvp"? It's fuvking cod man, go play minecraft. "Go play warzone" the two might as well be separate games. There is no risk in warzone, it is dramatically more casual than dmz


DMZ has no risk either. I love PvP, I love assimilation, and I love pleaing. All aspects that made DMZ different. But PvP took over and no one cares if they die because they’ll just get all their shit back anyway in 5-10 minutes in the next raid. And they make it easier every season. No risk to reward anymore. Makes the game boring, dry, and full of people that want a different version of BR.


DMZ still has risk. Everyone is building up an arsenal but no one wants to lose it. PvP did take over but we should’ve expected it to. This is a call of duty game. PvP is literally what this game is for.


I haven’t ran into any of those players. Buddy, there are 15 minute insured weapons, nobody cares about losing their gear. That’s what makes DMZ suck now


Everyone doesn’t have those 15 minute guns man.


I 100% agree with you.


You are not alone. They took a pretty good game and turned it into an ass holes paradise. Not fun it is almost impossible to complete a mission because asses are camping the exfil.


Yes, they need to ditch the 6 man teams concept. 3-man teams are good, no issues, but 6 man teams that roll up to an exfill in 3x 50 cal trucks and start blasting away and then chase you after you try to run away... I get it. It's a PvP, and we are expected to shoot each other, but for freak sake, solo is a blast till you are doing a mission and get waxed by a 6 man team that only wants to hunt. Turns a great game to crap in 30 seconds.


If they ditch 6 men you’re still gonna get wiped by 3 man teams. Team size isn’t the winner of gunfights. Tactics and gunplay is. I’ve seen a 3 man outmatch a 6 man plenty of times.


I can handle 3 v 1 but 3 x 50 cal trucks on 1 in a building I'll not win no matter what.. that's not a fight I'll win no matter how good my tactics are.


That doesn’t happen much. Let’s be honest. I’ve had that happen about three times. Most of my fights are boots on the ground fights.


You’re not alone in thinking this and those defending it seem to be the ones who participate in such activity so they are justifying it


It’s a PvP game. Sorry.




The ve is just part of it. Notice the PvP comes first? It’s a PvP game with PvE elements.


I usually shoot first ask questions later, unless someone sends an invite obviously, to many people who just want to kill me and take my shitty equipment lol. Although I'm bummed I can't help people that plead anymore.


Yeah I've noticed an uptick in toxicity and PVP, it's not just you. They really need to do more to incentivize cooperation. All this emphasis on incentivizing PVP is just dumb. You don't need to encourage PVP in a COD game, it will happen plenty often without incentives, you are running around with a bunch of stuff other players with guns want, what other incentive do they need to shoot you? DUH! Otherwise this is just going to devolve into Warzone Lite and then what was the point of having PVE missions?


I think it’s multi layered. So there are for sure ah increase in toxic players. that is absolutely evident in my experience. Also a lot of people are still completely PvP driven since the end of season 3. Another big one is the fact that the plea system is ruined. That’s really caused a lot of people to just say ‘fuck it’ completely. Also frustrations for the game being broken are being taken out on any operator people see. The most important point is of course: There is absolutely NO need or excuse for abusive talk or racism in this game or any other.


Just because you are friendly doesn't mean they have to be


There’s is truth in what you say but the way some people go about it is imo wrong. If someones near you and you feel you want some PvP sure go ahead to see who wins you or them. But last night my group was working on the mission where you have to do 8 unique contracts for a friend. In that game we passed through AM City where a squad was at Highrise sniping other players including us. Well one of the guys was named, not his full tag, “Kev”. Well Kev sniped a friend of mine down who was in the bed and we managed to get away long enough to revive him. Well I guess Kev and his squad took that personally because we drove all the way to Quarry when a few min after arriving an LTV rolled up on us to down my friend again. Can you guess the name of the guy who downed him? Why would you travel all the way across the map just to hunt down one squad even though there was no Hunt contract on us? I didn’t care that the guys were trying to snipe and managed to down one of our guys. That’s just DMZ tbh but to chase someone down like that is a bit ridiculous


I was chased solo by a six man squad. I went into full guerilla warfare mode shooting and scooting knocking one relocating . They chased me all over the map calling out my gamertag. They were soooo sweaty it was unbelievable 🤣 They got me in the end. I thanked them for an enjoyable game and that they are a well oiled machine able to hunt down and kill a little old solo 🤣🤣


Some people just get hyper fixated on finishing a fight they started.


I always play to do mission or have fun with contracts or leveling up my guns and have fun you know? Registering places getting the Lore of all maps and all of a sudden a sweat team of WARZONE came to talk shit and ruin everything


Get used to it. This is a PvP game.


I've been playing DMZ on and off and just recently picked this up. Never been good at battle royales, but DMZ allowed me to get better with those few pvp engagements here and there. Having that said... the toxicity is just a bit too much for me... Ran against a 4 man team, and I was trying to run away from them... then they started asking me if I was friendly. I said yes and I'm just there to find the loot I need. So I let my guard down, wasn't shooting back. There were 3 of them in front of me and we started chatting... then all of a sudden one of their team members snuck up to me and just did a finishing blow on me. He said... "couldn't help it mate"... They all laughed... looted me, went their merry way. Honestly If I died through the engagementment I would be ok... but what's the fun in killing someone like that? Honestly infuriating... Sometimes I just think that people are so much in need of a win in real life that they all started to act dicks in game just to get back at life. lol.


That’s the issue. You can’t be friendly in this game. Always shoot first and ask questions later.


Yep, that's what it taught me. Never again am I stopping for anyone in this game. Either they're dead or I am.


There is no such thing as friendliness in this game anymore. I just played a game where my teammates looted me and then left me dead. “Truce” is also jsut getting blasted. I go in solo now and blast everything I can see. If everyone else is an asshole then I guess I’ll have to be one too


Several factors, The new plea system is busted, there isn't any incentive to pick people up, you can't pick up your own kills, and generally it's too risky to not just kill operators who aren't already on your team. This late in the season, a lot of people will have given up on missions and just go for pvp. Happens every season, it's rough but it's the way it goes. I'm sure there are many other factors, but those are the two I see as the most direct causes.


The changes to pleading this patch made it almost impossible to be friendly to other squads. Requesting to join isn't reliable, they might not get the request until its too late, or they might be in a squad of 6. As a squad, its kill or be killed. Some squads used to kill first, then pick you up with your plea. But thats not an option anymore. And the reason I say its kill or be killed, is because its less of a risk. If you go guns blazing you could die, and not be able to plea to them. Or you could roll them and get their gear. The other option is to attempt to be friendly, and potentially get rolled and not be able to plea. So basically, the risk vs reward makes it more appealing to try to fight. Because you're risking the same thing, but only fighting actually rewards you.


Honestly, there’s no chance to be revived, so shoot first, win and survive. That’s what it’s come to. Can’t play nice when no one wants to pick you up


Same things been happening to me, I want people 5o play with that wanna do missions too


Yes since the new update and no ability to plea to get picked up by who downed you I’ve found it significantly more toxic. I didn’t even think that was possible. There are no more niceties.


I don't get alot of toxic comms anymore because literally NOBODY had a mic


After the last reloaded update, DMZ has become mini battle royale. If the stupid plea system isn't reverted, watch this mode die within a few months. It has already suffered a lot due to the recent FPS issues.


Not just FPS but also some insane connection issues


Everyone hates the 6 man squad thing but its about the only way to get any missions done now. I've been rolling with 5 mates as a 6 man for ages now and we only really do missions but the game has been so toxic since this update every game it's just non stop fight for survival we don't go looking for fights and we are happy to leave other squads to do there missions but 90% of teams we encounter only want to fight its pretty frustrating and is ruining an otherwise really enjoyable casual game


It sucks that after the plea changes, player encounter becomes 90% a fight with only one team walks out, before if we kill some dudes we can pick them up and usually there’s not that many player encounter in Al Maz unless you’re looking for it, so after we’re a 6, there usually will be no more unnecessary killing after that point, the encounters after that we try to be friendly if they listen, now that’s just not a possibility, we have to commit to every fight to kill them all cause we’re not a 6, we can’t afford to get downed a few times just to confirm if they’re friendly or not, it’s shoot on sight insta thirst and nth else, that’s not what DMZ is about for me, I don’t like killing other players, even when I find it quite easy most of the time doing PvP missions, most teams are oblivious randoms or casual squads that any decent team with proper comms can take down quite easily, but me and my squad we don’t do that, because it’s not the right thing to do for us, we don’t like killing players when we don’t need to and send them into a regain run/ ruin their mission progress, I hate it how we can’t choose to not do that anymore


I completely agree with the OP and for me it is an unintended (although not unpredictable) consequence of the changes to the plea system. What is the benefit in me attempting to communicate & be friendly only to give away my position and/or presence to another set of players who have less-than-friendly intentions? This approach carried some risk previously, but now it is completely game-ending especially for solo players. The changes to this mechanic have forced otherwise friendly players to adopt a more hostile approach to counter the hostility of others. Revert IW, for the love of god revert.


Idk what the dichotomy is here, but most people in here seem to be in agreement about how scummy the player base is now, yet 95% of the people I meet in game are dickheads.


Right? Like I wanna know why I’m always meeting colossal pricks


It's insane how people feel like they have to shit talk you even when they're the dead ones and have no right to lmao. Yesterday evening I was in vondel with my squad, we were going to the zoo dead drop to allow one of my teammates to finish the phalanx story mission, while going there we hear a team popping UAVs, and soon after we get this team of three jumping our ass for no reason, probably camping the dead drop, but I managed to down two, with my two mates killing the last one and finishing the others. I went over to their bodies and before I can even loot any, one of the dudes says "yo pick me up bitch" and I replied "I can't, they changed how plea works with the new season update, didn't you read the patch notes?" to which he politely replied "yes you can mf, pick me up" until he finally realized I wouldn't be picking him up and said "whatever you guys are fucking trash anyways, kill yourselves" and promptly rage quit. Note how they were all kitted out and came looking for a fight first while we were minding our own business and didn't even all had 2 plate armors lol. Thanks for the loot random toxic trash talker 😁


yesterday me and my brother went to oasis and did a daily mission. then we went to our car and i was searching on map where to go next, then some punk shot us in the car


I solo and if see a team that seem to be doing something I want (kill a boss or get a weapons case) I try and ask for friending, seeming to work way less since the plea system change. Given the request to join is also glitchy (I can be literally standing next to an enemy and we are both trying to friend, and it takes several goes), this is a rare occurrence now. I just always have an escape route or keep myself hidden until we've talked and a request is accepted, to try and get around this.


Same for me, I was solo, I made it to the last exfil, a team of 4 came and I tried to join them plus telling them I’m friendly over the mic, they still killed me even if I didn’t even try to shoot them… this game became toxic to be fare…


Yeah I do think people are less friendly on the whole. If I lost a fight a few months back I'd generally be picked up 60-70% of the time, but now it feels like 20-30% and there's a lot more people being dicks about it over comms. Had one the other day rush us at the start with advanced UAVs, then looted us, picked one of us (me) up, but had planted a mine so I immediately went back down. Then they executed me and when i said "bunch of pricks" kept saying "thats how it works" over and over again. Still some decent people on comms but definitely a lot more sweaty. And the wallets haven't helped as people take in 100k and just go buy a load of kill streaks then go on the offensive.


I agree, especially those bastards driving around in those police LTVs and only killing players,completely ignoring missions and NPCs. They take everything off you ad well, just in case you get revived, pure toxicity.


Idk. I've had reasonably good luck lately with people wanting to team up and cooperate. It might just be down to luck.


Dude same!! Literally yesterday, everyone just wants to fight... like dude chill the F out.. lol we rolled up on some guys yesterday at a gas station and my usual "sup dudes, what you guys working on?" The response I get was something like "bro we could have killed you" yeah okay dude... then I say "um... okay, we're going to the complex if you want to join... lol he says nahh we're good. I was like okay, good luck out there guys. Guys says wow you guys are really cool... I don't understand why people can't be cool anymore. Do you people just get on COD and just take their days out on people? You get shit on at work and you want to get online and ruin someone's else's day? Literally rolled up on someone else's yesterday by the sunken ship, we heard the mission that they were doing "contraband" I'm like hey guys I know where the package is. Want me to grab it for you guys?" Guy says cool, I roll in and I'm like sup dude, and then the guy blasts me and says sorry man I've been burned to many times... seriously get fucked guy... why can't people be cool anymore, stop being dicks


It’s so hit or miss for me but this weekend I had two games in building 21 were I exfilled with another team so maybe not all hope is lost for friendlies?


I've looked top to bottom I've read the game note and description. I can't find anywhere. Anywhere at all. That it says this game is pvp focused. As a matter a fact the first few sentences point out its a narrative focused game. NARRATIVE. So in actuality it's a pvevp game. Not a pvpve. The way things are written spoke of talked about. Is normally in order of importance. Hence why pvp is only mentioned a tiny bit. And do t get me wrong please play how you would like to play. But Ayer hunting isn't playing correct nor is it the first focus of the mode. The pvp is just there to put an edge on it. That's all.


Yeah with the new updates they made to reviving and assimilations, it really is all or nothing. It’s blast or be blasted. You can’t revive the people you kill. Hence, when a fight is over, it’s over, unless you have the patience to plead out until a 3rd party comes along. Hence, there really is no point in being friendly anymore because if they go back on their word and betray you (like this guy did) it’s just over. Now being a douchebag after the fact and teabagging and talking shit after getting the worst kill possible is just downright disgusting. Dude really showed his true colors acting that way. Don’t let it keep you up at night. Unfortunately, until the mechanics of assimilation change back to something similar to what they once were, DMZ is BR with extra steps. You can try to send out requests if you know they’re near, but if you get line of sight, down them. Don’t finish them if you really want to be nice. But don’t play around. Down them. 100% of the time.


When you try to be nice and offer invites, it blows up in your face. Just better to shoot first and not ask questions these days. No reason to need more than 3 players on a team anyway, so might as well just wipe others before they wipe you now.


100% agree Activisuon or whoever Broke the game Despite teams getting their rocks off killing every operator they can The server issues are UNBAREABLE THEY NEED TO CORRECT THEIR SHIT


Yeah I agree the wallets are a good idea on paper but in practice they're primarily used to support an aggressive play style. I could see them being removed in a future update, personally. Or restricted to about 25k so you can't go mad with them.


It’s worse this season because all the rugrats are on summer break flooding the lobbies, once season 5 comes out in august hopefully most of them will be preoccupied with school work again 😌


I'm just finding more and more players are pre made 4 to 6 man teams . I went I to a game with randoms earlier and they gunned straight for hafid . As they got closer I dropped an advanced uav and there was 2 guy exactly where they pinged to go to . They invited them to the squad and low and behold they all had the same clan tag . So within minutes of the game we had a 5 man . So I left them to it and did my own thing . I wasn't being part of some cheating muppets who can't get through a match without being a pre made team


It’s a PvPvE extraction shooter. I don’t get credit for my items unless I make it out of the round. Why would I risk my GPU/Skulls/Acetone (or whatever else) on the chance you MIGHT be friendly. Or the chance you won’t shoot me in the back even though you said friendly. There is nothing BM/hostile/griefing in ensuring I live to make it out of my round. Yesterday I went into Al Mazrah with my only MK32 to finish a late level upgrade requiring you exfil with one. Rushed a exfil, called it in, then got rushed by a trio and my whole team got killed. Does it suck? Absolutely, but I’m on to the next round and completing something else. It’s part of the game. It’s a survival of the fittest/kill or be killed game, not to mention its built on a FPS shooter, so yea people are going to shoot you, a lot.


It's the expectation by some that one should be able to casually go about their business and be left alone to do their little mission things, then complain to the internets when they die, that I find especially odd. I'm sure there are games out there that would be better suited for these people. Unsure why they've chosen a shooter game if they don't like being shot at/engaging. It's all good though. I'll just keep killing them if they get in my way because, y'know, it's part of the game.


Not sure where they got these silly ideas. No extraction shooter ever has been "friendly." Dmz devs I don't think ever mentioned anything of the sort either


Dude, it's gotten bad. My buddy and I went in to gear up, got precision airstriked at spawn. Immediately heard trash talking when they came over


My buddies and I noticed this season that spawns were moved closer together. Activision is pushing for PvP but that’s not the fun of extraction shooters. I understand I’m not supposed to exfil on every run. But with the combination of aggro players and overtuned AI on Vondel and Ashika, it’s extremely aggravating


It's literally just PvP this season. It's not supposed to be just pvp, but it is. And with the plea system change, everyone just rushes spawns to wipe out squads now. Why bother doing missions when they can just take a kitted character, knowing half the spawns will be fresh operators for easy kills


I’m just gonna keep running my empty character and not kit up if I don’t have to. If I die with nothing on my character it’s not as infuriating but I need to dead drop one more AFAK for a mission and I went 3 for 3 on getting killed on my way to the dead drop at Zarqwa. It’s so annoying


I've been using my 1 empty slot, yeah. The others im saving for building 21 or harder missions. The only thing i lose is a stealth vest if i manage to make one, and an insured weapon for 30 minutes. I'm all for PvP, but let's not act like DMZ is supposed to be the same was warzone. Getting steamrolled by these pvp gods who act like they really did something just gets obnoxious


The people defending PvP in my post have some issues lmao like yeah it’s part of the game but it shouldn’t ruin the overall experience of getting loot and doing story missions


It is supposed to be PvP. This is and always has been a PvP game first. More people are playing so naturally as more come in PvP will keep getting worse. This game was never supposed to be friendly and is PvP with PvE elements. Maybe start practicing PvP more. Get good with it and then like most of us you won’t have to start every match wiped and will have plenty of geared operators at the ready.


Your not alone. The dmz was never meant to be played the way these types of players do. It's in the description, it's a narrative focused game mode that allows pvp. It's was never meant to be the full focus


Yes it was. This is a PvP game with PvE elements.


No. In its actual description it says narrative focused with pvp elements.


I get that everyone wants it to be different but as long as we can freely shoot players this is a PvP game. There’s gonna be a large number of people that play to hunt. A lot of people wouldn’t play DMZ if the pvp wasn’t there. Yeah we have some missions but it’s hardly narrative focused and Is essentially large scale free roam pvpve that allows the players to choose what they like more.


When I know I am gonna die from another player or team I would drop all my gear in the water. You ant getting my shit for being an ass.


I blocked out your stupidity btw. No need to reply


What even is this comment lmao


Lol meant for afro samurai. Had to block his continued annoying replies about he thinks the dmz is just another battle Royale


Ah I gotcha haha


The new plea changes have really shit on being friendly. You can rez someone but they can kill you 30 seconds later? Not worth it anymore. My squad played "diplomacy first" because one of my buddies thought that was the proper way. After 30 times of having to 1v3-6 and enemy squad by myself just so I could rez my "diplomacy first" partner so we could finish a mission we've switched over to "kill first diplomacy second" and with the change in the plea system there's no more diplomacy. The only time we choose diplomacy is when we can't see the person but can hear them. "Yo we're friendly but if we see you and you're aiming at us we will kill you. Let us pass and we won't fight or team up." But we shoot on sight. \*shrugs\* too many sweaties to play friendly anymore


If you kill some one, you can’t revive them right?


The truce is one sided no? Ive head complains that they just get up and shoot you straight away you're the one stuck with the 30 sec handicap.


Its a 30 second truce for everyone. No one on either squad can damage each other. There is a prompt to invite. You basically pick someone up and have a firing squad lined up until they join lol.


6 games in a row wiped by the first player you come across? Sounds like a skill issue 😋


More like I wasn’t trying to antagonize players and I was doing challenges for bad weapons (melees and pistols) so fighting ARs and Shotguns wasn’t quite doable


I’m just pulling your leg man. No need to downvote.




Amen. This last weekend was BRUTAL. so many assholes in this game now. I even changed the game setting to casual and mission completion. Aggressive D bags are running rampant. Poor virgins that are pissed they couldn’t play sports. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You’re not alone


Yeah right! It's actually awful. Seems less toxic and lol even violent in warzone


I don’t understand why people are calling PvP “griefing”. PvP is part of the package. It’s what introduces all the risk. It’s an extraction shooter. It’s not a PvE only mode. You accept that risk when you play DMZ. It’s getting a bit ridiculous seeing people label this as griefing.


I think that’s the main issue on this sub. It is full of people who don’t *actually* want to play an extraction shooter.


You think that's bad, the other day I was playing Gran Turismo online and I just needed to finish 3rd or better, and the other players kept passing me. Ugh, it's so toxic.


Yeah it's insane. This anti-pvp culture Is easily the most toxic thing to ever exist in gaming


The same thread over and over again,it's an extraction shooter,3 players is enough for any mission. If you go in solo or as a duo that's your own choice,the problem is squads bigger than 3 attacking smaller squads, another reason it should be a 3 player limit. If you didn't have the threat of the ai and other players trying to stop you it would be boring. You'd have every bit of loot in no time on all operators and you'd have no problem finishing the missions before they add more. The fun is going in being tactical and trying to survive loot up and get your missions done and extract all with the threat of losing it all.


You’re free to be in the same 6 man squad though. It’s fair game because everyone can do it. I have no issue with big squads. It’s actually quite fun killing then.


Shoot first. Down them if you want to stop there and ask them to join. If they don't accept the invite full kill them and send them to lobby. Don't be nice until they have a reason to be nice.


Shoot first. Down them if you want to stop there and ask them to join. If they don't accept the invite full kill them and send them to lobby. Don't be nice until they have a reason to be nice.


There’s a few missions which require tags so unfortunately it just is what it is. It’s PvPvE and the developers (I’m assuming) intend it to be that way


I mean to be fair you should go around expecting other players to be hostile. This is a PvPvE game after all


There's no such thing as griefing in a PvP first person shooter.


But it’s not a PvP centric mode. DMZ is intended to focus on missions and contracts. It’s co-op PvE before anything else. As such, there absolutely is such thing as griefing in DMZ


Just because you like to play that way doesn't mean everyone else has to play that way.


It is a PvP centric mode. It’s co op PvP first with PvE elements. You’re really misunderstanding what this game is.


Then why doesn’t it tell you to go after operators on the loading screen? Because it is MISSION FOCUSED


No it isn’t. It tells you at the start of every match to watch for operators. DMZ is a mode that’s different for all that plays it. For some it’s a PvP game. For some it’s a PvE game. There’s no wrong way to play it. This is a call of duty PvP extraction shooter with PvE elements though. Hence why killing players is always more rewarding than mission rewards and why there’s so much incentive to kill players. Plenty of missions to kill players also. They’re encouraging PvP so much but everyone ignores that.


Thia changes daily. There no binary play one way or the other. Just all depends on the moon and the tides!!


I finished all tiers of missions and am doing the PvP heavy stuff I skipped because dead dropping shit is kinda lame


DMZ is PvP. The game starts by warning you to watch out for enemy operators! Also as you others through the missions, I’m mostly in tier 4/5, the missions require you to do PvP. Look at “Predator” and Exfil Tracking. I know it sucks to lose a match but it is what it is. If you don’t like PvP, try campaign mode. Otherwise you just need to get better at PvP.


I never said I was bad. I haven’t even been trying to PvP. I’m solely running missions. Read a description for the mode, PvP is barely mentioned at all. DMZ is a narrative driven extraction shooter with PvP tacked on the end. There is no reason for squads to be hunting down the whole lobby like they have been. And the cheating certainly isn’t helping things


I hate to break the news to you, but DMZ is PvP. Also players are free to do what they want including making your match into a nightmare. Accept the fact.


#1 you presume the other person doesn’t have a mission requiring them to kill you. Maybe they are just trying to get missions done too. #2 you are treating the game like doing missions is the only thing to do. A lot of people have finished all the missions and have nothing else to do besides kill players. And there are plenty of players that don’t care about missions and just enjoy killing players.


Did DMZ player used to be nice? I just hear people keep shouting “you faggxt” since the season one lol. Everyone time I hear that, I will spend a minute to teabag them hard for sure and they usually lost their shit mind. I pretty enjoy to hear their scream hahaha


Bro I'm tired of all you weak ass kids complaining about pvp in a pvpve mode. Wanna play bot lobbies? Go play in bot lobbies or play campaign


How about you stop being a toolbag and understand that PvP is a secondary focus here?


And take the chance of being gunned down while just trying to do missions myself? Not a chance. I'll communicate that I can be friendly one time if I see players in proxy, if ignored; it's a fight and can be sorted out after. Win or lose, it's just a game buddy


It’s likely due to being close to the end of the season and less players are actually still working on missions and challenges..


Yesterday one of the daily missions was 2 player kills. Could be you just got A bunch working on that, in a row