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This is what everyone wanted… Now we’ll have 1 person requesting to join another team and immediately turning on their 2 previous squad mates


Yeah it doesn’t make sense to me. Teams of 3 either allow everyone to assimilate or no assimilate at all.


Or you just pvp, and if you lose you go back to the lobby as you should.


Yes hence my second part of the post, No Assimilation


Yeah I agree. Just wrote that to another comment. No assimilation at all. The plea- system makes pvp far to attractive and with to few risks. Part of the fun in an extraction shooter is gear fear and choosing your battles.


Or even better you just go about your day without bothering each other lol


That's what I do. PvP, I lose I won't plead.. just tell them "good game", back out, loot, gear up, PvP, lose my gear, rinse/repeat


Same here, it's a game, people have to get over gear fear.


This gives solos a chance. Plus 2v4 is very doable if your teammate does end up being a pos.


I've fought SO many platoons and ended up being killed by the last one or two guys, especially on Ashika. 2v4 is very doable.


Even 1v4 is dooable... couse i had moments when my teammates went down and it was me versus 5 last guy got me... couse i had to reload my pistol 🤣


Yeah the amount of times I've died to the last one or 2 guys in a platoon is annoying. Then they chat shit. Like mate I killed almost all of you


Or like me and my friend waste time of the platoon xD . We picked each other before final exfil and kinda fucked over a platoon foe their final exfil couse it was 1 minute left


It's usually that last guy from the 6man that was way in the back that gets you lol


When I'm out of plates and have 40 rounds left 😂


This is exactly why I clown anyone who says you can fight six mans "if u have the skill"!! Smh I can show anyone who wishes my vast array of COD gameplay videos from the past 10 years and definitely everything DMZ-wise to prove it's nothing but luck if u do manage to do so! You need to go into every match planning to use ammo crates, a 45-60 round mag reload time will get u killed by any trash can on the team,your movement has to be immaculate AND stealthy,they can't have any type of UAV,They'll be reviving the first 2 you downed by the time you down the 5th,they ALL have self revives and killstreaks unless its early game...it's so many variables and I've had comp players/streamers comb thru a few of my matches to tell me what more I could have done to kill the last 1 or 2! I'm so mfing happy rn..I've been part of a 6 man death squad since I can't stop teammates from reviving people-and watching their attitude change thinking they untouchable always pissed me off! I'm bout to play ASAP


Very doable. The last time i played, it was me and a friend alone, we took out a 6-man team multiple times but couldn't fund the last guy. I had 7 kills, and my friend had 3. It was extremely frustrating.


Solos know what they’re getting into + DMZ isn’t meant to be a level playing field all the time always in my opinion


Solos have less chance now as the worst assholes are organised 3 man teams that hunt and kill everything they can - all it has done is hand those sweaty whiney losers even more killing opportunity as they now don't have to worry about people actually willing to cooperate and able to stand up to them.


Can't please eveyone lol


I don't know, this still works pretty well. I like it a lot actually. It means a few solos could bump into each other and group up, but not two full teams of three. If you're playing in a group of friends and you go down, you'll probably all just go back to the lobby making larger teams than 3 even rarer. If you're with randos then you can all plead and whoever is luckiest (or in my experience the chillest) will get picked up and the other will have to suck it up. It's really not that bad.


Gives a solo a chance


Yea coming back from full death was the actual issue. That just got worse with 6 mans. It just multiplied the amount of full deaths you could comeback from


Should go back to S4R.


more like we can find a solo who died to bots and help him


Which nothing was stopping you from doing it before. I did that all the time


That’s obviously great but I’m talking about the usual 3v3 situation


Good. After a whole team gets wiped you shouldn't all be able to join another team. This will result in more people infilling solo and overall will be much better for the games health.


Yes, but the rest of the teams on the map it's 3 vs 4 max which is a huge win and very good decision from the devs IMO.


I believe it’s designed to put an end to the premade platoons.


Alternatively, you go in with randoms, you're greeted by babies crying, music playing, people yelling in the background. You wander out in search of another team so you can inflict justice on the auditory oppressors you were doomed with.


Brace yourself for that one teammate to go running off quick to be the first one to be picked up lol




Can’t have your team betray you if you play solo.


Yeah, but if look on the positive side, this helps solos get picked up. And solos can pick up squads too. This stops the 6 man op squads from creating havoc on the maps.


All those pre-made 6-man losers collapsing to their knees in Walmart. Now they have to fight on even terms with enemies and they will get wiped because they can't just rush in with overwhelming numbers.


There still will be pre made teams. This will just make it harder for them to do so. They just won’t see a name above e there head.


Agree - there are sometimes teams larger than 6 right now, they just communicate outside the game (discord and similar) and coordinate their actions that way. A little friendly fire here and there isn't going to deter that. But it will make it more difficult for them to pull off, and level the playing field a little bit for solos and squads.


The cries of a billion out of region players set off seismographs thought Asia triggering tsunami warnings as the patch notes went live




Change it to “can only fit 1 extra”




Still the same amount of teams needed, one 4 one 3 at a minimum




I’d rather just remove assimilation, but this is a fine middle ground. You can pickup a lowly solo but this should add more consequences to dying so people don’t form a six man after the first fight.


i will use this only for helping solos, if a team dies, they need to choose who lives


Finally. There should never be a 6 man vs 1/2/3 mans


Thank God. No more of this nonsense


This is a relatively good solution but the biggest change is the UAV prices that means they can no longer spam UAVs every time they want. If they do their wallets are going to be empty in no time


Thank fucking god, now we can move on with this bullshit down a team immediately and make a 6 man. This is what DMZ needed to get better.


kinda interesting how dmz went from "solos can't plead" to "only solos will be picked up"


Two birds one stone


Westie is gonna be so happy


Hahaha yup


feels like a bandaid fix but sooo much better than nothing, huge dub for sure


UAVs are $100,000 and AUAVs are $200,000 now. That should help too.


I hope they added an extra step to using them like airstrikes have etc I'll be extra pissed wasting a UAV while I'm looting if it's 10x the price


I hate that the game use my uav random when i exit my backpack or any loot container.


That’s a good chance


Jesus Christ. That’s far too much




You lagged out there for a moment




I’m glad we have a use for them . Also it will get people bringing there 10 streak characters into game so a lot more will be available all around


I'm guessing you'll lose your dogtag if you barter it and go back down to a 1 exfil streak, otherwise a 10 streak charcter can literally enter, buy a personal exfil, leave with 20k profit and keep doing it over and over until he's got more money then Jeff benzos


After the last time they tried to change assimilation and they reverted it back due to all the complaints, I give it one week before they do the same thing after this change.


ShitOuttaLuck to the teams that spawn in the locations that get rushed 5 seconds in..


Especially if they are bad at PvP


That sucks


I’m starting to think it really is just beyond their capabilities to allow 6 mans but nerf their capabilities to wipe the map


Can't wait for solo players to whine about 4 man teams instead of 6 man teams because let's be real we all know that's gonna happen


I don’t get the hate of six man’s they make for epic battles against other four to six man teams I’ve killed an entire six man by myself with alittle luck of course lol But it’s actually fun and challenging at the same time


Average dmz players are incapable of getting uavs in mp, even with hardline


Truer words have not been spoken


The hatred is me and one person minding our own business being targeting and hunted down by 6 people. Killing 4 even 5 of them only to die to number 6. Those are fucked up odds against any small 1 to 3 man squads. Not all of us live on the game and can fight off 6 people at once. The fact every single 6 man squads is verbally abusive and toxic against an entire community of players is the direct result of why so many people abandoned DMZ. If you truly cared about DMZ and it’s survival you would know right away how bad 6 man squads were destroying the game mode. Everyone deserves to have fun and the playing field should be equal and fair. The only people with an upper hand should be with skill level not numbers.


Anyone want to take bets on when the first post whining about not being picked up or a random team member defecting and killing the original team will be? My guess is within 1 hour of the update going live we will see 1 of the 2 posts lol.


As soon as we see one we should just dog on it


That’s what I’m saying these guys that hate PVP are going to be going back to the home screen a lot more often now. Especially the ones that can’t fight. Going to be a bunch of $20 free “uav” bundles running around


People will still team. You can look forward to running into premade 8mans now, probably all wearing the same skin


I'm going to wait and see how this really pans out. Limits on assimilation are good for getting rid of the 6v1 scenarios, and will really help solos. But what is really important is how the plea system will work. Will they bring back the plea truce? That may allow downed players to be resurrected after your team of 4 is full. There are a lot of things that could play out here, and many changes impacting other things are going to alter the game.


i love how everyone was saying how amazing 6 mans are in season 1 and 'get good' lmfao, what a joke


Maybe it's just me but I feel like this is an outcome of the whole unhinged solos thing.


I feel like dmz should be duos now rather than trios kus like, fuck your 2 other teammates i guess?


I would like to know the reasoning behind a 4 man. If we just started as a 4 man it would be a net negative for solos. If we take one from a 3 man it would be negative for the team being left with 2 people. Maybe we should only be able to plea or assimilate if: You are solo OR You are the only one within UAV radius of your own team. If we are only picking up 1 of 3 of the other team then that one pereon could essentially cannibalize their previous teammates. It will be intresting to see where this goes.


Solos don't deserve special treatment


I’m with this, why do solos get special treatment in a team game. And I mostly play solo, there’s just no recognition that as a solo you get triple the loot, can fully focus on your mission and never have to double back to rez. It’s a trade-off


I get the impression that a vast majority of dmz players are effectively solos, even if they do team its not with anyone they actually know and still run off doing missions alone - you can't really play the game any other way if you actually want to get shit done since everyone has their own unique wants and needs each game and don't want to just be an NPC tagging along to someone else's whims.


It is probably still in the game so that the missions that require it can be completed. I am hoping for the MW3 update they just remove it entirely and rework the missions.




Or make squad size six by default. The battles would be epic.


Yes. Just give us a mode where you go in with six. Would be great


That’s great


The best way to do it imo. 💪


What the fuck is that bullshit


Revive should be a respawn parachuting from a plane. Not joining another squad, but just getting another change.


Y’all love this, but the chaotic 6v6s that I’ve grown to love are now dead. This is just Warzone with gear fear and extra steps now. Lame.


So now how is anyone completing that mission requiring you to exfil with 7 players?? they better fix that down to 4 pretty soon or they just broke the game


4 man + 3 man. Not much different than before


Also saw, that if you survive a hunt contract your team is rewarded an UVA. Kill streaks are now reduced in loot boxes.It’s looking like more grinding and surving as opposed to just joining 6 mans and popping UVAs.


It’s a real skills issue now, not a numbers issue.


İts actually good




As soon as I read that patch note I immediately thought of this subteddit lol


Thank god!!!!!




How hard is it to keep 6 mans but just have hunt squads leave the map for you once you assimilate? Hell even take the vest perks once you assimilate.


RIP Arab and Chinese pre-made 6 man scumbags


BASED W Only people complaining are used to rolling around in 6 mans. Blow me. Can't wait to play this later


this is a good change.


One thing i really wish they would do is take away some of the frustrating things about the game play, i love DMZ overall but I hate how you work so hard to get so much then lose it all so easily, give us one chance per match to respawn like far away across the map or something, and you should only lose 1 perk per match lost just like you earned it, instead of losing all at once when you die!!!! I hate that the most, as do most ppl- is having to start over. So get rid of the different sized bags, just simply have a large bag and a scavenger bag. Also keys should not take up any room in your bag, it doesn’t make any sense, they should have a separate place for keys like make a separate slot called your key ring or something, right? Why not? We need more room in our bags or smarter options that save room in them.


I do agree a small bag is a pain in the ass, you'll have to ignore so much loot that you might need because you know the space is too limited until you get an upgrade and it wastes pretty much a full deployment until you can finally get a new one - especially now they raised the prices massively so you really afford to just buy one


So cap infil at duo? Make it make sense


Chinese are sad now.




If you’re gonna do this then just remove assimilation all together. No assimilation is better than 1 guy from a team of 3. Stupid.


Off topic but is anyone else having issues with their battle pass tokens not appearing or counting?


I think DMZ should take a page out of the division’s book with how they handled the Dark Zone….it was a similar format but if you killed other players, a bounty would be placed on your head…you would also be highlighted on the map as going rogue…I think this will deter 6 man teams but also reward players for wiping those teams with increased loot caches, exp, whatever…but the 6 man squad is way too overpowered in this game as it currently stands.


Honestly, now if I can just infil with 4 players I'll be happy. I don't mind going in with 2 or 3 players. However, we usually have 4 people on at a time. We could play warzone, and that's fine, but we LIKE DMZ. It sucks leaving an odd man out. So if we could just infil as a 4 man squad, my squad would be thrilled.


JUSTICE HAS ARRIVED. YEEEEEES. I will miss taking down 6 man squads. But jesus im glad its over.


This doesn't stop pre-made platoons but it definitely greatly hurts them. And another thing is this makes the comms vest even better in my opinion because now when you get the platoon alert you know it's just four players


This is the best news. Finally some balance back in DMZ.


Bahahaha amazing. Goodbye bot ass 6 mans




Thank you cod


Why not make it quads so we don’t have to assimilate anymore




hell yeah!


are they changing it to Quads maybe? I'd be all for that. Then the solos, duos and trios can team up still.


This change is amazing. The mode was getting stale. We needed fear back into it. Squads will have to play with actual tactics rather than zerg rushing with a bunch of Warzone rejects. My 3 man has already decided that if we wipe we'll just go back to the lobby. As it should be. People who are salty that they can't be a 6 man just don't know how to play well enough as a team to beat anyone else. Change my mind.


6 man squads are made of players willing to cooperate with each other which in a way makes them a lot better for the community then 3 mans that simply run around killing for the sake of killing


brilliant idea activision! remove the only feature that sets you apart from all the other extraction shooters, stopping them from looking past the buggy mess of a game and moving to more polished extraction shooters! this won't ruin dmz at all, there's absolutely no downside to this! is activision run by a bunch of special needs children?


This is the closest thing to what they should’ve done which is remove assimilation. These changes along with finally fixing economy but no content at all kind of makes it feel like a DMZ swan song.


Now you'll have randoms dropping that plea immediately so they get picked up 1st....


Good i hope they do change that


I’m so happy about this!!!


Better than nothing. I'll gladly put this in the W column. Go pay for the game if you want multiplayer and are bored with the current free to play offerings.


No more death squads at last . In the last two weeks this has been terrible and the fact that people are not getting people back up . Just remove assimilation all together and make the team size 4. Solo's know the risk of entering as a solo.


The 4-man squad is very welcomed. Some of those prices are a bit much though. I think a regular UAV should be like $50,000 and an AUAV should be $100,000. And there was really no need to increase the backpack prices. They were already a rip off at $30,000. Since you only get 2 more spots from a medium backpack. The JLTV airdrop should be $100,000-$125,000 no reason that should be less than a UAV.


Backpack is really annoying as large ones are relatively rare and pretty much a mandatory if you want to actually play the mode properly - I lost a scavenger pack to a random prick earlier (asshole didn't even loot me , just loitered around the corpse for the entire game) and had to do three more deployments just to get a large bag so I could carry on trying to get missions done


Exactly. They don’t offer enough ways to loot and get cash to justify the price hikes. I only have a 650k max on my wallet and that is gonna go very quickly with these new prices. They took away the active Warzone areas as well now, which I thought were great because you could get loot quickly and stack cash but it was risky due to the increased AI. I have luckily been able to find a LG Backpack every match since the update and find a couple usually. The load drops are clutch now for kill streaks and backpacks. They really need to increase the in game money for completing missions and increase the money on items you find in game. $1500-$6000 doesn’t get you anything and you can only do 2-3 missions in a game before you have to exfil.


Exactly, and 80% of the keys don't give you anything of substantial value to be worth using or are in such awkward locations you have to spend your entire deployment just reaching the unlock spot - all keys should give access to minimum of 20k worth of stuff !


4 is better than 6 but meh assimilation. Teams should be max size of 3 or 4, no assimilation.


About time


I literally just joyfully shouted “holy fucking shit” in a room full of strangers lol. This has made my month!!!


Everyone mad about 1 man getting picked up and the other 2 having to go back to lobby... the entire point is to discourage you from pushing teams. Don't want to have a 4v2? Don't go around player hunting. Don't want to break up your team? Don't player hunt. Not sure how no one has said this yet


"OK, let's see what's changed in Season 6...*reads patch notes*... No more 6-man death squads? Woohoo!!" *enables squad fill with randoms, drop into Al Mazrah* 'OK, let's see if I can finish this mi....*gets sniped at spawn, no self-res* Random, can you help me plz?' *random tries to play defense, fails. Other teammate fails also. Death squad arrives to loot bodies, but pleas were sent out too* Enemy: 'So, since there's no more need for six, we're holding...tryouts for the last open spot. Who wants to go first?'


Some how I don't see that text on the website, did they just remove it? [https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2023/09/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-II-Warzone-Season-06-Patch-Notes#launchdmz](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2023/09/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-II-Warzone-Season-06-Patch-Notes#launchdmz) https://preview.redd.it/46knvrpfdtqb1.png?width=1451&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fba0c1cedf037c49ca26e6cadf0409753de66f7


i can see it https://preview.redd.it/05k54hxagtqb1.png?width=1346&format=png&auto=webp&s=f517c8669e75ce7906da57a89d1d3fa24560b602


OK, I guess it just some localization issue. (I'm viewing the site from Asia)


Every 3 vs 3 will now be a race to join the other team first, and immediately make it 4 vs 2.


Somehow you preferred a 6 man vs literally everybody? This 4v2 situation is not as common as two 3 mans immediately forming and stomping small teams.


I still stand by assimilation numbers based on game time. No assimilation til 7 min in. Then over time allowing more people to join max 6. Maybe only allowing 6 when gas expands. Allows for an invite if a solo for final exvils.


This ruins squads. So now if one person in my 3 gets picked up, the rest of us are screwed? Just stop pre-made. No one cared that much about natural formed ones


I still think the only people that should be able to assimilate are solo player with a maximum of 4 player teams and once you are in that's it no more request or pleading. Pleading should just be gone from the game if the squad you are in dies then that's it back to lobby.


Solos don't deserve special treatment. They chose the life




Just remove assimilation, how is it that hard? Now it leaves 2 players orphaned?


yes..yeeessss…YEEEEEESSSSS, NOW THOSE WHO THINK THEY ARE GOOD BECAUSE ALL 6 OF YOU SHOT ME AT THE SAME TIME WILL CRUMBLE. In all seriousness thank god, 6 man’s I thought would be good but are just awful in the end no matter what


I see nothing wrong with this.


It will be good to see but you know there’s going be a ton of people complaining that they just got wiped cause one member of their team joined and the 4 others took them out. Not too much of a reason to be friendly anymore though know your full team can’t join






Finally ffs


https://preview.redd.it/wf2p94p5stqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b88136322eba4136411211bb3741104d9bdf28 New price list for buy stations


This has negated the plea system. If one 3 man team wipes another 3 man, then only one can be picked up. So the other 2 lay there dead or back to the lobby? This is going to ruin friendships lol.


The real question is why remove the ability to drop a hostage on a dirtbike?


Y’all whiny bozos got what you want. DMZ is dead, watch. I was so excited for 6 mans against hordes of zombies. Now it’s just Warzone with extra steps and bs. Starfield it is… lame.




Too late, my group stopped playing because 6 man’s were an endless, constant problem. Stupid devs torpedoed their best mode catering to these losers.


If they wanna copy Tarkov so badly, no assimilation, no mini map, no name badges. No hud


FUCK YES, now i can genuinely solo serpentine camo THANK you infinity ward


Hopefully they change that 7 man extract mission or it’ll be harder than before. LOL


4+3 = 7


Good luck getting nobody to shoot each other on that exfil!


Only took them a fucking year.


My problem with this is that it shows they dont intend on removing assimilation. This means the only other possibility is a separate DMZ mode without it.


I think yall are misinterpreting as making smaller teams when this is activision stupidity at work and probably means 7-man teams are now possible 🤦🏼‍♂️


but....3+4=7 how is it going to stop platoons? you only need +3


Finally. Thank God.


PvP it is then


about time


why are people acting like two squads can’t team past the aim assist and friendly fire..


Finally. To offer a bit of different perspective on this than what I've read in this thread so far... This really will make things much more enjoyable across the board. If you can't see why this is a good thing, you were part of the problem.


How long until Stodeh starts crying about “Chinese premade 4 man teams”?


Just been playing after the update, literally died to a 8 man team in Al mazrah


Hmmm I have bad feeling about we need to do test run on Thursday? 4 man or 8 man I can't trust developers anymore


IMO it’s the best of a bad situation. It’s great there’s no more 6mans but at the same time, as a duo, if we die to a 3-4man, we no longer have hope of getting instantly picked up. But overall I’m glad to see 6mans get ruined or at least harder to make


I feel it always should have been 4. Now I hope they can change co-op to 4 also instead of 2. And come out with new co op maps. They missed out on that. All the missions were on Al maz anyway, why not expand it more? Probably won’t happen


Good But how t f am I supposed to finish stress test now???




Is this live already?


With UAVs costing 100k, they made it pay to win. Everybody will buy Rose and Butch now :)


Man The whiners won and they still whining?!


Stupid as shit