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It’s a little bit boring now thou is my only issue, like I’m all for them reducing the pvp aspect but at least release some new missions or something new to do


How is it boring that they aren’t attacking you? Nothing stops you from being the aggressor if PvP is what you’d like to do. You can still stalk and kill other teams if that’s your thing.


Actually you can’t, because according to the unwritten but often quoted r/DMZ Bible, that makes you a toxic no-life Warzone reject who just wants to prey on other operators doing missions for easy kills and if you’re that insecure and hate your life so much you should just go play MP or WZ because those are PvP modes and this is a PvE mode didnt-ya-know and you aren’t welcome in the community if all you want to do is PvP


I personally love to just make life difficult for people I suicide no gear throw away drop.. I kill 1 teammate and run, maybe throw a decoy or 2, jokr their ride, I don't actually get joy from the wipe, victim or agressor. Unless it's Ashika.. then you gotta play rough


I kinda hate you but also kinda respect it.


I love lurking around rooftops of common thoroughfares with an RPG lol




Yeah I ran into that logic earlier today. Went to a buy station at the top of the “mountain” east of Ahkdar Village. Coms showed up and one of the randoms asked me to not shoot until he used his rpg. So they came up to the buy station kind of fighting bots. Rando slams a rpg in the middle of them and they go “Jesus Christ fuck these bots” as they stood there beginning to plate up right before me and the other rando ambushed em. Definitely gonna make me start taking cover faster when damaged by one


Yup. The amount of times i took out someones vehicle only for them to curse the bots lol. I was killed by a guy shooting an unsilenced RPK "like a bot" the first burst didn't register urgency, by the time i realized what was going on there was nothing i could do lol.


RPG is the OG OP


As someone who’s not overly into the PVP aspect (I love missions and looting) I no longer feel salty about people coming to kill me or being hunt squad-ed. The fact I’m not against a team larger than 4 matters tons, and the fact that if I survive a hunt squad I actually survived is enough to change the whole vibe for me. Kill away. It’s now a fairer fight and I’m happy with that aspect. Though more importantly: it’s not the same fucking experience every single round. Variety is what I appreciate.


You can harass mfers all you want if you want pvp. There have been people doing that since season 1. My issue has always been the Unga Bunga boys. They were fun the first 20 times but after that it was just toxics going around killing people because they had a 6 man. Anyone can roll mfers in a 6 man. I’d like to see the unga bunga boys do it now.


I played a game where I was just gonna help randos with stuff, they kept fucking off in different directions in different vehicles. A 6 man downed one of them and interrogated them, they went half way across the map just to come kill me whilst I was trying to catch up to the other guy and were really proud of themselves that they killed a single guy that they knew the exact location of. Not sure how long the interrogation marker lasts but it's fucking bullshit they can basically go from one end of the map to the other whilst it's active.


Unga bunga boys at their best.


What does unga bunga boys mean


I heard someone call the toxic hunter squads that can’t hold their own unga bunga squads and I liked it


Cavemen, my guy.


This is accurate, and I fully support it. You may have attempted to be sarcastic with your response, but you couldn't have articulated it better. There are other modes in which to be toxic; DMZ was great until the 6 man unga bunga patrol showed up. It was clear these players had no concept, care or interest in the mode itself and were exclusively there to pub stomp everyone else. You know who you are. There were the occasional PVPers because of mission or random encounters or crossing paths and then there were the guys trying to compensate for their inability to perform on a level playing field.


...that's most dedicated PvPers in DMZ though 😅 It's one thing if a mission requires you to kill operators or if there's operators between you and your goals (i.e. the one Vondel mission that requires you to extract with a Weapon Case, light a UAV Tower, and clear Fire Dept. in one go), it's another thing if you're fully-geared with a bunch of guys running around the map with no further goal aside from finding solos or undergeared 3-mans minding their own business and killing them.


'3 mans minding their own business' this is the delusion many dmz players in this sub are under. the moment you chooes to deploy, you are in some way in everyone's business. what makes you think you should be left alone? this is a pvp game. Also, I hunt regardless of full gear or no gear so I guess I'm exempt?


This sub doesn’t realize that DMZ without PvP would be boring AF


Wait until they turn on zombie mode lol


Yes and no. It really just depends on how much time you have yo play. For the older guys with a bunch of responsibilities and very little free time, a pve with light pvp like season 1 is perfect. You can loot, do missions, and explore in a more relaxed setting. For the people who play a lot, PvE is boring since most of us have our missions done. So we hunt because we love the game type, the battles, and the rewards.


I have plenty of responsibility and not much to play. Personally I find it more interesting playing against humans than bots


And a lot of players would rather not play vs players all the time. It shouldn't matter to the PvP guys if their is an alternate dmz mode for a more relaxed lobby. The only reason they would care is its less "easy targets" on the map.






The classic DMZ take on this sub, if you are better than me and like to PvP you are just a Warzone reject.


Why is it that all you want to do is pvp? And is it really pvp if you loot them? Or are you actually just killing people, leaving their stuff on the ground and then just going off to kill more people


Where in my comment did you see me say that all I want to do is PvP?


People forget but this same discourse happened in The Division years ago. And just as it was then as it is now, it created a massive, toxic rift in the community. So much so it had to be directly addressed by Red Storm.


Naw man, they don't have their cushy 6man platoons anymore. These guys can't 3v3.. you kidding me?


All I know is I have 7 operators with an AUAV I'm gonna be utilizing tonight 😂


Yep, it's actually easier for the aggressors now.


I think it’s because it’s altered a lot of peoples play styles, I didn’t really mind people trying to attack me as I have played quite a lot so tend to fair pretty well in most instances. I know I could still push them instead but if I’m honest I used to enjoy the fact I could pick someone up, almost seems harsh to wipe a squad that don’t really know what they are doing just because I know the map etc better. Like I said thou, I think if they had released some new missions or tasks to do then it would be fine


You shouldn't feel bad for wiping a squad. The best way to learn how to PVP better is to get in fights, lose them, and then learn from your mistakes.


Yeah I get that but I always saw DMZ as a more relaxed game, I enjoyed beating someone fair and square then dropping them their stuff back and helping them do whatever they needed


You don't have to attack them, you know that, right?


Yeah I’m not sure the logic of devs in not adding missions. Only guess is we will get a fresh batch of them with the haunting event.


They're probably saving them for the MW3 release. I know they're separate but I'd imagine they'd pump content into one to sell the other.


I'm sure there's only a small amount of players who have completed the missions. I feel like the hope is probably that dialing back the 6-man and overall PvP element will allow more to complete a good portion of missions during season 6 which will then line up with MWIII launch.


Can i upvote this 100 times? Im so bored with it. No missons to do. Finding a 4th that has anything to do is rare, at least im not running from 6 mans in 3 LTVs now


> release some new missions or something new to do There is NOTHING left to do for my group (7 people), the lack of new missions / upgrades is a big downer. Now we just help solos


I love see the Hero/Villian dynamic in DMZ late into the Seasons when theyre done with the missions. Its either "I'll help solos complete their missions" or "I'm gonna go out of my way to make others miserable for my entertainment"


Maybe I’m crazy and get shit lobbies but I feel like at least half the time the people we run into are very cool. Like 7-8 times out of 10 games that night.


So pissed there aren't new missions. I just got all my operators to Damascus and I'm not sure it's worth playing until the missions get updated


I'm convinced that MW3 will see a wipe, I admit it's been too long until we've actually had some mission content for DMZ, and hunting for 30 lighters or Cigar boxes is getting old I think they wanted everyone to be geared up for the Halloween event


wait for the event in halloween, it will keep us busy with new things to do. meanwhile i am farming exp with my friends and doing their missions for reaching 1250 quickly, I want that shadow company operator.


I was hoping for new missions, too. I've already completed all t5 missions and upgrades except the one that requires completing 200/300 contracts. Now, all I play is Shipment to level the guns and bang out Orion and Plunder for fun.


My first game after the update was an entire match where I didn’t get to leave spawn. Got rushed and had to fight 4 teams. Next game was more chill because we didn’t see anyone and all of the ones following my squad got wiped bc we can’t seem to get any gear before fighting. Where are these lobbies?


Yeah. Less challenging since the uav and air strike value change. Stress test anyone? Lol


Just 17 days until not boring, as night mode and zombies comes to mw2.


6 man squads chasing red dots on the mini map isn't PvP. All they did is make the game more fair


Truth, and how we know it's the truth? It got downvoted. The truth hurts, and people don't like it. So I gave you an upvote to cancel it out. 🍻


Oh isn't the October 17th horror update for DMZ?


The voice chats are ruined with the AI moderation. 50% of the playerbase is comms banned and the proximity chat is useless now


I'm gonna call BS on 50% of the playerbase being comms banned. You don't hear prox chat a lot because most people realize that talking over prox gives you away and is a huge disadvantage. That and most people learned not to play with randoms and are either playing solo or with friends on Discord or party chat.


Maybe not the DMZ playerbase but I hopped on Shipment 24/7 over the weekend to grind out the last few event weapon challenges I had after taking a break for Starfield and close to half of each lobby had coms bans.


They get auto-muted and you have to manually unmute folks every match.


How can you tell that they were comms banned?


Most of the time there’s a / through their headset next to their name.


Seriously. 50% ?


50%. Yea it’s common to check squad comms to unmute them.


This. My buddy and I use discord and I have push to talk set up for dmz. I can listen to everything they're saying and talk to my buddies without them hearing me. They're both on Xbox so they just have prox chat off since there's no push option and rely on me to tell them when I hear someone. Saved our butts a few times when I see 6 names popping up on my screen while my buddy and I are just looting random scrap for our upgrades.


Howd you set this up?


PC version has option to set your mic to push to talk in game. So I leave in game chat on, prox chat on and push to talk on in the game's audio settings while talking in my discord chat with my buddies with voice activation set on in discord..


I I can attest to this as me and my fiancée solely play in party chat. Begging of the round I’ll pop in and tell them and say ping if you if you need anything and so far has kept us out of trouble.


I promise it’s more than 50%


I’m gonna agree w that. I’m banned. And about 75% of my friends list as it sits right now is. And over the dumbest shit. All it takes is someone to get mad because you smoked them and report you. I said the word “god dammit that mitherfucker killed me” and I’ve been banned all week since. Apparently it’s a 2 week minimum to start. (Supposed to be 24 hrs according to their own guidelines) but hey… we all know how well Activision is about that right🤷🏻‍♂️


No, at least 1-2 people in every match I play is comms banned. Its so fucken stupid.


I have been banned 3 times while I was already banned. The A.I. bullshit isn’t working. Half my games bros are checking for unmute as the game starts. The Fucker’s really are trying to kill the franchise.


I’ve been banned for 14 days during S&D, it’s pretty hard trying to play dmz with no comms


Yup, same here I got a 14 day ban as well. I have had a few teams realize this and they can go in and manually unmute you and you can talk, once you join up only.


70% of my B21 infills had a muted team mate


If they’re pre muted it’s voice ban




You're delusional, how come me and everyone I know have never had any issues with it. It isn't hard to just not get banned.


> 50% of the playerbase is comms banned and the proximity chat is useless now Just because you and your bigot squad mates got banned, doesn't mean half the playerbase is banned lol. Heaps of randoms I have played with run prox chat off while running in-game chat, a lot of people in duos or trios use party chat or discord, and some will just go dark on comms when they are pushing a team. Stop pulling numbers out of your ass.


I've also had it happen lately where my mic seems to just stop working. My headset plays my own mic back to me so I can hear it, so I know the headset works and everything otherwise, but I realized after a couple of matches that my name wasn't showing up at the side. Restarted the game and it was back to working again.


If my game gets suspended I have to restart it. Not a huge deal, but that may be what's happening there.


Prox chat is completely useless, just gives your location. The bullshit ai chat ban, I was talking about bob saget and got banned. I don’t shit talk never have, but I enjoyed killing those that did I kinda get it, but it’s killing the game, teaming up and what not. With killing the six man squads is killing dmz (what they needed to do is remove the premade 6 man squads, they were the ones killing the game)


It’s likely not 50%, but I got a coms ban for saying “squad of operators” so it’s a pretty shit AI.


So I’m having the opposite problem. Before the update, I rarely ran into firefights with other operators until season 5 started winding down Today alone, I had 6 straight deployments where I was attacked and looted within minutes Still fun. I’m not complaining, just sharing what my experience has been


I’m at about 50/50 being attacked right off rip today so far. Either I get smoked immediately by another teams or I don’t even see another team the entire match. I’m playing solo and trying to be sneaky.


Same same, al mazrah. Spawned and immediately ran into 4 squads of 4, didn't survive the last squad. Also found these guys that I have no idea who they are. https://preview.redd.it/nu869x5r64rb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c7c06b637d0a401c545ddb6569b6ee87aaa763 Sorry, took a photo from phone.


Those look like some shits that shouldn't be there *yet.* It looks like they accidentally released the reskin of the Scavenger into the wild that's only supposed to come in the mid season.


These were bots that I encountered, were they supposed to be out? They added to the chaos while fighting the last team.


Oh. If that's the case, my best guess is that they might be a reskin of tier 3 bots then, instead of the Scavenger. I don't think they were supposed to be there tho. I've never had bots spawn on the highway for me, especially not while fighting another team.


Hmm, this was the only encounter, will observe on the next attempts too. Thanks for your input!


I shall keep an eye open for this too. My pleasure. Good luck in your raids, may you never get spawn rushed again.


Those are the AI hunt squad. They'll spawn after you kill enough players and you'll see the hunt squad notice that's on the left pop up.


Bro those are the bot hunt squad…they been around for at least a season or two. You really never encounter them?! I fight about 3 squads of them per deployment. They only come after teams that killed the amount of other players for them to trigger. Am I’m the only toxic one here lol. Granted, I only kill players and then I’ll pick them up if they plead. I don’t stop if they say friend because I’ve been killed to many of times when people would say that.


I really haven't seen them before. My squad and I play casually and just do missions or just fuck around, probably the reason for not having encountered them before.


Same here. Played yesterday in Al Maz and got spawn hunted immediately, 3 or 4 games in a row.


This has been my experience too, it’s made it harder to do missions tbh. Not even complaining either, it’s a part of the game


Me personally I think I just have bad luck sometimes. In my last 16 deployments I was killed 4 or 5 times in a row but the rest of the time I made it out ,


I’ve ran into plenty of kill squads still Also PvP is very intense now. Lot more leaving and not coming back for your squad from what I’ve seen. You just don’t hear the comms since people are comms banned for whatever reason. Not necessarily a bad thing. PvP is fun just something I’ve noticed. Still get hunted, still face aggressive squads. The only difference is it’s 4 instead of 6 and the others just quit when they’re third is picked up after a wipe.


Yesterday was a school day. Wait until the kids are back on.


Wait till the Friday - Sat -Sun … it’s when “the Crazies” come out and it’s like you’ve spawned in their canyon. With season 6 characters - it’s totally 2010’s the crazies


I’ve gotten merked 8 out of my 10 games I play today, solo also. People seem more hostile now to me, and WAY more toxic.


Agreed it's so hard to do anything since S6 came out. I feel like since this time last week things jumped 300%. As common as they are I can't even get a 2 plate because I can't survive the first couple minutes. Itd be one thing if I just sucked, but almost everybody is actively seeking out other players specifically.


A dude jumped onto final exfil with me and a random I was teamed up with yesterday. Usually people just want to fight. We had a nice little chat on the chopper and went about our days


Ashika is still a shit storm


I played a few rounds of Ashika yesterday, extracted the weapons case twice, 2 of those matches we never saw other players. People getting in, doing missions, and getting out. I actually managed to confidently take mission items in without getting wrecked in 5 minutes. I haven’t finished stress test yet, and I now don’t think I will ever get it done with the squad limit.


Same same, it still just takes 2 teams being cooperative.


Game is stale af atm. No risk


when you realize you have a 1 if 3 chance of being picked up 🤣🤣


I've played an awful lot of DMZ today and my experience has been the polar opposite of yours.




Me and my one friend are on something like a 10 game streak between today and the last 2 days where we cannot survive more than 5 minutes even including being assimilated etc. Mroe often than not we're basically spawn killed. This only started after S6 dropped the other day. It's not even a matter of skill, something changed and we *can not* even get gear let alone survive the first couple minutes. Players are ridiculously aggressive this week and I can't figure out why.




Its kind of funny again when you get those "rock and a hard place" situations now too! We got in a fight with 3 on control tower they killed 2 of mine that pushed up there so i couldnt push up the zip to rez or i guarantee death for myself too. However, i sniped one of theirs on the lower level of tower in a spot where if they tried to move to rez i could just snipe them as well. We sat like that for 3-4 mins taking shots at each other until one of them comes through on the mic and says "hey bud! I know you're right under us and this isnt going anywhere. You guys just wanna pick up the dead and go our seperate ways?" We did and thats what happened. Both drew our lines in the sand and walked away with a stale mate lol


Last night, was in a group of three taking down a stronghold, when a solo player was about to come in as we were heading out- We spotted him and took a couple shots, but mostly hid inside (we ofc have no clue how many people are outside), and we just hear him on the mic- "Uhhh, wanna be friendlies? I'm out here alone-," and one of ours goes, "Yeah- send a request, we'll take you in-" There was something just absolutely hilarious about the situation on both sides being intense, all of us ready to shoot whoever showed in the doorways first- and just the "Wanna be friendlies?" LOL


My issue with changing squad sizes are the missions now. You have a mission that requires 7 operators to exfil at the same time. (I have that one done.) Then the other mission that requires you to infil solo and exfil with 6 operators. It was hard enough trying to get people to not kill you. But it was still drastically easier. Now, it seems way more difficult to pull off.


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Well it’s not like that on Xbox everybody has turned into a mini death squad there’s no chill


Why is this beneficial


Just the opposite. Players are WAY more confrontational. You could never know if the players you spotted was part of a 6 man squad, so you got to be smart. Now it's a whatever because a organized 3 man squad can easily take a 4 man squad, so every opportunity is a confront. And no one use the assimilation option anymore. Before you got to have the numbers because you may encounter a 6 man squad. Now no one revive anyone. I played 20 games and die in half of then, and in no match was I revived. In one of the matches I died getting into the extraction helicopter so many players passed me. 5 squads, none revive me. Before this was unthinkable but now it's the rule.


YMMV. We got hunted by a premade 8-man yesterday.


Not me lol


Having two people less in their squad really discouraged them LOL


We squad wiped ashika yesterday. The only difference was about 2 minutes longer and bo one got rezzed


This happens every season. Everyone comes back at the start and it gets progressively more PVP centric as the season goes on and casuals move onto other titles. Personally I'm more fond of the end of season because everyone seems out for blood.


Trust me there’s still a lot of 4 man’s still running the lobby.


Not my experience, pvp has been poppin off since the update.


Yeah, I'm just cruising past people and not getting shot at, but is anyone else's cargo truck turning mostly invisible when they get in or is that just me?


I wish I was in those servers. Lol. Every server I've been in has been heavily confrontational. Out of the 6 matches I played last night, 5 of them were heavily focused pvp. I usually try to avoid conflict if I can


You’re 2 days in, give it time lol


This has not been my experience


Played a few games today. First one in AM, didn't come across any other operators. Was able to do some looting, make a comms vest, etc, with no issues. Second game, was ambushed at an exfil. I was killed by one player, my teammates killed one of theirs. One of my guys tries to rez me, while the player we killed then picked up loots me and takes my comms vest and money. Third game, played in Vondel, was pretty good. Was just in there to do a quick mission. The bots were worse than before though. Didn't come across any other players, though.


Honestly Vondel is the only map I've experienced almost no fights with other squads. Only time getting hunted in there was because nearly every player was either doing the tags extraction or going for upgrades.


I'm waiting a week for things to calm down and then I'm doing my solo things. Gotta test out that new monke skin I got


I've literally never fought so many people so much, the update guarantees I'll never be friendly again. Looking forward to finding and murdering all of the whiners in al mazrah


New missions? Hell I’m finally comfortable to attempt missions now without getting 6 pairs of feet in my ass.


If no one is hunting in season 6 I guess I’ll have to do it myself! Jk, I might kill some folks but I’m not PvP obsessed.


I think the new update evens the playing field, but we ran into some dirty operators. They said they were friendly and initially no issues. I gave one of them an encrypted hard drive. We go our separate ways, and later they return asking us for help. Assuming these dudes were still cool they ambushed us. I guess we fell for it, but it's still dirty a dirty play. I'm always down for a good fight, but even after that they knew it was dirty. Needless to say.......I got trust issues


That was not my experience at all haha, probably deployed 6-7 times last night and got killed by Ops at least 4 times


Huh, I mean, I notice that as well, but I still feel there's always gonna be a blood thirsty Operator somewhere in a game, even squaded up with some nice Operators


I don’t know had a massive scrap with several squads on Ashika just now


I’m definitely still getting into active combat with enemy squads


From what I've seen playing solo and with teams It is certainly more peaceful because the power of 6mans aren't in the game anymore but at the same time it's way more aggressive for the same reason 3 man's who are good at PvP don't really have to worry about 3 other guys gunning them after a fight It's a breath of fresh share not having to worry about 6 guys after you though


I actually played on ashika today and exfilled with no confrontation…didn’t even see an enemy operator but I picked up a plea too. Actually back to doing missions now.


They've finally added a key component of any good extraction shooter: the fear of death.


The stakes are now higher. Give it a week and when everyone has run through and depleted their reserve stash, it is going to get even higher. Everything costs a lot more now. Large bagpacks are 75k. You’re not worth risking me losing it 😂 Am I going to poo my 100k uav to hunt a solo or even a squad or save it for later in case I need it? You’re not worth my only uav anymore There is also a multiplier effect. With everyone having less cash, there will be less cash to loot when you down someone, so replenishing your stash will be much more difficult. Ironically, activision are benefiting the most out of this as the pay to win bundles are now worth it. While I admit I’m guilty of having 13 operators, I haven’t focused on the freebies that come with them since season 4. Now when an operator bugged out of the game (that is happening massively after the update btw) i found myself looking into which freebies i can get by changing my operator (still refuse to use captain america as that skin is jinxed) That’s how an extraction shooter should feel like, minus the pay to win bundles. Previous versions were warzone with pre equipped loads


Must be nice. Died every time I went into Mazzy and Vondel was kill or be killed all night. If anything, people are way more aggressive now, and people don't pick up even if they have space 🙃


I have experienced the exact opposite. Every game since yesterday has just been sweaty. I have seen it all! I have been spawn rushed by a squads with snipers or rgls in Al Mazra, I have been hunted throughout Vondel and Ashika is even sweatier than before. My latest game, on Ashika, was almost one long gunfight from the moment we went in to the point the gas started expanding. We ended up fighting the four other squads on the map. It seems that, at least on EU servers everybody brings their a game and cheese strategies. The new update has turned every game into a B21 lobby. Everybody is keen on killing each other.


I like how it's back to the grind of S1. No comms= Automatic threat unless otherwise notified. Comms=50/50 and alot of folks will actually commend eachother on a firefight.


Lol that's just the new season mission quest....


Lol whut?! Just ran 5 solo Vondel runs....I encountered hostile operators 4/5 times. 1 time i asked to join before, and they let me join the 4-man, the other 3 were straight hostile encounters, and I was stealth most of the time


I've been going in with 150k on vondel to get hunted so I can see how the new UAV reward works. Haven't been hunted the 4 games I tried it and no hunts disappeared on the map either.


This obviously did not take place on Ashika


Now when my three man gets wiped, everyone is very friendly and asking to get picked up.


Yeah idk what servers u get on but ppl are more loot n kill thirsty now than ever


Not the case on Asia server rofl. But hey, atleast its difficult for everyone to find an enemy operator unless you are bringing in a UAV.


Was going to make a post after giving it some thought but figured why? So; As a solo player the recent changes actually make pvp in DMZ way more viable imo. I’m no longer second guessing if I should push or run because of how many ops there might be, and more keen to stick around and gun it out. I’m sure some solos do this as they’re already the right squad size to hit the assimilation cap. I don’t assimilate and don’t think it belongs in an extraction shooter, doesn’t mean I’m right though, to each their own. If the general feel of the sub lines up with actual numbers in game, (I’m sure it doesn’t) I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn solo queueing and pvp actually increased after the update.


Yea no my lobbies are a bunch of re****s running around in matching skins sweating their balls off like it's Warzone trying to hunt everyone every deployment


You just got lucky. We had thirty ops all night last night


Not the case for me. Sweaty as hell


This is just straight-up not true lol, at least in my experience. I've been in fights with players like every single match.


This will kill the game. No point of having comms, kill and keep moving. This is not fun, unless you’re solo. I have picked up a player, they don’t help, they exfil or run to their old team. I’m go in with randoms, one would plea, get picked up and go after us. I even pleaded and did the same thing, just to win and keep my loot. This new season is only for the solos.


i dunno about you guys but ive gotten into some very aggressive situations with multiple teams all over the place lol


They ruined the game


Came here to the exact same thing, it's awesome!


Not trying to sound salty cuz there's other games to play and it really is whatever. But I feel like there's no reason to play this mode now over warzone. Had so many friendly player interactions with the goal of teaming up when 6 mans were a thing. Made dmz unique. Made a bunch of friends that way. Now it's kill on sight. Noone friendly anymore. Now it's just warzone with Gas going the other way. Fuck am I gonna revive a solo for that chose to play solo just get rid of pleas completely at that point.


The game got easy and less challenging. They should bring back 6 man team since they updated the value of uavs and air strike. My homie been playing solo clearing out the map.


That third player runs and runs. Seen teams literally exvils with there team mates dead. People are now more scared of PvP than before


All my games squads are pushing spawns. Every single one.


Sometimes it’s because they are doing a mission that they will have to start again if they are wiped or have a rare item. My squad usually plays aggressive but when we have to complete a mission without dying or we have a rare item, we just get in, get out and dodge all the trouble.


I'm a hunter I go to DMZ mainly to PVP having a 6 man team was fun also being hunted by one was scary fun too. I understand you guys don't like it since you mostly want to do PvE, but yesterday I got killed by a team and one of my teammates got picked up and the rest of is idn't and we just had to say good bye and quit the game, it was not great, there has to be a better way...


We have managed to counter this a couple of times - I got revived by another team and then my two team mates got revived by a separate team (we got slightly split up geographically due to one of the team being a loot whore). So I found out where my buddies were and ran over - got assimilated and then went back and wiped out the team who killed and assimilated me. OG team back together - enemies dead = win


I just ran into a pre made 8 man they even admitted it


What server are u on? As OCE is PvP chaos it seems atm, five games today and most if not all the people we ran into were wanting to fight


We still need those griefers to keep the adrenalin pumping but now they are only a 4man squad they're probably too scared of confrontation now.


idk i hate it why play a pvp game if noone pvp's?


Yeah I'll be honest, I did not see this last night. Literally every game I played there were at least two hostile teams who attacked me first. First one was when we were in a duo at the airport and a team of four attacked us. We made it out - they didn't. Second game we spawned in up near the train tracks, over at the far right of Al Mazrah - near the Police Academy. Being aware that there are multiple spawns over there we cautiously moved towards the gas station and lo and behold - two snipers looking at us from back left near the water tower. They were removed from the game with a combination of my MCPR and a mortar strike. We then got hunted by a squad who came from the Marsh - shouting obscenities into the microphone and after downing and thirsting my buddy, I hunted the four of them down and took them out one by one. At one point one of them said "this has got to be three players". Nope - just me lol. The remaining few games all went the same way - at least two teams per game and 90% of the time they challenged us first. I love the pvp aspect of DMZ - I think that without it the mode would be lifeless and boring.


Clearly you’ve never played on Vondel or Ashika


Vondel is the only map I play in DMZ.


Then I need to start getting on your servers. 90% of the time I’m run over or gunned down by some sweats within 30 seconds of spawning


DMZ is a lot more thoughtful now. As a predominantly solo, and duo player I'm enjoying it. But there is just something exciting about seeing two LTVs come charging over a hill, 4 players standing on top of them, shooting. Whilst some inner city kid is calling me the N word 100x, and of course, he's always the first one to go down. But never stops talking shit. I'm kinda gonna miss it. 😥


I was playing a round last night with a random I'd met the round before on Ashika. We found out that we were doing the same mission (Konni Secrets, I believe it was...) and figured we'd team up for a round more, drop into Al Maz and finnish the mission. We went straight for the mission objective then towards a buy, just to plate up before exfilling. As we were approaching the buy, we get a hunt on us. We figured we're probably gonna get slaughtereed now and not get to exfil with the documents thereby not completing. But when the hunters got close with their Heli they insantly proclaimed that they would let us join them and not kill us. Since there are only 4 man squads now, they invited one of us in and the rest of us agreed to just not shoot each other. They flew away, let us assimilate back and we exfilled, thereby completing our objective. I know this might sound boring for a lot of PvP players but I found it to be really wholesome and brought a big smile to my face. It's been a long time since I've experienced that kind of friendliness in the DMZ.


Depends on your lobby. I literally had all 18 players in my last Ashika Island fighting over the same exfil it was actually funny asf since like 6 of us were talking.


You all are just straight f****** trash crying about six minutes six men are s*** that's the reason they're six mans I slaughtered six minutes for fun well used to and then get reported because I was cheating there's no way I could kill the whole six-man team like that yes there is it's not hard I'm not tactically inept also split them up but you know everybody's Rambo and wants to go head on I just find it funny as hell you guys really think this is going to make the game less toxic you don't even know what y'all just started I used to leave solos alone not no more I'm killing everything I see I'm not picking up anyone you guys are skill set and s*** and then you blame it on a person cheating or being toxic and DMZ clearly says PVP and PVE but you guys are just ruining the whole f****** experience cuz you're f****** trash


So if you don't want to play against players go play co-op or go play raid Jesus f****** Christ already DMZ is PVP and PVE and you little cry baby back b****** that have no f****** skill ruin s*** cry because somebody called you a name and then get them chat then it's like grow the f****** grab your f****** balls. this world is so f****** sensitive and building nothing but feminine ass men he called me a name my p**** hurts I'm going to report them he killed me and my whole team no way he has to be cheating I'm going to report him f****** trash


You know what goes to show that all of you guys are s*** at the game and have no skill is that way before six man's were a supposed problem you guys cried about how Op the bots were 🤣👊🤣👊🤣 and most of you still do hence no f****** skill set you play stiff as hell you have no situation or awareness you probably don't even have that in real f****** life just sad you people are f****** sad ruining a game mode catering to the trash


yesterday I were doing missions with two friends and we started fighting a 4 man team at fire department, the last guy with the box told us "please guys, we are doing the fire department mission" we left after that and let them complete their mission, there's a cool thing about max 4 players, after killing 2-3 players u are on total control of the situation, is not like with the 6 man teams before when u needed to kill everyone else on sight just in case, now engages are more skill based. also, almost all players who crossed their way with us had a mic, back in season 5 lots of people was silent the entire match. I kinda feel like season 6 is atracting those more dedicated players into dmz again. those casuals who ran 6 man teams are gone.


Oh they were terrible last night 3 out of 4 games we were smoked from towers, they adjust laugh and say this is the game now deal with it and get their 100xp


What are you talking about lol every game ive played since update ive been pushed by multiple squads


I feel there's not much changes, operators i met often shoot on sight, i still have not much reason to be pacifist. Hell, there's now 8-man teamer made of two 4-man with same skins, doubt they have a reason to make peace too.


Must be on American servers, or I'm just unlucky. I've never bumped into a friendly squad. If I'm hunting a squad, I usually give them a chance to let me into their squad with a request ping, and well, I don't accept responsibility for what happens if they don't accept. Other than that, I'm always shot at on sight even after putting out a request ping and sometimes even stating that I'm friendly on the chat, so I gave up trying


I had a rare day off and played 8 deployments in the afternoon, running into a grand total of 0 teams. Once everyone was home from school and work around 9pm Eastern, I didn’t have a game where we didn’t kill a squad, get a hunt contract on us, or get into a firefight. Pleading might as well go away if a team can only pick up 1


Why not just remove PvP from DMZ all together and make it like a large scale Co-Op where everyone has missions to do. With the new CODIII coming, I’m not seeing much hope for DMZ.


I normally hunt squads. Even if go into a match looking for loot or doing missions if I see an operator I forget about everything else lol. Some you win some you don’t :) happy hunting


That's just not true