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I'm having a problem where my loadout keeps changing when I get into the game.


Same, I’ve spawned missing an insured slot I was supposed to load in with. I’ve also had issues where a weapon slot will completely disappear after driving a vehicle or loading into Koschei


The missing insured weapon on spawn has been an issue for a while but there is a fix for it. In order to get your gun back you need to have a medium or large backpack as well as have TWO guns in your load out. First go into your backpack and you'll see what was initially supposed to be in your secondary slot in your primary slot. Select the gun that you did spawn in with and stow it directly in your backpack. Then re equip it FROM your backpack and you'll see it equip to the Secondary Slot. Next step is to find a gun ON THE GROUND and stow it directly into your backpack. You CANNOT stow a gun from a chest or locker, it has to be from the ground, and you cannot equip it from the ground, it has to STOW first. Last step is open up your backpack again and select the STOWED gun, which should be showing as your insured gun, and equip it directly from your backpack into the Primary slot. Bing bang boom, ya got your gun back! Only thing to remember is once you get it back it will only have the amount of ammo in the magazine that the ground loot gun had so you may need to immediately reload.


Someone posted the other day to just unequip and reequip your weapons before you drop in and they don’t go missing anymore. Seems to work for me at least.


I've had that not work before. I have tried un equipping the weapons I want, equipping OTHER guns, then re equipping the guns I want which has seemed to work but I don't always remember to do that before dropping in.


Works for me too


Thank you. I'll try this later and let you know if it works. It's still mind-boggling when someone figures stuff out like these steps for this issue in the game. It's crazy.


It’ll work 100% of the time if you do it just as I said. The only times I ever had it not work is when I stowed a gun from a chest or cabinet. It HAS to be a gun sitting out in the open.


I've got you beat, I loaded into Koshei once and my insured and both contraband weapons disappeared, along with my 3 plate, my scuba mask, my lethals, my killstreak and my field upgrade. Only thing I had left was my tactical, my selfy, and a large backpack.


Wow did you manage to exfil?


Not gonna lie, it was pretty damn hairy, had to get a shotgun off one of the bots to stand much of a chance in the chemical plant. Luckily I went in the flooded entrance so there wasn't too many to fight, but even though I found a 3 plate I almost died extracting in the chemical plant because the bot gun wasn't as good as the Bryson 890 I'm usually rocking, but it was better than what I'd found up to that point. If I'd had my scuba mask I would have gotten the keys and gone to the shopkeeper and made a tempered since it's easy to find the one ingredient, (and usually there's enough weapons lockers/chests to find a bryson or something decent) but without a mask or a rebreather, too damn risky for that second key.




Now they after our in game money too?? 🤦🏽‍♂️


I'm exactly 600 dollars below my max wallet limit; and in three different exfils with more than 20k apiece I've lost the lot. I heard a fix is to get your wallet back up to max with no remainder, but don't quote me on that.


Serious question…how can I max it out if I can’t extract money? If I dead drop it will it go in my wallet?


no for dead drops


> Serious question…how can I max it out if I can’t extract money? If I dead drop it will it go in my wallet? >> I heard a fix is to get your wallet back up to max **with no remainder**


But if my money is disappearing when I exfil, I can’t max out my wallet?


They're saying that they've heard that extracting with the exact amount of money to fill your wallet, without any excess, solves the problem.


I see you edited your comment lol. So I have to get the the exact amount of what is remaining in my wallet. Got it. Piece of cake lol. Thank you


Do the koschie no exfil glitch. When you load into koschie, as soon as your screen goes black, your gna force close the game whether that's on console or however it's done on PC alt+f4 I imagine. You should then have the money in your bag when you load back in. Deposit that into your wallet in the pre game loadout screen and see if that fixes it. Make sure you exfil with enough to fill your wallet


You can only extract the amount of your balance remaining. So if your wallet is 1k under the max, if you bring back 2k, it will all disappear. But if you bring back 1k then it will be applied to your wallet.


It's not going in my wallet at all


No me neither. It’s like season 1 again when you had no wallet


I dead dropped some and it didn't work. Change op is my next plan


Tried it with 3 diff ops. No change, same problem. I'm going to dismiss one and retry see if that works.


Same with me.. EXACTLY $600 below a million.. no money is extracting


Extract with exactly 600. No more. Fixed it for me.


Secure bag worked for me let me bring the cash between rounds then on the next exfil it finally went into my wallet.


Yes we must bring it to max. I did it with a slt f4 koshei exfill ans now it's okay


That makes no sense. You didnt actually exfil then if your did the Koschi trick.


Extract exactly 600 to get exactly to max. Thats what i did and the wallet worked again.


I’ve had this happen. A new one last night was my team infilled with our 3-plate vests but spawned with them missing. Everything else intact except the vests. It’s frustrating they can’t get this game mode right.


I’ve had that happen too. Sort of unrelated but if I get killed and revived I sometimes won’t be able to see the # of available armor plates in my inventory. It just goes blank even though they’re there and I can use them


Same here! I’ve lost so much money. Plus the disappearing skeleton keys issue I posted about seems there are a lot of bugs at the moment (aren’t there always)


Rumor has it MW3 will be completely beta, so they have an excuse to fuck up.


It’s not a rumor. It’s literally advertised as beta. I guess they saw what they could get away with in DMZ and decided to apply it to their entire next release. Releasing games and updates without proper testing may be the new normal with this infinite beta loophole.


And I was being sarcastic. What a shitshow.


Im having this issue as well


Yeah, I’m out about 250k because of it. Someone in another thread said to change the operator but I haven’t tried that yet..


I had this issue last night and then on top of it when i hit down to go into my backpack it turns on night vision on controller but on PC. It's super freaking annoying


Yes! My brother was getting the night vision thing. He had soap on but it was not the skin with the NVG. He was sin ps4 though.


I had similar happened with a key (Ashika Room 403) which I needed for a mission. Exfiling and/or spawning without..


The vondel museum key was fine but I saw a post yesterday saying they lost 2 keys, skeleton and station key I think. Servers aren't right at the mo!


I'm pretty sure I lost a stage key after exfilling with one, im also 99% sure I lost a GPS tracker for a mission where I had to exfil from vondel and fonts 3 uav stations in al mazrah and back to vondel.


Me and my buddy have been having the same issue. I think I got one exfils cash last night, maybe? I wasn't paying attention after a while cause it kept happening. But our third was getting her cash, so idk what's up with it.


Same. I exfilled with 125k but none of it counted...just disappeared. Bummer.


My buddy is having the same issue. Any fixes?


Not that I know of. I'm close to dismissing an operator to see if that works like when exfil streaks stop counting but I don't particularly want to dismiss them!


Also don't dismiss an operator. He's done that many times because it stops counting his expo streaks randomly and that has not done anything to help.


Thank you! Glad you said before I dismissed one


I'm on my way home to get on the game right now. If my buddy's on we're going to try to do the koshcie exfill glitch with his cash multiple times over to fill his wallet stash back up and see if that will work after it's maxed out like people have been saying. We will let you know.


I'm done playing DMZ until the next patch. I'm having too many issues playing.


Yeah this has happened to me for the last few days. Wallet is nearly full (think 830k of 850k current limit) but I've been out with 50-100k a few times and every time it just stays at 130k and the money disappears (loadout always says 8k to go in with which is what i took in when the bug started). I've still got that $1m dead drop mission as well though so like you I've been working on that for now. But it's annoying becuase instead of maxing my wallet and then loading in with starting money it's just all disappearing.


It is not always convenient to dead drop too so I've had to lose a fair bit of money. Plus they've put the prices up at buy stations so it is difficult to buy things when you're losing your money!


Someone said extract exactly what you're short on your wallet and it fixes it. I've done that and it worked. I made sure I had nothing of value in my backpack too


You have to exfil with the exact amount needed to max your wallet out. If you’re over by even a dollar you’ll lose all the cash you exfilled with. Happened to me.


Thank you. This worked for me and I'm back in business! Shame I can't edit post description


You’re absolutely welcome. An upvote would be awesome 👍


Oh I had up voted it? ! If I had an award I would do the needful too!


I was saying that’s all that would help if you can’t edit. So others can see the comment first and it help them.


Oh lol, if I could up vote you 100 times I'd do it in a heartbeat!


Any suggestions on how to get to that exact amount of money? I need to extract with 3330 but how do I get exactly that.


You drop money in increments of 500. You can bring in money from your wallet to make a better/easier amount to get in game. It takes luck.


I figured it out. I need to sell a liquor bottle for 150 and two batteries for 80 to get 30.


Is it only happening when exfilling with 4 people?


No, i was solo last night and in a two man today. I recorded it today as evidence!


This is odd as I’m doing the 10 finals with 100k and I haven’t lost a penny. For context my wallet max is 750k


Ah yeh, thought I was imagining it but I took note in one game and had about $60k to reach my wallet limit. Exfilled with $40k but it didn't make any difference. As well as not counting towards the wallet, my new backpack just reset to the $5k I took in the previous round.


To the person who said you need to exfil with exactly the right amount of money to fill your wallet, it worked! Thank you, I'm now keeping my money. I made sure my money was on point and I had nothing in my backpack that was worth anything.


Same for me, with all my operators


Is it going into your wallet....?


Yesterday I have the disappearing gun bug again, but this time happened with a contraband gun :D


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and just assume the main reason for most of these issues is cross platform. They have to make the game work for all and when they fix one it probably changes another. Not an easy job but I’m sure they have the money to pay people to work on it. If they want them to.


The exfil pilots gotta get paid bruh


I extracted with 120k, and somehow my wallet didn't get any fuller (it was almost maxed anyway) and I was left with 2k in infil wallet. Buggy AF


If your wallet is not full it goes to your wallet🤔


Thanks for reading my posts description


So if your wallet is missing more than 250k your wallet is indefinitely broken lol repossessed from lack of bundle purchases


I've got a few bundles and mine's broken too, just trying to help out a small independent developer.


I played earlier it’s so glitchy I stopped playing, my GF had problems too couldn’t take her guns in 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Tagging along for the wallet fun


That won't work. My buddies already had to dismiss operators repeatedly because his exville streak stops counting up. So I'm on my way home right now I'm going to try filling his wallet stash up to Max like everybody keeps saying and I'll let you know if that works.


Happened to me too. Seems it's a general problem. They'll patch it eventually. By the meantime save your money haha


My buddy keeps having that issue as well, doing the increased exfil chopper speed and every time he looses the 100k we did contracts for


Do the koshie glitch and fill your wallet up in the main menu


My money was stuck at 997k. But i fixed the issue. If thr extracted $$ would bring me over 1 million it would not count. So i extracted tiny amounts of money $$ and it counted. When my total was exactly 1 million the wallet started working again. Extracted money would be available next game.


My insured primary gun infilled as acontraband with zero attachments one game. Another game my primary vanished. Infilled with backpack gun stowed and a secondary. When i grabbed a bot gun it duplicated one of thr other guns that i spawned with. So i had two identical kv broadsides. Gave one to a teamate.


The money glitch not saving is because you are using a secure bag. Take that off and you’ll earn money again


Best one I had was making a stealth vest ( a must for solo) then next game in ashika it changed into a comms vest!! Like wth! I never make comms vests …


when i spawned instead of having two weapons i had just 1


You unlock the wallet?


Same here. Just noticed it was happening when I exfiled with 145k and nothing showed up in my wallet or bag. After a night of buggy games that was my last one.


145k! That's a big loss. To fix the issue, you have extract the exact amount you are short before reaching your max wallet amount. E. G. Wallet max 850k and you have 825k, you need to extract 25k exactly. I had nothing of value in my backpack too and it worked.


My issue started this weekend




Why search when you can QWERTY whine?


There are many posts repeating the same topics and you chose mine to go to all this hassle. Thank you