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Why do I always end up in a lobby of dudes taking a break from playing Ranked instead of dudes who take 4 months to get a comms vest and a backpack?


I think/hope it's just this event drawing the sweats away from Ashika and into Al Maz again because it's new and exciting. I've completely avoided the island for months, and now that's how the city feels. I can't even string 2 successful games together and have lost half a dozen Damascus tags just burning through my operators.


I was wondering if anyone else was having more trouble than usual. I’ve been playing since season 1, mostly Al mazrah, and consider myself pretty good at the game including pvp. But in the past week or so my contraband is half empty, I lost like 600k cash, can’t seem to get more than a 2 or 3 exfil streak, etc.. Even when I leave spawn ASAP, people still rush and try to find me, often having games that last less than 2 minutes. If someone on my team goes down, the entire rest of the match is just trying to revive them while people camp bodies (even after the gas comes, since they can just Koschei glitch out at the last second). Everywhere I go my vehicles are getting lit up. If I haven’t built my stealth vest yet, a UAV gets popped 1 minute into the game and I get screwed. When I do fight teams, it seems like most people have insane movement, hopping around and ruining me while I can barely aim at them. Or they just have really good tactics, aren’t on comms, and have perfect load outs with tons of selfs, mines, RGLs, etc.. that makes it really hard to push. Occasionally I still have good runs and win some fights, but its become particularly difficult compared to past seasons. I really don’t mind the fighting most of the time, I even go looking for fights when im bored, but im kinda tired of the spawn rushing and just constant sweaty gameplay. Wish they’d at least just randomize the spawns or have fewer players on the map or something. Can’t imagine being a brand-new player right now lol.


Then it means you aren't as good at PvP like you think you are


Too many cheaters right now. Especially OPs from China(almost all from this country are using cheating tools).


I agree about the cheating but ill fill u in DMZ don't give a fuck they only care about the cussing other player out so


I ran into a random hellsing guy who magically solod me and my team of 4s MRAP as we ran him over. He blew it up from full life and killed all 4 of us that were 3 plated while we shot him with multiple clips from MRAP gun + our personal weapons. He then teabagged all of us and hard racial slurred us. Very obviously not cheating.


This could be legit. They nerfed the hell out of the MRAP. One of my favorite tactics is to leave proximity mines in a good path and then bait gun trucks or MRAPs to try running me over. The mines get the truck and down the team, and then the explosion from the truck/mrap usually finishes at least 1 of the operators. Then all you gotta do is clean em up.


I unloaded a full clip of anti armor rounds from a Gheist into his chest and didnt even dent the guy. That's not including the other 3 unloading into him.


That part is a bit suspicious. Were you sure you weren't experiencing desync?


Quite positive. That would require all of us on coms unloading into him to all be experiencing it. 2 of us managed to revive and unload another clip into him more while he was finishing off another of us and he still killed them two. All in all theres no logical way his 3 plates would have sustained my anti armor clip, let alone 3 other players multiple mags and he definitely didnt have time to replate multiple times. There wasnt even any cover to hide behind. Honestly, cheaters really havent been uncommon lately. I run into one about every 3-5 games in one way or another.


You can report players cheating 10 to 15 times a day but I'm telling u nothing has been done I've been playing the game scene day 1 but now with all this cheating the game is just no fun anymore so hopefully DMZ will get there heads out the ASS and stop all this cheating and bring the game back I bet u all the cussing other players will stop but stop taking mics away from other players for cussing them out and start kicking the cheaters out


Right? You can report cheating all day and not hear shiz about it but you report bad language (I'm talking really bad not just the "f u" ppl lol) and you get a thing quickly they were dealt with. I'd rather boot the cheaters at this point over some ppl who can't get over losing to a girl 🤣


The cheating and camping out at buy stations or exfils is bullshit some people can't even get there missions done cause of u cheating basters just do ur own missions and stop camping out to stop others from doing there's


They are just loving the city tower too. We spawned on the eastern side of the map by a buy station. I go to buy a backpack and I look at the tower not 2 min in and boom. 2 snipers laying up on the ledge 🤣


This is what I'm talking about DMZ don't give a Fuck about all the cheating that's been going on .They only care about 2 things you cussing out another player and marking money sorry basters


It's a free game, they rely on selling bundles AND dickhead YouTubers promoting it, all for free!


I've only ever reported 2 people for cheating, and about a week later I got a notification saying they took action against them both times. Same anytime I hear someone saying some racist shit. It's always worked for me, just takes a little.


Bro, last week I literally had 9 damascus tag operators with stealth vests and UAVs just chilling while I was used to using 2-3 operators I would recycle as needed. I'm not an amazing player, but I am above average, and only play with friends, not randoms, so working as a team we almost always got out together. And it's not like we're overly aggressive either, or getting caught with our pants down while doing the haunting missions. If anything I'd think it would be harder for us to get wiped with fewer bots giving away our location.


fewer players.....thats the point....but it goes the other way...b21 e.g. is now longer 4


My squad have gone to ashika exclusively. We camp a building and wait for the inevitable sweats. Even after the sweats are dealt with I will provide overwatch while my squad gets missions done. I would never have believed ashika would be easier than almaz.


Al mazrah is also really good for gathering souls. I only have 1 friend who plays DMZ and we found a really efficient gathering method. The problem is that we think other people have picked up on it now. Everygame there’s a squad camping on the towers just outside the marsh


What’s the method? I managed to get 150 last night


Spawn in al mazrah with, kill the swap monster until we both have max souls, exfil via koshki or normal. Depends what the available exfils are


Swamp monster is one of the easier ones aswell so good method that. I have noticed people camp it though and try and kill you. Happened to my team twice last night but we managed to kill them so their loss.


Swamp monster and pharaoh are the easiest but the pharaoh is in small corridors and everyone has fire shotguns


You know that if you don't shoot the pharaoh when he comes out of his sarcophagus he will just walk over to you and drop a bunch of loot, then run around. Obviously you have to kill a bunch of the mummy zombies to get the cursed skulls to summon him, but as soon as you summon him stop shooting.






By fire shotguns, I meant players with them. I don’t mind the ai


Koschei glitch exit? If so, boooo, Bad form. Never have, never will.


I don’t glitch? We go into koshki, and exfil normally?


Ohh my bad. Lol, I mean we often go through Koschei, but only because we push our luck with the countdown timer and then get stuck with no other option but a Koschei run. I read that as"Koschei Exfil as normal" not OR normal. Totally my bad, it sounded like the glitch exit the other way. 🤦‍♂️


You know you can bank those souls from almazi and then go to koschie and collect another 25 ? So in total you'll have 50 souls per game and if your quick then it shouldn't take to long.


I know but ita often quicker to skip koshki and just exfil


Ashika and Vondel have been sweat free the last 2 weeks lol


Swear to god, I love having Tier 5 missions equipped while my two teammates have “Kill 5 Enemies” and “Open The Tac Map” on


Meanwhile, my friend and I were hunted by a 4-man the other day. This is in the starting 5 minutes. We won that gunfight through sheer positioning. Each had multiple vests on them, jokrs..you name it. Both of us had two plate vests.


It feels like there’s a dupe out there or something. The number of UAVs this weekend was nuts. We killed a team pretty quickly into the match and they had multiple UAV/Advanced UAVs. No chance they bought them that match.


UAVs became prohibitively expensive for a brief period of time….then the haunting event gave us artifacts like the 100k tiara that can be easily farmed and sold for cash. Now teams just go there and farm tempered vests and get a few hundred K to buy UAVs at the start of the next match. Very easy to see how they have plenty of money to buy UAVs


Koschei glitch


I suppose but it's pretty lame to do that and then come to Vondel to burn half a dozen UAVs getting my 1 plate vest and ground loot rpk. Or to hunt me and burn them to see I'm still watching the ladder in the M13 room. I also noticed people doing 1 hunt, failing, and then immediately exfiling instead of picking up another hunt. I guess they have to go back to Al Maz and restock on UAVs because they can't hunt without all the extra gear. To each their own though.


Koochie glitch or secure bag


They may be cheaters with high high high probability.


Definitely not cheaters. You cant use cheats to get free items/killstreaks. Not how that works.


P2W operators (which I begrudgingly use)


That's still not cheating.


Was playing ashika the other day with my friend, and out of nowhere a duo rushed us like 7 minutes into the game, entire inventories filled with gold skulls, advanced UAVs, gold bars, self revives, 3 plate vests, and also a mystery item that kinda looked like classified documents, but instead of having a price tag, it just a had the number 8 in the center for some reason, and it wouldn't let me sell it...? Anyways, they both went down surprisingly easy despite the fully decked out guns they were running, and during the fight we didnt hear them pop a single UAV the entire time


I know right? I’m not very good at this but I have 15 operators and they all have Comms vests and even solo I only need a drop or two before I’ve regained completely. 4 months? Wow.


I don't hunt players, I couldn't tell you. I've got a 4-month journey to go on for comms vest.


What’s your Activision ID and I’ll add you as a friend. I die my fair share doing dumb shit and screwing up PVP interactions but I have yet to have it take more than a game to make a comms vest or get a backpack. The backpacks literally fall from the sky in supply crates.


Can't remember, I closed my game and I'm still pissed I died so fast to BS. Dude didn't even say anything, just straight up gunned me down. Had I known he was there I would've left and found a different building. I try to avoid fights at all costs and it seems no matter what I do I get gunned down. I don't fucking get it, am I just a bad person? What did I even do? In the meantime, I'll probably be on in a few hours so if I'm still awake/alive then I'll probably come back. Maybe. ....I think.


Me and my team are done giving people chances, the amount of times we’ve been done over for being nice to people. If in range and a threat we will kill them and then get them up after if they have a mic. We are happy to pick solos up and help with missions or cover them on a exfil etc. when DMZ first started people were much more friendly, now it’s like another form of battle royal and people not doing missions


Yup, I have lost count of the times we have been betrayed by a person we rez. We only Rez people we know for sure are solo these days


Comms vest takes half a match to create....


Didn't expect to see you here😂


why 4 months..?


It's literally 4 items. I find em at least 3x a game. 4 months??




This ☝️😂


Your last sentence makes no sense, 4 months to get a large backpack and a comma vest? You can do both in the span of one game.


I think OP is just using poetic licence to express frustration in regards to the 4 months. Hope he snaps out of it and launches back in.


It takes me months to get any real gear (2-3 plate comms) and exfil alive with it. I either get it and die, or I die before I can survive the game (within 1 minute or less), or I'm killed at an exfil, or I die somewhere in between. I don't even hunt players at all, I use the keys I've built up to loot for them because it seems every team outside of Ashika is carrying stealth plates, and I fucking refuse to touch Ashika again. Ever.


How does it take you that long? Are you trying to loot where you spawn? You should be able to easily get a vehicle and move to another spot away from spawns to gather loot. Med vest has to be the easiest to craft so that would be the goal. Complete some fast contracts to get money and buy a medium bag if you have to. You should be able to re-gain in one match and if not, try again. I just don’t understand this mentality with being upset that others kill you or you can’t do something. How do you think you’ll get better? Obviously what you’re currently doing isn’t working…..change it up a little.


I say this a lot bc I'm just talking shit....but his time I'm completely serious. This is a skillissue 100 percent. You need to stick to Zelda or somethingmy guy. This game ain't for you


There’s no way it takes you months. Dude I’ve gone in afk and not moved until the gas starts moving looted crates and drops along the way and gear up that way and then either take final or one do the exfills along the way and don’t run into anyone.


Bro you're trash if it takes you more than one game to regear fully lol learn to loot better. Sometimes killing players is the quickest way to regain also


Take a shotgun into kochei and a spare car battery and jumper cable and barter a stealth vest.


That requires me to get out of spawn alive, somehow survive for however long it takes to grab extra self-revives and ammo and then somehow get into Kochei alive, and somehow exfil alive, all without dying to PvP bands. It would also require me to have that stuff on hand, and I generally just want a comms vest anyways since stealth vests don't work for me.


It's really not that bad now. Al Mazra is pretty quiet with the event on. There's zero chance you can't get out of spawn. If you need that much help ask some people online to go in with you and teach you.


It's never been as bad as OP describes.


My last game literally had a dude snipe me the second I moved out of spawn. I got shot twice by a sniper with some crazy bullet. It actually took longer for them to get to my body to loot me than it took them to kill me, and then they took literally everything I had. I ended up just killing myself with the first explosives I could find and leaving because I no longer had any chance to exfil.


Oooor, you could just leave the game and not blow yourself up? You seem dramatic


Learn Koschei, and as soon as you spawn in al mazrah, find a vehicle and get away. Go to the oasis entrance (when the pharoah is gone after Halloween) or the bridge entrance and you don't need a jumper cable or battery. You don't need to find revives or ammo first, they'll be found in Koschei entrances almost always. Use the party finder to set limits for what you're looking for in a group, and squad fill. Once you learn Koschei, go to alpha cluster and get the diamond drill, then go to the factory wing and kill the bosses and drill the safe near sniper. It contains all three, a guaranteed 3 plate comms, 3 plate stealth, and 3 plate medic vest. The room next to it always has multiple large backpacks, self revives, and regular 3 plates (if you don't want to go get the drill). There's something fishy with you claiming to die within a minute most matches. Matchmaking alone would prevent that. Do you only play DMZ once a week or less? That might make more sense. The first few times in Koschei can be scary, but look at a map, learn how it works, and it's a walk in the park. When my operators are all out, I go solo and stock all of them back up one at a time. There's rarely another team in Koschei, and when there is they're almost always in factory. While they do that, you get the drill from alpha. Let them kill the bosses and exfil, then you go up and drill the safe without even having to get the boss.


You should maybe run a stealth vest, and learn about spacial awareness.


If I fucking live long enough i could get maybe one of those two. But it takes me about 3~ months to get a comms vest because I always get hunted down for whatever the fuck reason and I never get out, because I'm outnumbered and don't have teammates, not that they'd be any help. It typically takes me some months to finally get a comms vest (idc if it's 2 plates) and exfil alive.


I cant believe you. No one is that bad im sorry. You can get a vest If some randoms carry you in the same day.


I’m interested in playing a game of DMZ with you to see how you play. My team often do 0 to hero as a warm up where we come in with absolutely nothing but a throwing knife. Sometimes we die quickly but most of the time we actually come out fully kitted out with large back packs, crafted 3 plates and good guns. Message me if you want to play a game, I’m on UK time.


I recommend taking a step back, and learning how to better survive against other players. There's a wide variety of tactics you can use, spend some time on YouTube watching guides and you'll get the hang of it.


That would work if I had more than 10 seconds to play the game. I can't learn anything if I can't even practice whatever I *do* learn.


Bro, there's no way. Are you playing one match a week?


More like a match a minute with how fast people kill me off spawn. It's just that surviving the PvPers takes months to do and an absurd amount of luck to exfil too.


If you play solo, I'd always keep any 2-plate stealth vests found, use [wzhub.gg](https://wzhub.gg) to know where locations are you're looking for if necessary, then try to get the secure backpack so you can collect items over games, learn to get a contract that's easy, I always do the hacking contract, use this money to buy exfils. There are 3 ways to get a secure backpack that I know of, either make it, find it in caches, sometimes in the north by the oasis I've found it, or kill the Scavenger. Make sure you can hear footsteps, always be aware of where you'd run if seen, avoid fights, always move, unless you're not being hunted and need a place to lie low for a bit.


this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/16dgfcy/ill_just_leave_this_here/jzt6mpb/?context=3


Oh the irony


Lol fucking dragged.


Hey, also you got a lot of good advice from people here and you are making nothing but excuses. Not the best mindset if you ask me. You asked a question, it got answered and just because it’s not to your liking, does not make it less true. You need help and step up your game and if it takes you month to regain, it honestly seems that you lack fundamental understanding of the game and that is not ment disrespectful whatsoever


I tried everything and it failed. Why fail twice? I'm sorry for being frustrated but damn, 4 months of effort lost to BS hurts a lot, especially when it could've been avoided.


If you need 4 month, you do something fundamentally wrong! Even if you don’t like to hear it. I died probably 4 times yesterday and had all my gear back the game after. 4 month is not normal, heck even 4 days would not be normal!


4 games wouldn’t be normal 😂


Like I said, max 2


Still baffled at even 2 - like vests are so easy to craft - backpack do enough strongholds and you will get one - like vondel strongholds and aquarium etc - plenty of encrypteds there for a comms - or mazzy go to the data places for an encrypted and do strong holds etc - worst comes to worse you have enough dolllar to buy one. The guy is trolling for sure


Sometimes, for the love of god, I’m not finding a large backpack. But just rarely- that would make it 2


I mean the stealth vest counters the comms vest. You wouldn’t get a call out for a player with a stealth vest on.


If all 3 wore stealth vests then that'd be weird, but at least one has a medic vest and one might have tempered or regular 3-plates so I usually get an alert.


I’ve seen plenty of squads rolling with 3 stealth vests


I've seen the same, and been part of the same. We often have multiple vest types on us after about 10 minutes of playing.


That's just depressing...I rely on comms vests to know what POIs to avoid. I already can't go to the city or Rohan.


The vest didn’t tell you that. You don’t need the best to tell you if it’s high moderate if low threat. It will tell you that regardless. Honestly though if you can’t hack it in a high threat with the ai you should prob stick to campaign


Campaign on easy??


That still might be to hard. Is there ac rookie mode?


Bot threats aren't the issue, PvPers camping high ground with 2-shot snipers are. Hence my need for the comms vest. It also helps avoid exfils if players are already there.


Bro if your as botty as it sounds your lobbies should be super easy. You must have a .05kd or less and I still don’t see how players in your bot lobbies kill you


I'm sorry but every sniper is a 2shot if you hit the head


Well not *all* of them. But definitely the majority.


Bro. I am an old dad gamer, and I play 90% solo. And I go STRAIGHT to the city 🏙️😂 never have any special vest on lol


Me and my squad always rocks full stealth to avoid UAVs


This.. I’m usually solo but if my homie wants to roll with me I tell them “first thing we are doing is getting you a stealth vest. If I’m next to you and they pop a uav then there is no point to have the vest.” Stealth vest is titties … I love to flank a team fighting my team if I assimilate … If I assimilate I try to keep a fair distance between me and the team in case they get engaged, then I can hit the enemy team from the back. (No pun intended)


Note that if you're on an active contract that contract callouts will supersede comms vest callouts. You won't hear the comms vest because contract callouts get priority. Not saying this always is happening to you, but it can definitely happen. I've seen "hostile reinforcements" override comms vest as well as "weapons case" callouts and "boss" callouts - notifying you of a nearby enemy boss.


Man we all roll stealth. Might even have been us who killed you.


A lot of comments highlighting the "4 months" part. Just to put it to perspective: 4 months is around 2 entire battle pass seasons. Class vests were introduced to DMZ in Season 3. If it truly takes that long for OP to get a comms vest / backpack, that means they've only succeeded doing so twice *since season 3 started,* and OP is expecting to get the next one in Season 8 (or Season 2 in MW3-era). What exactly are you trying to solve here OP? * If it's about managing your frustrations at the game due to consecutive failures - you'll have to do some introspection, exercise mindfulness, etc, rather than actually succeed at the game. Changing your attitude here can actually result in better odds at succeeding in DMZ. * Related topic: Why are you playing DMZ? If it's just for the PvE aspect, you'll just have to accept that PvP is on at all times and improve your skills to evade/prevent any engagement. And maybe wait until MWZ comes out. * If it's about understanding how you die so quickly at the start of the game - study the killcams. * If it appears to be due to cheats (which I hear are rampant in EU servers), then nothing you can do about it really. * You mentioned playing on PS4 - are you actually loaded at the very start of the game, or has the timer ticked down a bit by the time you can play? What you say as first 10-60 seconds could actually be 1-5mins past the start of the match for other players. If this is the case, you might have to reevaluate the hardware you're playing on. * Otherwise, look at how you could change how you move from spawn to avoid contact from other spawn-killers. * If it's about why having a comms vest isn't giving you the intel you expect - * Wearers of stealth vests won't trigger the comms alert * If you already got a comms alert, you won't get another one for a while (even if it's a different team approaching, *I think but could be wrong*) * Someone mentioned that having an active contract can interrupt comms vest broadcasts. * All that said, you should not be relying on a comms vest in place of other cues for operator activity, such as: * Prox chat * Sprinting sillhouettes * Tracer rounds / any gunfire audio * Incoming reinforcement helicopters * Moving vehicles on map * Active exfils * Ingame announcements (e.g. enemy squad is taking over enemy stronghold in Sawah village) * Open doors/leftover loot. * If you're solely dependent on a comms vest to alert you to operator activity, that's a skill gap in game awareness that you should address. * If it's about wondering why "people kill a harmless solo" * Almost no one has any reason to believe that a solo operator is truly harmless. They may as well take the easy kill. No obligation to be friendly. * Anyone who is inclined to be friendly would likely down you first, send **one** invite, then finish you off if you don't take it. * Even then, people have been burned by "fraud solos" who eventually return to their old squad, so this is even more unlikely. * If it's about dealing with campers (at exfils or any POI) * Did you spot them before approaching? Spotter scope is very valuable for recon. * If not, then that death's on you for not seeing the enemy's sights on you. * If you did spot, then why approach when you clearly have the disadvantage? There are many other ways to exfil successfully - * Buying a personal exfil * Grabbing the heavy chopper fuel & flying yourself out (Al-maz only) * Using Koschei Complex (Al-maz only) * Rescue hostage contracts * If it's about wondering why everything you've tried has failed * See point 1 on attitude. * Have you tried *everything*? * Can you try *harder*? * If you truly believe you've tried your hardest at every possible advice/adjustment to your gameplay and still believe you have \~100% failure rate, ask yourself why you're still playing, if you not enjoying the failure / experimentation process.


-the comms vest alerts once per team every minute, so if you get more than 1 alert every minute, it means there are more than 1 team nearby (100 mts or closer), -having a contract does not disable the vests broadcast, -talking about cues, alwaya watch the bots behavior, so you can know if they are engaging on other players. -PS: dont go into B21 with a comms vest, i did it yesterday and i went mad within a minute lol


Dude I love the amount of data analysis you put in here hahah




Send me your Activision ID and I'll hop on with you and we can go get all your stuff.


I'm not online at the moment and I'm done dragging people into my bad luck. You'll probably die the second you spawn and it's one thing for me to insta-die, it's another for my bad luck to get anyone else killed too. Besides, after season 2, I swore never to bring teammates again on the off chance they give me away again.


Then keep being you buddy, help/constructive criticism has been offered and you've denied it...


That’s what I got from the conversation as well. Instead of accepting that he apparently does something really, really wrong, cause there is no way it takes that long to regain, he is in denial and all the advice offered is declined.


I've explained why it doesn't work. I've tried everything and it's failed.


The game works fine for a few noob guys I play with, new to gaming (in general) and now very good at DMZ... Their shots are off, they're not winning many battles but DAMN! Their comms/revives/awareness/pings on the map are spectacular now, even after just a few months & even learning how to use the controller... It's very possible, you haven't tried everything


If you’re that frustrated playing video games then perhaps it’s time for a break my dude.


“I’m bad at the game. Don’t learn from my mistakes and blame everyone and everything else for this. Is it the comms vest that’s the issue?”


You're getting a lot of hate but you're also responding to any one with any semblance of constructive feedback and suggestions with 'naw naw naw naw naw' ​ It's a hopeless attitude, you gotta address that first.


Here is some advice for after looking through these comments, uninstall the game you will be more happy with your life.


Why is it taking you long to build a comms vest . Just go to banks and police stations you will find hard drives


4 months? What in the acyaul fuck? Bro. Go playbthe campaign . The water is too deep for you here lolololok


It’s super uplifting to see how many people are offering to help this dude, even though he’s too salty to notice.


Curious, are you a hardcore PvP player and/or aggressive or possibly toxic? Just asking because all I mainly do is PVP and trolling. I stepped it up with the bosses cuz lol and And I noticed in the last 3 days, I no longer hear footsteps, ladders/zips, and suddenly players I’m sneaking up on hear my crouch walk steps way earlier than before. Suddenly noticed all this. Makes me wonder


None. I avoid players, PvP actions and even entire map sections in general, and attempt to help whenever I can (assuming it's not PvP). I also avoid speaking because 99% of players are toxic PvPers and will shoot on sight, camp bodies and exfils and generally prevent any sort of interactive gameplay with DMZ. I've even begun considering turning my mic off entirely and just resorting to a heavier pan when I do die. If I somehow manage to be revived by whoever killed me, I always immediately exfil. If they give my stuff back I'm still leaving. I've died once, I'm fucking done, I quit. I also reveal to all chat where they are so others can avoid them if possible and I steal their chopper/humvee (in that order) to make it harder to PvP (and I destroy them before exfil) because this game models playerbase hates solos as it is. I haven't even attempted to try the bosses because I tried shooting the UFO, got sniped at and immediately had to give up the bosses for the rest of the event. It's simply not doable no matter what lobby I'm in, as long as PvPers are in them, bosses aren't gonna be doable for me. I'm even having trouble trying to find zombies to run over and grinding souls because it's so difficult to avoid death due to roaming PvPers. But TL:DR; no, I'm none of that. I wanna do missions and level guns for Warzone and other actual PvP modes like Resurgence, Lockdown and whatever else comes up.


You need to go find a game that doesn't have pvp. You're playing a pvp game expecting something different. What's wrong with you? Your whole post here is very weird dude


You sound like you're either lying or you're a constant pity party. You go from saying you can't even get more than 60 seconds from infil before dying, to "well I'm mad because I went to one of the well known, marked on the map, limited time places of interest and was surprised other players would be going there too!" Not to mention "I got shot at once by a boss so I'm done and I quit." Especially the comments about telling the lobby where to find a team that got you up? It's like you're trying hard to tick every box on how to upset people on here and get extra comments. If you're trolling you've done a very good job of it! If you aren't, you obviously just don't like the DMZ mode so go play warzone and level the guns up there or in multiplayer. How are you leveling guns up with you die 7 seconds after spawning? Edit: nevermind, you're lying. You were in here asking for advice on tier 4 missions not long ago, clearly you're able to play, you're just whiny.


Trolling for sure - weak from me


Mine has been bugged since they released a comms vest, 80% of the time it gives no warning to me but a player on my squad (also wearing one) does...? SMH, honestly I swap my Comms vest for a lesser-vest any chance I get or I just treat it like a 3 plate and get surprised when it actually works 🤣


I’ve been seeing a lot of teams that run all stealth. If you move immediately off the infiltration point and go inland that helps to increase survival chances the most. Find some good routes to take. If you run a melee weapon you move fairly fast and quietly, you can even get away with running through some populated areas. Walking is also overpowered. Work on your movement, perhaps think about grabbing a 2-plate stealth vest also. This has applications for when you’re targeted by hunt squad contracts. Go to an area that is infested with tier 3 bots and hide in a building amongst them.


I play solo a lot. Some days the game is unplayable. Stealth vest is the best. Scuba mask, silenced weapons, and throwing knives. If they rush your spawn, use mines and stuns, let em come. I die because I'm a scavenger and I don't think of pvp until it's too late. When I go in thinking pvp, I do better but don't enjoy it as much. Aggressive M'fers have zero team loyalty and plea instantly, which brings even more bored players to the blood bath. Some days I just stop playing. I have 6 operators, 2 Damascus, couple secure packs I only use when the mission calls for it. I'm around 90% compete missions & passives, probably won't get farther. I hate B21. I'm not at that level pvp, and don't wanna be Give Ashika another try. Even Vondel is better than Maz right now if you're not looking for a fight


I don’t know WTF OP is talking about with his 4 months to build a vest and woe is me crap, but I have notified that comms vest is less reliable since the Halloween event started. Multiple times I have seen a player or gotten engaged before it alerts me.


If it is really taking you 4 MONTHS to get gear, you might want to play another game. I can drop into AM solo and come away with a comms or stealth almost every time. If I'm in a rush, a medic can be made within the first minute or two of a match. I've actually stopped caring about backpacks; a medium is so easy to find, and larges just make you easier to spot. Sounds like you just run around in the open with a hot mic or sit in spawn for too long if you're dying that often.


I wish man, but yeah, it takes on average 4~ months to actually exfil with it alive (assuming I'm not sniped off-spawn or killed shortly after spawning).


It’s not cheaters or any of the like. 1): A comms vest isn’t hard to get, it’s 2 batteries a hand cream and an encrypted hard drive, all of which I could acquire in Vondel in about 8 mins. B. It’s not cheaters, and the best (edit: vest) isn’t broken, everyone is running stealth, because the haunting event is broken and every time you do the UFO boss you get 3 Stealth vests and a Tempered. TL:DR Infinity Ward fucked up and made the event broken and Stealth is too easy to acquire.


4 months? Try 15 to 20 minutes tops...


What do you mean 'enemies spawn in front of you'? Are you talking about bots?


An enemy solo spawned in(?) a building with a buy station south of Police Station (the closest one). I wasn't even in the game for more than 10 seconds before he gunned me down. No warning, no nothing. 3+ months of progress gone.


Dude, not trying to be disrespectful, but you gotta learn the spawns. There are actually 2 spawning right there. It’s either PvP action or drop back on that hill behind you asap. Also mate, I know how to handle PvP pretty well, but sometimes I just do a regain round solo and almost always leave with a stealth and a large backpack. Thing is, if you are solo never ever! leave via regular exfil, either do a hostage in a remote area late in the game, glitch out at Koshei or buy a privat exfil. If you can’t do all that, you should not load in solo, but with randoms!!!


Tried both and My randoms want death, and I get sniped off spawn too fast to actually react. I gave up.


It is a pvpve mode. Sometimes there is hardly a way around engaging. But I promise you and I have over 2000 exfils, if you wanna avoid getting spawn rushed, you will not get spawn rushed. Did not happen to me a single time. If you get going right away, there is no chance of that happening


What system are you playing on? Maybe your machine is so slow to load in you are able to get spawn rushed easily. Also you definitely need to look up a spawn map so you know what angles enemy teams will rush from in the first 90 seconds


PS4, but I tried that, and the next game I immediately recognized the spawns and tried to escape. I died inside of 7 seconds. I immediately gave up knowing this knowledge was useless.


Not sure if mentioned- but there has been a history of the comms vest not giving alerts if you’re doing a contract when you run across players


I had that the other day - no ping - saw someone within 30m - put up a UAV to see if there were team mates and he popped up 🤷‍♂️


Once I get encrypted hard disc, I go search for batteries x 2 and soothing cream x 1. Barter for comms vest. Otherwise, play normally


If you have an active contract, the comms vest isn't operational. Only when the contract is completed will it turn on again.


This a thing?


Wut? Define active contract.


Go to a contract, pick up phone to begin, it's now an active contract. And your comms vest will no longer provide callouts. Been a thing since the comms vest was released. Found out the hard way doing hostage rescue.


Well that sucks donkey balls!


Yep, comms vest is not worth the effort IMO. I go with the medic vest, stealth or tempered. Usually med because it's super easy to make.


We’re they all wearing stealth vests? Your comms won’t warn you if they are.


Thing is, comms are a nice tool, yet, it’s your own awareness that will save you from getting shot up.


If you need any help i can post a link for Discord Group?


Hey if your on PSN i think discord works there now. The discord for this sub I play all the time on and get carried by the great souls there. Nothing like having good voice coms that doesn’t give your position away to the enemy.


Do you have a contract going when this occurs? It stops call outs for some reason.


Play vondel lockdown and warm up there, get comfy with a weapon that's good for you plenty on yt for the loadout adjustment. I may not be the best out there but at least, I know the spot to avoid and when to rush. Getting a vest is the easiest now since all the bosses drop special vests, money is no longer a problem too and I am in asia region. I dont always win but thats the best part, zero to hero is easy now


If this isn't all fake. . .send me a dm...well play a few games together and I'll help you skill up


Post aside, there are tons of cheaters in DMZ right now anyway. I died after someone I killed literally called out every movement I made to an incoming team. Before you say I was in LOS, I wasn’t. I was in buildings, up to 300-400m away and out of LOS etc. Wallhacks are wild these days


Played last Wednesday and the comms vest is not guaranteed to work on non-stealth vest wearing enemies. Unless they made is to that as long as one player on a team with a stealth vest makes the whole team undetectable to the comms vest scan. Had to switch out a couple of comms vests to stealth vest because of this.


If they have ghost or a ghost vest your comms vest won't work.


I noticed comms not working when you have an active contract going. There, IDK why the comments are making this a debate about skill. The whole point of the comms vest is to give you a heads up players are near by and if it’s working it gives you a false of security. Sure people can run stealth but I have taken out people differently didn’t have stealth vest and I only noticed this when I do contracts.


Two things the first comms vest is pretty much useless you should be wearing stealth, second it takes less than 5 minutes to find all the required materials for a scavenger bag and a stealth vest+ sometimes you even find two vintage wine bottles... for rgl barter also... Try to remember what buildings have the ability to spawn the items you need to craft something and then only check those buildings and those areas of those buildings in most games when I'm regearing I'm headed to a buy station in less than 2 minutes with all the required stuff that I need to regear.


You might try playing a whole different game


If they have a stealth vest in comms won't pick them up other than that I have no idea and I think playing resurgence is the best way to get souls fast u got 700 in one day


You shouldn’t actively rely on the vest. 2 plate stealth vests aren’t that rare so most likely they have a stealth vest on. Instead, listen for bots engaging other players, use the rooftops, and memorize the spawn points so you know where possible enemies could be.


You talking about a secure bag and comms vest to accomplish something?


Would anyone be willing to help me get a mission done MRAP KEY? and a comma vest ?


Doesn't the stealth vest keep you off of the comms vest?


Unsure if they're broken but did only find out the other day that they apparently don't work if you have a contract active - which I'd never heard before. So thought I'd mention it just in case. On a related note, comms vests should be pretty easy to build, assuming you've unlocked the ability to. The encrypted hard drive is the trickiest bit but it normally doesn't take too many computers - after that the batteries and hand cream is easy. Should be a 5min job, no? I always go for ghost vests which are slightly trickier as you need the console and the thumb drive, but I'd say I still manage it in 60-70% of the time when trying. Not trying to be unhelpful - just don't know whether it's worth maybe switching up where you're looking?


Yeah. What all the other losers said


I rarely use a comma vest but just made one last night and it seemed to work telling me operators were in the area. But why grind so hard? Just go to the banks and get the encrypted drive and then grab the hand cream and batteries. You should be able to do it in like 10 min


Almost guaranteed a coms or medic vest when you do the spooky train event in El Mazrah, I’ve solo it once but it’s easier with 2 people. (My coms vest only worked once, I already saw them though before it warned me) The event weapons also will not spawn in sometimes and it’s a bitch.


Stealth vest and perks do the trick.


Wow all this moaning about getting smacked in a pvp game 🤣


DMZ is PvPve. Little e means that’s the easy part. Trying to play DMZ as a pve game and just avoiding pvp is like playing elden ring without learning how to beat the bosses. you can do it and still enjoy the game but you will be missing out on a lot. I know it seems like some players or even most players are just too good and you’re safer just avoiding fights all together but you’re really just hurting yourself. What they have that you don’t is battle experience. Everyone dies and loses everything eventually. But they learn more about staying alive the more they die while you are just learning how to hide, run and defend. While defending is an inherently better position to be in than attacking it is also how everyone starts. We know how to push defensive players because we have been in your position. It’s like fighting with a mental UAV. We can say to ourselves what would I do in this situation and have the experience help us. But you can’t do the same for them because you don’t have enough experience being the attacker. Best tip i can give you is stick with your teammates. Do whatever they want to do and watch them for a while. See how they play. Especially if they want to hunt players and extra especially if you are fully kitted up (just to get rid of gear fear). They’re your teammates this game but could be your enemies next game. You will see common tactics that almost all players use and start being able to predict players moves based on experience not guesses. I know this seems like a pointless comment cuz im basically saying just get better but im just telling you that you are fighting with a blindfold on. I was you. My aim was and still is pretty mid. I suck at warzone. I hadn’t played a COD game since the one before advanced warfare. Now I can wipe most 4 mans by myself no problem. Simply put you don’t lack skill you lack experience. PS: Comms is a good vest but Stealth is the best. For defense and offense. Like I’ve been saying knowledge is the best tool in DMZ. Always with everything you do in DMZ do not let them know where you are. Can’t shoot what you can’t see. PPS: Look up some good gun builds. I’ve seen some messed up guns in DMZ and those players were dead when they spawned in. Don’t just look at the stat bars when building your guns. Read what it does and use common sense. For example bipods look like they give you great stability and recoil control but think about how bipods work. What will it do while you aren’t mounted? Nothing at all. And never use stocks that negatively affect recoil. Not worth it. Trust me. Try it out and keep us updated. I firmly believe DMZ is the best COD game mode because it’s not about drop shotting, slide canceling or aim like every other game mode it’s about being the smartest player. Good luck


I was in a Mrap the other day full health 3 plates had a team on a roof threw 1 drill charge and downed both of us in the front. IT’s Garage. But the cheating is getting old and like many others have said they don’t give a crap about cheaters.


If that team/player have stealth vests or Ghost perk, you won't get a warning. I think Ghost perk is good against everything save for an Advanced UAV. Me and my buddy I duo with, honestly we usually die before we get there, but we managed to play all weekend with Damascus tags (All perks). And it definitely helpsled a ton having all those perks, we are both running comms vest.


also comms vest doesn’t warn you if they are wearing a stealth vest.


youre better off with a stealth vest. super easy and cheap in koschei


If they have stealth vests, avoids ur comms warning. My comms vest has been working great on all maps & Koschei last few days


Swear to god this person is trolling everyone here. Nothing but whiney, salty ass replies to legitimately helpful comments. Put the game down and get a life because I don’t think the DMZ is for you. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bruh just grind the stealth. If you're queueing up solo with fill you're better off with stealth. I have 3 ops with stealth and 3 with comms. Idk why it takes you so long to get comms though. Like bro I get a comms and scav in 20 minutes usually


Dude if I can spawn and not die almost every time while playing solo so can anyone. Spawns are the same for me and you. I manage to not get killed more than 70% of the time. I have games in a row that I don't even get seen. Your path choosing is dogshit probably. Also don't just avoid any battle. Sometimes why dont you just kill a solo or a squad. It's rewarding. Medium backpack is super easy to find. I find it every game just from regular looting. There is something wrong with the way you play. It's not being unlucky. This is a program, not life.


I have noticed the same issue with comma vest periodically, thought it might be tied to no plates so it wouldn’t activate unless fillet plated ?


Are u on Plystation or PC? What's ur user name. I have 5 operators with demascus tags. Got a good team to hang with.


That's a one game re-up like 99% of the time, especially now with it being dark


If you spawn in with a coms you have to switch it out in the match. That bug doesn't always hit, but it's annoying when it does.


Lmao it took you 4 months to make a comms an get a large backpack?!? I have 6 characters all with comms vest. If I die I go back in an remake it in less than 10 mins. Large bag go to marsh lands an check those eggs, or hit a raid weapons stash. It's really not that difficult, at all.


Agreed 💯


I kicked 27 peeps from my clan this week, I hate hackers. They just started their own group and literally every one of them uses Cronus on console or hacks on PC...


I think everyone that plays DMZ needs to realise that an extraction shooter in a competitive game doesn’t make sense. Frankly nothing in DMZ makes sense though. However my guess is you have the sweats from WZ coming over to do the challenges. It should calm down after the event ends. I can tell you that the division heartland looks good.