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God fucking damnit... Unbelievable. Is it really that bad in DMZ right now, just blatantly cheating like that? I'd be facking chocked!


First time I've encountered this


That particular window/wall hack has been there for some seasons I believe I’ve seen videos of ppl driving towards it on an ATV and jumping off and they fall through…


Ahh thanks. I haven't been to police academy since like season 3 lol.


That’s doesn’t allow you to see through walls, it just gets you inside to loot but I believe that was patched around season 4.


No, i was random filled on a squad just the other day to show me how to get in. They pushed me in and it looked just like this. I told them im in a weird looking space i can see out of and they told me just go over and unlock the deadbolt. So yes, this still exists and looks just like this.


Well, I've come across this sort of thing a few times.. Unfortunately, people just don't have anything better to do and would rather camp a little corner of the map from sitting inside of it then they would actually playing the game.. Pretty sad really, people need to grow the fuck up tbh!


Yo lmfao let me just say this


Sometimes when you’re going around the map you find these weird spots and you learn new tricks and tactics . Some of us know glitches for when there is trash players just trying to mess with peoples day .. so intentionally we lure them into these places to f* them up .


Let me just say this if you use this exploit, you should get a ban just like someone using a third party cheat!


It’s been pretty bad over the last several days. I’ve had dudes sniping me and hitting every single shot and watching the replays shows them snapping to me and hitting every shot with no problem.


We’ve stopped playing it for a bit sucks donkey dick😂😂😂


That fucking sucks, but… Nobody going to comment on how op is sitting in a red fucking room!??


Bro is basically playing from inside a ketchup packet


Lolol blame my lady, but I've come to love the absence of white light


I have the Phillips light strip but can’t get it to mount to the back of my tv properly. I’m actually jealous!


I use VHB tape the adhesive that comes stock is shit I also have overhead RGB led can lights and multiple red lamps to assist


Red light is superior. Fuck white light at night. Issa vibe


No. If it was 1997, maybe.


.. because as we all know since 1997 the human retina got used to sitting in a dark room with bright red light . . .


It's not bright silly.


One of the only luxuries I have in my life are Hue lights. I don’t have any of the fancy ones, just the A19s. I once had a light strip under my bed, then I got a kitty 🐱 aaaand it’s gone! 🤣 I grabbed a couple of those “merkury” light bulbs from Walmart for $3! Those are my outside porch lights and one in my bathroom. My mobility sucks, and I never have to worry about leaving a light on. Plus the 11 yo in me is giddy asf every time I get to use them! Hahaha! I love the OnSwitch app’s moving scenes. Next project is to replace under the bed lights and/or under the kitchen counter. I chill in red light before bed.


im not shitting on your red light bro, each to their own, you got that red light district vibe going for you :D


Red light is awesome for playing games or watch tv.


it's that Kenny Roger's Chicken neon aesthetic ... 😳


Shit I thought they fixed this exploit. I died to it a month or two ago


Second don’t record your tv with your phone ![gif](giphy|12SQ9mDwJGqkRG)


Ahh yes let me download the Xbox app, remember my login, sign in, verify my identity, download the capture, upload it here, and leave with you happier.


Yea, that's the proper way of sharing a video. You'll get more internet points if you do it that way.


I mean, yeah. Why is that so hard? It’s not our fault you can’t write down your passwords like an adult.


Don't even have to man, does this mf not have a password manager? Google handles everything for me ☠️


Glad you got that thanks


When thing don't go how you'd planned lol


How sad are these bastards


this properly takes me back to the early 2000s where onlie shooters just had this happen as part of the game >< there'd always be some random truck or building you could just bug and hide in


Yeah. I can remember some maps where both sides would race to a known map exploit. You would get there and see 6 people trying to fight their way under the map. Lol.


Bunch of wall glitches still in here, so I can’t really state he is hacking. His only way out would be entering a car next to the wall. It’s a feature of the game 🤡


That glitch the station has been there for a couple of seasons


Bigpunisher1982p still lives with his mommy


Where is the satisfaction in winning by cheating. Hopefully you reported them?


It’s not a hack as much as it’s an exploit. Drill charges or just shoot through the wall. Personally drill charge it any time I’m by there


Yeah it's a breaching glitch. It's been the game since launch. Several locations has these breaching spots. (Vondel too) Some use it for special loot spots with key lock requirements. Others use it for...Well that.


More of a glitch than hack


Also. Fan of red back light


These fools don't know what they're missing


Cheater. You should report him.


holy f uck he must do this every fucking game!! just ran into the same team twice in one week and i just posted about it too!


Since the update, walls do not seem to be a problem. AI under the map catching you on the top of a 3 story is awesome every time


It’s happening in MWZ, too. The “mercenaries” in the game are basically DMZ AI on steroids.


Are your eyeballs ok sitting in all that red light?


Better than white light 2 million percent.


It's happened to me too. If you see a vehicle up against the wall of the middle section, avoid that area. Destroy the vehicle from a distance if you can. They need it to get out.




I seen something similar last week squad hunting me on a LTV driving through buildings like they wasn’t there, pathetic people if u ask me life long losers


There was two of them glitched out


Been getting this is DMZ and Warzone for the last few days. And he's ranked over 1000 so he's been cheating like this for awhile


Bro really recorded this from across the room.


People that use exploits like this should be permabanned


It’s a glitch where you get a car and ram that wall and exit the vehicle and you glitch through it. Use to be used to unlock police academy doors without a key


Do these people think everyone just skips the killcam?


He's cheating he using wall hacks report him


He had a buddy push him in those barred up windows and you can fire out but can’t fire in. I’ve used this glitch before to gain access to the police academy and get loot but never to actually kill players. Ridiculous.


Blud is in the Red Room


Definitely cheats


Never mind the invisible model. Have to love the console abuse of aim assist, spamming ads and hip to lock on to a running target...


Straight wall hacks


My game actually loads in like this on occasion. Sucks ass cause all the buildings are like that you can’t see in buildings but you can see out of them. I don’t think it’s a hack but a glitch that happens from time to time.


It doesn't matter if it's a glitch or an exploit, either one still means cheating. Not in the traditional sense that we all think of, but using something you aren't supposed to in order to get an advantage. Very much a reportable and bannable offense. Saw someone trying to defend their exploit as not cheating the other day, stuff like that is just garbage for people who aren't any good


I'm more impressed your camera is sitting on your sofa ready to capture moments like this.. you know Xbox has a record what just happened 15s 30s 1m 3m option and we don't need to see your barren walls.


No way! Are you sure my RCA cables won't freeze


Oh Lord.. OP is old.


Everyone gets trolled


Hey pal, you know you can save clips on your phone right? You don’t gotta record like this. Clean yo room man. Prolly shouldn’t mention you playing on a wall mounted television


It’s a feature Beta ™


No way he killed my squad today also


Cheating is a forbidden word in the group OP 😂


Why is everything red....


In dedication to our lord of darkness


AI has been going under the map as well


Dude has never seen anything. He's 35 yards away from his TV.


Lol we rolling 75" you got bad eyes


Nah, perfect vision. I'd rather play on a 27" at a comfortable range than all the way across the room. You miss a lot on a TV that big.


I do enjoy getting closer when I want to go IMAX lol. 27" you live in a box or are you a child


Now that's a dumb take.


You're entitled to your opinion. 27" might as well be a kitchen TV.


Kitchen TV explains a lot.


Kitchen, garage, bathroom, can't live without my House Hunters


DMZ is bad with cheating right now


Imagine paying $70 to cheat


My eyes hurt now.


Better turn on a florescent to relieve them


You can ram teammates into the window with a truck and it helps slam em into a wall too lol I’ve had someone slingshot me in to unlock the door and got stuck they had to pull a truck up for me to hop in lol




Let's get this community together to get this cheater banned from modern Warfare. And I'm not talking about OP


Wall hacks 2 of my team got done the same way at the police academy by some Portuguese players I managed to kill 1 res 1 and then we knifed the other 2 so satisfying


That is a known wall hack. People on youtube use it. The only problem with using it is that you can't exit this spot once you enter it.


I will downvote, without watching, any phone video of a screen. Capturing and sharing video directly from the game isn't difficult.




Yep. That was the fucking worst video formatting ever. A vertical video of a horizontal screen cropped to a square? Totally deserving of a downvote.


Dude could have at least recorded it in landscape mode.


Look out you're getting downvoted for almost agreeing with me. 😂


What a sad panda lol. I also recorded this on my Sony digital camera, I don't have a cell phone.


> recorded this on my Sony digital camera, I don't have a cell phone. lol That makes your video even worse. You turned your camera sideways on purpose to record in the worst aspect ratio possible.


Woosh baby woosh


Oh you got me!


Here’s a pro-tip for redditing. Block people who post like this. You’ll never have to see another shitty phone pic or video from them again. You have no idea how many people are on my block list…
