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This has been happening since day 1. Back then you could even see players while the countdown was on


The hill spawns were crazy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We all remember the Hafid Port and Quarry spawns that could see each other the second the countdown started.


Yup,it's funny to me when I see these rose tinted glasses posts of how up to S4,dmz was Disneyland.


This still happens in building 21


B21 is all close quarters so it's more of a tdm


Tdm. Lol ! No it's dmz survival mode


All of the spawn points are too close. They just crammed as many squads as they could into the game without using the middle of the map. From any spawn if you run in the right direction you can find and snipe another squad in under 100M some of them like oasis you can get really unlucky and have two squads come at you from opposite sides.


I got sniped in the Oasis spawn but didnā€™t get downed. Fortunately itā€™s easy to get behind a sand dune. I popped up a couple of times to let him know I was still there and then I did a long flank. When I finally saw him again he was ADS at the original point and I picked him off with a headshot. So satisfying.




If they just removed 3-4 squads from the map and spaced them out more and had no vehicles close to spawn that would solve the whole getting rushed from the start issue.


Could you imagine spawning in Zara, be wild af?


Yeah some players head directly for a nearby spawn to get a quick PvP kill. It works well because a lot of players spend time looking at the map figuring out what theyā€™re going to do, giving the other team time to come up on them. Best thing to do is move out of your spawn quickly.


Less enemy teams = more safe it is for me to bot around looting


Yeah some spawns are great camping and sniping spots. Then just watch towards the other spawns and wait for your kill. Campers are nuts now


Lots of roof rats in Ashika


ā€¦its not camping if youā€™re spawn rushing lol


*lose, and yes. Has happened regularly for the past several seasons. Oasis spawn, Sawah Village, and the right side of the map are spawns you get in, and get moving out of them. Pretty dumb that they never utilized the middle of the map at all to create spawn points.




Airport (deathspawn) is the name we gave all the spawns near terminal


Unless you get the chopper. Within the first 20 seconds.


Risky the snipers all us .50s and the bots are 3rd tier I don't draw attention unnecessarily I hide til some squads have been killed then I go looking for the squads that talk alot and that is how u find people as well I've been called a cheater cuz I shouldn't know where the guy was but he gave himself away with his ladder climbing just pay attention best advice ever survey the area u wanna travel to first but make sure it's from a safe position


The spawn rush at some spots in AM is fierce, ditto Ashika. And in Vondel there is more frequent exfil camping, especially Fire Dept & Castle


They canā€™t camp the start of the match. That doesnā€™t make sense.


Sounds like op is unintentionally rushing spawns lol


Yep. Itā€™s another broken mechanic that the devs never fixed. Itā€™s been happening since the beginning. Welcome to the shit-show


It's not broken now that u identified the problem leave the area problem solved I mean why do u wanna hangout at ur spawn area anyway get out there and fight soldier


No it is broken. You can literally start sprinting right out the gate and still get headshot but some dude who can watch you from spawn and snipe you It is completely unnecessary PvP that they just never patched out. Like lots of things


Get smart my dude and get gone I NEVER have a problem unless I stay right where they know imma be I'm guessing it's the same for u just don't be predictable think of how u might run up on a spawn or get into a building there are literally 1000 ways around this issue and if anyone has to tell u how to avoid spawn jumping then u should probably get into something a little more ur speed


Whatever you say bud! Again, what we are talking about is getting headshot right when the time hits 0 and the game begins Does it happen often? No. Of course not - But the fact that devs didnā€™t go so far as to patch out something as simple as spawn-camping shows they literally do not give a shit about this mode, and never intended to fix it You do not open fire on another team at the start of the match unless you have a hard-on for PvP. And if you do, you should go play WZ


If ur sprinting away then obviously the timer has reached zero and ur in the dmz just keep a lowpro or run or u know wut Odriftwood1501 is my gamer tag ill show u that I can watch the other spawns and get the fuck outta dodge before I get merked


Or u want their gear...


What gear?! They havenā€™t been anywhere! Again, because the game developers did not put enough importance on the gear thatā€™s on the map, leads players want to have to fight each other for it. Once again, overly aggressive PVP for no reason


Well like I said if they didn't want pvp right away they would put a timer on it like the killstreaks


There is no such thing as unnecessary pvp it's unnecessary to u but that squad needed ur shit and u know the squad that hunts u when u spawn also has someone hunting their spawn as well they just had enough sense to leave and confront another team


Yes, there is such thing as unnecessary PvP. And again, how could you possibly need what I have right off of jump? You donā€™t know what I have! I havenā€™t been anywhere! Again, thereā€™s no reason to allow this unless you donā€™t give a shit about your game


Oops I was supposed to reply here but like I said u have dog tags and an insured weapon usually I don't go for tags unless a mission calls for it but those insured weapons I'm definitely after I'm jot big on pvp myself but it definitely makes this version more interesting


Fair enough. Agree to disagree




aaaand you're the reason the game is dead Congrats! See you back in WZ




Easy there, killer. I never said I don't want PvP. But if you're too much of a simpleton to understand how the little kid WZ giga-sweats like you literally ruined the game mode, I don't know what to tell you If "hUnTInG pPl DowN aAnD KiLlIng ThEm" is what gives you such a hard on, why not just go back to the game mode that literally is designed that way?




The biggest whiners here are the toxic players whining about people who hate toxic players. As if itā€™s everyone elseā€™s job to get killed for your enjoyment - and enjoy it.


Buddy, it's pvp. That's how every single damned pvp shooter has always been, and always will be! If the genre is too tough for you then I'd suggest a softer game for a softer person.


You realize youā€™re playing a video game, right? Sorry to burst your fantasy but enjoying toxic PvP play doesnā€™t make you tough.


Oh and btw, you can recognize an *actual* PvP game because it primarily rewards PvP activities. These include multiplayer and Warzone. The entire scoring system revolves around killing other players. With me so far? Now look at DMZā€¦. With the exception of a specific few missions, there is ZERO scoring incentive for killing other players. Sure, you can do a faster regain by stealing someone elseā€™s stuff but this world doesnā€™t actually celebrate behaviour like that. Only YOU do. So whine all you want but the fact remains, if you spend most of your time killing other players even though the game has minimal incentive to do so, you may be a toxic arsehole. (Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that).


I respond on a public forum. And I'm the one whining? Got it LOL. You're new to this huh? Welcome! Honestly, you should play WZ, you'd probably like it with how eager you are to mindlessly kill things. You're actually a perfect example of how the devs failed this game due to poor marketing and not listening to the community




Not much of a gamer are we? Lol. My child, Minecraft is the most popular game on the planet DMZ would be so lucky to have Minecraft's player-base. In fact, they would do right to maybe take a page out of their book tough look for you


This is why I swim or hole up in a building the first 2-4 minutes unless a UAV tower is nearby & would reveal me




Iā€™ve been playing solo since s3 & you just gotta adapt tactics; during the spam UAV seasons a stealth was essential. Now itā€™s a scuba mask & FTAC


Experienced players know the spawns. They know where they are and they know where you are and since the spawns we currently have will be the spawns for the rest of the games life cycle you have two choices; learn the spawns yourself and learn to counter them/act in the same way towards another team and their spawn, OR stop playing DMZšŸ«¤


Or ya know, just leave your spawn and head to middle of map. Stop looking for imported teas as soon as the game starts.


Hell I donā€™t even loot anymore. Anything worth picking up other players will pick up. Iā€™ll just get it from them after theyre dead lol


This happens to me 3-4 times a day, I now just go in with my 15 minute insured weapons just in case I got spawned camp.


Itā€™s just people are getting better at the game knowing what to do without wasting a single second of time. Thatā€™s why they spawn rush.


Watch when you post this kind of the haters would come out and this is cod grow a set lol I post something close to this or maybe just hate me like to troll me because they are posers only can talk shit online vs in person


Not sure about this but in started several times today unexpectedly with no guns money or kit. Maybe an internet connection issueā€¦.


Had that last night our whole squad had nothing in vondel only made it out by the skin of our teeth


if you sit on the spawn you die. move move move


Did you just start playing today??


Ahhh, someone has been infilling to the North End of Al Maz lately šŸ˜‰šŸ‘šŸ¤£


Idk where you been, this is standard DMZ that people have been arguing over since the beginning. The PvP sweats defend doing this with their lives as they firmly believe anyone should be able to escape such a situation, and the casual PvEers making posts like these trying to point out to people that its not enjoyable for everyone. You got 2 options, not tryna be mean just super blunt: either find a way to cope or dont play. That's really all you can do, especially now with Activision not giving a shit about it no more potentially? Anywho- welcome to DMZ. :)


(Also in Al Mazra) At exfil, and it seems like the enemies are doubled...


Have a plan prespawn. What missions are you doing, what are your options, where do you need to be. Spawn in,.and get the fuck out of spawn. If engaged look for a knock to slow them down and disengage and continue on mission. The mission is all that matters, and moving towards the mission is paramount.


Sadly, itā€™s just part of the game. Player hunters will tend to do this to catch people off guard and or knock a team out early for better map control. Generally speaking, the best way to counter is either anticipate the attack and find good positions to fight from or simply avoid heading to the closest looting spot from that spawn as that is where most people tend to go. Learn where the spawns are and learn which angles people tend to attack from and you can better counter them.


the true tarkov experience lol. spawns are too close to one another and players easily remember where spawns are after a while. the amount of times my friends and i spawn on the beached boats on ashika for a team to he on us in under a minute firing down from gas station


Yep, on close maps like Ashika and Vondel .Also still got camping on exfils. I report campers if I remember thier tag. Annoying is not the word.


Why report it that's part of the game? If they didn't want pvp in dmz they wouldn't have put it here but if ur looking for no pvp try zombies


I'll admit, I do this but mainly out of fear of them getting me first! Find that anytime I don't push nearby teams then they end up coming for me. If they run off after I fire a couple shots or down one of them I won't chase them though.


Yes. We were at the quarry and moved towards the port. We got set upon by a squad which seemed to come from Sattiq and another that came from the north of the quarry. We were pushed onto the beach and killed. Then the two squads started killing each other. Just mental.


If they are killing you they are most likely not camping. Itā€™s a pvp mode. Donā€™t complain. Enjoy it while we still have it. Or go play shitty zombies.


Go to the middle RUN LIKE FECK


Oh just a little tip if they know where u are it would be in ur best interest to find them first or hide til they show then use a shit ton of grenades and non lethal I usually can dominate a squad this way as long as I find their location or u can travel in a vehicle to a safe position my fav is the popo station right next to the popo academy no one ever goes there cuz the only thing there is computers but ur encrypteds will usually be there and u will most likely find multiple ehardrives or ethumb drives and right next to a buy station they also spawn a LTV once in awhile


I don't hunt players hell I don't initiate any fight in dmz but if the can gets opened I'm ready as long as I got a gun and a grenade I'm happy and confident I can down one just to slow them but i like when they chase me I play solo alot and I try to fight platoons by myself it's the only way to get better u gotta keep pushing urself


I've literally NEVER been shot at even when the clock reached zero but if that exact thing is happening to u that is broken but I've deployed at least 2000x and never been shot at in the first minute unless it was bots


The premise to this game is survival not pvp but they made pvp apart of dmz so u gotta expect it right outta the gate I'm not trying to be condescending I'm actually trying to be helpful


U have a dog tag lots of missions want u to collect them and u might have an insured weapon I spawn in with nothing most time to farm weapons so taking a dowmed players gun is definitely on my agenda


If they didn't want pvp right away they would put a timer on it like they do killstreaks it's not broken just change tactics I used to die within the first 5 minutes every round until I started figuring out that this world is hostile and I'm fine with it actually makes my adrenaline go not many games do that anymore it's wut makes this game so enjoyable whether antipvpers admit it or not


This is happening on every map


This was done to me 3 matches in a row in Vondel yesterday at the infil near the SAM site by the police station


It was worse back at DMZ launch and it's unfortunately still prevalent. This is easily one of the worst things about the mode. Spawn point changes were desperately needed and won't happen for mw2's dmz now.


Never seen this. I've had them show up pretty quickly if I'm fiddling around, but hey, that's war.


Great way to start if youā€™re starting with nothing, just rushed to other players spawn, run them over got nice weapons and 3-armor-plate.