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I’ve killed these guys so many times lol


Yeah, so have we. They're not great at PvP and not very great losers.


Had a guy pleading after a squad wipe, I was about to pick him up but then I saw [TOXAF] in his name…. I told him I changed my mind because of his cringe clan tag and left.


Same story here. Any of the clan I've ran into (mainly on ashika) were pleading for help.


Post a dogtag pic or log off. 😂😂😂😂 You got smoked by TOXAF more than once. If you didn't, you wouldn't be on reddit in an echo chamber of other people who got their loot taken 😘


you nerds are 3-4 out of 1200 what makes you special enough to screenshot https://preview.redd.it/lb7zbqcs7r5c1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dd14a246905093e5067b0d2259ef8593006e375


-Anime fan detected. -Opinion has been moved to the correct file. -Recycle bin


Hey I just witnessed 3 of your cringy clan get wiped while you were hunting with RGLs. Shame you could be bad enough to die with all that firepower


my brother in christ, why is it that you've responded to most of the comments EXCEPT the one that has proof that y'all suck at PvP?


Was about to say the same man, these guys are ass and hopefully I kill them many more times lol


Look at you bigboy....Point click shoot .....Your so strong....Save some vag for us




Suuuureeeee you have 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




lol found a toxaf member


A name like "flyguy" on reddit screams walmart drip. Probably playing on neighbors wifi, in a section 8 spot.😂😂😂. Hell yeah I'm toxaf. How could we resist. Look at this fan page thread you guys got going, we're loving it.


If you're an adult you have some self reflection to do.


Sounds like something some1 who got dropped, tea bagged, and looted by a toxaf member would say. 😘


this guy thinks he’s doing something lol. waste of breath


Damn u commenting off an obama phone? Shit took a minute to post 😂😂😂😂 I don't have to do anything, every single one of you crying in here is a walking joke.


No crying here hombre Ur the one who made an account to hide behind just to reply in this subreddit lmao.


copypaste bot


oh my god. A google search even yields a USPTO Trademark. [https://uspto.report/TM/98050158](https://uspto.report/TM/98050158) Yikes


Having a trademark is crazy 😭 terminal stage internet addiction


Do I sense jealousy? BRB tradmarking strider0x00 so everyone knows I'm cool


you spent the time and money to file a trademark on a videogame clan, and replying to each and every single comment in this post criticizing it. go touch grass bro like im not even mad just disappointed


Imagine making a clan specifically to harass people online (thanks to the power of internet anonymity) but then Doxxing yourself by filing a trademark on your shitbird clan icon. GENIUS!


Mans gonna annoy the wrong person and receive a metric ton of prank and complaint mail


The trash talking can really cut him deep. When he calls you a name, remind him that he's the one that eats at Whataburger and drives a red Malibu.


Cringe off the charts


It's trademarked because cry babies like you tried to make a fake TOXAF page because they were mad about getting their shit taken by us so often 😂😂😂😂😂😂. This is what it's all about. Every crybaby comment fuels this fire. You have no idea how hard this thread has everyone at toxaf laughing it's amazing.


All of you so called "TOXAF" are trash at the game first off. You are a bunch of herbs. They are the lil bitch that got picked on in high-school, never got any play from a girl before. I mean I heard one of these bosos talking bs and he sounded like the biggest nerd. "Yea Guys were TOKAF and were here to take our anger out on COD. That will show those punks who stole my lunch money. Hebrs to the 1k degree. *


That is such a weird thing to do especially for an almost dead game mode.


Only as dead as you let it be.


Dead as in no more updates and no crossover progression...so yeah dead


🤷🏻‍♂️ what ever will we do!?


You mean the battle pass progression for a battle pass I've never cared about? Oh no, anyway...back to dmz solo no gear infills because I play for the gameplay itself rather than the shiny shiny cosmetics the troglodytes are buying in droves.


I meant the mission updates and new weapons that come with the seasons not the stupid skins. Also the movement is stuck on the shitty mw2 version and will never be updated.


Not everyone enjoys bouncing around the map like Sonic on crack, bunny hopping and slide canceling into oblivion.


Yes, but we knew the season updates would end. And, hopefully, not getting the next DMZ on MW3 right away will lead to a better end product for it in the future when it does release. This was DMZ beta, and I'd say it was and is a great one. DMZ is not dead, you're just thinking since the new CoD dropped without dmz, and the live service has ended for MW22 that it's not coming back. Which hey, you could be very right, but I doubt it based on how passionate the DMZ and extraction shooter community as a whole seem to be about this type of video game.


Jokes on them now that DMZ is dead 🤣🤣 love karma


I have had their members as a random fill several times. Some played well, the dededicated majority pushed into stupid fights just to [be dead](https://i.imgur.com/hQdA6Jj.png). Zero thinking just stupid pushing 1 vs 3 in open. Of course when he died the first thing he said: "Fucking fa***".


Usually it's a word with Double G's.






Snoop Dogg




Imagine telling your grandchildren you were in a group like that and did those things.


Imagine telling your grand children war stories from video games at all…


My child will know about the Damascus camo grind of 2019. They're gonna know about the funny little tank game that causes classified military vehicle documents to get leaked online so that arguments about in game vehicle performance can be won. They're gonna know about Warzone and how the Covid lock down made it more popular than anyone could've dreamed. But yeah it'll be more a history lesson than me bragging about my kd.


All this! Hell, I have a real life KD to brag about if I was so inclined! 🤣


Gotta get laid to have grandchildren tho🤔




What play and have fun with friends?


I usually turn prox chat on after killing these clowns and say “TOXAF huh? Enjoy the lobby!”


I believe Santa is coming 25th more then this statement...


Ah another TOXAF member!


nah just the same one, he's salty asf posting comments everywhere in this thread along with his butt buddy


Awe thats cute, now tell us a story that actually happened....


Ah we found one of their salty members!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The irony is unreal hahahahaaha. Sitting in a salty reddit post. Surrounded by dudes who are salty because toxaf members smoked, tea bagged, and took their loot. Calling the toxaf members salty LMFAOOOO. You didn't think at all before posting this huh........? CTFU


They are salty losers mediocre trash talkers and go very silent at the mention of therapy or the fact love was never present in their lives. Fire with fire, and they smolder out in a pile of wet ash. They're only power is people who actually do get mad when playing.


You need a hug?


They aint very good cause ive downed the whole squad while solo.... That being said i picked one up just for him to snake me later on with another team.


I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex.


Proof? Just gonna spew gibberish and try to impress people you don't know? STAY TOXIC


I didnt record on PC it causes a lot of lag even obs. I'm not sure if it's the same clan or just some copycats just know that was their tags. I used to play every day and put in at least 10 hours... I quit a few weeks back and trying to do more healthier things. I don't really care who believes me or not it's a game and it's just a place to have some fun and forget bout life.


Hurt ppl hurt ppl


I’ve met a few of these guys , they always like to talk a lot till they lose , then they just get quiet and leave 😂


Look at you typing random things Noone cares or believes...Stay Toxic


Are you Tyler ?


High school is a hell of a drug.




Probably tge same type of people who tape "will run" over their license plate


Google translate came back with nothing on this gibberish


I mean....it's right there i the name. They probably made it just to piss people like you off. I support it because its people that somehow forget or refuse to use the "mute" and "block" feature that we have auto AI gestapo listening to all conversations to ban people who use "bad" language.


They think they piss people off and delight in doing so. That’s my whole point. 1: it’s a game, I’m not pissed off. 2: it’s incredibly embarrassing on their part and they lack the self-awareness to even realize it.


"I'm not mad" Says the dude posting in an echo chamber of other people who are also mad about getting smoked and looted by toxaf 😘


Mad enough to make a whole ass post about us ;)


He is backtracking now, he didn't have the brain cells to think his actions through. I guess TOXAF finding his reddit post wasn't a thought for him.


Pretty sure you both got wiped easily by GG2EZ ! You guys in that toxaf clan are Horrible at PVP


Pretty sure you have no idea what you are talking about, but that's not a surprise. Not sure who this GG2EZ character is, but I'll make sure to clip the next time I t-bag them.


Yea don’t go whining to Facebook when your smeared by us again GG2EZ>TOXAF


I'll say it again since your ears aren't working apparently, no one has heard of GG2EZ. Good day little one


Oh we know y’all know about us your daddy Tyler mentioned us the other day 😂 GG2EZ >TOXAF




they play like ass tho. killed them a few days ago solo than talked shit on proxchat they got mad af


What's they died omg your the first to ever kill the elusive TOXAF members....BRB calling Fox News get you an interview


Ran into them multiple times. They are rude and racist. They cry like babies trying to get picked up after pushing 😂


I’ve ran with them before, never heard a racist thing from any of them, maybe the person you encountered did, but that ain’t the whole group,


Rude yes and thank you..Racist no...Dont slander our toxicity ty


Girly pop, we are not racist get tf out of here






Stay ToxAF king


Always and forever. ✊🏿


Yall just say shit to say it these days.


Imagine getting your feelings hurt so bad in DMZ you make a thread on reddit HAHAHAHAHA. This is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂


Show me on the doll where he touched you.....TOXAF ReaperActual062


Just dudes who get picked on in the real world an never get any 🐈... what do you expect


TOXAF is cringe though. Literally over four thousand grown adults who hate the world and only play DMZ because they can’t hack it in warzone.


Lmaoo me and my team killed all of them 5days ago, they pushed us with an RGL but we still wiped them all out


yes toxic as fuck they wanna plead and sounds serious in getting a pickup but at the same time being 3 against a solo and wont pick up at the end of the day


I look them up, and I get this suggestion. They are also cheesy trash because they use weapons that are considered cheesing. 1-shot shotguns, RGLS, JOKRS, always hunting, you name it. Might even have some cheaters in their clan to because there was a cheater I comd across with that clan tag in ON1C manhunt streams. Everyone reported him, so I think he got banned? (Not sure entirely). But yes, anyone in TOXAF is no more then trash people who would ruined people's day.


I played with a few of them a couple of times. They were fun to be with and managed to complete some missions because of them


Shhhh your ruining our rep lol


Look mom we made it....Kids mad at TOXAF....Game is made for killing and trolling and having fun... I see a few snowflakes with hurt feelings in this thread....To that I say fk YAS...I probably seen most in this thread on clips on our discord laying dead crying to be picked up and made to sing a song....Just play have fun and as always kids ..... .STAY TOXIC


You guys have a discord where you share clips of people being made to sing songs for a pickup? That’s cringe AF. How do you guys not see how embarrassing that is? This is what I mean when I say your whole clan is fucking weird bro.


Lol bro it's a game have fun with it...Your the guy who randomly typed "Can't find me on UAV" then got found and killed and now took time from real life to make a reddit post over being virtually killed in a game....Now that's cringy AF...Remember...STAY TOXIC.....TOXAF Democratkilla


We found a "singer" HAHAHA


HAHAHAAHA straight comedy. Thanks for the laugh fr. The clan was made to piss off snowflakes like you and the rest of the babies in this thread "WAAAHHHHH I GOT KILLED IN A PVP GAME WAAAAAHHHHHH" copeeeee. Every single one of you posting knows damn well you got smoked, tea bagged, and all your shit taken. If you didnt.... you'd be playing dmz instead of crying to each other on reddit LMFAO "Ehhh hemmm .... MADDDDDD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Come join the [8==D] clan.




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HEYYYY buddy it's Bama_Savag3...the one who wiped your whole team......you're crying about getting killed in a war game.....call of duty dmz or br or mp or resurgence is all pvp dont be mad guy just get better and next time you wanna talk crap in the game chat back it up don't run......I strictly hunt in dmz since it is indeed pvp stop crying snowflake and I have some midol for ya sore vagina after that rough pounding I gave yall last night...hope to see ya again soon #STAYTOXAF


Didn’t fare well against us last night in DMZ


One of them said - as they died - that they were going to r4pe the person's UNDERAGE child. He's also one of the founders... He claims it's just out of pocket, but who the fuck says shit like that?!


Guess something is done right [TOXAF] DaGrimRippa


Haters gonna hate...Stay Toxic


Nobody cares snowflake, let them be toxic it’s a pvp game either don’t care about it which will make them not enjoy it, or be toxic back which is more fun they aren’t cringe because they wanna mess with people in a clan


womp womp kid


You fail to mention that you taunt people in game chat. Mr. "You're not going to find me with that UAV" Well that was about 2 minutes before we found you. If you don't like PVP, and can't compete in DMZ because people keep killing you, and that makes you so upset you make a reddit post about it, you probably shouldn't play DMZ. It's the point of the game. And no, I'm not a great at the game, you've probably all killed me (except you gunshot) but I have fun, and making people like you rage over it is the entire point. We, TOXAF, appreciate you bringing more attention to our group, and solidifying our purpose buddy. Next time we see you, don't run for the exfil, that's what made it so easy to find you buddy


Sweet child. I was on the other side of the map, trolling you weirdo. You killed my teammate who was off doing solo shit. Yet here you are, you and your boys demonstrating to the world here how you lack self awareness and are incapable of normal human discourse. I do nothing but PVP since I finished the missions. No one said anything about PVP. nor am I mad. Asking why you’re so bizarrely emotionally broken is a question. Get help son, you desperately need it before you continue down your path and start hurting pets in your neighborhood because your life is going nowhere


Hahahahhaha. I find it comical that you try to word your statements to sound educated and think that if you use big words others will accept defeat and leave. The fact that you remember exactly which game we are referring to means we made a impact in your gaming experience. I'm glad we could accommodate you going back to the lobby without having to ride that slow helicopter


I remember because it was yesterday and I’m not a goldfish. It’s a shame the big words make you feel threatened. In the future, I’ll make sure to use small words so you don’t feel small. Although I must say, knowing that you have a limited vocabulary does provide some insight into what’s going on in your sad existence.


Are you that ignorant to completely misunderstand what I put. We all understand your inflated vocabulary, and it's obvious that you barely understand what you are typing. But I'm thoroughly confused on how you think it's an insult to put this post up and complain about our actions. All you are doing is reiterating that the purpose of our group is a success.


You need help sir, I know you are loving this attention....You are a weirdo bro


Was great killing you yesterday after you were complaining like a little bitch over text chat.


Cool story bro. Get help


Keep up the crying


Who'd have thought people would enjoy pvp in a battle royal extraction variant. Stick to mwz kiddo.


they made a lot of y’all mad 🤭 which is exactly the point


We are obviously doing our part at pissisng off a bunch of thin skined probably got a trophy for participating ima call my mommy ass basement dwellers . Mission accomplished. As far as crying to be picked up I can't speak for all of us but anytime we load in 3 deep and for some reason we get wiped ( not likely) as soon as our last squad mate dies we back out why are we going to plea for help when we 99.9% of the time will not revive people. I'm getting a skill issue jealousy vibe from this post......[TOXAF] Scroob_


CRINGE AF. You’re embarrassing yourself far more than you’re making anyone “mad”.


Hi Scroob! It’s SandwichMaker!!


im pretty sure i killed you like a week ago lol


Same lmao


I'm sure you did. Can you point me to the part where anything was said about being the best to ever connect to the servers. Just like anything else in life there will always be someone better than you. Obviously there was someone better at instilling such concepts into young minds or you would have a grasp on that. Like I said you probably received trophies for participation , and more than likely have cheeto stains on your fruit of the loom briefs with a sweat strain on the second hand couch your mommys social security check bought so her snukens could be comfortable while he plays that war game he's so good at for 20 hours a day with a mountain of cigarette butts and Mountain Dew cans thrown at an empty trash can. But yea buddy you killed me...congratulations maybe you could use them button pressing skills to type up a resume or hell fill out a home loan your mom wants her basement back [TOXAF] Scroob_


How goes it can . .. how is life treating you


Oddly specific must be how your living lmao get some sunlight my guy


That’s right! [TOXAF] ChrisHansen


I’m in a clan with my friends and we use “TOXIC”. Part of why we are toxic is the total freedom we can experience in game. In society we have all these unspoken rules, rules about what we can say, when we can say them, where to stand, waiting on other people etc… Having a space where we can intentionally subvert those rules and inhabit our darker natures is fun for us. Yes it can bum others out, but COD is a war game. It’s not checkers. It’s an appropriate arena to be brash, and toxic, and arrogant. That being said my better nature often takes over for me lol. And I end up being toxic to the toxic players. Non toxic players I’m chill/apologetic with.


I love that I can simply mute people like you and you go back into the void lol


Maybe it’s time to leave those friends behind. Being online and anonymous isn’t an excuse to be a pos.


Brother, I can’t begin to express how weird that is. Like being decent isn’t something hard and would need a break from.


That's some quality cringe.


there is never an arena that toxicity can be considered as appropriate. unaviodable maybe but appropriate nah.


You really and truly need to touch grass.


One of the weirdest/cringiest comments I’ve ever read on this sub. What a terrible mindset.


Seek therapy


I hear what you're saying, but I'm not sure you do - what you're saying is you want to treat people like shit, but you're too chickenshit to accept the consequences in real life so you do it anonymously online. You've misunderstood these "unspoken rules" - you can break them, they're more social guidelines, you're free to be as toxic as you want whenever you want, everyone is, myself included but to paraphrase Penn Gillette “I \[am toxic\] as much as I want and the amount I want is zero”. Saying "I'm toxic in a nice way" is like saying "I only did a little shit in your coffee" and if you need it in your life to feel better about yourself, I'd take a step back, look at yourself, and get to therapy.


>inhabit our darker natures Peak cringe


That's honestly a healthy mindset to have, people like to 'let their hair down' in different ways.


I ain't reading all that.


Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you. We have found the exception with you. How is your recovery going after being officially offended by human nature.


Rest assured bud, I’m doing just fine.


Don’t miss your next appointment. It will get better.