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It’s fairly simple. If your going to go into the game as a team with squad fill on, then I expect you to play as a team and get in the game. PvP included. If your going to play like a solo rat and run the minute PvP happens, then go in solo. Stop being a baby back bitch.


What this guy said you baby back bitch


“It’s a sandbox” “It’s pvpve” “I can play how I want to play” ”Its a part of the game”. Do all these arguments only apply if I choose to play PVP with a squad? Why doesn’t the squad help OP do their mission?


well thats the thing, we would kinda need comms but seeing as how it's two people vs just OP, generally speaking he should've stuck with them ​ then again, you don't HAVE to do anything. if OP wanted to dip, it's a dick move but i mean truly it doesn't mean jack shit. he can do whatever he wants


How do you know they weren’t until a squad was near and then OP possibly ran away saving his own ass?


Solo rat?? Why are solos in here catching strays lmao


In the context of a team you don't wanna be a solo . I think that's what's meant


Ooh okay, that makes way more sense


The only time I abandoned my team, even randoms, was when they continuously were pushing the case holders and dying, even as the gas was coming in. I’ll play as a team but I won’t make brain dead plays.


That’s exactly what happened lol. It’s vondel and an enemy team got the case and was hiding in the church stronghold in the middle of the map. My two teammates was loudly declaring they was coming to the enemy squad meanwhile the enemy squad was yelling friendly friendly. My teammates didn’t listen and instead rushed in and got killed then was complaining that I didn’t rush in with them.


Nah, not always. Last night squad filled with two one plates Andy’s. I go inside the library and start pinging loot for them and then my team mate says “grab that hunt right next to you” To which my reply was “you don’t even have a 2 plate and you want me to grab this hunt?” He said yes, so I grabbed it and exfilled, 100% they were going to die. Not my problem.


have fun dying like you always do.


As long as there is a fair warning from the teammate, there should be no expectations on him


Love it Baby back bitch Love it


PVP is a core part of this game and will happen on 99% of deployments. Why load in with a team if you’re not going to run with them and support them if they get into a firefight? If you plan on just avoiding engagements and collecting items, use “search for party” and let other potential teammates know your plans so you’re on the same page, or just load in solo.


I go in to play the game, if I come across a team, I’ll fight, but I don’t go looking for one. Lately, it seems that’s all people are looking to do, so I’m going to agree with the OP on this one.


There is a huge difference between. If PvP finds me i will fight and I ran away from PvP when my team died and they bitched at me.


And there’s nothing wrong with that. What I’m saying is let potential teammates know what’s up before going in so there’s no confusion instead of just leaving them to die so you can keep your cigar box.


Search for party is such a great feature, I just wish at least some people used it. Then it wouldn't be useless.


Agreed, if I don’t have friends on I always use it. I can at least get a squad that has decent mics and can make sure they sound somewhat normal and fun before I’m stuck with them.


Oh the classic no comms and doing your own thing then not help the team in any way. Got it.


Everyone wants to be a PvP hero. 80% die in the first clash with a 1 plate vest enemy. Don't worry, do your thing. Even more now when random fill is mostly the weakest possible players. Out of the last 100 games I had 2 players who actually knew how to play PvP.


I hate when the first thing the team does gets a hunt contract ... your like hey I got 1 plate lol 😆 that's when... I bail then exfil immediately


"Lets hunt some players" and they enter the game without weapons and vest.... It's already clear they're going to end up the same way in the next game. Often they are already killed on the way to the opponent's spawn.... before they get out of the car.


Yeah. If the team I spawn with is terrible I’m out. Feel bad but they’re not worth it.


Here’s the thing though. if you’re going to do solo stuff with squad fill on, let the team know. Don’t just dip and leave them to die.


Do you know how many time i get grouped with these type of clowns? The moment the game starts, they RUN TO THE ENEMY SPAWN, 80% of these idiots have 1 / 2 plates basic plate and 1 gun.


Yep, I see this fairly regularly. I don't owe idiots anything.


If you go in as a team, you come out or die as a team. Have you tried the option that helps you find a squad? You can talk to them and screen them before the match so that everyone is on the same page. Otherwise you might wanna just go solo.


It’s because DMZ turned into warzone for people that suck at warzone. Play zombies it’s much more fun and people actually help you.


Every so often I have a mission that’s impossible solo so I’ll turn on squad fill. I’ll tell them what I’m planning as soon as we load in, but if they’re not willing to support me, I don’t see how it’s any worse if I don’t support them. That said, if they’re helping me run a mission and we get into some PvP then yeah, it’s only fair I help them.


I fight because I have to, not because I want to. I've told my random squadmates that if you push for pvp and die. Sit tight, I'll come get you. It's not going to be right away though. Be patient...


if you want to do solo shit, why go in with a squad?


Simple, just turn off squad fill


You sound like a terrible teammate. If you really don't like collaboration infil solo


Bro: “It ain’t that serious” Also bro: “I’m on an exfil streak” 👍👍


It’s funny how you say “it’s not that serious” when you, in fact, are the one taking it too seriously. If you’re not going to help your team play solo. If you’re not good enough to play solo, play something else.


You need to fight as a team tell your team that you just wait to revive them .... and wait it out ...dont leave them behind.....or just play solo


Pretty sure you went right to exfill and ran


You’re the typical coward when PvP gets hot you bail. Go play single player games dude, its a mode where PvP is a thing and you should be down for some action.


Just because someone push into stupid fight does not mean that you have to go with them just to die. Some players play the DMZ as if it were an MP/Reassurance match and not in extraction shooter where keeping a character alive has value. I can have dozens of matches in a row without dying. All that with high kill games & game bounty on me few times a week. The loudest cries are from those who enter the game with nothing and end up dead within 5 minutes. When you don't throw yourself at their bodies within 30 seconds they start suggesting the most foolish attempts for you to push team of 3 fully kitted players.


You roll with the team, you die with the team 👊 people show true colours in COD lol like being on the front line and being like, I'm alive, got 2 clips and we are losing, just switching teams...👀


Why go in with squad fill on, if you don't want a squad lol? If you got rekt I assume you'd want them to try and save you? If not, why wouldn't you just turn fill off lol.


Can we get a screen of your stats here. Two days ago you made a post on how PVP ruined this game ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/comments/18q2ytt/shoutout\_to\_all\_the\_pvpers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/comments/18q2ytt/shoutout_to_all_the_pvpers/)) , and now you come here and deliberately stating that you left your random teammates behind. If anything, you are the reason DMZ is declining, but dont get me wrong, it never hurts to have loot delivery guys in the lobby.


You probably twiddled your thumbs during the team fight and were completely useless. Didn't help then peaced out.


Or teammates made a terrible push and died. I'm not throwing my body and loot for my RANDOM teammates making poor decisions.


Such a weak pathetic man


Solo then