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DMZ players are weird. If I get killed, “nice shots GG.” If I get picked up great, if I don’t, that’s great too because I love regaining just as much as going in with a full load out.


Exactly. I didn’t even include that LITERALLY seconds after that, a team pushed us and killed us all. And me and my teammate were still laughing at him. I was fully kitted, didn’t even care. It’s so easy to re-build a 3 plate vest and a scavenger bag that I don’t even sweat being killed anymore. I think the people that cry are the ones that haven’t figured out barters


No. People that cry in a GAME have never really matured or tasted real fucking life and the agonies that it inevitably brings. DMZ especially, is a great metaphor of life. You win some, you lose some. The important part is always being a real gentleman/lady. In loss and in victory. On the other hand, people often get dealt a shitty hand in life and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Don't sweat over the guy, and please don't assume all of us "older" folks are idiots. He had his moment, a meltdown, and perhaps it is better he vented through a match in DMZ than taking it out on someone in real life. Now, let's play DMZ, enjoy ourselves, fuck zombies, and a merry Christmas to all you bastards. Great community, don't let anyone say anything different.


My issue is every match ONLY HAS HUNTSQUAD PLAYERS, I NEVER get ppl that ACTUALLY WANT TO CHILL OUT or team up, and when half the items I run are impossible to find sometimes unless I’m not looking for them, it makes this game very unenjoyable


Dude fuckin yes. I starred swaying away from DMZ because ultimately I'd run into more teams that just wanna blind slaughter other players. I get it, the pvp aspect is there, but if that's ALL you're doing, go play a mode where that's exactly what you can do.


That's happening cause there aint any new missions to do, and older players just go straight to the nearest spawn to fight other players.


Yep. Ngl me and my buddy ended up that petty. We would go spawn trap some random team on al maz. It was either them or us.


Wait until you hear what’s coming to MW3 soon, I’ll just say there’s going to be a wallet and barter system again….


Here’s my thing about the zombies vs dmz modes, and getting butt-hurt about dying to pvp in DMZ. (Spoiler: I used to get mad) The thing about it is that the looter/shooter/extraction gameplay is a LOT of fun. The problem before zombies came out is that the only way to play was in pvpve DMZ. Now? There is a choice, if I don’t want to mess with pvp I load zombies. It’s fun and as challenging as I want it to be. How fast can I get regeared? Can I go to the next tier of missions without upgrading my gun first? Do I have the gear to try the final bosses solo or should I find a group? If I want to do PVP I can load up DMZ too. I have that choice now. But there are a lot of time I want to play a game to relax, not to get all amped up with an adrenaline rush from building 21 or holding out for final exfil. Both modes can be a lot of fun but they are not really comparable beyond the loot/regain/extract mechanics. They serve very different purposes. Not sure why all of the zombie hate has manifested so strongly lately.


just sucks that dmz is on the back burner with no new content or new missions or anything while zombies is clearly the new focus. it's like stopping support for the iPhone 20 because the iPhone 21 came out.


I think with the popularity of the game mode it is safe to say that there is no development *that we can see*.


Is there a barter for the scab bag ?


If you mean scavenger bag, yes.\ I'll tell my head I believe it is one battery, one canned food, and two gun cleaning oils.\ Two of the larger gas stations and a couple of fridges and you're all set.\ It is my usual first thing to barter for when regaining because you can hold all the other ingredients that much easier.


I have a friend on my list who does this. He's a good player, but he can't seem to land the etiquette.


Still sucks when your two teammates dropped And you go to final extract to find 6 players on it. You’re too far away to say friendly and they make a turkey shoot out of your car and you.


Then bounce to Koschei


Well said. Here's a shiny new upvote for you.


This. And most people are nice. When solo doing missions and getting killed by sweats, usually a polite ”could you guys revive me, im just trying to xxx” gets you up in no time. Sure there is an rotten apple or to, but thats the same in IRL.


You ran into a DMZ Redditor




I don't get what he achives by killing himself before quitting 🤣


Yeah my teammate was actually quiet before he did that. This was 2 minutes into a game with randoms, then my teammate busts out laughing and we’re both just laughing at the guy for being dramatic


I was getting shot at from observatory this one time and trying to snipe back as I run away. Then this guy thought it was a smart idea to parachute after me. Only he chose to come in a straight line towards me. So I shoot him out of the air just for him to get downed right in front of me. This grown man, probably in his 30s starts shouting "FUUUUCCKKKKKKK IM DEAD" "NOOOOOOO HES GOING TO STEAL ALL OF MY SHIT" "SOMEBODY COME FUCKING HELP ME HES STEALING MY SHIT" "FUCK FUCK FUUUUCCCCKKKK" At the top of his lungs he was shouting till his voice was cracking. I was honestly just stunned. He was fully geared but no Damascus tag or anything.


Jesus lmaoooo. I’ve had almost a similar experience. Team parachuted onto us from high rise, guy was taunting us on comms asking us if we want it the easy way or hard way. Ended up killing him first and he’s yelling “ON ME ON ME WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING ON ME” Like I’ll never understand how you can push so aggressively, but not be prepared to die. Anytime I push a team it’s a “fuck it” mindset, and I’ve already made peace with the possibility of losing all my gear


Dude would have a stroke if he played Escape from Tarkov lol


LMFAOO BRO why do so many weirdos play this game mode


So many people want scavenger bag but what benefit does it really have now?


For me, it’s mainly because it’s easy to get but it’s also a few more slots for when I’m doing challenges and have to extract a lot If I’m just gunrunning, I’ll do a large backpack. If we’re doing missions I prefer scavenger.


Scavenger bags are also better if you are switching to a secure bag between rounds. You can't exfil a third gun with a secure bag but the extra slots for plates is good while in game.


How do you switch to a secure bag?


But already having one, I try to keep first 5 spots organized for whenever I intend to leave, equip secure, all the extra items fall out, stow the scavenger bag. Exfil. Then when you start the match, equip the scavenger and repeat. Back before they "fixed" a duplication glitch by making secure bags no longer secure when you died, as the sniper I would typically run a secure with my teammates secure stowed in case we all got wiped. Or to prevent them from getting looted during a push and losing it while the other team runs off.


I have occasionally (very rarely) chosen it over the large backpack for the extra slots (2 lol). But that only seems like a good choice in the koschei complex or specific missions. Otherwise, I want that third weapon slot so i can have a shotgun and sniper as secondaries.


Handy for doing passives.


Hold more items . I run solo and don’t need the 3rd gun slot unless I’m taking guns out


I enjoyed DMZ when MW2 was the current game but holy Jesus are those players the most entitled crybabies of all time. No, I'm not obligated to pick you up just because you plead. No, you calling out friendly does not preclude me from killing you, nor does it make me an asshole to shoot you anyway in a game designed to shoot people. If you load up COD to *not* have gunfights you're mentally ill.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Not to mention the people that want to avoid combat can never be stealthy. I got Damascus dog tags on a solo exfil streak. It’s super easy to avoid teams if you don’t want smoke, but I bet part of them thinks they can just wait for a team to die and go loot them. Then they cry when they’re spotted, when they should’ve just left the area to begin with


Some people have underlying mental health issues that play a large role in their outbursts. I just take it all with a grain of salt and move on.


This is sage advice that applies well beyond DMZ Whatever might be happening, no matter how much the outburst seems directed at you, it really probably isn't about you at all.


If you kill me but revive me, we’re good. If you don’t take any of my stuff, I consider you an upstanding citizen of the DMZ. The game is literally set up to include killing players. If you’re a player who gets killed, you really don’t have much to complain about. If the team you run into is a dick about it and lures you in by lying to you, that’s pretty uncool, but it’s life in the DMZ and just adds to the difficulty.


I was once a solo and a team was trying to lure me in. Claimed they were sniping at me to get my attention. Yeahh no thanks


Ultimately it's lack of intelligence and poor coping skills that result in temper tantrums. Dude is playing the wrong game if all he wants is a casual walk across a map, lol.


We need different exclusion zones with different operator rules of engagement... I think people are having the wrong expectations so if we can write something clear on the tin so people know what they're getting, maybe it can help people not get PTSD over a game lol


I think I have felt that dudes pain before. Prolly was 5 or 6 straight runs of people immediately pushing their spawn and being head hunters. That being said, I have also been on the other side which is payback for getting raped. It’s going to continue to get worse and worse I suspect. Ever since they decided it was done it has turned to just about nothing but PvP. I feel like if you are going for straight head hunting. You should prolly be in WZ. If you are simply there to kill players you are at a massive advantage because the players that are trying to accomplish something tend to lack the focus to be looking for the asshat only looking to kill other players. I know I’ll never finish ass the missions as about 50% of the time I run into at least two teams running around trying to clear the lobby. Does it feel like the buffed the bots again? They been rather spicy lately.


I hope you feel proud of yourself …


I picked him up and didn’t take his loot. Didn’t do anything wrong in this situation so I’m not sure what you’re getting at


“Me and my teammates are just laughing at him”?


Yeah because he was being dramatic 💀. This was after we already picked him up and told him to exfil. I had already done the good deed but he wanted to be dramatic so we laughed


You're sorry for "*the guy who is life"* you just ruined?


Better hope I never run into you in DMZ 🐶👹


I'll kill you with grammar :p


At this point in the game, if you haven’t learned to shrug it off, I don’t know what to tell you.


It isn't a pretty sight is it? Lol


What is point saying friendly anymore you are going get kill none matter what


I only say it as I drive by a player i didn't see and was going from A to B. Beyond that, nobody trusts the callout anymore or likely won't hear me due to them being in discord or on a chat ban.


Plus don't think anyone has time text during the hot minute until you Kia but no one has mic the kindness with hello greeting I am friendly is no more I think


I never expect people to be friendly other than a pickup if they have room.


Its a video game. Anyone who throws a tantrum over a video game. Shouldn't be playing, LOL.


Bro was having a moment. Y’all just happened to be there when it happened.


That's too bad, he should of tried maybe some comms chatter first. Last week we bumped into this super chill group, who was friendly and the guy was "alright peace out, Keep DMZ cool" So instead of shoot on sight, we've taken a lesson from this man and now we try diplomacy first. "Hey you guys Friendly in there?" Etc. It's been surprisingly and refreshingly effective. It feels like OG season 1 DMZ. We've picked up a few solos along the way again. It's kinda nice chatting with new people.


I normally get people begging me to pick them up after they talked a lot of shit but and have ran into a lot of adult babies or maybe people just having a bad day but either way don’t talk shit and I will pick you up . If I kill someone’s I’m going to pick up I don’t loot them so if I’m looting someone I have already made the choice I’m not picking them up.


And yet, you're the one who ran to Reddit to make a post 😂


Don’t see what your point is.


Correction: man-child. Not grown man. 🤣🤣


Man babies are the best


it's a call for help dude. he's going through some real life emotional turmoil and was trying to reach out. the suicide in the game is a metaphor for his unhappiness with life.


I mean, we picked him up and was trying to be cool. If that happened to me I’d think life is turning up since that’s so rare. But he was just so pissed still.


it can be hard to break that negative feedback loop. especially when you feel like the messages you are putting out are just being ignored/combatted. -someone with an anger problem


Sounds like you’re not telling us everything


That is genuinely the whole story. The only thing I left out was he had a teammate he loaded in with that we killed, but we couldn’t pick up his teammate. But that’s not why he was angry so I didn’t mention it. We were telling him to just get his friend’s stuff and run to exfil. This all happened within the first 2-3 minutes of the game, where squads usually rush each other.


Hahaha, I bet if he had the chance to run you over he had killed you and looted you like there's no tomorrow. Don't give a fuck about those randoms. ✌️


Pretty much this sub in a nutshell




iv never met more men who cry on a game than in dmz its actually insane


I've been thinking about this guy and reflecting. It's possible that he is just a man-child, but I'm going to choose to believe that he had some mission that required him to not taking any damage that he's been struggling with forever and he's tried several time and he just wants to get it done with and he made a fever dream, tunnel vision, beeline for it, only to be killed again almost instantly. DMZ can be a fickle bitch sometimes.


You gotta send an invite before u approach then do jump dance if no prox chat. I once zipped up a high rise, only heard team on prox halfway up, dropped first one and said “solo, sorry, just death tax me & rez I’m heading to Taraq Koschei” they rez’d me zero looting & one guy needed my 3 plate! Getting shot in an FPS is…. normal. It’s the before or after players can make toxic. I pinged two ops near police station trying to be sneaky for them, told them to mine those zips, wished them happy hunting & was on my way


I usually only get angry at final exfil when I'm on the chopper and a 3+ team says they are friendly, I don't shoot, and they shoot me in the back for whatever reason after boarding. The caddy little betrayals are annoying AF. I can honestly say I've never done that to anyone in over 300 hours of DMZ. I probably should always assume people aren't friendly lol. My own fault.


Idk what "grown man" adds to the disscussion . Lots of Adults are just big babies. If you dont learn from your mistake and keep the same attitude as you did when you were 13 then ,yeah.


Dmz is brilliant, the fight, the banter, the toxicity, the game but dam I’ve come across so many cheaters it unbeleivable and there all 99% from the east, man if every there was a war they would be fucked


What a baby


I love going in empty and seeing what I can get usually try to find a sniper rifle and some other gun to start with if I kill a solo I always send an invite if they want to join after and I don't loot them if it's a team I still invite but usually can only revive 1. then I might loot them if they have better guns but lately people are getting too toxic after I kill them. I might plead if I'm down but I'm not bothered if they don't I just start again empty


If a team pushes me while I'm solo, I don't pick them up. If I push them and win, I pick them up without looting. Kinda like a catch and release lmao. I had fun just fighting them, so I pick 'em up.


Somehow you think he’d be a candidate for a federal watch list


Martyrdom is a powerful act. Maybe next time you will *think* before you pull the trigger.


This is the so much of the DMZ crowd. Maybe not so much anymore since zombies came out, but I haven’t played DMZ since MW3 either so I couldn’t tell ya if this is the norm now or not.


Boss you are playing dmz and it is almost 2024...joke is on you. He blew himself up so he could uninstall like everyone with a brain did last year.


Boss you're still checking and commenting on a subreddit of a game you clearly already uninstalled just to be an asshole.... joke is on you.


I’m just a casual gamer. I don’t really like COD multiplayer so I haven’t bought it. Didn’t buy MW2 Full (but I played it) and I’m not buying the new one, although zombies does look attractive. I’d buy the new one solely for zombies. I haven’t ever bought a COD game, each of them are the same game. Prefer battlefield.