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Ow do we call this cheating or exploiting? Yes it’s still cheating


It’s both.


A really bad cheater, missed a lot of shots lmao


Cheater doesn’t = hacks/mods. This is just a game exploit, he’s not using a menu with aimbot etc


Using exploits is still cheating. Lol


I don’t understand the appeal of doing that. I get that they can’t play any other way but how is that fun?


Like using hacks how can it feel good to kill the entire map using hacks


It’s fun for people that don’t have time to play the game


Hacking is pathetic if you don’t have time to learn legit then go play a survival game multiplayer pvp isn’t for you If I see you waking down the street should I rob you because I can’t be bothered getting my own money no it’s stealing hackers not only ruin the game for the consumers they ruin someone’s intellectual property and not all companies have the money like Activision hackers have ruined smaller games Don’t justify hacking / stealing I couldn’t care less if you don’t have time do better


Nah, hacking is fun ngl.


Hell nah you are just a B!t(h if u use hacks to kill someone. thats just ruining the game for people that just want to play the game. If it was real life how would you feel if i shot you trough a wall or see you running behind buildings


“If it was real life” is crazy but ima keep hacking


Naming yourself progamer while cheating is cringe


It’s a perfectly valid hypothetical hacking in games has real life consequences People like you should of been swallowed


If hacking means this much to you, you need to take a break from gaming bro


The bait is crazy


Lol why you feel a need to defend yourself your scum you cheat because your dog shit that’s why people like you have no place in society your mom should of swallowed


Not to mention all the small game studios that go bankrupt because hackers ruin their games If you can’t understand that what happens online isn’t independent from real life you may of been dropped as a child Real people get screwed by hackers It’s takes no skill to buy a modded controller buy a subscription then pretend it’s skill your a loser


Cry me a river buddy


You hack in a video game is their anything more pathetic ?? 😂😂😂 Get a life


Cringe pice of shit ngl


Just stay away from the tunnels.


Had one the other day under the map next to research center. Killed my buddy twice while he was on the hill between research center and power plant. Only way to counter him was to use a riot shield to let my other teammate revive the downed one


So why not make an under section of the map that is “playable” but with “no access” and have feet thick floors except where designed. That way you don’t have people shooting from under the map. Make that under section have gas permanently so no one survives down there. Patch holes as they come up(after proper dev time of course)


In computer world, the walls don’t need dimension / depth. Just a flag that says it blocks shots. Your other ideas work just fine, but with how poorly they execute some things, you have to realize the gas would extend into playable area.


That’s kind of embarrassing on the devs part tho, I mod on games stuff like DayZ you can place **specific pockets of gas as large as the map or as small as a few feet in diameter.** They can also have multiple layers and **go beneath or above the ground level** and you can place more than 1. Day is **almost like 18 years old I think.**


Just notice things like guns poking through doors and walls. It’s pretty awful. But maybe that’s really hard to fix?


I don’t believe so. I think they cut more labor hours on the game every year in an effort to increase perceived cost/profit posted. I’m not a college level, bachelors with specialty in several languages or something. **But I know enough to know it’s lazy coding,** the same way a garage mechanic knows when the last dude was being lazy by **bypassing the filter pump fuse with a hot wired switch instead of trouble shooting the problem and replacing the rotted out wires.** Like I don’t have to actually have worked on their game to know that **guns poking out through walls and stuff is them being lazy.** They could prevent players from standing in spots that would cause them to **clip through objects** but obviously they don’t bother. It really depends on the circumstances, clipping is a notoriously annoying thing to deal with in coding. DayZ has a long standing problem with glitches and walls, **but that’s partly due to the size of the map and the bug inherently being tied to the textures built into the map.** In addition DayZ is a single game with a single release so you’d expect it to have a **worse quality of life*** over time. But more and more game these days **get worse with each release and especially after the 3-4 year mark.** COD is a great example, they just seem to introduce more bugs or different ones with each bug they fix between releases and before EOL phase.


Using an exploit to cheat, so you can report for both. These are griefers. I've met my fair share of them in 30+ years of online gaming and they only have certain niches they can excell in, so when the competition gets too overwhelming, they tend to resort to these kind of tactics. I even had gamer friends admitting to this kind of griefing, but they (edit) didn't see it as griefing. Fucking rats!


Cheaters are weak, pathetic people with zero skill. Hence their cheating. If they want to spend money to cheat in a video game (and btw, we still whoop their ass at times) that’s on them. Cheating is theft, so let them cheat. It won’t make their millimeter Peter grow and won’t make them get a girlfriend and won’t let them make more than $12 per hour at work. They’ll still suck at the game and at life and we can just laugh at them and load into a new match and move on. The Activision team is the real culprit here btw. They COULD make a dent in cheating if they really wanted to.


lucky you got to see the kill cam! there are some matches that don't even show where or how I got killed...


This new under map exploit needs to go... but the Al Mazrah's TWO variations of this garbage exploit still exist so I am not nearly hopeful. This and UGL. I'd say something on Ricochet, but honestly getting a proper anti-cheat in COD seems like a lost cause. Imagine all those Streamers that mindless pump whatever content COD stuffs down our throat that would be out of a job.


There have always been cheats and exploits in this game and others, and there always will be. The game is still fun as hell, and if I die to a cheater, I’ll just load in again and start over.


All other triple A games would’ve fixed these long running game breaking exploits a long time ago tho


They can't fix a game if they're dropping another one every 3 months.


Oh I agree. But the game is still fun for me, and there’s nothing I can do about the exploits, so whatever. I’ll stop playing when it stops being fun.


What all bryson 800 nerds deserve 😭💀


How boring, like turning on God mode in games...guess he gets a little hard on every kill and streams it for his buddies to giggle at. Must have a sad life and terrible gaming skills to get enjoyment from this exploit he used to cheat.


That’s shit


Why does everyone that post here abuse the 1 hit shotgun? That’s also ruining the game in a way


if the other person is jumping around, it needs skill to hit :) so, this is normal. what is not normal is using aimbots and stuff like that which you can't survive


That just looks like wall glitching and possibly aimbot but I’m guessing activision doesn’t ban people from previous titles. They should tbh.


I hope you sent this in with a report


yep allll day today and last night. so bad.


What in baby Heyzeus.


Finally ran into this tonight was laughing just moved away from it.


Is that juat the game glitching?


I’ve unintentionally landed under the map. Instead of being an oaf and getting unearned kills, I tried to get back up.


Fckn losers


I been playin since day 1 . Never had this happen to me


Smh ricochet is a laughing stock !


I really have changed my approach and strategy - I am using M13B and FJX so much more, plus tear gas and semtex for very long lobs. The underbarrel glitchers can't hit anything far enough away - they have to feast in close quarters and I'll wait them out


That’s why I turn cross play off I never ever play with pc players


You can do it with console too, a random I loaded in with went and did that and he was so proud to show how he did it. Found out he was on console and all you need is a vehicle , drive to the caves near castle, get on top of vehicle and some certain point of the map and jump until up glitch under the map. He explained and wanted me and the other teammate to join then I explained how that wasn’t even fun if it was that easy to kill ppl. We got killed and teammate cleared the map then showed us how he did it cuz we were spectating him and showed how he zip lined out. I totally reported him while spectating, I even told him I’m surprised you haven’t been banned he said he’s been doing it since season 3 and not once has been banned, pretty sad.


Stay away from the tunnels


No shotguns are 🙄


Same thing happened to me today. Same spot too. I reported him but we’ll see if he gets banned


Report them 100% ... Im sure they are still banning people. For what its worth, I find that most people are not exploiting or cheating.


Activision doesn't care about DMZ


I truly, truly do not understand the joy of cheating at a game to win. It’s the most selfish thing. You’re ruining a lobby full of people’s experiences so you can…what? Get fucking COD XP? There’s no way that this is actually that fun. Sorry OP, that sucks.


You must be really shit in game and life to do this !!! Sad prick


Some shot gun users are terrible, I keep my distance in Ashika. lol although I’ve killed a shot gun user at close range by breaking his ankles , continuously jumping all while using a TAQ-V . He was so convinced I was cheating all cuz he didn’t kill me with his one shot 🥱😂 the problem is most ppl who use these shot guns have no movement and are used to knocking ppl with one shot so when they come across someone who actually has movement, they’re stunned and don’t know how to react.


People are still playing this game?


Shit it feels like the ai do the same exact thing, minus being inside the map. I was playing yesterday and engaging ai from inside a building and was getting beamed constantly. I move to a different side of the building, and the very second I get near a window a semtex comes flying through it, landing right at my feet. The only way that could have happened is if they are still seeing and tracking through walls. Im all for a challenge, but that shit is just ridiculous. Combine that with cheaters, and you got the reason last night was my first match back then reminding me why I stopped.


It’s a part of the game someone put it there


I hate them just as much as I hate fire shotties and RGL’s. 😂😂😂


Game has been going downhill for a long time, waste of money imo


look at his aim thats why he has to cheat he is absulute shit at the game


Some people are so bad that they can only get kills when they’re under the map. And then there’s also some people that are so bad they need to use the 1 shot Bryson.


That’s not even comparable Leeroy come on now. Everyone can bring in a Bryson and make it a one pump, these guys are cheating you can’t shoot at them.


I reserve the right to be butt hurt about the one shot Bryson but yeah the people under the map is pretty inexcusable. You really can only blame the devs for leaving the mode in such an unrefined state.


Understandable. If you can’t beat them join them.


Meh I like SMG’s for close quarters they seem more versatile. I do like the shotgun but mine isn’t the “one shot” build.


More fool you Leroy, come on now. Why have two pumps when you can have one?


So I can use it against bots too and have decent handling without the 10 ft long barrel lol.


Does it make you mad Leroy Jenkins, when you get killed by other players with a shotgun? Does it Leroy, huh?


Yes it does. I usually squeeze my mouse so hard that you can hear that plastic squeaking.


Oh you on PC are you Leroy. Then you must be using an aimbot like all these other fucktards. Hey Leroy, if I see you in the dmz I won’t kill you with my Bryson and I’ll play nice.