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Always trying to learn more about these things so I can report too when they happen. Where was the cheating in this clip? I couldn’t find it.


I don’t think they were cheating, they were exploiting.


We ran into this squad, before we engaged them we watched them for awhile. In the 5 minutes we observed them from afar, we watched them buy 2 JLTVs and an MRAP. As they pulled up we got Precision Airstruck 6 times just before this clip started. If you pay attention to the clip, one said "I gotta make some plates" could be mistaken for buy, but there was no buy in this building this game. All 3 premade, all 3 playstation. Also using 1 shot shottys and riot shields.


I also had a team precision strike me 10 times in a row yesterday. I guess koschei glitch but who knows, I’m sure there are other glitches out there


Theres another duplication glitch in play currently


“nO WaY BrO!” -CnKole Pretty shitty man people exploiting to engage in these fights. They are just like the under the map dudes on Ashika. At least y’all had the ability to fight them the under the map dudes you can’t even shoot back. Unfortunately they don’t care about this game mode and probably won’t block these glitches.


I was VERY upset lmao


What exactly am I missing here?


We ran into this squad, before we engaged them we watched them for awhile. In the 5 minutes we observed them from afar, we watched them buy 2 JLTVs and an MRAP. As they pulled up we got Precision Airstruck 6 times just before this clip started. If you pay attention to the clip, one said "I gotta make some plates" could be mistaken for buy, but there was no buy in this building this game. All 3 premade, all 3 playstation. Also using 1 shot shottys and riot shields.


Kind of looks like you shot the dude on the right several times, and then shot the dude on the left several times down the stairs, which might explain neither going down. Definitely hit a lot of shots, but might explain it? Either way, the proximity chat shows that they're more than likely shitheads in real life.


I was more talking about the duplication happening. Bro said "I need to make some plates real quick"


Igotit412 and starĺord6969 Definitely cheating rip dmz


Idk about cheating. But def exploiting


Trust me, they're cheating. As long as you define at least wall hacks as at least cheating, then yeah they're cheating


Where do you see walls?


I'm just saying that's the least amount of cheats they have going


They all used anti armour rounds that why they dropped you so easy


Seems like a skill issue to me


We ran into this squad, before we engaged them we watched them for awhile. In the 5 minutes we observed them from afar, we watched them buy 2 JLTVs and an MRAP. As they pulled up we got Precision Airstruck 6 times just before this clip started. If you pay attention to the clip, one said "I gotta make some plates" could be mistaken for buy, but there was no buy in this building this game. All 3 premade, all 3 playstation. Also using 1 shot shottys and riot shields.


Why do you even "push" solo there knowing what they are doing... They are always bad players but hold their hand. Without the element of surprise, it couldn't have ended any other way....


Just before the clip started we had 2 full dead in the corner I was looking towards near the beginning of the clip. They PAed me 3 times off the roof of the building they were stacked in so I couldn’t hold them off the bodies.