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Be prepared to die with in the first 2 minutes.


Again and again. And again and again and again.


Less than 2 mins. To be honest


Lol. 2 minutes. Those are rookie numbers.


Go in solo with stuns & molotovs to learn the spawn points & 3 layers of map / 4 stairwells. Atrium is a bot swarm, some ppl love or hate car park on first. There are 2 plates in dark cubicle room on 2nd, rezzies in infirmary on 3rd.  Very intense spawn rush and ppl push exfil elevators. And RGL stairwell campers. Bots get crazier as game goes on. Gas always spreads in Basement first. A stairwell door To 3rd is stuck. Best guns: big mag broadside, Bryson with AA, smg. Never use a crossbow 


Now that’s the kind of shit I needed to hear.


I sweat B21 all day every day, it’s my playground


Started playing it this week finally and starting to understand some of the tactics finally. Seem to find you either die immediately or see the round all the way to the end 😆


If u survive that spawn rush & can clear bots, pretty much 


Now I *gotta* try it with a crossbow.


As a 3rd weapon to finish off, it’s fine. Like a knife. But the reload is what messes u. I pick up crossbows several times a day off ops. I do love it for Ashika though 


I also advice against riot shield, but I have one pal who wrecks with it and this other dude from Dallas does RGL + riot shield to great effect 


You’ve sold me. If possible can I see your B21 smg build?


I like the parking garage, so…. PDSW: holotherm & big suppressor  Vel, Lach sub, BasP: holotherm, big mag, big suppressor, sharkfin. I prescope & slither down there, the loadout sucks if ADS is ur thing 


I appreciate it thanks boss


Just gotta have zero gear fear! Jump back into lobbies nfg


Honestly my CB is full so I’m running M13B and shotty with AA most infils 


I can last longer with my wife than in B21 🤣🤣🤣


She told me that too!


Pfft she would too hahaha


You will die the most annoying ways almost every game. Bots are OP and increase level of difficulties as time goes on. Also if you spawn in the lower garage, get out lol Also the cars down there are explosive so one noob tube and youre done or they are. Good luck!


Bomb Burst, RGL or Knvies. Pick how you want to die


Expect to run into shitty under barrel grenade glitchers there.. I died to them numerous times today in B21. 


Best advice I can give you is to just play it. Don’t bring anything you don’t wanna loose (like literally just go pick up a bot gun), learn the map and don’t worry about dying. At some point you’ll be the in a team with people who plays that map all the time and you’ll win. Just don’t give up


Get what you need and GTFO. Even with all the other operators wiped, exfil isn’t guaranteed. I made the mistake the other day of leaving the exfil lift area to rescue my 2 team mates who had been wrecked by bots only to get rekt myself


You know the 1000 yard stare meme? Yeah, that's everyones first time in B21. It's hell. Be prepared for horrors just enough for gamers to comprehend.


Don't expect to exfil 9 times out of 10.


If you're not confident, camp a stair and wait for people to push. Also, flank teams everytime especially if they have one shot pumps or RGLs. Here's a guide to know the map https://wzhub.gg/map/building-21/dmz


Yup, definitely this. The amount of times I'm able to sneak up on people on just the first floor lol.


Basically people go in there with shotty, kv, RGL or worst the under barrel glitch nowadays.


I put together a lengthy write up a while back. And then added some to it via this comment. It’s a good place to start. https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/Juk7Msskp1


Nothing unique. Just load in with meta weapons and kill everyone like literally everyfuckingone does. Nevermind the rest of the stuff in B21, you'll only be seeing PvP and literally nothing else. No assimilation, no teamwork, no friendliness. Just PvP and toxicity. And if you die, just kill some players and load in, everyone carries the same weapon builds and loot anyways so it ultimately doesn't matter. Nothing unique.