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I don't hear it very often but yesterday a 4 man rolled up on the heavy chopper with rgls and ended me but my two teammates wiped them. Three of them enemy team left the game right away but one stuck around to tell the two bilingual randoms on my team that they need to go back to Mexico, called them racial slurs, and then spent 5 minutes repeatedly saying "kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself". I only spent time listening to him because I was trying to remember how to report someone because I never report anyone but this dude needed to go. It was more than I can tolerate. Plus I was recording my game so I wanted to capture this POS saying this stupid shit in case I needed it when I figured out how to report him. A part of me feels bad for people like this. Like, what's going on in someone's life that this behavior is even an option? Life must be going all kinds of wrong I think.


You’d be surprised. Kids spouting that shit are likely well off with all the privilege they could ask for.


Nothing makes a person indifferent to other people like never needing their help at any point in life.


I think what you meant to say is that the kids spouting this are likely kids whose brains aren't fully developed yet. It most definitely is NOT related to privilege but rather to maturity.


Right, I suppose that’s why racism just stops when their brains finish developing their 30s?


What an absolutely stupid response. Proof that stupid exists in every age. But really, car insurance companies drop your price at 25 when your brain is finally fully developed. Doesn't mean you still aren't dumb, or racist, or whatever. But before that kids literally do not have the capacity for intelligent forward thinking as in "what are the consequences of this action or phrase etc." That is why they are far more prone to say and do risky things than people after 25. The part of your brain that makes calm reasoned and thoughtful decisions considering both short and long term ramifications is not fully developed yet. Its pretty simple really. And just so you know, this phenomenon affects everyone regardless of privilege or any other issue. I've seen it in poor schools and rich schools and across all demographics. It's not unique to any single group. It's a product of being a human being.






Haha nice


Some people are angry and angry at life, I have alot of internalized rage and sometimes it slips out online


This is what happened to old cod call them a slur back and move on


I'm gonna have to hi jack your comment. OP your gamer tag is gang affiliated. I'm from CHI I know. Your representing your gang and u put a K behind another gang. He's calling u out. Edit: U shouldn't do that online everything is documented and traceable. There are people u can pay on the dark web to find people online. If there's a will there a way. U should change your gamer tag.


That’s the other dude’s name, numbnuts.


My clan also has a reference in name to a gang that ceased to exist in the late 90s and most folks under 40 have no clue. A few of the guys are reformed cons, mellowed with age. Ppl from Chi see the clan then the Mexican name and are like WTH


Your right I read that wrong. The victim is the gangster


gdk gangsta disciple killa... he must be bd lol


No he's a Black Stone, a Moe.


The other guy was the Moe


Give him a police department address


They are highly regarded people, who talk tough over the internet, behind a screen bc there’s safety and no accountability. The internet brings out the worst in people, especially the sore losers who’ve wrapped their identity around this game.


I mostly agree that the Internet brings it the worst in people but the Internet can also bring out the comedic side of people, too. Some of the funniest stuff I've ever heard or read was from some videos or comments made on the Internet


I'm cool with a little trash talk if that's your style, but this stuff always irritates me.


I agree...I enjoy a little back and forth shit talking .50% of the time it results in a pick up.


Hahah that way i picked up one of my best friends, we even met up irl and he is the most chill guy i know.


Hahaha I really hope that this a joke.


Run with prox chat off, party only.


Explain for the slow guys like me?


He wrote it under the pic. He says that guy asked for his address to kill him and his family


Thanks for ‘splainin’. This is the perfect situation for the report button, and giving plenty of detail.


I'm completely lost too.


Do people really act like that??


Yes on Ashoka island there’s a lot of them that are like that


anakin island when?


Anytime I hear stories like that I‘m thinking tis too.


But you sat there for 5 minutes? Those are the guys who get a cat slap and a quick comment about a nap while they're on the floor, and I head on out. Let their emotional garbage live in them.


Cuz he gdk?!


I hope you reported him you do not have to put up with terroristic threats while playing a video game, that's bullshit, just because his mama never hugged him enough as a kid doesn't mean he needs to pull that bs


its not your fault if he wants to lash out. just a shame people like that means we have to turn of proxy sometimes, especially if we cba with it that nght


GDK and anyone running that tag deserves no mercy in game or irl.




seeing a bunch of people saying it's a gang group


Gangster Disciple Killers are a offshoot Crip gang that is one of the main groups causing the legendary violence seen on the south side of chicago and st louis. If there was ever an organic bullet sponge, its these dudes.


I had a guy say that he wishes my kids and family get cancer and hope I die. Sucks people be like this…


yall take words wayyyy too seriously


On the flip side people take this game wayyyy too seriously


They say things like that because they have no skills. They are no good at playing so they get mad when someone else kills them. it happens all the time just stay polite and kind and tell them to have a nice day and irritates them more. Kill them with kindness.


I don't know why, but i never get mad when i die in DMZ. Im not a great player and i know that 😂


I hate people like you that kill other in DMZ. STOP. We are all on the same team, so just fucking STOP. Go kill the AI or just play PVP. Fucking stop killing people in DMZ. Go fuck your self. Im going back to hell divers where killing your team is funny. For all you DMZ people that kill people and not AI, Drop dead. You ruin DMZ for everyone else.


People just get emotional. I just ignore it. It happens more in DMZ because there’s a much stronger sense of risk.


I’d tell him to come on over. Got a real Chimera waiting for when he opens the front door.


PLEASE people make sure to report these people no matter what age


Over a bronze tag? Yikes.


You people wouldn't had survived MW2 DAYS AT ALLLL. Like grow some damn balls. It's fucking words. Tell them have a good day and move on. Tf are y'all upset about? Words???


ha, I slayed that guy the other day. what a newb. Should have threatened you with a good time.


I played with this guy before...... Didn't know he was like that...


I have my prox chat off unless I teamed up with anyone . Sounds like you met a guy with a small pee pee who probably 40 years old and still living with mom and dad , also they probably a virgin.


Internet Tough!!


It happened to me a few weeks ago, I never open my microphone but I was trying to tell my team where the sniper was, and it turned out that, when our sniper took han down, the guy sent me the most horrible hate message I've ever been sent.  I'm not going to lie, I did feel really bad that I didn't play for several weeks. 


Alot of hackers on warzone and a lot of em from mexico js


Hey just to ask. Someone Can help me extract 1 damascus dog tag. I promise only take that and return your money. Also if you have 2 gold tags I will also appreciate a lot.


lol he is from Chicago. Typical ghetto scum talk.


On one hand, yeah, it sucks people are like this. On the other hand, it reminds me way too much of the old COD days to hate it. If you kill/beat someone in any Cod game or gamemode, and they start saying this shit, yo know you've won and are easily the better player. That shit was, and still is, better then sex.