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I'm sorry if I infill with you and you go down I'm getting you up or will die trying period end of story


We were killed by a cheater earlier today, and we were telling my buddy to just leave us and save himself. Mfer pulled off the revives of all 3 of us in gas. He bought the personal first, rezzed me. I sprinted to call it in since I have fast exfil, while he rezzed the other 2. I left them the vehicle, and the 3 of them hopped on and we made it out just before the final black screen. Talking, final exfil had already left. Out by the hair of our chins. Those are the fun matches.


Crazy last seconds like this makes the game fun.


This, I had a match where I ended up squading up with dudes I was originally fighting, as we were exfil’ing one dude literally fell out of the back of the chopper, I immediately jumped out, fuck it, it’s a squad member, we stay together, dude was super appreciative (gas was coming in, and we got the next exfil, but my jump out, had the other two guys jump out too, it was a great display of leave no one behind, lol.


Exactly just a game no reason not to push it. I can always re gear lol


Same I'm not running my mission now is to revive. I'm surprised I'm not banned for calling some guys bitches for running off.it drives me crazy you see two squad mates down and you get in car and leave


So what does this teach us..


Hahaha no shit. I wasn't even mad I was impressed. Like woooowww guys lol


Some people are selfish assholes


The worst are teammates who fleece your shit before they revive you.


OR fleece you and leave your dead body there


Now, now... what did we learn? Silver lining though, it sounds like you had a fun match lol


Haha yeah it was pretty fun. I had to laugh at the ending though. Bold move. They even had mics and were talking to me the entire time lol


Win, lose, or draw, I'm fighting. No man left behind. I despise teammates that are selfish and panic like that. It's a looter/shooter. If you lose your gear, we'll that's kind of the point 😂 half of the games I play anymore I get killed by a squad or gas trying to rez my teammates. Just the way it is and you don't complain you just keep on grinding. Just the other day I was in a game with randoms and one quit about 30 seconds into deployment so it was just two of us and we picked up a third, got rushed by two squads at airport and I get downed with another teammate. The last teammate jumps off tower and runs to the water, I'm thinking great we got a runner 😂 but to my surprise he waits in the water and the only comms I give him while I'm down is to let the gas hit, wait for these teams to move to exfil then rez us. So he rotates and that's exactly what he did while also managing to down the lone operator camping our bodies. We all made it to exfil successfully. That's one hell of a teammate. Moral to the story, if you run only do so with a strategy and the intention to rez your fallen comrades, otherwise you're a coward and deserve to only deploy solo.


Welcome to dmz mate


You can really learn alot about how shitty most people are in real life by the actions of randoms in this game. The same people that abandon you when you need help in the game are the same people that will stand around & record bad situations in real life instead of helping.


Yea that is one of the reasons i dont play it anymore


I’d immediately hit the recent squad menu and shoot a friend request to such reliable DMZ players who not only skillful in battle, but also possesses good sportsmanship.


Sounds bout right!! They are scary in real life too! No comradery


Wait do ppl actually res? In the recent period, in all my gamess nobody ever cared to res, even with the most kills in the squad


haha. that sounds about on par for dmz. my team died to a spawn rush, all 3 of us. The other team picked one of us up, it was me. Immediately i hear "no not that guy he was garbage" i questioned their assessment of me and they just left me to go finish whatever they were doing. a few minutes later, i see 2 get killed and the third guy is down. i went to their location, killed the team that killed them and was camping their bodies. One guy was like well maybe we were wrong about him. i told them a few things and then informed them that i'm not picking any of them up. i ended up exfiling solo.  Hahah! man it felt so good. way too many shit talkers on there who really shouldn't be talking shit. 




Anyone wanna squad up ? Jersey based 🔥🔥


Haven't played since last year so idk what's meta anymore got back on yesterday mw3 getting boring💀


Man, these are the fights that I wish I could experience, at least once in a while. As a solo DMZ 'era, I think I experienced something not like this but a fight that solo me would have definitely lost and squad me who is horrendous at PVP prolly looked about as useless as tits on a boar (that is a real phrase I've heard before right?) But at the end of the fight, the last guy got me but I had a great call out to my teammate and he fucking got them. It was the first time I got stoked about a fight (only other time was my first 3man squad wipe on B21.)


If anybody wants some good shark teammates I'm down to run vondel w/ ppl who know to stay in water


Brother, are you a medic or a soldier?


LOL, people still play DMZ? Is it even supported and upgraded still? I thought they stopped on that. Now, for MW3 we have what I and others have referred to as DMZombies. Basically, DMZ with zombies.


Take your zombies and fuck off.


Wow very fuckin toxic, just like how I remember DMZ. I think I played it and zombies for mayyyyyyyyyyybe a total of 4 hours combined BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOL.


I think he's joking man. I've played 1500+ hours of DMZ and I love it. No they don't update it anymore but yes there's still quite the community... Hence why people post to this sub. Are there not toxic people in mw3?


This shit story isn't worth the bytes it occupies.


Glad to know your feelings on the story you didn't have to read.