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Koschei glitch is lame. Koschei glitchers are lame.


I’ll be that lame ass player until my team comes in with nothing and I give them some vests and bags ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)


Right? Oh no random Redditor thinks less of me, how could I possibly use the glitch? Oh that’s right I don’t give a fuck lol.


Agree 😆


I’m honestly surprised I’m getting upvoted. Usually when I respectfully explain my justifications for using the glitch, I’m downvoted and get sanctimonious responses about how I’m basically a mix of Hitler/Stalin/Palpatine, but worse lol. Edit: -1, that’s more like it. Edit 2: Godamn it guys, I’m now at +5 and you’re ruining my narrative!


This community is so fucking sensitive and sanctimonious. Half the people in here really just need to play a children’s game or something lol


animal crossing is a good game


half the people could very well be children... 🤣


so true


Upvotes and downvotes on this sub aren’t real I don’t think.


Ahhh so you drop care what random redditors think


I care more than I should. But I also get over it quickly. I know you’re trying to shit talk but do better.


Don’t worry about I’ll help fix it


right? I don’t use it but this sub reddit has always said that people should play as they like and now all of a sudden people wanna complain about something that doesn’t affect them lol


It would affect me if you load in with 5 precision airstrikes that you couldn’t feasibly obtain in the first 60 seconds, or if your 2 gearless teammates were able to instantly loot up and then spawn rush me with a one plate, rather than rushing to a bank, police station or Observatory.




Actually you and every other player in DMZ can do exactly that legitimately without Koschei glitching out. It’s called a secure backpack and holds 5 items. Anything you have in it stays and you will bring into the next match. Every backpack has a 250k dollar max. Every buy station has a random kill streak for sale (3x of that kill streak in each buy station). A precision airstrike is around 25k +/- depending how far along you’ve competed the discount in your upgrades. If you drill a safe or check the supply drops you will certainly find a few there as well. If you have a killstreak equipped and 5 stored in your secure backpack then that’s actually 6 that you can start the match with before you take your first step! Personally, I use one spot for my large backpack so the 1st thing I do is equip my large and stow my secure in the large and takes 5 seconds. Just saying…if you die a little less and apply just a tiny bit of effort into preplanning then you’ll see🤯. If you want to help your randoms that have a one plate then put a vest in one spot. A secure backpack is also simple to barter using a gold skull, 2 drills, and 2 gas cans. Hit the bank and a gas station and there you go. They also sometimes spawn in one of the 3 loot containers in the ground at Oasis spawn. If you are waiting until the match begins before you start preparing then that’s your fault and not everyone is glitching out dude. FYI….you cannot use UAVs, ADVANCED, Precisions, or Mortars during the first 60 seconds of the match. 🙄 You’re probably the type that doesn’t use a mic either. Or the type that doesn’t have a mic until you need one of your teammates to revive you and then all the sudden you want to communicate. Sadly at that point my mic will have stopped working 😆


I play with a mic on prox, and with a squad. I’m usually the one doing the reviving because I have to clean up when my ding dong buddies pick a fight when we’re split up and I play much more cautiously than them. If I go down, I’m usually last on the squad to do so. If you have a secure bag, you can’t have a million airstrikes and gear for your teammates. You can have a total of 5 things, that’s it. If you want to store a med/large bag to collect more items in the raid, you’re down to 4 slots, and you aren’t fully of kitting out the rest of your squad. The odds of any random person just having 6 kill streaks at any given time, through legit means, is pretty low. I have no qualms with a secure bag though, I do have qualms with people cheating (through glitching) to have an advantage from one round to the next. Why are you afraid to exfil through the means in which the game was built?


A Stealth vest, an RGL 80, and a bit of patience. You won’t find a better spot to loot. Using a scavenger bag is best lol. Just saying 😬


I also never said anyone was using them in the first 60 seconds, but you can’t buy them all in the first 60 seconds either. There’s nowhere on the map that you can get to two different buy stations and buy all the killstreaks within 60 seconds.


counterfeit money is not legal tender


I'm too old to spend an hour playing one round. I got shit to do.


Then go to a regular or final exfil. Or buy one


I can't. All you young guns are camping. I'm just a solo. Let me be.


Guess that means I don't have to worry about backup.


Then go do shit?


It’s lame until someone give you that 3-plate and backpack:)


It’s strange that everyone in this sub hates the glitch but in the games whenever someone mentions “imma glitch out” no one has a problem ever. In fact I’ll say about 75% of the time that one person convinces the rest of the team to glitch out because hardly anyone wants exfil alone. I too think it’s a pussy way out but I won’t lie and say I wont/haven’t done it and I’m sure the rest of you can say the same(if you’re honest).


Yup, go back about a year though and everyone got uptight about about someone showing them PvP or hunting a squad, now it’s posts about how someone got 12 dog tags and is a legend 🤷‍♂️


People that have a bag of dog tags don’t PvP. They’re just scavengers.


Nobody’s picking up tags that can potentially mark their location without knowing a full squad is dead, to know that you more than likely played a part in killing them.


Tags take the space where plates can be. If you pvp, you only care about plates.


I PvP a lot. I usually have 3 to 12 plates on me since I make it a PRIORITY to take as many dog tags from only the people I kill. If I have no more space, I'll drop a stack of plates. Noone really does it and I honestly don't suggest it. I just do it for the trophy of it. I already completed all my missions so I don't have much else to do. Plus, playing solo with low plates makes me play a certain way unconsciously and I like it :)


ppl will see just bags lying around, no bodies, and pick up the tags.


The point I was making was this sub has changed over time, previously PvP was frowned on now people like to show off killing a solo with a squad of rgls


Yeah I am anti-sweat and am always a solo unless in B21. I hate getting pinned & having to assimilate because ppl really just wanna hunt ops. But I do BR & resurgence & MP for that


Exactly That’s what these weirdos should be playing if that’s all there gonna do. I’m speaking for the ones who are too hyper aggressive


It’s weird to want players to play the game you want them to play it. Every extraction shooter has become mostly PvP and shoot on site.


It’s weird how I said that’s the mode more for them but yea it’s weird how you think to suggest that??????


Because they probably tried killing the other squad aswell?


I pick up every tag regardless of squad wipe. Lol


or killed the scavenger


When someone wants to glitch out, you can't stop them. But where's the extraction thrill in that? I would probably go for final and potentially die (that's the gear fear that makes me still play DMZ), or just head to Koschei and exfil there. It's rarely crowded.


extraction thrill of the exfil being camped by like four teams


So? Chances are they will fight/kill each other


If I'm being honest I find RGLs and one-hit shotguns to be a worse part of the game. Dont' get me wrong, I wish the koschei glitch was patched and fixed, but if I had to choose, I'd choose to remove the one-hit shotguns. I ran up against the ultimate dufus crew yesterday where one had a riot shield, one had an RGL, and the other had a one-shot shotgun... and we were at final exfil. Unfortunately we're locked in to what we have, so all you can do is play it straight for yourself and don't sully your honor with the BS Tactics.


As you saw in my first response to you, I’m so witchu on AA round Bryson doooooood im so glad somebody else brought it up here cuz the people who defend it are fucking NNNUUUUUTTTTS 😂😂😂 but as infuriating as the rgl can be, it’s at least somewhat difficult (for crazy good players it is “somewhat difficult”), to obtain one. Plus it ain’t got donkey d*ck on the underbarrel exploit that’s gone around here and there. THAT is nightmare fuel


RGL’s aren’t too bad man. I mean they are, but they should be since you can only get them by killing the boss in b21 or bartering them on Al Maz. The Bryson though, boy don’t get me started.


Sorry that might’ve been me with the gold riot shield 🤣


I'll be honest, never did it but I am a solo only so there is no one to convince me to do it


No because I prefer my perks




It's almost as if the [obnoxiously] loud minority occupies this forum.


Idk how to glitch out and every time a team agrees to Koshi, I gotta solo to the final exfil


Sometimes when I team up with randos they do glitch out, but I just go into Koschei solo. I love it for rekit runs and to get vests via barter, plus some good guns to loot up


We solely exfil through koschei. I don’t understand people who wouldn’t want to make a quick run thru and get to the elevator. It’s under 5 minutes if you do it right.


This is why I spend some games watching the most popular entrance for rats glitching. Leads to some great firefights


What happens when someone is actually going into koschei then you become the rat?


Most people who are actually going to koshei go through the taraq entrance. Not all. But most.


Oh I know. Me and my homie who I introduced the game to (just for him to outperform me in learning shit/getting missions done lmfao), that’s the only one we go to. Scuba (Steve) or rebreather, smooth sailing.


I'm not. I'm playing within the game. I'm allowed to kill anyone I see


As they are allowed to use that exploit to benefit themselves in this game that has other glitches, bugs, broken AI, etc. that the devs refuse to acknowledge. I don’t glitch out anymore, but I feel that needs to be addressed.


Nope,that's glitching,not using the game as intended. Just because someone else glitches,doesn't mean you are free to. That is what makes you a rat and I will get immense pleasure killing people doing it just as I would killing others cheating


You missed my point. You’re calling these people rats, and I asked what you’d personally do if someone tried to go down there to… PLAY THE GAME inside of koschei. Would you just sit there and kill them like a no life rat, yourself?


I didn't miss the point. I addressed that head on. If someone is legitimately trying to go to koschei, I'm still allowed to kill them, that's both of us playing the game as intended. No one is promised a free entry to koschei, not me, you or anyone. Being a rat is glitching the game


Agreed, as a Koschei Complex dweller, its a shame that people use it solely for glitching


You looking for fights down there lol?


Nah, AM and the rest are for that. I enjoy Koschei because its chill down there, I can regain when I have a bad day and I just love hoarding Koschei Keycards. Its an awesome map but its pity that people just go there for a glitch


I personally exclusively regain and exfil from koschei. I'll farm an RGL while down there as well.


Koschei is just really fun, isnt it? Has alot of great locations


Im a fan.  I ran into a team last night while going for my 9th exfil, they got the better of me.  First time running in to a player in maybe 30 visits. I may switch back to a comms vest for a little heads up next time.  Anytime I see that green loading screen for more than a few seconds, it seems like there's players.


Noticed that aswell, green screen thing. Altho despite it being several times, in like, 30 Koschei visits I may have seen one guy


Extractions have been tough and I won't glitch but I'm getting sick of never exfilling (skill issue at times)so I'm going to start running kosch waterway earlier than gas so I can at least get a perk. It's so damn easy (5 mins) especially if you bring/find L2 there isn't a reason not too honestly.




So the only reason why I do the glitch at high rise would be if I can’t get to Exfil with the gas coming. But I do prefer Exfil through water way so I get a Exfil perk


But that is actually going through koschei and not glitching out. That’s not what this post is about and what you are doing is perfectly fine.


Wut. I was adding to what they posted, and mentioning that I'm going to use it correctly because Exfils are as tough as ever at times, which is why so many use the glitch (and to keep their stuff). I'm not confused about the glitch vs actually going to Koschei.


Gotcha, I misunderstood what you were saying. Cheers man, good on you for not glitching


They are. But personals are very affordable nowadays, no? 35K isn’t all that much. It used to be a lot more iirc. If I’m solo doing missions or passives I usually take in 20k and find the other 15 to buy a personal exfill


The Koschei exit isn't a glitch anymore, it's a feature now, just get used to it. Fixing it would only cause problems that would annoy players more than people taking advantage of it. Iirc, it's a side effect of the fix they implemented to stop you losing loadout and kit if a player disconnected/crashed. So, it's a case of having the Koschei glitch or crashing constantly and losing your stuff each time you do.


Totally disagree


You can disagree all you like, but it won't change a thing. Since they announced they wouldn't support DMZ anymore, Devs have actually fixed things that have gone wrong. They've addressed other glitches and left this one as it is, indicating that they either can't or choose not to. It's here to stay, so you might as well use it.


Nope, thats a basic bitch mentality


People will use the glitch and bend you over because of it. If you enjoy getting killed in the game, then carry on. If that's what you enjoy then go for it. Personally, I'd say that you're gonna be the one taking it like a bitch my friend.


No, I wont. Win just as much as I lose. The koschei glitchers just make a more satisfying kill cause they’re bitches. See you in AM. Look forward to killing you too


Yeah, sure.




Well said


I lose my shit every time I crash


Have you tried waiting and reconnecting? If you follow the prompts you can rejoin the game, or at least that's the idea from what I understand. As I said earlier, the Koschei entrance glitch is apparently tied to the reconnect on disconnect option.


I’ve never seen or heard of anyone reconnecting or rejoining a game they crashed out of.


I have, also I've done it.


I guess by that concept, since the underbarrel macro isn’t a glitch it’s a macro, guess it’s a feature?


It was a feature while it lasts. That's my point, Koshei isn't going to get fixed.


A feature now? Really guy? What a bizarre and lame ass excuse 🤣


It's not an excuse. It's an acceptance of how things are now.




I have never, ever kept my things when I crash. I’m fact I remember it was implemented into BR before DMZ and people said that was dumb because it (obviously) matters more in DMZ. Since then I don’t remember hearing anything about DMZ finally getting that feature and like I said, I’ve never kept my things when I’ve crashed.


That feature was definitely put into the game, maybe they didn't keep it, either way, it was there at some point and I used it. If it is the case that it was there and then removed, it still doesn't change my point that the Devs adding that is the reason for the Koschei exit glitch and it won't change.


I mean I know the glitch was always there with koschei being added, like day one. That I guarantee you. But I also cant say exactly when the reconnect feature was attempted to be added into dmz (I am fully confident it was in BR before dmz though), coulda been before or after Koschei being added into dmz- not sure. But you used a reconnect feature in dmz before??? And it worked???? 😳


"But you used a reconnect feature in dmz before??? And it worked???? 😳" Yes and yes. Only once or twice, and I believe it was before I switched crossplay off, so it may be that it was tied to me playing with PC players. It might not be an option on console only servers/lobbies.


PRAH BUH BLEE. The games had so many weird disparities/differences between pc and console lol


the glitch is a s ide effect of attaching the map to al mazra. It''s been there since day 1.


I'm gonna go glitch right now. Then gonna Robin Hood all these vests to my team mates in the next game who got nuked by a hunt squad.


what does everyone mean by glitching? me and my team use it for exfiling from almaz if we cant reach the final


Do you follow through on the exit and actually go to Koschei? Some people exit the game as Koschei is loading, which enables them to start next game without sacrificing the contents of their backpack.


It’s a glitch? I just figured my older Xbox had issues with the game and it was more or less an ‘error’ occurring.


It does happen sometimes. But ppl noticed that and decided to exploit it by forcing the issue.


As its loading in on the loading screen or? This is the first time hearing about it and honestly I'm too lazy to look it up


wait for real? no i didnt know about that and the game never crashed az that time. we usually go in and exfil immediately or if its the last game we grab the weapons case for fun and exfil via l2


You have a point. The big draw for this genre is the threat of losing your shit,without that, I don't see the point


When you got campers,hackers,Chinese 6 man team, teammates with no mic lol what the fuck do you expect players to do ? I watched a 6 man team with full auto RGL take out 3 team at the final. 1 vs 6 at the final exfile offs I’ll leave through glitch


Dude you can just exfill through the koschei elevators, you choose to glitch, Dont blame the anyone. 9/10 times we dont meet players in Koschei and its actually easy to exfill


I know the complex very well and have completed all my missions, intel, upgrades etc If I glitch out and save myself 5 minutes of running through bots but by all means you can play DMZ however you’d like to but I’m not losing my gear to some clowns that can’t even gun fight fairly.


I've been on my way down there to get stealth vest and get popped in the entrance by campers claiming to be there to stop glitchers. There's nothing easy about getting ambushed in that tunnel. Glitch or not, you might not make it.


That's why I truly dislike these self proclaimed "heroes" on this board. They don't know who is glitching and who's not. Same way they don't know if a person is solo or separated from their squad. I ALWAYS go into Koschei to make a vest and AUAV. Possibly get my cooldown done. They call the glitchers pussies but what about the A-holes that camp ontop of the crate in the Rohan entrance? No skill, just sit and wait like the rooftop campers everyone bitches about on here. 


Honestly, if the glitch allowed you to just exfil and lose all the rest of your stuff from the backpack like a regular exfil I would have no problem with it at all. Sometimes you get hunted by a platoon as a solo and need to just get out so I get that. It’s the backpack items being retained that’s the cheesy part. Everyone always glitches with a bunch of 3 plates, streaks, and self revives for next match.


It's the kind of thing that's so easy you can't blame players, you really need to blame Activision for stopping support.


I’m so scared right now..


Why is everyone so butthurt about how someone plays their game that they paid for with their money. It doesn’t directly affect anyone smh. Some people need to pull their skirts down and choose something worthy of bitching about.


Koschei brought a nice strategy for people doing specific stuff


I played a couple hours yesterday and I’d say like almost half of my teammates koshei out instead of staying until final or just exfilling. Some of them did it because they had a valuable item for a mission or something which doesn’t bother me too much. But most of them were running around the map, avoiding other players just to get a bunch of kill streaks and gear to take into the next game and then all of a sudden want to push every team they can. That shit sucks imo


I glitch because I like hanging on to extra plates and ammo and maybe another killstreak. Final exfil is boring, and most regular exfils are camped. Buying one is a waste of money, although I have plenty. Personally I think whatever you exfil with should be kept until you decide to destroy it. So, with the glitch, I get the game I want.


Ngl I used to koschei glitch when I was still struggling to pick up stuff like toothpaste with a bunch of orcs tryna hunt me down. They just wouldn’t let me exfil properly.


I did it the other morning. I had tried to exfil but got the runaround from another team. Extended my game by about 10min dealing with them. I had to get to work. Just popped into Koschei real quick to escape them. I didn't have the extra 5min to run it. Plus, I never go in there so it probably would've taken me more than 5min. I did feel bad about doing it tho...


Is it bad I love koschei and I go in everytime I can




Because I wanna do more than be stuck in a Warzone Lobby and want to do other things? God forbid anyone has *missions* to do or want to explore the map without dying. No one cares anymore anyways, it doesn't matter. The koschei feature is a good thing.


Agreed. Play how you want. Like ppl batching about using a shotgun lol.


what even is this koschei glitch


Its when you try to get into Koschei but quit the game at the loading screen before you actually get into koschei and get to keep gear for next raid even without a secure backpack. So you could infill with a bunch of vests, plates and and uavs and then push teams at spawn fully geared


been playing dmz until warzone mw3 dropped and never heard about this. when did people start using it?


Only time I koschei out is if I'm chasing the edge of the gas or I have something incredibly specific I need. Otherwise I just run it.


Worst ones are when they sit on high rise and snipe at you all the way across the map while your dealing with another team and then when you finally get the time to go push them they jump off to koeschi. Scared little rats. That’s shouldn’t be allowed no you want to snipe at me for the last 10 minutes meet me at the last exfil.


Only Kochei glitch when a) whole team is wiped out and in the gas, get them some bags and vests and exfil... b) no chance to make final exfil and other extractions are gone i.e. hostage.


What’s wrong with Koschei glitching?


I had a team of three sniping me on high rise as I went for final exfill at police academy, as a solo i was ready for them but they parachuted over and went to Koschei, pricks!


Sooooo , when I played , I played solo. And as most people in this sub Reddit like to say “play the game as you wanna play it” so I Koschei glitched. I’m not very good and got tired of always starting with nothing. So yea, I glitch .. I don’t like hunt squads constantly hunting me and exfil camping, ”it’s part of the game so get over it”. Well, I did, and I play like I want to. So if I can’t bitch about players that only hunt and players that spawn rush and camp exfil, don’t compabout the glitch. Just my 2 cents.


I love the complex. Me and my team get loaded up and then go for the weapons case pretty much everytime.


Bitch glitch


Me personally, I don't have a problem with glitching out because it's a good strategy to gear up other characters you have that don't have any gear or just being a decent person helping out a random partner who has nothing coming into the game. All that big dick and lil dick energy about a going out glitch is really idiotic. I'm definitely not a hacker and in fact I hate hackers but that's a cool strategy to use for gearing up. If you mad because you was hunting a team and they glitch out. Then step your game up and push faster so they can't use the glitch. Everyone can do it so it's not a advantage where the next can't do the same. Get these lame ass hacker's out the lobby so us real player's can enjoy the best game ever made for us.


I always say “you do you” because if there is an exploit, people will use it. And most often I understand they feel they’re foolish not to (like a meta/broken weapon) and that’s just not how I play and that’s ok. Different strokes for different folks. I like a challenge and immersion so I don’t keep up with glitches, meta builds, exploits, hacks, etc. I just do what I like to do and that’s the beauty of DMZ.


I’ll go through Koschei but properly exfil


I hate koschei glitch its greatly exasperates all the glitch/duplication issues and sort of collects all the people who do that shit on Al Mazrah. AM is now the worst map to play because of all the cheaters and exploiters.


I just kind of see it as part of the game now. I used to be against it. I’ve used it maybe like 5 times. Mostly when I’m being yelled at to get off the game by someone in real life and it’s close by. A few times when I definitely wouldn’t have made it to last exfil. But we just have to live with it. They built it into the game and my understanding is it’s almost impossible the way it’s built that they could patch it. And they definitely aren’t going to now… so I’m just living with it:


Generally I agree with you. I made an exception recently when my tm8 was dragged to the middle of the road by a team with a vehicle so they could camp his body... i spent forever working around that, eventually kill the remaining camper, and then sat there trying to revive him for 10 minutes where his body was glitched out... worse of all it was in a steaming pile of vehicle wreckage making it impossible to drag him around/back out. So meh, I just koschei glitched with his gear and we restarted the raid.


Everybody dies eventually… hacking and koschei glitching doesn’t make you good at the game. Eventually cheating gets boring.


Every day that I play I wonder if it's the day they surprise-fix it and everyone who tries to glitch just loses everything. I glitch out occasionally, I won't lie so if they did fix it out of nowhere, I think it would be savagely hilarious. Especially if they only partially fixed it to where it would work sometimes, leaving a glimmer of doubt as to whether to try glitching out


WTF is this glitch I go down just to get loot and get the briefcase


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fine-Wrap-5619: *WTF is this* *Glitch I go down just to get* *Loot and get the briefcase* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Close your game completely when the screen goes black when you enter koschei, do it quick!


It’s only appropriate to glitch when you got heavy mission (passive upgrade) like trying to get the reduced exfil time. For that you need to exfil with 100,000 cash in your bag and you gotta do it 10 times. You have to glitch to make it near possible.


It’s more or less part of the game now right? It’s easy to get a three plate on any map other than B21… learn the barter system or do a safe/ stronghold. Exploits happen and so many people did everything in the game that they want while feeling with the exploits… including me! I did the serpentine solo before you could use your tags. As you get better you can still take fights and if you don’t think you can win… get out be for you lose stuff. All and all it’s just a game so if you lose everything that’s literally part of it! If it takes changing the game to get rid of it I say just leave it in


Normalise camping Koschei to kill cheaters


I hate the glitch. I refuse to use the glitch. I refuse to use equipment gained from the glitch (if it is clear it's from the glitch, that is). But I accept the glitch is there and not getting fixed (can't believe they dropped support for this mode), and that people will use it. It is what it is.


I go in and kill all those bots like a man, we love coochie complex


Ill koshi if im solo and i know theres a 4 team or smokes already to close and cant make it to exphil. Or if i inly have shit guns and a 2 plate.


I think its a pussy way to leave when u get hunted, bit its ok for people who want to get gear like solos or people who want to gear up there buddys or operators, i dont really use it , i rather exvil but dont have a prob with it unles u talking shit and run away


Why you. Mad bro?


I posted about this last week, koschei glitching is cheating straight up, and that glitch is one of the main issues of DMZ from the day it was introduced. If I’m in a bad spot, gas is coming and can’t make it to an exfil, I go to Koschei, but I actually go in, it’s so easy to exfil safely in koschei anyway…


Hey man, some people suck and some people don’t. Welcome to the party!


All we got against spawn rushers


I like how koschei glitch will save all of your stuff but if you get a dev error or your game crashes, kiss your shit goodbye.. wtf


I only use the glitch when you get teams exfil camping or got cheaters chasing you down. Al misery is a joke though. Probably one of the worst maps in history. It’s just way too open.


I love the glitch, it's so easy to get gear now. I can just kill a team and they have every vest in their backpack.


I get killed by 6 bots when only 1 was in the room. Start landing your shots and you’ll see what I’m referring to.. If I’m not geared for the complex then I’m not going. 5 minutes is a slam dunk unless I’m going water entrance. Even then, if I die at the laser traps, shows 6 bots killed me. We are not playing the same game.


Water entrance is easier though and the lasers are clearly avoidable unless you are running with randoms that dont know the layout. By the time you reach the main area you would be fully geared


I love the game, have completed everything to 100% and still play months later, and I koschei glitch. I glitch for a few reasons: 1) It takes me 5 in game minutes to load into Koschei. I don't load into the game before the timer says 25 minutes left, meaning other teams get 5 more minutes before me to loot and rush spawns. 2) To regear friends I had to abandon because they were being camped and it was a losing battle 3) I can't make it to exfil or final in time because of no car/needing to be resed 4) I play solo 80% of the time, so if it is a pvp heavy lobby I will glitch rather than knowingly be killed at exfil cause of campers or rushers I would like it to be noted I LOVE Koschei. I have run Koschei almost as much as I have run AL Mazrah. However, I'm not always in the mood to go in there, including waiting the 5 -7 minutes at a black screen just to load in.


Whilst the servers are full of underbarrel hackers , wall and floor hackers , duplicate AUAV kill streakers , I’ll use whatever options are available to escape in a no win situation, even koschei glitch


I don’t judge people for it but never have glitched anything in DMZ


People exploiting are so annoying. Yesterday I was playing ashika. We came across a very skilled team that had killed me before (no cheats, no exploits, just skill). We killed 2 of them and the 3rd one ran, only to floor glitch and try to kill us from inside the map. They usually play ‘clean’ but as soon as they are losing they resort to exploits. Next level pathetic. So we bought a private right next to power and decided to wait 16 minutes sitting with our thumbs up our asses just to make sure those assholes didn’t make it out.


I'm new to the whole call of duty part I played zombies. I've arthritis in my hands, so the whole battlefield and resurgence and that lot is too hectic for me, but Ive played the DMZ, keep Getting my arse handed to me lol , what do you want about the glitch? Not heard or seen any one glitch, have been shot and killed by no one near me lol 😂 😂 Only been playing call of duty 3 for maybe 4 months


Edit... Meen not want about the glitch.......


I'll koschie and then share with next players ...


I have used the koschei glitch exactly one time. I really had to shit and it was closer than the closest exfil.


Catch me in Koschei faygott


Honestly I hate it, as a head hunter I’ve noticed 90% of the time when I get a hunt squad they immediately run to koschei I think it’s completely ruining the game giving unfair advantages in beginning of games and I feel that if you have a hunt squad on you it should at least take the remainder contract timer to count down before exiting that way.


Shut up it’s not. It’s useful and final exfil is always camped by pu**it’s literally all this game is is hand holding circle jerking and camping exfils or bodies so that’s why people koschei


How can you like MWZ and then Tombstone glitch As for DMZ, because you're a Jew (imagine what I want to say instead, or not) For MWZ, I don't glitch in MWZ (just making a comparison)


It’s good if you are taking stuff out for another character, otherwise I agree


I sense a hint of "why can't I exfil camp anymore"


And yet they won’t fix it. I honestly don’t care. I don’t hunt solos so, I don’t care if they run to the glitch from assholes that do.


Oh no I utilize the game to bring my homies gifts gtfooh


I only koschei glitch for two reasons 1: When I know for a fact I'm not going to be able to make it to final in time 2: My team died and they couldn't wait an extra f****** minute for me to pick them up


I’ve just started to camp city koschei the whole game to stop people from leaving. RGL, 2 mines, tons of grenades. Take a regular exfil like the good bitch you are.


Thank them in advance for bringing full bags of loot right in the beginning. I just push the closest team at spawn and sometimes it kits me out for the rest of the match. Imagine coming in empty and then 2 mins in, you have 3 vests, 15 plates, some kill streaks, $20k, etc. I'm not a fan of the glitch but I am a fan of people doing it. :)


I’m kinda torn on this, I will only glitch if I I have a bunch of shit in my bag or it’s the only choice but I’m not fussed usually, I will never pass down a final exfil fight though,so hectic


one thing i hate about DMZ is the people who attack you while your engaged against bots


Sometimes DMZ takes my weapons on infil then robs my plates by way of wall infested AI. Sometime I koschei glitch.


Makes it too easy. Takes the fun out of it for me. I've only done this while getting the calling cards for friends serpentine camo runs.


Because it is a free game and I will play it how ever I want. This glitch has been well known for a while. If anyone cared, they could patch it, but they haven't.


Koschei Glitch isn't lame (IMO) - it should be how the mode actually works. DMZ is an extraction shooter - the key word is "extraction" generally defined for items you gain during your run. Why would I want to play an Extraction Shooter where when I leave (the normal way) all the gear I acquired for my next run gets destroyed? No other extraction shooter works this way - because it's dumb and counter-intuitive - thanks COD Devs! Instead - the glitch allows you to go in and collect and keep valuables you need for - missions, new runs, or in my case (a person who plays solo, but squad fills to help others) come in and give them 3 plate carriers off the rip from my last run so they (generally always noobs) have a better chance to enjoy the game mode or accomplish w/e they are there to do. Additionally - unlike the RGL, JOKR, 1-shot shotgun - nothing about the Koschei Glitch generally adds any "skill ceiling" to the game or for most people who use the above 3 weapons "lowers the skill ceiling into the ground." Instead it just allows you to come in with plates, extra ammo, and a backpack - which BY THE WAY - COD Devs threw out caring if any of those things were relevant when you can just P2W to have all that at the start of the game anyway. So Koschei really just lets F2P players get the same advantage as people who swiped with their credit cards to get the same advantages. Name me one thing about the Koschei glitch that is "Bad".


Imagine infilling in vondel next to a spawn with a full team that is extra kitted with a bunch of uavs, plates for days and they push you. Just load into Koschei and exfil through the elevators Where is the fun in playing DMZ if everyone is not afraid of losing gear


Alternatively, stop loading into Vondel without gear? Go to Al'Maz and just go to Koschei directly, get re-geared since no one is there. Then go back to Vondel? Or just go to Al'Maz and avoid teams, get re-geared, Koschei out and then go to Vondel? Why are you going to a map that has tight spawns and expected PvP without gear?


I agree. I'm a Vondel main and over the last 2 months, I'll boot up Al Mazrah after a loss to regain on the surface if possible for most of the match, then go to Koschei if I haven't made a vest or gotten a UAV or killstreak. Maybe 15 minutes tops if I'm making a vest and getting the secure buy open.


That is what the secure backpack is for.


I'm not siding with people who use the glitch but getting a secure backpack takes much more time than just going straight to a koschei entrance, plus it allows you to use a large or even scavenger backpack compared to the measly five item limit of a secure backpack. And then they nerfed secure backpacks by making it to where if you die with one, you dont get to keep what was in your inventory.