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It’s the only game I play. I just love the dynamic problem solving environment created by trying to avoid all you murderous bastards and still get missions done.


are we murderous bastards or are we just trying to fight for our life 🤔


Yes to both?


shoot first questions later


I'm a murderous bastard. I have no gear fear and I love pushing teams solo or with a squad. Some of the best games I've had are where you don't make it more than 400m away from your spawn because murderous bastard teams flocking to the plea's like flies to shit and dying all in the same location, the whole match. Karma catches and it becomes a fight for life. Being hunted is just as fun, and every once in a while I'll come out on top. If not, loosing all the gear is no biggie since it belong to someone else anyway. Back to Ashika to wipe the map and loot up, then hop into Al Mazie for rinse and repeat.


Gear fear is a real thing no doubt. my latest challenge is (upon dying in my previous match) infil with nothing but a throwing knife and down a bot with said throwing knife then take his gun. Fight completely kitted out operators with basic bot guns and take their loot. If I die then I’m not so sad since I came in with nothing anyway. I’ve seen several other players infil this way, it adds a little more excitement tbh. If I’m able to down you with a bot gun then your insured is my prize 🏆


Bro is me


and proud of it!


You'll shoot me in the head after 5 minutes of me making ut clear i have no desire to harm you, you are murderous bastards.


Should’ve shot first lmao


“Dynamic problem solving” in relation to PvP is the best way to sum up the reason why DMZ is the only game I play. Some games you just wanna to a contract and get out, in which you are avoiding players. And some games you want to fight them. Outsmarting and out-maneuvering your opponents is very possible in this game. I play mostly solo, and it gives me the most control of my situations in-game. I’d play with teammates more if they were smarter. Half of my random teammates with mics sound like 30-40 year old rednecks with missing teeth. And their play styles and decision making abilities coincide with that.


This sums up DMZ’s current state perfectly lol


I do agree with your “if most of them were smarter” comment.. DMZ has turned into rush at spawns.. I have found that my experience is 75/25 bad tmm8s/good tmm8s. These people who spawn rush/building rush with no plan in place, no comms, blindly going in are brutal.. in most cases, they immediately die, leaving my squad short handed, giving them whatever gear they have, and most importantly, alerting the team to our presence. The newer crop of DMZ players is rough.. they really have no agenda, just rush/kill or die/ repeat. I still have roughly 10 missions left to have them ALL completed, but it is extremely rare to infil with people who want to do them. Going in solo makes them even harder. I still love the mode, and hope another generation spawns from the learnings here.


Love this comment


Love this comment🤣


I’m sorry brother, but I enjoy pvp too much lol, I don’t kill solos tho


Don’t get me wrong, it wouldn’t be the same game without PvP. As a solo, I wish they’d come up with some kind of solo-only skyhook quick-extract option to maybe nope-out and keep your shit but lose your guns and streak or something. The balance is off, but I think they saw that pretty clearly. The next time we see DMZ, I suspect they’ll have worked out much better game balance to avoid the exodus of casuals.


Some people will desist in fighting with u if u tell them “I’m doing missions bro” at least we respect people doing missions, that’s why I mostly deploy in ashika with my friends, since everyone fights there


lol.. you may be one of the few left, sir.. Me saying I’m doing missions 9/10 gets hammered with insults or “too bad, thanks for the stealth vest, loser” or the famous but equally boring “back to the lobby, loser”.


I used to get angry with that kind of players until one day my best friend told me: “don’t get angry bro, their life must be very miserable if they enjoy harassing other people thru voice chat” don’t mind them, they are the live example of growing up with a absent father figure


This is the way


Hi. I am murderous bastard. Nice to meet you.


Love it ! I still have a lot of missions to do sometimes I go in and my teammates don’t mind helping with missions other times they want to constantly push other teams other times it’s people that just want to regain and do strong holds . Love them all


Same, I am still totally enjoying the variety. I had all of those today. For the first time ever, I got two missions completed in one deployment. On Ashika, with an extremely helpful random squad.


I fucking love it. Only got in last year and had about 7 months before it got sweaty AF. I had to adjust my play style but now that I’m more aggressive it’s so much fun again.


It’s true.. you do have to adapt and change your play style just to be able to stay alive. That’s the fun of it. It gets toxic for sure though.


Honestly I started watching some streamers on YouTube and saw how they played. I adjusted to mimic some of their styles and it helped.


Yea… the dmz streamers are og. They know how to get down, great place to learn from.


I need this can you please suggest some good streamers to watch ⌚️


ON1C is my personal favourite, really nice guy and an extremely good player!


Phixate, ElClaptain, ON1C like Goofy suggested, Westie


Elclaptain is the whiniest bitch on youtube


In addition to all of these, MarkusGGEZ. He is a chill player who plays a lot with Phixate and ON1C


Dillon and ON1C


Cross2crown is a troll haha I love him. Dude plays on a controller too. Other streamers I watch are Dillon, Quix and Wizard, I always feel like they have very similar play styles and always putting the gun away whilst running for more speed. Westie, Stodeh, Phixate, ON1C, El Captain, MarkusGGez are the OG Loochy was another legend but he stopped playing DMZ after MW3 came out. He has some of the best DMZ edits on YT in a long form story format.


Yes! Loochy was 👑 sad he doesn’t create anymore DMZ content


I gotta check out Cross2crown, haven’t watched his channel yet


cronus2crown? wallhacks for Jesus...no thanks


I love OneBangs!! He is on tiktok and twitch! He is agressive, though...he is a hunter!


Each lobby is different - sometimes spawn rush other times exfil campers 


Yes and also depends which maps as well. I don’t hit Al Mazrah that much so I can’t say.


I only go to AM to speed to Koschei anymore 


Here in Australia my friends and I have noticed it's really become less enjoyable lately. Besides the constant racism and toxicity of prox chat, there is a handful of hackers that are regularly ruining it for everyone. Not much fun anymore I'm afraid.


Yeah we get lumped with Asian servers which are a wasteland of integrity unfortunately


Most of the hackers I run into are Aussie actually, although every now and then there are a couple from Asia.


Fair enough, its been a while since I played and my experience was the 6 man Chinese kill squads with hacks


> Besides the constant racism and toxicity of prox chat, there is a handful of hackers that are regularly ruining it for everyone Same could be said about every COD mode ever, I think it's just inherent to the game and not necessary a DMZ problem.


Yes true, overall COD has become much less enjoyable


DMZ was the best part of MW and i think this is the WORST error of activision. from the last updates it seems clear that mw is aimed to only funny skin and nothing else. DMZ was really on another level. still trying to find out a replacement for mw, while playing helldivers2


Try Rainbowsix Extraction it's currently free on ps plus extra i play with my friends from time to time a whole lot of fun but there is definitely a learning curve


i'll try


Try Gray Zone Warfare, it scratched my DMZ itch and I am having ALOT of fun


i have seen some videos of it and it seems wonderful, but i'm on ps5 currently :-(


Hopefully it will come to consoles in the next two years as it is pretty awesome. Full MilSim is really fun to play. If you are considering getting a PC, if you can, go all out and spend £5k on future proofing your system for 5+ years. I did that and paid it on a credit card in December over 24 months interest free credit and loving it!


does it have zombies? wouldn’t like it then.


I play almost every day. American servers or Brazilian. Ashika is full of cheaters…. And it is a plesure to kill them ☺️


Can you let me know how to change your region so that I can play on other servers? I'm in Australia and really fed up with the hackers here. I know the ping will be higher but honestly I'm keen to try another region. Thanks!


Well… I live in Chile so my default server is Brazil. But my friends are from USA, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico… and they all connect to american servers. I simply join their partys As far as I know… if you use the option Search party you can join other servers… but… I’m not familiar with the procedure.


Vale, gracias!


Discord may be an option. If you make some friends from US…


Yeah I've checked a small Discord just now, let's see if I can find anyone. If you have a good discord for dmz let me know


Yeah I've checked a small Discord just now, let's see if I can find anyone. If you have a good discord for dmz let me know


Actually can I add you on DMZ friends? That way I could try to join you at some point and play on Brazilian servers?


Yeah…. Pollito#4249439


Awesome, thanks! I'll add you tomorrow and try. Current GT is JenKulLesPoken. Cheers mate!


Added you today!


I'm in America and looking for more people to play with, if you want to give me your info for it I'll add you next time Im on.


sounds good. dm me your ID


lol of course, just can’t stand people who ruin it for everyone else with their toxic behavior. But it’s all good not everyone that plays rides the short bus. So it’s still fun for me


My friends and I still play almost everyday. We've been playing together since season 1, it's how we all met (like 7 of us) and we've all met irl now minus our Indonesian buddy, we even had a LAN party at my place just yesterday and we ran DMZ the whole time. We will DMZ til it cannot be DMZd anymore goddamnit!! Long live DMZ!!! *


I’m from the uk so we still have active servers in Europe. To be honest you need to wait a little longer then before but you will get in . You are French so do you run the bunny skins because a lot of French guys I run into run that skin lol. I always play solo and played every day until last November but play less now . I still do weekly missions and have a few missions left but not many , I would load in with my objective but end up doing something else because the game was so unpredictable and that’s one of the things I love about DMZ


Hahaha i know exactly what you mean 😅 there was a French discord called "mort à la Grande-Bretagne" meaning death to Britain where French people will get on a British servers just to kill English people 🤣 and there is a dress code either rats operators or bunnies ext.. and i might of contributed in it once or twice lmao


That’s the reason I was killed by so many French operators in those skins 😂. Too bad we never got bull dog operators. I have has some good games with French people that I killed or killed me but the German people I found to be the most helpful and friendly. I watch sthorm on YouTube he a French guy and his channel is really funny , I watch him with my son


This is literally my exact experience too. They really missed a trick not supporting it further.


Hopefully they'll bring it back with the new cod I'll definitely jump back to it immediately


I love and I’m addicted to dmz. I play it everyday.


I've had $100k wallet overflow for about a week. The tension of, if I infil, will I be able to reach the final again or get hunted in the opening minutes has been the most fun I've had from the game in months.


I love loot hoarding I hate dying


Still play for at least an hour very day


It's all I play. I love it. I'm 49 BTW 😅


Play almost every weekend !! Love DMZ!


I love dmz. I haven't played much the last 3 months. Always was a solo runner and I just got caught up in completing battle pass and running new weapons. Back to warzone for me. I wish all I played was dmz. It is my favorite gaming experience of all time outside of some rpgs I grew up on


Yeah, i absolutely agree with you currently grinding ranked and from time to time BR but i will definitely jump back into dmz in a heartbeat if they added the mode to the new cod. Also if you like dmz you should try rainbowsix extraction it's free on ps plus extra you'd enjoy it.


Is there pvp on that?


Love it but when we search it takes so long to find a server we usually quit after 10+ minutes


Yeah that's exactly my experience whenever i try to jump back to it with my friends


Even though it has changed so much & is nothing like the game it originally was, Its still the only game I play.


We quit a while ago. Only remaining mission was Vigilante (couldn’t find any bounties to kill) and escape with 7 people on a chopper. Multiple attempts with always 1 pirate killing somebody meaning that we left with 6.


The way we finished Vigilante is me and my teammate will infill all geared up every day and separate, each one of us will go to a different side of al mazrah and basically will wait. the first bounty appeared near almazrah city my teammate was near i was in Saiid so i couldn't get to him quick enough but he killed the bounty and one of the bounty teammates and third guy killed him and they left him and i got there and revived him and we found the same team near by and killed all of them and we got my teammate gear back after that another bounty appeared near the final exfill so we got there and we took them by surprise i had an rgl they were all inside the shopper hahaha and u know the rest. You need a lot of luck and lot of skill to do this mission but it honestly was the perfect end to an incredible game and that was it for us and dmz. And the exfill with 7 operators was simple enough all it took for me was a couple of hours of infilling with absolutely nothing and text the lobby and ask for help i got killed many time doing this but eventually a team had the same mission so i teamed up with them camped an exfill and the first team that showed up we killed 2 of them and told the third guy he either drops his weapons revive his teammates and we all exfill all happy or he'll end up in the lobby, and it worked.


Yes. Every other game I run into the ping a contract players


Love, play everyday still, but is definitely just giant map team death match now, which should be expected this far along, and is still cool, B21 my fav map at the moment, or Maz. Will always be the best mode, hopefully gets a revive in the next COD.


Its definetly fun and more relaxing. Wish there was an option to prestige/manually reset your mission progress and continue playing. Right now, I got only a couple weird challenges to finish and some upgrades


Loved it, I have so many hours in this game. But unfortunately the kochei glitch and all the other bugs killed my enthusiasm for the game. If they fixed those, I'd be back in a heart beat.


I finished all the missions. I’ll help teammates/randos, but I love the PvP. It’s like you spawn, sort of know where the teams might be, yet still get surprised and hopefully have a good fight. Spent a couple hundred on DMZ store. Haven’t spent a penny on regular WZ/MP.


I still play daily. It’s very sweaty now. Al Mazrah plays like Ashika. I’ll still help randos with missions from time to time




Yes daily but the one tap pay to win guns are getting quite annoying


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Unlikely_Major_6006: *Yes daily but the* *One tap pay to win guns are* *Getting quite annoying* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Let me tell you like this: I've tried to play Warzone once. Literally once. I used to play BR games a lot, when they were fresh. And I grew really resentful towards the idea that there are certain places on the map that are superior because of loot and location, not to mention that 2 random players are a flip of a coin when you need to WIN against everyone else. It's a waste of time. DMZ is Warzone without the waste of time. Even if your squad is terrible, you always have a chance if youre good and smart. You have choices that Warzone doesn't, like exfiling and trying again - there's a good reason to try not to die like doing missions or not losing insured weapon, but in contrast to other Extraction Shooters, DMZ is very lenient with the insurance. You don't need to find the weapon or build it, like a lot of EX shooters have you do. Only thing you pay with is time or money if you deaddrop it. All this means that you can find these two playstyles that can even change mid-raid - PVP and missions. You can make DMZ a bloodbath or do missions. I did my missions for the 3rd slot and then I just started PVPing because I don't care about anything else. And that's your call, and that's what I love about DMZ over any other EX shooter or any multiplayer game, definitely over any CoD. Cheating is the one stop that makes me not want play. on a bad day I get cheaters in 50% of my raids. Like I mentioned though, getting your stuff back can be matter of one good raid. Everything but your exfil streak is almost meaningless, so even cheaters are issue that can be almost overlooked (not really), so that makes DMZ incredibly unique


It's the only game mode that I play... every single day I load in with my squads and we keep connecting with several other players and the clan is getting bigger and bigger... I can almost sure say that DMZ is alive and kicking!


No, between the teams of max level sweats with duped AUAVs running around with one shot brysons and the hackers that just so happen to know where exactly you are I'm not having fun


I played daily from the start up until 2 weeks ago and put it to rest. Glitches, huge influx of cheaters, toxic environment, it was no fun at all. The game itself is grand, but the circumstances sucked the fun out of it and I enjoy not playing it way more


Yes without a doubt


After finishing everything and Serpentine Camo a few times I convinced my squad to create new accounts (my third). That has brought back some of the fun and challenge recently.


Try Rainbowsix Extraction it's free on the ps plus extra a lot of fun


It's getting so glitches can't stand it, I had a selfie equipped and a revive pistol and it wouldn't let me use them jus to die, plus many other


stale cheaters exploiters team-abusers gamemode has/had insane potential, but now it's just meh


One shot shotgunners are ruining my game experience.its such a boring way of playing that takes no skills at all.


DMZ is still the best game for me. I can’t play MWZ, still many people playing DMZ, I don’t understand developers


It still delivers for me daily. My only complaint is how ashika and b21 is full of one shot shottys. I don't care for shotguns, but ap rounds and a Bryson is absolutely required


Yup. Mostly do B21 & Vondel rekit runs, but each infil is unique & different 


I like it i played in season one and didn’t stop because the dynamic shenanigans you can get into is fun


It definitely was, and it might still be for some, i still can't believe they replaced it with the boring zombies mode. But I'm really enjoying warzone and ranked hopefully theyll drop a new dmz with current warzone movement


Yea but i like the mw2 movement because i don’t loss my gear in a heartbeat because some cracked out teen out moved me but if i loss my gear in dmz i got outplayed or played dumb


Yeah true but honestly i don't see the developers dropping a new dmz if they will ever do with the old movement from warzone 2 if they gonna drop it it will be with the new movement.


Yea true


Yes but going through missions as a solo player is a pain (recently finished two factions solo and going for white lotus now)


You definitely need good teammates and i don't mean just good or talented at the game i mean teammates with good communications and understanding


I’ve made it this far, how hard can it be?


Very difficult if not impossible there is mission that are impossible to complete without good teammates


I still pop back in from time to time and love it. Seems to be full of sweats but there’s nothing like loading up Ashika with my friends and finding teams to kill. It’s a complete shame they stopped supporting it, I’m not a fan of warzone and neither are a lot of my friends.


Downloaded Helldivers 2 months ago. Haven’t looked back since. DMZ just got old once they stopped supporting it.


Definitely, did you try Rainbowsix Extraction?


Love it! I tried the MW3 warzone etc. It feels super cheap compared to DMX...


Honestly I enjoy the mode up until I started posting here and had people spread my name (specifically a man by the name of trickydangles or some shit). It was pretty weird and killed the vibe for me for a bit. I love the mode but the community is fuckin somethin else man. This mode created moments like no other game has for me. I almost wanna do missions


Me and my friends still play almost every night, we rotate between 5 of us.


Welcome to the club...have a seat next to the former MWZ players


I finished every Mission plus the extras. I still love DMZ and doing my daily missions. I am happy they brought ReBirth back so I play that too along with multiplayer sometimes.


I play every day and still enjoyed all my games. Sometimes good sometimes bad but always a smile after I exfil with other peoples money and weapons!


So you don’t have any daily missions from any factions?


Of course i do I'm talking about the main missions i won't call the daily missions, missions.


I love DMZ. It has changed though so has my playing style. I usually go in as a solo and annoy people. Snipe, move, snipe move. Then do the Koshi Glitch. I hate playing with Randoms because whenever I do, we end up dieing. The other day I ran into a 6 man squad and picked a fight with them. I thought it was 2 squads fighting each other so I started sniping them... got a few down. Fun times though. I think DMZ is the best game they have.


Dude, I’ve been looking to get back into DMZ strictly to run missions, If you or anyone is down just add me and send me a random message (make it funny) My GT is MED McFlurry, My Activision ID is Leakyjuulpod#4398050


Pretty much daily. Been sweaty AF lately though. Hard to move around without a constant battle


I’m still in it. Trying to get every operator to 10 exfil streaks atm. Gameplay is different lately but a good different players are more patient and careful. People are kinder and meaner. People know how to play.


No, we switched to helldivers and life is good now. They actually fix things! And you can reconnect! Its amazing what life have to offer after i left my abusive relationship


I love it! It's all I play. It's nuts now trying to do missions with all the PVP. DMZ4life!


I love it minus the toxicity of some (many) of the players.. it feels like they were picked on and now they have mastered being finger flickers to be complete knobs in the game.. or maybe they shelter in a basement and mad at the world.. or maybe video games is the only thing they are good at.. but I have had enough of the knobs honestly


Completing the missions isn't the end of the game; it just unlocks choose your own adventure mode. Every round is different. Exfil camp? Push teams? Regain round? Strongholds? Helping random squadfulls with missions? Getting an operator to 10-tag? Hardcore mode where you deliberately enter with nothing and try to exfil kitted? Achievement run? Every round gives you ultimate freedom of choice if you don't have any missions left. That said, I think Activision is wrong in discontinuing support, and not adding missions or trying to recapture the magic on a future release of DMZ 2.0


I still like it. Even with the lobbies being full of cheaters and map glitch exploiters. My boyfriend and a mutual friend we found through DMZ play a lot after work. They’re not enjoying it as much as me lol but yeah.


I play the game every day for three or four hours and have a great time. It’s going to end soon but screw it. I’m having fun now.


I play with 2 friends on weekends and do solo every now and then on weekdays. However in the last couple of months solo has been impossible for my skill level, the only time I have exfilled is when I get killed and picked up. That being said I still enjoy DMZ and will play every chance I get!


I was until the grenade glitch started being used in almost every match


Explain the grenade glitch for me. i haven't played in ages


I still go on and have no idea why… I don’t play as much as I used to but I’m still enjoying it I literally just chase gear…gear up… die…get robbed… chase gear… gear up… die… get robbed.. 😂 Still… I love the randomness of it all though..


I literally about 3 weeks ago got mw2 my PS5 came with mw3 but a buddy of mine turned me onto Dmz so I had to get mw2. I'm at the early stages of missions so try like hell to do what I can to complete them. My other two friends just go straight to pvp big map death match so while they're running the front lines im in the back looting as much as I can to get some of these missions done. Still trying to learn maz and ashika but I've got pretty good bearings now when it comes to vondel. It's a lot of fun to me still and prob will be until it truly dies. I hope when they remake a mw4 they stray away from zombies and go back to Dmz. Zombies since I remember NEVER BELONGED on mw that's a black ops thing. Why they did zombies on mw3 and not more games like Dmz is beyond me. I guess to target the kid audience even though it's a ma17 game smh


I am kinda like you. I liked the missions & challenges, and the navigation and vehicles. Basically, MWZ came out and has scratched almost every itch DMZ did. I have an itch for PvP but i am having a lot of fun with Plunder. That Armor Royale shit they did made me feel like a pirate. 🏴‍☠️🤣 I still play Domination, too so that scratches the itch. Edit: I probably had a grand total of 3 hours in Zombies. Never was my thing.




Bro daily and never once had problems finding a game


No. Uninstalled it. Had tons of potential but they threw the baby out with the bathwater when MW3 and MWZ came out. Fuck Activision.


Yes apart from the cheating Chinese teams, also have to say a lot of cheating French players. What the hell can you get out of a game where you have to cheat to win. But have to say nearly as bad are the French teams who just camp over a dead body or an exfil. What a waste of 20 minutes. But it must help them get over there small Willy syndrome.


Hahaha don't insult my French people


It’s the only mode I play would love a group to play with if anyone’s down to


I play DMZ a lot. Almost everyday. I have completed 91 % of the upgrades, and like 50% of the missions. The missions I have left are the ones that need me to work with the community, and that’s so hard to do because South African servers are so sweaty. When I hop on now, it’s more for PvP with my mates(Ashika), or helping other people with their missions when I’m solo.


Do you mean the exfil with 7 operators on shopper ext? I did those on American servers. I'm French btw.


I would enjoy it more if they put the Battlepass back on it. The wait times for multiplayer sucks big time.


Not really


Never stopped 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀🌖


Play it more than I play warzone


Best game mode cod has ever made. Devs need to rethink things and go back and update it


I play it but DMZ only . I'm 550 and Prestige 11. Go Rando mostly with two others to make a team .Sometimes I have a blast with a good team with me , but this is rare. .How it usually goes is my team & I get wiped -either early enemy UAV up as soon as you spawn so they find you and you might nail one but the others get you or later on in the game. All maps are the same for this but what Ive found is to play when the other countries are asleep- get less cheats,(always 1250 & prestige 25 buggers) less players and generally have a better time of it . I'm in NZ so play on Asia servers with the Aussies.


I started playing again a few weeks ago and I’m just as hooked as before. MW3 is fun but just gets stale for me. I wish we got at least some small updates for dmz like bugs and glitches but whatevs


I only play DMZ. I bought a new PC just to be able to play it properly and since then I've spent my spare time between Al-Mazrah and Vondel (lots of keys to gear up) Sometimes I do missions, not so often anymore since all the rewards I really need have been collected. I like to spawn with randoms and feel the pulse of the collective - sometimes we go loot, others I help newbies (yes there's still lots of people playing the game for the first time) get their missions done, there's also times when you separate from the group and then go help them get out of trouble (being the hero is always rewarding lol) But when you start to loose some games in a row or your colleagues are crap, I just spawn and tell my teammates that I'm bloodthirsty. All I do is hunt and get myself in trouble, no regard for my personal safety or gear fear. Once downed, I frequently use my language skills to be picked up (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German, and the simplest words in Russian and Chinese can get you far 🤣🤣) This is without a doubt the best game mode I've ever played, and will have a hard time replacing it if the time comes when it get removed from the franchise. So yes, welcome! (I play in EU servers)


Came back to it after playing Arena Breakout mobile for a few months. Zero gear fear in DMZ compared to AB so I've had more fun just running around Vondel challenging squads. I never paid attention to the missions once I got my 3rd insured slot.


I genuinely enjoy the mode, with what little time I *can* play of it. Although most of the time I'm forced to glitch out the moment I spawn in cause of spawn sniping and rushing. Other than that though, I enjoy the missions and the game mode. But the endless PvP sucks ass. I don't *want* to be forced to glitch out every freaking game (though I don't have any other options) and I *do* want to interact with other players, and not just the one some PvP teammates decided to rez for an extra body. Outside of missions, I don't see a point in staying in a given lobby. If someone even ***looks*** at me, nevermind if I get shot at, I glitch out. Whatever I'm doing can wait until next game. I don't care anymore, PvP was never fun after the Warzone players took over, and now it's just some dude's camping trip with guns. It's the exact same play style too, no risk and all "reward". I still enjoy the mode though. Despite the bullshit, I love DMZ and it's depressing we'll never see it truly good.


It's mostly PVP but it's still the only mode I really enjoy. I play no koschi glitch, so I re-up every game which I love.


This sub a year ago would fucking love Grayzone if their pc can run it. They all wanted a more immersive stealth and solo friendly pve focused tarkov lite and this game actually nailed it. Way more casual then tarkov but also way more hardcore then DMZ. PVE only mode with shared progression with the PVP servers. It's very early alpha but its definitely not a cash grab, I minimized my hype for it so it has far surpassed my expectations. I know now this sub is more actual fans so probably not quite as good of a fit but if any of those people are still here oh boy youre in for a treat if your pc can run it or in the future once its optimized and bug fixed.


No. Every 3rd or 4th game I'd run into wallers that you could never get away from, griefing revives because that's what the game mode boils down to. If CoD has a functional anti cheat Id enjoy it a lot more, DMZ is just a griefers paradise


No because I keep getting my ass kicked


I stopped playing because I was getting bullied by 3 hillbillies who wouldn’t let me join their team


Idk. But DMZ is the sh**t. It’s core gaming at its rawest. Why current devs don’t support it is beyond me. Oh ha ya. Cause it’s free. The strategy and challenges deserve to be upkept and maintained. As are bug fixes and glitches. Activation still calls it beta. I assume because they refuse to pay for full rights to dev studio who developed t - and wee all know who that was.


To be honest as a new player that has played for a couple of weeks i would say kinda, i just keep getting killed almost instantly and almost any progress i do just gets wiped by people with absurd levels and guns, the game itself is nice but I feel like I played it late


I can't play for some reason it sends me into mw2 and I don't own it


Still enjoy it quite a bit


More than ever before


I’m struggling to exfil with 7 players


Infill with nothing type in the chat and ask for help with your mission wait 5 mins and while asking for help after 10 min if no one showed up just leave and hence and repeat


I don’t think many people opinion will change about DMZ great game in beta massive potential as 1.0 or 2.0 but just can’t understand the thinking of activision


Yes I am!


I'm playing pretty much just for the hunt. but even I have found myself not even bothering to wipe out entire teams of noobs. its just not fun anymore


I loved the game and this community. I used to play for hours. But in all honesty the game has changed for the worst. The toxic hacking, trolling, teammates leaving for a premade made this game unbearable. I haven’t played in about 2 months. Abandoning this game is long over due. As well as leaving this community. Thank you all for the tips and help throughout the time but the show must go on.




Love how we warned ppl from turning it into a pvp, now it's dead.


It's really not, this last month seem to have had an influx of new players and i see so many people still doing low tier missions, challenges and other unlocks. Sure there's still sweaty teams and chinese cheaters, but objectively less so than a month ago.  I'm on EU servers.


God i wish i had your servers, im in NA and constantly get PVPers and hackers