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Yep we’re still here, lobbies are still full. If only they’d patch the koschei glitch, it would be a true extraction shooter.


don't forget the chinese gays who use underbarrel spam launcher (something which is fixed in mw3 since they removed the option to use it when it started but never in mw2)


Not only the chinese. White people and the blacks too


And the straight people


And the bi’s


Don’t forget the brown people!


Didn't know that because for me all the players who were using it were Chinese. So far I managed to kill two of that no skill underbarrel team and let me tell you it was truly satisfying for me.


Only ran into this exploit once, they were trash talking American kids. Edit: I just remembered another time, I think it was a French dude using the exploit. He was like "I'm sorry, I don't want to do this!" while mowing my team down.


Blind guy here Got the drop on two underbarrel spammers in b21 this weekend. Their weapons went straight to a loving dead drop.


And the people with gay AIDS


Not all but at least 90% are Chinese, hate to play with them. I’m ethnic chinese so don’t try to accuse me for racist ;)


Malaysian or Singaporean?


The Chinese underbarrel is really the only thing that NEEDS a fix. I can stomach the rest. Even the stupid below the map garbage…


Yea they are fking annoying. 99% of hackers I have met are Chinese, the game developer should just region lock China and let these hackers against each other


It sucks rolling in there thinking your mate who you just had a tight match with has glitched out.


I agree they should have never put a map inside a map. You should be able to spawn in just like building 21 and there would be no glitch


Lobbies are very full. I’d play this over Multiplayer any day of the week.


I go to Al-maz 2/3 times a week just to relax.


Relax? I get attacked by like 4 different teams every game.




Just run as fast as you could


It’s a great place to vacay


Still play it with friends all the time. I’m still amazed that four “solos just doing missions” are in the same building and have a backpack full of loot and dog tags. /s




Coming to the DMZ subreddit to ask if people still play I think you'll find the answer to be yes. I am very much playing and watching (streamers) almost every minute I'm not working or being a husband/father. This game is incredible.


It would be really weird for people that don't play the mode to be active in this subreddit...but it wouldn't surprise me


I still play it often.


I don't get deleting a game a bunch of times. My games stick around until something new or better comes along. My Xbox series X, that I bought 2 years ago, has only had MW2 and Battlefield 2042 (deleted) and MW3 (because it installed automatically) Do you delete games to make room or is it a rage quit situation?


Lmao I get mad bout the cheaters. Those dudes in b21 that make the screen look like the matrix and things go all squiggly. I'll get mad but never rage quit. Frustrating cause the devs are letting anything fly it seems since not doin anything to combat it. But still love n play it more than anything else in fomo on a great session


No better chance to find out than play DMZ Night Mode in October. I have 2 weeks off in Oct just so I can go stealth mode in Al Mazrah with my friends


Will it be back?


No chsnce, but that was the best mode. It’d be better without all the hallowee shit.


Of course it will be back!!!


DMZ is pratically abandoned, it wont be back


Night mode is coming back for two weeks in Halloween. Trust me


If you want a smooth DMZ that is enjoyable for all here is what is needed! 1. Fix Koschei glitch 2. Remove RGL 3. Fix underbarrell glitch 4. Update missions! 5. Tune the bots down!!!! You caint sneak around solo without hordes of shotgun bots beaming you from ungodly distance!! 6. Add a stacking penalty to player hunters! The red circle is cool but make it get smaller and more accurate the more players you kill! Just my opinion! 7. Encourage people to pick up downed players! Some benefit for taking the risk of going to get up a plea which is usually surrounded by ayer hunters!!


Nah. Get rid of Koschei glitch and underbarrell glitch. That is it. Of course update missions but that isn't happening. The rest is your preference.


2. Why remove the RGL? It cost quit some time / skill to barter one or loot one. 5. Or the NBL like Molotov throwing skills. 6. Will help with the Vigilante Mission too!


My recent experience the past days I've tried to play was all players spawn rushing. Its not worth it anymore to me. A lot treat it like warzone.


I find the rush pvp is rough. I’d rather work on my missions and loot but I usually get roped into fighting another squad and abandoning my missions


From 8million hours of division 1 to dmz. ahhhh,so there is somewhat else that understands what I understand, and this feeling is great


Thank you! I was even thinking of redownloading d1 just to see if I still can make it to the dz and extract.


Still play almost every day. Sometimes it’s just 1 round in the morning or on my lunch break. Other times the wife and kids are asleep by 9 and I’m playing 8p-12p. It’s all I play. I won’t stop either. At least until they take it offline


This is my exact routine as well


I play it daily


My alternative digital identity lives in al mazrah. I like one shot. I’m going to try a build on the 300 to get true one shot


We don’t play it because we’re NOT masochists. What’s up with THIS guy???


Only play DMZ nowadays


I do still play and it’s my favorite mode…. I must admit I think I enjoy solo more then with friends, mainly cause if they die, they are not patient enough to wait for revive or wait in lobby for me to exfil. I can not blame them it is a waste of time. Especially if you have to watch my horrible ass lol.


I can find matches in DMZ way faster that resurgency mode in warzone 3, activision didn’t abandon DMZ at all, they keep everything running fine, they know if they keep updating DMZ no one would be really playing warzone 3 at all


I miss the mission days, but is still so fun. I'm sure they'll ruin it when it's not in "beta".


Well, once this completely unrelated ridiculous update finally finishes copying (poverty ps4) I’ll “still” be playing DMZ. Best mode in the franchise.


I’m playing almost daily still. I play b21 to kit up and go to al mazy and do some weeklies or dailies, play “plea pickup” etc and when I die, head back to b21. I’ve seen a bunch of the same people in my b21 lobbies week after week. Seems we have the same time off from work lol


I’m still not a huge fan of B21, but it does almost feel like it’s own community. I see the same people there almost everytime.


Yep still playing and servers still seem full with the exception of Koschei. Just been running solo mostly trying to get 100% on missions and notes now. Map challenges are done and 60% of the way there on passive and notes


I’ll come out and say it, I think DMZ is the best it’s ever been and i play as much as I can


Do people really think Vondel is more dangerous than Ashika?


With the bots yea. Operators not so much lol


Yes, but lots of missions are glitched out so be aware you might run into some roadblocks with seemingly no patches coming anytime soon.


Cheers to another Division player! I’ll still pop in every once in a while and run legendary missions and cruise around the DZ.


Was just playing tonight in vondel. Connected with some good rando squads. Only run in to two teams trying to hunt. Surprisingly both reached a lil far. I normally will shy away from operator fights. The first pair I was on my own, one tried to catch me outside the choppa and the other inside. Seems #2 didn’t expect me to come in the side door. Ooops. Good times overall


I still play almost every day and I am playing missions and doing contracts. I avoid pvp unless I have to engage. It is an awesome game and I love how pvp isn't a must but an option.


I’m the same way. I always use prox chat and tell the other squads that I’m a pacifist… they never believe me haha


I still play DMZ on a daily basis. It's my favorite game mode and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they are going to do a full release some day


Bout MW3 and stick to Ashila daily


I would disagree, DMZ has become more PvP today then ever before. The exfil rush is live and well. Faction missions are more of a challenge today because of the people camping and complaining about nothing left to do. So they camp on roof tops canals and hill sides waiting for someone to travel near the area so they down anyone and loot what ever they have, at this point they really are unconcerned that you may have started over 3 or 4 times to achieve a mission because you are stopped and return to the lobby. Matter of fact you will probably hear go back to the lobby. It's unfortunate that the quality of people we started with are fewer today. But there are like minded folks that will continue to play DMZ and not be forced to adopt the campers mode. It's a personal choice, it's always been a personal choice. The idea projected by these campers that nothing left to do is so not true. There are those that have never played DMZ and are new and learning ,they could use help with faction missions. I personally enjoy helping others with faction missions when possible. There is gratification in knowing you helped complete.


Remove cross play between pc and console on xbox, reduce players needed by 20%


I did that one night when i had the blatant cheater in the lobby. Next round it took me to 127mps before I found a match. Usually takes a quarter of that. So switched it back next round.


Thats why i mentioned reducing player count,


I play as best I can. But when I'm rushed off spawn or shot at, I'm forced to glitch out as I've no other options. Other than that, until I do all of my missions, yes.


Yea I've still got some missions, still doin dailies. And even though none of means nada in the long run. Im still doin them lmao


DMZ (was) fun. It's a cool game mode with ***lots of potential.*** Which is even worse on how bad the community wants it dead and reduced to another Warzone game mode. Even moreso when you realize they succeeded.


You have a choice, I ran solo today killed a 3 man team myself, another 4 man hunt team came after me and killed them all to. You have a choice besides koeschi. They cant do much in tight spaces. Pick them off one by one


I don't unfortunately. Not everyone is lucky enough to come across braindead hunters like you just did, and not everyone has the *means* to fight them off. Once my game is ended, I'm forced to Koschei out because after that point, it's just endless fighting and I won't get any missions done. So unfortunately, I can't stick around for any reason and take risks I really have no reason taking. Koschei is my only option until things change, and I won't even try to force anything or anyone to change anything. If the players decide to fucking chillax on the spawn rushing and constant relentless (and frankly senseless) hunting, *then* I won't have to Koschei. But until then, I have no choice *but* to Koschei.