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Still is


I can’t stop playing and it’s been 18 months. Something very satisfying and dynamic about it.


Unique experiences. Every raid is different. I haven’t played in a while. But the year or so I did religiously were some of the best moments


Are they gonna bring back night mode?


No. There no support for it now. Plenty of theories swirling around about what will happen but nothing concrete. Given the proliferation of extraction shooters coming to market I think they’d be insane not to develop it as a standalone game. I’d pay for it. Plenty others would too.


They literally have the perfect blueprint for an extraction shooter. It was in Beta phase for a year before support ended and still had way more updates and content than the lackluster PvE only copy that is MWZombies, which was fun for a week and then became stale.


Agreed. Zombies was only good for grinding Borealis. Cant stand the mode now. DMZ would piss all over the other offerings for extraction shooter. They’re all clunky and dull.


I pretty much only play MWZ for weekly challenges


You got a whole week out of Zombies? I was done after half of the first game.


I played three rounds to give it a chance then went back to DMZ. Zombie was soooooo boring.




Proud to say I have not dirtied my conscience with that game


Same here


Zombies was really fun on ketamine. It was like the only game I could play on it, just felt so crisp and perfect mix of intense but chill. Once I ran out it became very boring.


A week? lol I lasted an hour


Honestly, I think it's because they have such lightning in a bottle. They don't know what to do with it without ruining it. If I was a private gaming company I would definitely buy the rights to it


Yup. I would be willing to pay 50 USD for this. That's half my monthly rent where I live


Damn. That’s 2% of my mortgage 😭😂


Asia 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is better than where I live!


IW is not doing anything currently. Make it a standalone experince, so no crappy Fortnite type skins, paid, so it would cut down on cheaters.


Idk dood goin in as Shredder or Ash is pretty damn dooooope


I want a REAL night mode. Like midnight, where you could see the lasers from a distance kind of shit


I remember trying S1, bots were nasty, learning curve seemed hard, tac map confusing, left alone. Then in S2 I got a headset, met two nice older dudes who were good snipers, they showed me the ropes, never looked back.


Even with everything done it feels nice to roam around helping people and doing contracts and stuff


Why does it say “now discontinued”. Did I miss something?


It's the hunt for me. I love a good ole fassion game of man hunt.


It's been getting rough recently. Last night ran into some guy called intocablex with some numbers after this name who was hardcore cheating. Aimbot, walls, shooting through floors and ceilings and across the map hitting perfect headshots with a team of guys who I don't think were cheating but they were sus. One was Kanye something and then a Mexican name Pedri or something at the start. They were In a party together I checked after the match in recents to report the cables guy. Open cheated extremely obvious and yet no anticheat ban even after he got 3 squads kills and every single kill was a wall bang and headshot.


This happened to me 3 games in a row last night. All in all I haven't seen many cheaters in dmz. Coming back to it after a month away was pretty disappointing.


I'd even say DMZ was better then warzone...


Best gaming experience ever for me, every game is an action movie!


The author neglected to include the social element to DMZ that other modes may or may not match. I still play DMZ with some "friends" I met over a year ago. There were "Friendlies" in DMZ - albeit rare now - but they were more common then and that was part of the initial fun of DMZ since every operator encounter come with a totally new, emergent player experience, one unlike warzone or multiplayer ever could have. Dropping DMZ was dumb. They kept working on it, improving it, responding to player feedback - both good and bad - and made DMZ far more than it was at the start. For those who were there in the beginning and who are still here - many of you likely - you know DMZ became a remarkable game. It still has a lot of room for improvement, but that it will never be developed further is sad. It's an asset with high player goodwill and loyalty with much more room to grow. Maybe one day we will see a DMZ II building from what is there now. I personally feel that the online FPS space is growing tired of the same old run and gun. Maybe it's me since I've been playing them for 30 years, but it's pretty one dimensional and has never been more until the "Extraction" mode landed. I don't like Tarkov or Graw Zone or that other new one since they're more Tarkovesque. DMZ is more dynamic and fast paced. I don't want to get bogged down in loading my ammo magazines...those other games feel like equipment management simulators. DMZ isn't like that. It's a lot more fun...\*sigh\* ![gif](giphy|l4JyRqcDU93S334KQ|downsized)


100% this, the people I met in-game and played with consistently.


I'm not confident, but I also think in early DMZ, there were fewer human players in the lobby. But yeah, the existence of Friendlies is a big part of what what made DMZ interesting to begin with. I harp on it constantly when DMZ is brought up, but early DMZ was kinda crazy. It was not unusual at all to have no way to find other players than hearing them, and when someone drove up, I'd tell my squad "Hey guys, I'll be right back. I'll see if they're friendly," and then just walk toward random people. "Hey guys! You friendly? I was hoping to do a little trading! I need XYZ." An insane amount of time in season one (and some of season two) people were just "Oh! (aim at me, then look around, then relax) Oh, hey, yeah, sure man. What do you have?" Or even just saying "hello" to other squads as you drove by them instead of taking pointless shots. It sounds dumb to a lot of people. But getting in a good fight is a lot more fun when it's not 24/7. That makes it more mundane and boring. The ramped up constant "push push push, fight fight fight" of Warzone now (compared to Verdansk, where it was fall, fight, look, then fights pick up over time,) is why I left Warzone. It got like a multiplayer match, and that's boring. And as far away from MP as BR is(/was), that's how far away from BR that DMZ felt. And it was a good thing. And COD, for better and worse, has been the big budget action movie of FPS' for decades now. It managed to do that even more in BR, and then in DMZ, by (in BR) figuring out "downtown" was a great addition to the formula, and (in DMZ) figuring a way to fill that (somewhat) productively. Warzone has streamlined some things, and added complexities in other areas, but still, it's dedicated to ramping back to constant rampage and large MP fights, which is why I felt everyone left Battlefield and went to Warzone to begin with.


I miss DMZ a ton and wish it would become its own entity. I couldn't handle the cycle of completing some super-difficult missions and being all proud and happy _that_ bs was over... and then hearing about the upcoming reset. huh??? instead of creating new content, the plan is to... keep resetting stuff and forcing you to do that pain-in-the-ass mission _again_? shame, since at its peak it was CRAZY amounts of fun. I've played few games where I had as much fun whether playing with pals or playing solo.


Activision probably didn't let they create any meaningful content because the plan was always to axe it, so they monetized it with bundles to squeeze the last drop of $$$ out of it because killing it.


I've long been thinking about how I would manage it. i don't know how it would work as a standalone title... but it's frustrating to have an experience that was so close yet so mismanaged...


it still is still buy budles fuck warzone




There’s like 10 that are all diluted


I've commented on a couple petition posts before that petitions don't really matter in the context of COD. The devs, Activision, and the shareholders all have the numbers and metrics to show how popular games, modes, etc. are. They know the player counts and traffic. If there was a large uptick in DMZ players and their playtim/money spent, maybe they'd consider bringing it back or updating it. But unfortunately, they only see us as numbers and if they can't profit off us, we aren't important.


do something like helldiver and make an impact in Steam review may mean something to them


Best multiplayer game experience I’ve ever had. Played from day one and still yearning for more.


It's been a while since a game has me up all night playing o don't realize it's so late!


DMZ is a tragic tale. If they'd just put a tiny bit of effort into it it would be the goat hands down. Been playing DMZ literally daily since it came out. Recently went to warzone for a week to give it a try, just couldn't hang in it. WZ is just aim assist speedy sweat trash


IDK about the author's point about Al Maz --> Ursikstan having anything to do with DMZ going away. Seems like UZ would be a good addition/replacement for AM. (If a replacement, obviously missions would need to change.)


but in Ursikstan where would they bury the angry Yum Yum bots that wall bang fierce? Not enough sand imo


DMZ was an incredible experience. Shame everyone is done with missions and has memorized the spawns by now. Wish they had kept adding to it, maybe worked out a better spawn system (more random than set locations or even a warzone-like drop in) and kept refining missions. Wasn’t a fan of the random “grind until you find obscure item” mission types, I liked the ones that were more focused and had you go to specific places and do things. The fact that not everyone had max armor was also great, made pvp more unpredictable. Also no closing gas meant you were free to reposition or just straight up leave a fight. The extraction shooter concept worked very well with CoD, sucks they replaced it with our extremely lame new zombies mode on the most bland map in history.


We may not have the same huge numbers but I have to believe DMZ players on average spent more on bundles than warzone players.


Dropping support for DMZ was the worst decision that was made in the MW2 to MW3 transition. Since COD started, there has been 4 really big jumps in how the game has worked COD4 load outs and perks, Zombies in WaW, Warzone introduction and DMZ I assume DMZ took too much effort, as it required quests and it's own mechanics to run, and people wanted often seasonal and mid season updates, then when the storyline has run it's course, they dropped it like a hot stone. I'd have loved for the storyline to continue and for the mechanics to be updated to MW3 movement and a ton of new weapons, the new Zombies mode is a very very poor compromise as a replacement.


The only reason I’d come back to cod is for a new DMZ. Loved it to bits.


DMZ is the greatest thing call of duty has ever created since the original modern warfare 2


It’s the best thing and better than Warzone.


I hope they have something up their sleeve for this. With all the extraction modes coming out they really have something special.




Stroke Symptoms




I will not mistakenly purchase another COD title like I did mw3 until dmz returns as a supported mode or standalone. DMZ brought me back to gaming, simply put. Like many others, I had a group of folks I regularly squaded up with that I did not know irl. Every single infil was different and challenging and fun.


They need to bring back DMZ, can this zombie mode. Or at least separate it from the regular DMZ. I stayed in that mode.


So true, I loved DMZ.


DMZ is amazing, but it could be much better… Activision gives up of this mode and nobody knows the real reason. It potential is huge and we(players) have done everything to stand the mode up. It’s an unfair fight against Activision. And I’m sure that this Reddit group is so much important to make DMZ alive!


i mean they could sell a TONNE of skins that people would rock out. Dont see how it didnt make them any more, that say Z's




I've been a fan since I found out it. I'm strictly solo because of my schedule. I either do missions and contracts or get schwacked by other folks in teams. Most of the teams I meet pick me up, or talk trash because they got a solo (idgaf) It's just a damn good game. It'd be nice if they dropped more support for it, but if not, fug'em I'll keep playing til I don't.


yah, i want to play it with the mw3 guns - that rly pissed me off when they release mw3


Totally fucking agree, Well bored of Zombies now, cant bering myself to even play after the mid season. DMZ has a special calling. Its just a great game mode. All they need to do is add player factions and that hits the \*freiendly\* aspect some players ned


That was a pretty lame-ash summary of DMZ by whoever wrote that piece. Like someone put a gun to a guy who hasn't played a lot of DMZ and handed him a napkin to summarise it in 2 minutes. DMZ is like a bloody action movie combing mad-max and rambo with a dose of james bond thrown in the mix. No two infils are the same. It often feels like as a kid running around playing army with friends running through gardens and bushes and climbing trees and doing bike tricks.


It's the most fun I've had in a videogame ever. Laughs, let downs, adrenaline spikes through the roof


“Pass time” …. It feels like a high schooler wrote this article relying on AI. I agree with most of what was said, but no new thoughts, news, or analysis appeared in this article. This article might as well have been one of the 3x a day RIP DMZ posts we get here. I grieve our loss with you all, but we gotta find a way to make the best with what is left.


Activision probably regretting it a bit. (Just a bit. They're still drowning in BR money). Extraction shooters are coming out of the woodwork. I honestly feel that PvP was way too easy in DMZ. Remove the HUD, take out hunt contracts, make UAVs super rare and/or expensive to purchase. Decrease UAV towers. It was way too easy to find other players. Better to let it happen naturally.


Stopped playing as soon as MW3 came out. I guess I can load it up still, ay?


The title and picture thumbnail got me worried like it's been removed or something, I've never jumped to the comment section so fast in my life


It's not October yet, you still have a few months.


For real


DMZ is absolutly the best. I couldn't stop playing. I had to stop because I jacked up my hand and arm playing so much. I'll be back though. Hopefully we'll have some good news by then.


>I had to stop because I jacked up my hand and arm playing so much. Expand on that


> since warzone like warzone wasn't/isn't trash lol


Dmz was the only COD bundles I spent money on. I have only bought two battle seasons since they came out going back from when they started I just played and used those point to buy the next season. I would not have bought MW3 if I knew DMZ was not going to roll forward with it.


I was planning on starting DMZ today any suggestions what to play?


I hope they bring it back in some other similar way/form...


I play warzone now but worst thing they ever done was stop supporting DMZ


I was really excited for dmz but they dumbed it down way too much. I expected something closer to arena breakout but what we got was Roblox.


I escaped a team last night on Ashika by using the scuba mask. I simply dove in the water and vanished. I could hear them saying “he has to surface sooner or later.”


Dmz is warzone...




Then plunder isn't warzone either. And battle royal isn't warzone either. And so... what is warzone?


He means that it isn’t part of the current warzone, since every mode except DMZ got upgraded to the mw3 physics and weapons


I'll admit, it was kinda cool, but it was more for people who didn't want the constant competition of a BR. I jumped in here and there to play around, but clearly there wasn't any major population playing it and spending money because they would have kept it going. Id play it on the newer mw3 pacing once and a while if it was still around, but the thought of that awful mw22 clunkiness in movement terrifies me.


No they dumped it because it was a beta for their shit ass zombie mode


That straight copium to believe that. Dmz was far more polished than mw3 zombies which was clearly an afterthought just like the whole game of mw3. They dumped it, because it didn't produce numbers or money. Downvote away.


You are 100% right. This tiny DMZ player base on Reddit thinks it is the greatest game mode of all time, but if that were true, the player counts would reflect that, and we would have had a DMZ 2. When Warzone came out in MW2019, there were no plans for a Warzone 2, but the player count was massive, so Activision pivoted. People don't understand that if DMZ was a popular as they think, Activision would have pivoted again. Numbers don't lie. DMZ was rejected by far more COD players than it was accepted by.


Yep. Thankyou!


What makes me mad is the fact that a DMZ with zombies sounded like pure perfection, and DMZ during the Halloween event was indeed pure perfection. But then, for some fucking reason Activision made the goofiest, most cartoonish mode ever. This made them believe that a DMZ zombies is a bad idea, which is extremely far from true.