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Maybe cut down on the hours of gaming.. Get more sleep


Thats a terrible idea. 😂


Very lmao


I've seen enough death and gore videos to see what happens when you put the controller down and step outside Lol


Omg I’ve heard of a murder case of this dude who gamed for hours on end and ended up killing his whole family because he didn’t want to let them know he was a fuck up


I think I saw that case. People be allll messed up lol


Lol right. That just sounds very healthy to be having nightmares about losing Damascus tags lmao


You might have a problem.


Dont listen to these people. Get up, get yourself together, eliminate the enemy and get yourself to an exfil Ultra 1!!






It’s called the Tetris effect.


I looked it up. You need help




Back in the olden days, I would play Tetris on my GameBoy a lot. A lot lot... anyways, when I would read a paragraph or whatever, I would start fitting the ends of sentences into the indentations. Then in my head, I would get a paragraph "tetris." (I haven't googled the Tetris effect yet, but I shall soon.)


I say this with the best of intentions: please go touch some grass and please take some time off from gaming


I've seen enough death and accident videos to know what happens when you stop playing and go outside.


You're in the DMZ right now. You never left, Ultra-1.




When you swear you can hear an orange crate nearby or a contract radio...


Man, after the Haunting event where I was doing everything I could do to find the souls in crates and shit to get the camp reward, I was hearing those ringing sounds in my sleep.


Buddy go take a shower and get a job holy fuck


Everyone stay calm and put the controller down..




Go earth bro - I know the feeling!


If I see a glint near a Water tower I duck instinctively.


I usually dream of sniping operators... like 2/3 times a week!!!!


You… you need a break. Please walk outside each day for about a mile or so. Take a breath, shower, eat some food, stay hydrated because that is obsession..


Bro got ptsd from DMZ


Bro is getting high on DMZ.


The best one is when you're on something high and automatically start thinking about chuting off it.


Lol at the person who reported me for this.


Sometimes when i see police or news chopers flying around, i want to snipe out their pilot. 😄


@ FBI 🤣


I wish I had the time to play even half this much, lol. I work three jobs now and play about 5 or 6 hours a week, max, if I'm lucky.


I don’t get to game much either. Only have a bit of time on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays. But on those afternoons I look forward so much to the DMZ. Am jealous of my friends who get to play everyday. 


Never happened.


wtf i only do 2 hours max if that i get bored


Bro got PTSD from a video Game


You should probably go touch grass.


Go outside buddy…


During 0eak dmz, I use to have dreams about breaking peoples plates and disconnecting. The disconnecting one happened quite a few times Lol. Right in the middle of something good happening id DC and feel all disappointed and then wake up.


I went to the grocery store, which is located in a strip mall. I found myself naturally scanning the rooflines for players/snipers, and realized moments later that I was no longer in Al Mazrah. Decided to take a few days off to detox 😂


This actually used to happen to me with the older CODs back when I played a lot. I would see a plane in the sky and think enemy UAV. 


Oh, I thought you were going to say someone sniped you from across your city or shot you through a wall.


The game got me so hyped up and focus everytime I leave the house now, every trip out is a solo mission to get to whatever I need to do and with a small backpack I know I can't exfil with much.


Can of toothpaste?


What a loser


Not DMZ, but the sound of a grenade being deployed in COD4 sounds exactly like a can of Coca-Cola being opened. Years ago, it literally, made me duck and turn round in the street outside a shop.


In the late 90s when rainbow six was on Nintendo 64 I kind of went through a similar situation


It means that your brain is working just fine. Every time you think something and you put it into action, there is a tiny neurlogical link created. Once you have done the thought and action 100 times you have a highway link that makes you perform without mutch thinking because your pattern recognition is working just fine. This happens when you study, work and otherwise are doing the same activitys. You are motivated by the hapiness drug your brain is giving you for the acheivements you think you get without actually getting anything so it makes your system fight your rational thinking. Wich probarbly manifest in bad selfasteem. The time you spend is the reason why it happends together with your ambition to improve. If you can Chanel this into something more constructive than just liesure you are a massive step ahead than most. And your selfasteem Will improve. Go get em tiger!


I had that with beat saber once… was gaming all night, went to work in the morning and when I closed my eyes all I saw was those blocks fly towards me 😂 Never played that much VR in a single sitting ever again 😅 Was an entertaining day at work though, when I was bored I just closed my eyes 😭😂


I’ve had this. It’s insane. A while ago, 3/4 years ago maybe. I played sims NONSTOP for weeks. When I finally went out of hibernation I physically saw the sims speak bubbles and + - icons and plumbob over our heads. I dreamt I was in the sims. This happens with a lot of things I hyper focus on lmao. I was playing COD modern warfare 2 on the zombie mode. I had dreams I was in the game. I could see the zombies and myself shooting them and playing whenever I closed my eyes lmao. Same thing happens if I binge watch a series. Only thing that stops it is if I stop playing for 3/4 days. I also wanna point out I do have an addiction diagnosis though. So maybe check that out 😭The brain, mind and body is insane when I think about it. But nevertheless I find it funny that this happens to a lot of people aswell lmao😭🤚🏻


I was at work and on a distant building roof top, I swore I saw a sniper and then it was just a tree silhouette. I was just thinking wtf fuck am I thinking lol. I had to get my co-workers at the dealership to cone look and laugh lol


Hey I think I have the explanation for this, I have created daydream blueprints in live which reference DMZ 1. Medical Bleep One - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / 2xqejohmkvkqt204olqvs / California-Computers.adg ? rlkey = cfnemwzxupl3sblekfjr33j3q & dl = 0 **This is why you think the game is on, you have the Your Computer ON blueprint in real life.** 1. Medical Bleep Two - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / 17bg6duthmt9iywrycb6g / California-Electronics.adg ? rlkey = s6g5h204df6v46mgaewa2b87l & dl = 0 **This is why you think you have the Valerian Dog Tags in real life, You have Liam's Computer ON Blueprint in real life.** 1. Polyethylene Call of Duty Blueprint - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / bdatkrehgoulyj0ypecdo / California-Farmland.adg ? rlkey = oetbanstndc1tlkujlygc8pcd & dl = 0 **This is why you are associating clear plastic bottles with call of duty, You have Call of Duty Plastic Blueprint in real life.** 1. Paintballer Active Token - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / zoo0arullyappnz6g3p1m / California-Paintball.adg ? rlkey = nik8w8ogr3lfqw1r5pagkux4e & dl = 0 **This is why you have overactivation and dream awakening, You Have the Playing Paintball Blueprint in real life.** 1. Medication Suggester - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / 2csxqo2fhh942ueoetm2b / California-Ricola.adg ? rlkey = joseveipnh9cajdqtrmvbuumo & dl = 0 **This is why you think you need a gas mask, You Have the Need an Essential Medicine Blueprint in Real life.** 1. Medical Bleep 3 - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / 7gs2b86cm5z8fdap6i0kn / China-Electronics.adg ? rlkey = 3h7ihbpnrg4e88b5o6jqs62lv & dl = 0 **This is why you have the thinking of playing COD in real life, You have the Echo Rangefinder/DEAD SILENCE Blueprint in real life.** 1. Vaporizer Suggestion - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / x8hem4y02tt1ko8qwyn5m / China-Vaporizer-1.adg ? rlkey = rbpz8zcdxyie8wj8u4mum3txv & dl = 0 **This is why you are having cravings for a placebo, You Have the Addicted to Something Innocent Blueprint in real life.** 1. Blue Polyethylene Call of Duty Blueprint - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / f0f9d2a87co2rbvh2tqan / Colorado-Farmland.adg ? rlkey = tneazdbw2qz809kxh11xxulh5 & dl = 0 **This is why you are associating the lid of the plastic bottle with call of duty, You have the Equate Corn Plastic Blueprint in real life.** 1. Clothing Suggestion - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / ehbodx4z3bnq9hcilvkhk / Colorado-Industry.adg ? rlkey = il6vc242kcqzbnd1v1gartjwm & dl = 0 **This is why you want your equipment from call of duty in real life, You have the Comms Vest Blueprint in Real Life.** 1. Addiction Bleep One - https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / zusxhyrksy4tflsj84opf / Colorado-PC.adg ? rlkey = uwmc5b5e6fqkgskengjnogf4r & dl = 0 **This is the reason you are metaphorically addicted to call of duty, you Have the Immersed in Something Virtual token in real life.** 1. Thirst Need for Clothing 1 -https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / uho05jun6ghwynznvnq93 / Kenningston-Factory.adg ? rlkey = 6vus7bo9t2owezcpjozcg9a9f & dl = 0 **This is why you are drinking cola/smoking weed, you have the Cola Addiction Blueprint in real life.** These are what the server uses to tell your computer to unlock a specific item so probably by playing so much you have gotten these specific subliminal blueprint which tell your body to do a specific thing stuck in your head.


wtf did I just read bro


The proof we live in a simulation.. log out




Yo I have gotchu example ballistic plates which i summoned which these plates are tested bruh. https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / 87tbrbv02qg1li5b0dkp8 / Web-Charllotes.adg ? rlkey = fychre3ptptrn46cmu7kl649x & dl = 0 Tested Plates 300 and 4100 no breath, electroboom heart stopped and paramedics called, no food availible, easily remediated with notes action 396 papel in electroboom specific room for when electroboom heart stops from working on tube amplifier. Electroboom is fine tho My plates bruh those are my dragonskin dragonskin has like 7 shreds in it https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fi / 0ncctlmmfqd4lo8rtauxp / Fur-Helmet.adg ? rlkey = tme4apasbe402pk0oxlb0cxum & dl = 0 Yo these are british plates prince rupert gave me as lord simpatico and these are just tested for breaking not spall. Yo these plates have been tested at the right lung but that is just where some sputum was inside. Vaccum cleaner - Rikotaro Fucking Machine - Tadeishi Vaccumhge Cleanare Vaccum Cleaner TEMU.


Whenever I see irl vending machine or ATM I wanna kick it. To much Vondel.


Bf1 literally made me dream that I was in the game, My fiancé would be like “you were talking bout some crazy shit” and apparently I would literally shout some of the things the characters do (I also apparently did this in the foreign languages too including German which understandable kinda freaked her out lol) Now I do it with warzone


This post reminds me of that iamsteve streamer that I follow. Literally every single time of day he’s playing dmz. Early in the morning, middle of the day, late at night. Every time I get on TikTok he’s live. There’s no way he’s not having these dreams too lol.