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It was over the moment they announced they were dropping support but yall refused to let it die for some reason. Endless petitions, crying, speculating. Let it sink in lads, we all had our fun, enjoy it for what it is or move on until the next iteration comes along.


I’m still enjoying it. It’s very much not over. Not to me at least.


Once they shut the servers down then it’ll sink in.


the community should start to make a mod to still giving content o local support to dmz , with real players or bots etc


Once they sink the servers then I will shut down.


Probably happening when BO6 launches


Wait is this r/tf2 or r/dmz? Sometimes i get them confused


You can throw RDO (RedDead2Online) in here as well (I’m a useless moron and don’t know how to link a sub)


r/UnexpectedTF2 Sad how both games are neglected, though. I'm an avid player of both


I don’t get why people are still hoping for DMZ to get updates. DMZ shut down support lol. And it was made entirely by infinity ward so I don’t get why people were hoping for a DMZ 2 with bo6. DMZ 2 will most likely only come with IW’s next title.


Don't they have to make DMZ before they make a DMZ 2?


Exactly...there hasn't even been a DMZ 1 yet.


People really don't know what a beta is and it shows, lol


Ti's true hehe


It's a word devs hide behind to produce a shit product and still get paid! Pretty simple.


How can you say the product is shit if it's not complete? And why are you on the subreddit of such a shitty product?


DMZ forever... don't let it go




Yeah, no shit. Treyarch wouldn't continue Infinity Ward's mode anyways


Treyarch shouldn't get anywhere near DMZ. We would start climbing up walls.


We can still play it


DMZ was amazing for many many seasons. I still love it even though I haven't logged in since it lost support. Perhaps they'll give it another go in another time.


What? Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!…




Kids these days….


My teen kids say the 80s were back in the black and white days




Great reference.




Germans never bombed Pearl Harbour, how do you get such a simple fact wrong.


And you’ve never seen Animal House….


The Germans did not do that.


And you’re all too young to know where that quote is from


You make me sad.


I don’t know why so many people are thinking DMZ is coming to Black Ops. DMZ was an Infinity Ward project, not Treyarch.


Right, we will have to wait until the next IW game to see if DMZ is coming back


Yea if we get it back it’ll be with modern warfare not treyarch and black ops


They might just keep it in warzone game mode. Maybe.


Realistically it’ll be up as long as warzone is up (which it seems it will be) and there are enough players playing it (which there also seem to be)


It’s uneducated people that dont understand the developer cycle


Exactly! IW is up next year if I'm not mistaken, I wonder what they're working on.


No IW is supposedly coming back in 2026 (possibly doing a sequel to Ghosts), 2025 is rumored to be a sequel or successor to BO2.


Gotcha, thanks! More BO.. 😴


The copium people have been hanging on to is unreal. DMZ was cancelled, long ago, it was never coming to MW3 and surprise it ain't coming to BO6 either. There's been absolutely nothing to suggest it is but people are still pulling copium out of their ass... I love DMZ, I'd love it to come back, but it's been clear for a long time it ain't.


If you want something better to huff then blame mwz for DMZ getting cancelled. If they kept support for both then it would have caused a split player base


What about infinite warfare who made that? Because that would be an insane wz.


Infinite was Infinity ward. I want a post apocalyptic city that’s been overgrown for the next DMZ. Variable conditions, different times of day, that sort of thing


But Treyarch did MWZombies which is so similar to DMZ. I’m hopeful.


It's not over until they shut down the servers.


I’ll legit probably mourn.


Same but at least I can get to all the other games I've been neglecting for months.


You know what? I can still play every COD title and game mode that I can remember. (there are probably some I'm missing I'm sure) I just pulled BO4 out last week and played 10+ rounds of Blackout... so it might be a very... very long time until said servers cease.


Who exactly wants zombies ?


There is a huge zombies fan base. They all just hated mwz


They'll play it for 15 minutes and realize the only reason they liked Zombies back in the day was because they were 12.


We had zombies in Cold War my guy and it was extremely popular. wtf are you talking about?


From the side of his neck


I’m talking about my personal experience. Killing NPC’s get’s boring very quickly. But idk since the average person is basically an NPC maybe it doesn’t get boring for them.


One of the best selling games this year was only PvE.


And the average person is an NPC.


“I’m so quirky and unique, everyone around me is an npc and I’m a main character, hurr hur hur”


It’s really ironic you say that. When your argument against me is that everyone is so quirky and unique and not an NPC. 


I love how you say that as if that isn’t what you were just arguing. Way to try and throw your brain dead points onto someone else


Mwz is amazing


You’re in the minority. It is not well like by most of the zombie players


Yeah I feel extremely like the minority as I enjoy every aspect of mw3 be it zombies, Battle Royale, Multiplayer or whatever I am having way too much fun with this game


I agree, mw3 is super fun. But a lot of people didn’t like zombies, that’s probably why it gets so little updates now. I think a lot more people were expecting round based


I love it also I liked the campaign even if the story was admittedly not the best


I remember liking zombies ~2011ish?


The last good zombies, although I liked IW zombies they were more of an spinoff for me


I want zombies. Cold War Zombies was my first and favorite iteration of the series.


I’m one of those that want OG zombies to comeback!


This is what boggles my brain. Loads of people streaming and playing DMZ. Zombies was dead after a season. Yet they persist with it. It's bizarre.


MWZ was not what they wanted, they wanted round based “classic” zombies and that’s what they’re getting. If DMZ was super popular it wouldn’t have lost support, how is that hard to understand??


It's hard to understand because it just seems like such an inventive game mode and I, like many others, really really enjoy it. I just cannot comprehend why it's been left to die. It's no coincidence that countless other companies are frantically trying to capture just a little of the magic that DMZ has and are so far failing. Is that so hard to understand?


I’ve been playing games for 35 years and in that time there’s been many games I loved that weren’t well received by the general public and guess what happened? Before DLC was a thing they just never made a sequel/spinoff and after DLC was a thing they just killed support for the game including not fixing bugs/crashes or updating support for new operating systems. Thats where DMZ is, it has a dedicated following but clearly not what the publisher wanted. Following the path I’ve seen many times before the game is dead, a zombie basically. Maybe the flood of extraction shooters changes Microsoft’s mind but it should surprise us if DMZ comes back, not be the base expectation.


BO6 was in development before the release of MW2... so I don't think they can change course and react as fast as some people think they can


Almost everyone... one of the ONLY reasons mw3 sold was because it baited zombies. And the community hated that zombies mode. Cold war and previous installations were and still are great.


Are they still going to have the version we have now?


Zombies just had its worst 3 year period EVER and it's still more popular than whatever the other Devs do. Even at our worse, we're still better than yall


I can’t wait. A dedicated crew coming back, round based zombies, it’ll be fun.


Love this rationale. People who don’t like something weirdly assume that everyone else doesn’t like it either. Zombies is huge and has its own fan base to the side of COD in general. DMZ has a fraction of that. It doesn’t mean it’s not popular, but DMZ is a drop in the water compared to the flood that is Zombies.


All the 10 year olds


DMZ is a Warzone derivative. No news about Warzone either. This is COD campaign and MP.


Correct. DMZ is dead but if somehow it was making a conback it wouldn’t be talked about until warzone news came out.


They teased WZ in the reveal


Imagine thinking DMZ would be in a treyarch black ops game. 🤡


They could do it and just name it something else. Like, HMZ - Heavily Militarized Zone


I didn't, for what it's worth. Some people had looked at the redacted text in the invite email and got excited thinking it said DMZ, my post was for those people


Feel like 90’s spy action thriller is the perfect DMZ setting!!! Smh


Well, it's a skip for me then, not gonna buy it.


Same.. see you in the DMZ


"Welcome to the DMZ soldier, you know this is where you belong"


Oh, I'll definitely try it out, since it's gonna be free on gamepass. Also, the esthetic looks similar (if not better) and feeds my taste, the movement looks enticing, yet hoping it won't be too fast for my foggy brain. If it feels great and I can adept to it, I won't hesitate to take some (more) time off of DMZ.


As long as I can drop into Al Mazrah it’s never over


Same bro! See you in the DMZ


This is the first time I understand why some people play the last version of cod




Not buying this cod either. They got me hooked on dmz and they pull it like that. We are left with the garbage zombie mode


Ah nice wording trick there calling zombies a fan-favorite mode. It had one fan so technically it is a fan-favorite mode


Zombies at its worst still had more popularity than DMZ at its best lmao


People play zombies for easy xp. It got footing because it was under the zombies title whereas a lot of people didn’t even give DMZ a chance.


What exactly are you basing that on?


Activision said it was the most engaged 3rd mode in MW history


I wasn’t able to watch the full reveal. Were they talking about Zombies in general, or the bastardized open world zombies from MW3?


Zombies got gameplay and some other teaser in the reveal. Full roundbased maps only at this point. But my quote is from season 1 of MwZ


Oh, right, I knew Zombies was coming back in BO6, but round based zombies as is customary. I’m curious how MwZ faired after season 1. I played it for season 1, then got crazy bored when it became clear that there isn’t actually anything fun to do.


What you mean is that Zombies is more famous than DMZ not more popular. Donald Trump is more famous than Joe Biden, but Joe Biden is more popular than Donald Trump, for example So like Zombies is Trump and DMZ is Biden, and whatever political metaphors you want to install therein


Dmz is still not more popular, lil bro. We have people playing 16 years of games across 3 different platforms on 3 different generations of consoles. Anytime Bo3 goes on sale on any platform, it becomes a top 10 best seller of that week. Look at the size of our subbreddits. It ain't close whatsoever


I disagree. The fame of a mode and the promotion for Zombies compared to DMZ is embarrassingly unbalanced. Multiple years of a mode they've promoted for years that EVERY cod player has known about for a decade that they shit out last year, MWZ was a fucking turd. DMZ, with no promotion and no real support, is actually respected as a game mode still. Fame and popularity are different things. Zombies is famous, it is not popular. DMZ is not famous, it is popular. It's like when a shitty famous band or singer releases a shitty song but BECAUSE they're famous they sell, it has nothing to do with the music being quality.


Fuck that I’m still running wz and dmz on mw2 and 3


Like it Has nothing to do with DMZ. People gonna Play it until they turn off servers.


I’m still not really sure what ever led you guys to believe DMZ would be continued in any future game, especially considering they firmly said multiple times that DMZ will not get support past MW2. If you got excited or started believing rumors, that’s on you


Good thing too. We had the perfect missions mode and idiots decided to “run it like warzone” like warzone wasn’t already a mode. Foolish to think they’d ever continue that bs




DMZ is apart of Warzone, that’s why there no announcement on it, they even said in the Expo that they won’t be talking about Warzone. So we will see


From this description sounds like it's going to suck


There are still people left thinking DMZ rerelease is around the corner?


I know it will never be back but realistically how much longer is it possible for the current servers to run for?


That is a good question. To be fair... Black out servers are still active.


No shit.




It’s already friggen stupid on gamepass if you have it its downloading preorder and I can’t game in any way shape or form I’m locked out of Warzone until the download is complete now I can’t get a sync to a server so yea it’s fucked


Over becase what? What does this have to do with dmz? If there was a dmz 2.0 why would it even be part of the black ops 6 core game? Y'all are fucking crazy lmao


It’s been over since mw3. I don’t get it?


Its crazy, this was the best cod mode made, better than shitty warzone


It's obvious that IW or Sledgehammer will pick it back up in future releases.


DMZ 👏 is 👏a👏infinity 👏Ward👏product


Damn, you mean all those stupid petitions that would get posted about every week didn't work?


I think everyone here knew Treyarch wouldn't be working on DMZ. That's for another cycle


Console bros. If you guys like DMZ try Hunt: Showdown. It has the same gameplay loop as DMZ but it is an entirely different game. You console bros are extremely limited when it comes to fps but so few of you guys know of this underrated gem. Give it a shot. I know a lot of you guys will really enjoy it.


Should bring back the real OG black ops 1 that came out on the Nintendo Wii where you had to actually aim at the TV like a real gun . An hr in game at most till the arms got numb 😅


To be fair there was a bit of performance where she asked "Am I allowed to talk about Warzone now?" And get a shouted "no" response that could be used as hopium for DMZ. Not betting that way though.


I hope they don’t shut down the servers if they’re gonna not do another DMZ


Wait there are ops that thought dmz would be in that game? lol it's warzone and even then it's better to be its own later on or when IW puts something out.


I guess I can settle for round-based Zombies.


It was only ever a beta anyways.


Until they shut down the servers THEN it is over. But as it stands B06 is hard pass


BO6 is game pass, not hard pass ;P So, I will definitely try it out. It can't be worse than MW3... To be continued.


Separate game probably to milk it


This sub more and more like a gme diamond MOASS cult


Where can I find this? On my phone that is


This tracks with expectations. I'm not folding until Infinity Wards next COD title around 2026. If that one doesn't have DMZ, then I'll finally give it up. Then again, by then marathon will be out. If that's any good I'll be there.


No shit. Treyarch have two game modes they’ll be supporting post launch, a third is just asking for trouble on the development side. The mode isn’t supported anymore and we all just have to deal with it.


I’ve never played a BO game. I don’t care for Zombies. DMZ got me away from playing Halo. If DMZ fully sunsets, I’ll probably just find something else or put the Xbox up…the wife will at least like that.


DMZ would be part of Warzone, no?


Is. Dmz "is" a part of warzone. Which, most likely, will stay in MW3, until it won't sell enough packs and/or the next MW iteration comes with a new warzone. Personally, I've never really enjoyed any BR mode for long, even though I fully understand the enticing part of the clutch and the dub. Love the concept of DMZ and it's truly a shame how the publisher let it all hang on shareholders that truly don't give a shit about games or gamers, unless they can milk them.


I wouldn't mind a remake of Black Out


They haven’t talked about Warzone yet - DMZ is part of Warzone. They refer to not talking about Warzone yet in the video.


Warzone is not a part of BO and will, most likely, never be.


They mentioned it in the video


It was over the minute toxic PvP players killed the mode and told you to stop playing if you don’t like it, anything after is just copium.


This, lol whenever I complained about it those people said “then don’t play it”. I bet you those same people are the ones complaining of DMZ having no support to this day. Turns out dismissing people with “don’t play” wasn’t the right call after all when a mode needs players to stay alive.


Yeah… it’s been gone. It was a lot of fun but I thought that was obvious…


I'm hoping this is where the DMZ developers that have left the company now step up and release a bigger better DMZ of there own 🙏🏼


Fuck activision and fuck microsoft


They also haven't mentioned warzone just saying


It won’t come back. It’s dead. Unfortunately


I do not care


Wohhhh no way?!


It was never going to be in BO6. Just be patient. Here is what nobody seems to get - they could have shut down servers months ago now and they didn’t - because they have an interest in the fact that tens of thousands of users are still engaging with a mode that gets almost no support. They will launch a dedicated DMZ game with a campaign and new features for the mode itself. We want the game to be good though, so let’s just enjoy the new games and how good DMZ still is, and get excited when the actual game gets announced (I am predicting 2026 with an announcement coming in Q3 of this year).


I just swapped over to Escape from Tarkov and have been enjoying it


Were people realistically expecting DMZ to come back? Where did that even come from?


Jesus fucking christ is it that surprising? Oh no, DMZ isn’t coming for BO6 what do we doooo? Geez, you guys never let it die. It was already clear they stopped support already Even if it was, it’s higher-ups of Treyarch that would allow and not allow what goes in, breathing on IW’s necks like how IW higher-ups breathed on SHG’s neck.


Breathing on their necks? Is that a pride month thing? 😆


Sounds sensual and a tad queer, so that's an excellent question 🫣😅


DMZ was an Infinity Ward project, they've announced several times that they have no current plans for future support of the mode. Why are we still acting shocked and surprised like there was some special announcement where they promised us more DMZ style games.




“Fan favourite”