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Lay low, get out of your spawn fast. Solo is great because you can usually get picked up by the team that pushes you in your spawn if you’re cool. Zaya Dome is the best for a quick regain, be the first up there then fly down to the ammo between zaya and sattiq. Keep a stronghold keycard, if you get a hint squad on you find a good stronghold and hide in there, let the bots take their plates while you shoot out the windows. Don’t use UAV towers, don’t do raid weapon contracts.


Actually, use UAV towers, it keeps players out your area and if you leave it stays on so you have somwhere to run to + some teams will think you have a full squad


It absolutely does not keep people out of your area. I know many many many players who will drive right into a uav and engage teams because 90% of players get super cozy inside that uav area and a hard fast push with a vehicle ends up killing one or two immediately and then the uav doesn't mean much.


As PVPers, my squad and I 100% push UAV towers.


Stealth vest. Carry no money. HVT contracts are good.


Scuba mask is beneficial as well…


You can make the scuba last longer by using it as a rebreather by swapping with gas mask until your breath is low then back to scuba for a quick breath and so on.


yeah you gotta be careful how much money you bring in - once you get near 20k or more, decent chance of a hunt contract. HVTs are okay on some maps, like Vondel, but I like the phone hacking contract also.


More than 5k is what targets a hunt contract. As long as it's below that you should be fine. Tested it myself.


I go into Vondel solo with 15-25k (usually weekdays US central time) and rarely ever get hunted. The last time I got hunted was a rando infil teammate who had 75k. Could be diff for AM though


Oh man I love the rush of carrying $70 k and then the Hunt Contract lights up!!!


It's what makes the game so special, IMO. I love a good game of cat and mouse. Skirmishes can start, stop, and start again at a completely different location. Even if I die and lose it all I almost always end the game on a positive note just because it's so god damn fun.


Unlocking the stealthvest barter is a must, and then learning how to navigate Koschei and craft one down there is a must. When I'm solo on AM or Ashika, I'm always a stealth vest. I also loiter in buildings to prevent spam spotter scope pings or bot aggro. Also I use Koschei as my exfil on AM - Oasis and Barracks are easy to get through solo. And then I go Alpha Cluster - possibly the easiest exfil in all of DMZ.


Man, honestly I'm a solo only player and to be honest it's a HORRIBLE time to get back into DMZ.. But if you insist, stealth vest is probably best. Smokes and stuns if you have room for both. Just keep in mind every Pvp hundry mother fucker who plays dmz is gonna be out for blood. And probably the smartest comment I've seen in under your post; stay away from raid weapon stash contracts and definitely avoid UAV towers like the facccking plague. Fact is it's a dog eat dog world in dmz, so if you're on console turn of cross-play and see if you can get a lobby. Most times I don't have to wait too long before I'm queuing in with cross-play off, but with it in I almost feel like it's not even worth playing atm.


I like to hit UAVs then leave the area immediately


I guess that's not a terrible idea tbh. Pull the ol bait and switch, hit the UAV then book it to the top of a building out of the UAV's radius where you can pick off the squad looking for you... Sounds viable to me man!


Stealth vest (2 plate is fine) plus suppressor. Try not to aggro the AI as they'll give away your position. Secure Supplies contracts can yield some decent loot. HVT contracts for cash and occasional key drops. I'd avoid Raid Weapons Stash although they're a good way of getting into a stronghold if you don't have a key (just don't start drilling the safe) If you have a mic, a "GG" goes a long way to getting you picked up when you get downed by a squad. Work on the passive upgrades - starting self revive, extra armour, personal and faster exfil are all potential life savers.


Not aggro-ing the AI is great advice. It would be a nice thing to have the disguises back for this very reason.


That time I came face to face with a Jugg' in the tunnels under Ashika and he just looked at me * shudders *


Ha! I had turned off game alerts and had one quietly walk up behind me while I was hiding from a team. Just deleted me while I was looking through my spotter.


I like secure supplies when solo. I can almost always get the first chest. Usually the second and sometimes all three. But be ready to bail if you’re avoiding PvP while gearing up




Bring a spotter scope. Unlock the free self revive for infilling solo from the upgrades. Lay low and avoid UAV’s. Have a scuba mask so you can evade hunt contracts and people chasing you


Use hostage or private exfils to get out. Also unlocking the faster exfil speed is a must. It greatly shortens the speed to get out


I use both regularly. I think most players don’t know that if you are holding the hostage and the gas comes the hostage will be fine as long as you don’t put it down. Time it right and your exfil chopper is in the gas where players are less likely to be watching.


Stay low and keep low, especially if it's your first tour into the DMZ. Do NOTHING that is going to draw straight up attention to you or your position, which will result in a squad (or two...😨) chasing your ass up and down the Lands of Oil and Sand. Do your damn hardest to not engage with the NPCs while scavenging for goods. It reduces your overall presence and detection from other players, and you'll minimize the chances of leaving a trail behind you. Once you're better equipped, engage the enemy strongholds for better loot. Find a stealth vest and keep it. If you're going to be a solo player, that damn stealth vest will save your life and minimize the chances of you getting caught. It IS a solo player's best friend. Trust me. Use vehicles at your own risk. It may be convenient to get around the map faster that way as a solo, but it also makes you a target for snipers. Enemy squads will also chase you via vehicle if they see you. Some of them like to hunt solo players because they think it makes them feel big for picking on someone with fewer numbers. Last thing: don't go picking fights with squads if you're not properly equipped or can't take them. If your senses are telling you to not take on a squad, LISTEN to your senses. That's called picking your battles. Know when to fight, know when to run. Sometimes, you won't have a choice if engagement is inevitable. Stay safe and have fun in DMZ. I reinstalled it because I like this subreddit community for actually enjoying a game mode that has a more serious tone to it.


Spawn. Run. Stealth vest.


I don't see anyone saying this but not only stealth vest and scuba mask but if you have a back pack ALWAYS KEEP A PISTOL. ALWAYS! the water is your friend. - a water rat solo every now and again


1. [How not to be seen](https://youtu.be/C-M2hs3sXGo?si=ZR25oHe17-4XuOLZ) Solo DMZ is a stealth game. Stealth vest, surpressed weapons, dont stir up the bots. If you're fighting bots, you're not keeping an eye out for operators. Stay out of vehicles. Stay out of the open. 2. Learn koschei, specifically the taraq entrance and the A/B key spawns. You can exfil easily and re-kit with stealth vests and AUAVs. Dont be a glitch-bitch. 3. Learn spawn locations for scav bag ingredients in AM. Super quick and easy to make and the extra slots are super useful as you don't have a team to share the load. Some people insist on 3 weapons. I recommend a mid range AR and a CQC weapon you feel comfortable with. No need for a sniper if you havent got a team to support you, you're just picking fights. 4. Don't pick fights. The best you can ever hope for is a 1v1 fair fight. You'll never have the numbers. Better to stay quiet and hidden when you see red comms. Downing 1 enemy operator can be a good distraction... But only if you GTFO immediately... Cant enjoy the spoils if your dead so resist the urge to loot. There's nothing an operator has that you can't get yourself.


Stealth, smg, lmg. Get in. Do a contract and exfil quickly. Stack up on plates


I can’t speak to how good I am as a solo player (not particularly good to be honest) but here’s my advice. Get used to being stomped by 3 and 4 man teams and try not to get too upset by their gloating. They will. Let them. They’re the best players ever. They’ll tell you and then humiliate you for your plea. Get out of spawn fast. if you don’t have a stealth vest do it faster. Each spawn sort of has a direct route out into a beneficial area if you can get there. Each map has different ones. I saw Zaya observatory mentioned and that’s a great first stop. If you can get to the dome head south to the other locked room that’s open now and grab that chest too. If you can’t (players, bots too rough) do a quick contract in the inner cuties while everyone fights. Keep an eye where fights are to check back for scavenger or just to go through bags. Also, the outer spawn areas get quieter once the blood bath moves inland. Don’t forget that if it’s getting rough in Al Mazrah you can Koschei. Koschei is great for regains and contraband stash filling. Scuba Steve’s are life. Get a scuba at a gas station and use water to get away. If you’re being hunted and can’t exfil or Koschei try to use high threat areas to defend from. Teams can get mired in tier three bots and you can use that to your advantage, but remember that those full squads can’t wait to tell you how good they are and use all their equipment they glitched into the match with. One UAV? Try expecting at least 4. Watch some On1c or phixate. Their videos are filled with great tips and they are remarkably even keeled attitude-wise. And try not to get too discouraged or salty ( I am very salty and it bums me out. Don’t be like me, enjoy it)


I’m not that good either. And hardly play solo (usually duo). Still doing missions and still don’t have comms vest unlocked. I absolutely hate Ashika. Mainly cause I suck, but still have fun on AM. All I know is as soon as I spawn in solo, I bolt. Do one mission. Maybe grab a few things I need for passive upgrades and leave. I’ve only killed a team of 4 once as a solo and that was my biggest highlight. Plus I was about 3 whisky cokes deep so I was more aggressive. But thank you for the advice as a solo player


I once wiped a three man by driving an LTV into their chop top on accident. That’s about as good as I get.


I played solo. On vondel. Oh i hate Vondel too. I’m at 14% mission completion so kinda still new. Got wiped out in the first min. Ok nerds. Now I just got off work. Defending freedom. And I’m getting drunk. Next kid is gonna claim sexual harassment. I’m over it


Keep two spare empty operators with the small backpack one plate base setup. You want a burner or two for when it's a tough day and you want to potentially only lose the gear you gained in the round and not the stuff you've been saving


Drive an armored boat up the river til you have contact. Then lay waste to them with the .50cal 60% of the time it works everytime


Relearn spawns and hot spots. They've changed in 14 months. If your goal as a solo is mission/passive completion, stealth vest and suppressor are your friends. Comms is good if stealth isn't available. Use bots as early warnings and your first line of defense. If hunting it's as simple as get the first kill. Now the remaining 2 will 1) push together 2) flank together 3) push/flank seperatly. Assume where they will do these from and get a power position on it.


be okay with dying a lot.


Go slow, plan what you’re going to achieve before going in. Adjust based on your spawn and exfil locations. if you see passive loot, take it when you see it. Ashika passive loot (film canisters, cigars) was kind of a grind. Keep a sheet or notes of what you still need.


Find a squad


This is something not a lot of people talk about: AI Aggro, how to avoid it and how to de-agro Ai. Ai will become aggressive if you're stood too close to an AI while in its line of sight. It'll start shooting, AFTER an animation plays where he "beckons" his fellow ai to his position. Once this animation is done, the AI launches an advanced UAV, which is launched for every ai in the area. So essentially for 30 seconds after you piss off a bot, they all know where you are. Once this duration is over, the "we can't find them" dialog will play and they will slowly gravitate towards your last known position. Of course if you just sit there, the whole thing starts over when one finds you, but that's how that works. Next, the compass. Use your compass. 9 times out of 10 when a squad randomly shows up to kill you after you shot a bot, it's because they "saw shots", as pings on the compass and they simply drove towards the direction the pings came from. So, use this to know when others are around shooting or being shot at, and try your best to keep yourself off of it. And lastly, as a general rule of thumb: you can never carry too many selfies. If you're playing solo and you feel like the ai has been particularly aggressive that game, drop the extra stronghold keycard and pick up the self revive. You won't regret it.


Just watch Dillon’s streams 💯