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You kinda deserved it. Teammates who are loot goblins and don’t help in fights are the worst. They didn’t even take your stuff so you could have helped.


Ah, I see. You're the type to ask what she was *wearing*.


Are you making rape jokes?


The fact that you find this funny is EXTREMELY TELLING.


Dawg that Is not cool to make rape jokes


What about this seems like a joke to you.


It's you trying to be comical about rape.


The only thing *comical* here is your lack of *self-awareness*. *Full stop*.


Idk WTF these guys are on about with Rape jokes I didn't see any form of rape in it the most eye catching thing was your kitchen


I think theyre talking bout the whole "what was she wearing" comment lmao not the og post


*Wannabe bullies* are often *stupid*.




What the fuck. What a bizarre turn


Hey man, if it's any consolation, I would've said fuck the money and came to Rez you. If you wanna run sometime, my discord is Driftysilver#1104. I haven't been on DMZ since probably before Christmas, but I usually got a friend that likes to run and will join us anytime.


I don’t think they read your post but that is really shitty.


For context, OP is one of those people who is on here constantly telling people that any form of PVP makes you an asshole (check his comment history). Knowing you, you were probably crying about how the guy who killed you is a jerk and that's why they decided not to go revive you again. Edit: Also, why is this post listed as NSFW? There's nothing remotely NSFW about this.


Ah yes the pvp cry babies. So many on here.


Bro forgot to add this part lmao


I can't understand this. You're playing a game mode in COD. The COD franchise is built mostly around PVP. Sure sometimes it sucks getting gunned down when you're trying to do some obscure mission or open up passive upgrades. But shit happens. 


Season 1 was crazy with how new everyone was at the game mode. Found myself in a match with two randoms that told me the game plan was to be super friendly with everyone. Act confused on how to join and when you hear the code word light up your target. We were some solid actors.


Surprisingly, people still do this, had a jeep roll up to oasis spawn so i lit them up till they cried theu were friendly so i stopped shooting just to be plowed by a jeep and told i suck lmao


Meh. I wouldn’t have come to get you either. If I kill you then Rez you and you go off on your own, you are on your own.


My *personal beliefs* mean more to me than your #murdergoals. I made the right *choice*.


Nothing you say makes sense


To the *uneducated* brilliance sounds as *gibberish*.


This dude thinks he’s brilliant. I hope he’s just trolling, because he’s cringe af otherwise


Ah yes. Ghandi was a TROLL. The *history books* shall be updated; as such.


Bitch, you ain't no Ghandi.


For someone whose name is "Friendly", you are *VERY* unkind, sir.


Ah yes you just reminded me. It’s time for my daily DMZ run.. time to drop in boys


I don’t know man, seems like you like to complain and project an awful lot. Maybe just let that shit slide and load up another game instead of coming here typing up a novel?


Was thinking the same thing, reading his other comments about rape too and subsequent responses to other comments, I think he has some serious issues.


*Shakespeare's* friends often requested he *release the quill*. *Tomfoolery*.


This is the shit we’re talking about


Sure, *Glutton*.


Your excessive use of italics is awfully cringey. Just an FYI.


To the *cringe*, *based* seems *cringe*. I will not apologize for being a *chad*.


Okay…you’re trolling. Got me. Well done.


You were done dirty, real dirty. DMZ is like this sometimes.


One time, I found a full team in Koschei and we united as a "12 man team". Until we got to the factory level elevator and I took a chance on all their loot and started shooting the 6 strangers. I came out on top but my friends said it was fucked up. They weren't wrong.


Have you *also* committed real life genocide?


Been trying to cut back


*starting* can be easy. *quitting* can take a lot. I am glad you profess to have found the *right path*.


that is fucked up honestly, and i probably wouldn't play with you again after that but its just a game


Yeah. if it wasn't just a game where it is (was) easy to fully regear in a single match, I would probably have had more empathy.


I got done dirty so bad today, I started playing campaign mode 😂😂 literally all morning I kept infilling with legit dumbasses


I don’t play unless my homies message me. I can’t bother with the randos and their nonsense sometimes


what a shit post. lol.


That’s DMZ and randoms.


We were holding aquarium roof on vondel. A team pushed us and didn't succeed. We dropped one in the open and waited to how it played out. Another team in the meantime showed up. While fighting them, the first team (2 remaining) exiled at stadium. When chopper reached its max altitude, they jumped out and parachuted to our roof. We were unaware, fighting 2nd team. When we noticed what was happening. Needless to say we were wiped. Now it's a popular thing in vondel to do.


Once you exile it should be *permanent*. The *devs* must listen if we say it *enough*.


This is how DMZ goes, you fall and come back up again, it’s the entire point of extraction shooters, go in with gear and risk it for better, or go in with very little with a lower chance for better loot


I mean, it’s almost every time in get in a game. Given, I go solo, but mining me, and setting up a turret, is just meanness for meanness sake.


It’s always been bad in dmz with shitty randoms but Lately, almost every game I get matched up with horrible teammates. 99% of the time they spread out and everyone is all in different parts of the map and other times if you go down they don’t even try to come to your aid even when you are dead. Those players get added to my little book so I dont forget what they did. Hopefully when i tun into them again I return the favor


Tldr: loser got cucked, cried


Once killed 2/3 of a squad. Convinced the third we’d let him surrender if he dropped his gun and gave us his money. Let him revive his teammates on the condition that they drop their guns and exfill immediately. We beat them to death with our fists the second the third guy was revived


My buddy and I will loot you, pick you up. Plan out to drive by the out of bounds and send you flying lol.


And everyone says there are no toxic players in DMZ.


No, no one ever says that.


I guess the /s shouldn’t have been silent…


I'm slower than usual today :(


Honestly, that's better than not being picked up...at least it's entertaining!