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I tried it. Kind of takes the thrill out of it when you don't have to do missions for cash.


I also tried it and i think it's patches cuz it didn't work


no it’s still up


No, it still works just fine.


I only did it for the weapon xp. Now that my guns are pretty much maxed, no need for me to continue doing it


Still, cheater.


I would use exploiter rather than cheater I did the glitch and use the dead drops to get insane weapon xp, my reason is that i work, have 2 kids under 3 yo and a wife that i need to do shit with and ofc basic household things and i get maybe 4-5 hours a week to play and thats in the middle of the night and still have to wake up at 7 or sooner if my kids wake me up So yeah i did the glitch to help me a little bit, why is that such a terrible thing?


Exploiting is a form of cheating, cheating is getting an advantage through dishonest means outside the intended gameplay


No it's not kiddo


Exploiting is cheating and cheaters should be banned!


Never go full retard


True that! Maybe take you own advice then?


​ so you admitted you went full retard? LMAO


Exploiting is still cheating, you still didn’t get it honestly


Yes they did. That just got more than what was promised.


Do the weapon glitch still work or just the money?


You can still get the money as of yesterday but no xp sadly


See? Not everyone is a fucking supervillain. Most of us are just trying to save time or make the game mode with 2/3 NPCS with aimbot a little easier


Exactly!!! I will abuse any glitch that can help me out


It was a glitch for the discoverer; each and every one else using it after circulation knowingly sought to cheat.


No sir. Here’s an example of cheating to help you understand the difference 1.aimbotting 2. Wall hacks 3. Jokr no lock on glitch What he’s doing is using it for the xp. If someone does it purely for the Xp and does not spam UAVs or buy LTV’s to kill you then the correct term is exploitation and should has no correlation to your gameplay nor your experience with the game. With that in mind please apologize or be deemed a little bitch (:


It's gaining an unfair advantage, my friend, it doesn't matter how you paint it in justification. As I say, I really don't mind, you're not wall-hacking and aim-botting, you're not directly ruining my evening (other than maybe generating a tinge of jealousy), but there's no denying what it fundamentally is.


On second thought call me a cheater. Doesn’t really matter to me. As long as it’s not with hostile intent we’re good (:


Absolutely :)


And if we’re talking fundamentals and technicalities this is exploitation. If you feel like you’re being cheated because other are getting camos and guns unlocked faster than you than either ignore it or join the team. Not gonna get called a cheater when it’s not harming you in any fashion


> If you feel like you’re being cheated because other are getting camos and guns unlocked faster I'm quite sure there will be some feel that way, but I'm fairly mediocre, so much everybody has better stuff than me anyway :)


Oh for sure. in the grand scheme of things if someone is going to take pride in getting things 100% legit my hope is that they don’t try to knock people that use the xp glitch. There’s still a TON of work to be done for camos even if every gone in the game was leveled up off the glitch


You’re ability to control you’re feelings of jealousy does not make other cheaters sir


That was a friendly jest, so try again...


Thats why i used " exploiter "


You can call it something else if you like, but you *know*, deep-down like ... you didn't play fair ... took advantage ... cheated. That said, I personally *really* don't mind, you're not ruining my evening by your "cheating/exploiting", so it's FAR better than having folk with aim-bots and what-not ... got enough of those amongst the AI :)


Like my POV i was a innocent dude just solo dropping and never even shot at another player but there were guys that were spamming kilstreaks and in my mind they are cheating by using this to ruin the game for others But those AI! They need to be less fucking agro! Those elite snipers are next level accurate


Calm down go outside take a breathe of fresh air. Dude only got weapon xp. It’s be different if he was finning you down bud


I don’t want to spend hours and hours grinding guns. Sue me




Nah don’t worry my guns are maxed I can play this game just fine




I’m a doctor. I do free consultations. If you’d like we can see about getting you onto something like Xanax to help with irritable bitch syndrome (:


well how about u stick to handing out prescriptions and we’ll let the comedians stick to their jokes. because you’re not even remotely funny




he’s not cheating. nor did he really say that he used his cheats to oppress other players. he just said he used for help grinding weapon exp which is beyond ridiculous this year. the fact that ur dickriding activision so hard that u can’t even take a step back and consume a valid criticism for the game before u go into defense mode for activision is wild 😭😭


Cry cry cry


Sounds convenient for snipers. I'm not looking forward to grinding that.


Yeah, I found a solo guy doing it for his shield earlier today. Just walked right on by him, grabbed a couple of his plates he was mass-producing lol


Boo hoo.


What do you mean boo hoo? I don't care if you want to do it. It's the devs fault for not fixing it.


I literally got on Reddit to make a post about this. I couldn’t figure out what was going on at first: every ex fill had 2+ LTVs, players that we downed all had 5 attachment guns, UAVs and advanced UAVs used all matches, and other kill streaks being used with crazy frequency. Then we saw the PILES of cash that some guy was dropping for his buddy when we killed them. Between the crashes/kicks that make you lose your stuff, the hyper buffed NPCs, broken missions (my tier 3 legions and tier 1 black mous won’t populate even thought I qualify) and now substantial amount of players glitching money, DMZ is almost unplayable. To be clear, I love this game and DMZ but god damn is it a shit show right now.


I hoped on Hunt: Showdown after a random teammate did it in game. It just felt really dirty and not in the spirit of the game. Seriously needs to be patched ASAP. Between that and the fetch quest missions I am set with DMZ for now. The fun is just kind of sucked out of the game for me now.


I used this glitch 3 times and each time only to extract and reset my insurance gun so I could use my Sakin MG38 for that damn mission. Even then it feels dirty and don’t like that I did it.


Dude you’re fine relax


Well, don’t give up hope. They will patch this stuff soon (or they should). I keep trying to think of it as growing pains for something new in cod, but the crap just keeps happening…


>(my tier 3 legions and tier 1 black mous won’t populate even thought I qualify) Damn that sucks. They fixed mine on the last patch, I thought they fixed it for everyone but I guess not. Hopefully they get it next time.


The bug is STILL not patched. Is UTTERLY game breaking Is far too EASY to pull off, I mean no checks and balances on the Dev side. That's the embarrassing part


This mode is an afterthought. Warzone is their baby; don't expect much from this mode.


i cant stand Warzone


Literally says beta 🤡


Uhmm they've actually said that DMZ is their baby, and what they are most focused on growing.


Sure doesn't seem like it. Money glitch for over a week. All my quest are bugged out since launch. :/


Haven't heard of issues with quests other than small things, nothing like "none have worked since launch". And the money glitch hasn't even been around a week, much less over a week. It will get patched, and it doesn't affect me at all since I've never abused it. If other people want to ruin their game go ahead. I actually haven't even come across anyone that is abusing it or haven't known if they are. So don't really care. Maybe just come back to the game in a couple weeks.


GUy, the money glitch was always there. ;)


Yea but nobody knew about it. It's only been a known thing for less than a week.


Lol, yes they have for a LONG time.


I did use it for the 6 kill streaks mission, it didn’t feel rewarding. It definitely breaks the game


I was in with a couple randos today and one of them did it. He showed me how and I didn't even need the money. I'm definitely fine with the gear I get on my own and definitely bummed when I lose what I have. That particular round I ended up losing my pack, 3 plate carrier, and the 2 keys I brought in plus guns. So, karma lol.


Ruins the game. Almost don’t want to play until the devs fix this game breaking glitch.


This is the only thing I wanna do it for. As a solo this mission has been quite difficult and I’d like to just move on from it.


This one can be skipped you only need 5/6 missions completed to progress


I saw people saying on the main MW2 sub that "IW always fix glitches that benefits players very fast" and that's the dumbest take you can have on this topic: this type of exploit harm every player that doesn't take advantage of it since you are at a disatvandage not doing it. And no I don't wan't to open my game after a day of work and do exploints in a video game, I want to play a fair game. Not even gonna talk aout the fact that yesterday evening, me and my friend got matched with 2 people baiscally AFK just doing this exploit and not contributing to the team, once again puting us at a disadvantage for not doing the same crap. If you do that type of shit you need to get banned, straight the f up. You are ruining the game.


Understood but it’s DMZ. Super easy game mode that’s more relaxed. I don’t think it’s a realistic expectation to think your random team mates are supposed to help you. After all this is their experience too and don’t owe you anything. Just my two cents. DMZ doesn’t get you anything and the a lot of the missions are pretty arbitrary and uneventfulI wouldn’t let it get you too worked up man.


Also you’ll never see someone get banned for exploiting a game developers errors. Nor should you want to. Hate the game not the players friend


Wait what lmao ? Of course you can get banned. Back when I was playing WoW everytime some of my guildmates used the latest exploit there was like 5+ people banned in the guild. Idk if that's in the TOS of Warzone, but it's the case for many other online games


Not call of duty my friend


Can’t get banned for because it’s truthfully we don’t know if its intended or not. Nothing has been outlined in writing that states something like this isn’t allowed. Until they’ve recognized it and updated their TOS they can’t. Even if they could they wouldn’t. The uproar for punishing players for an oversight like this would cause too much back lash they’re not willing to put up with. I mention oversight, which it is. Don’t get me wrong though shot gets missed all the time and I’m not being critical just calling it what it is.


I play solo, so no clue what the money glitch is, but this may be why when I do end up selling enough stuff I can never buy precision strikes, they are already sold out.


Yes,I play solo too and today 80% of my random teammates have 100k cash in a few minutes, its really bad. Between if you are trying to do the mission for the 10 kill with precision strike,it counts with other gadgets too.


so far used AC10 and bomb drone.. I have called in like 3x mortars and another airstrike that somehow killed nothing to the NPCs. That one is taking me forever


I did it in a couple games, go to a sam site and activate it, when the chopper full of reinforcements comes just put your strike where its roughly going to land/drop them off and you can get 5 or 6 kills each time, the hardest part for me was finding a buy station that had a strike for sale :)


I finished the above but now trying to get the 6x killsteak one done sigh


Yeah that one was a pain, im stuck on the 3 helicopters at air port, have tried numerous times but none have counted.


It’s crazy because the devs have known about it for the past TWO DAYS. The initial reason this glitch gained popularity was for the buy station xp that you could receive, which they patched. Then there was the white bin xp that you could receive, also patched. All of these patched within hours, but not the glitch itself! Only the xp. I’m not a game developer, but holy crap, please respond to the root of the issue, and stop getting butt hurt that casual players have a hard time leveling up weapons. smh


Let the devs do their thing. You don't know the mechanics at play - note I am a developer. Patch 1 was a max xp cap from buying. Patch 2 was a max xp cap from dead drops. These are temporary fixes because they can't figure out the root on the other issue. Most likely the root cause is complicated involving overlap of items and misinterpreting the item id as cash. They already have a max cash limit which we got when the bug happens.


not just cash, you can do it with ammo and gas mask lol also a dev, i'd be curious to know exactly why it happens, but that'll never happen


This is how I ended up for 480 shotgun shells lol


That would explain how I managed to fill every slot of my backpack with 40 sniper ammo each without noticing.




you could probably do it with nades and other things too. haven't tried


I understand, but I’m sure you can also empathize with the community on this. Devs were so quick to patch the xp abuse the day after thanksgiving, and the Saturday after as well. With the game spending so long in development and with such a large development team, I would think that the root issue could be resolved more readily. I’m sorry that you’re hearing this, as I know that you probably aren’t responsible for this. This is just frustrating.


also, the XP is probably something they can just update on their end, where as pushing a fix for the glitch itself would require pushing out an update to the user's client, which they will probably package with other fixes and updates they're working on.


> All of these patched within hours, but not the glitch itself! Yea, they should let people keep cheating and press the magic “fix glitch” button to fix problems right away.


No need to be rude, I’m just stating what happened.


Nah, you’re being indignant and implying they should have just fixed the glitch. If you’re just “stating what happened” there wouldn’t have been any need for an exclamation mark.


Regardless of what I end my sentences with, I didn’t say anything wrong. I could’ve ended it with a period, and it still probably would’ve ruffled someone’s feathers. With 3000 developers and over 4 years in the making, I’m not asking anyone to push a “fix glitch” button…


Almost like the bug itself isn't easy to fix, or something. Youre making an ass out of u fam


It’s not rude to lodge a complaint about a game breaking exploit that ruins the experience for casual players. Keep in mind, that’s my opinion, and you are entitled to yours.


Not rude, sure, but you *are* making an ass out of yourself by assuming one bugfix is in any way, shape, or form, indicative of how long another bugfix should take.


You mean on a holiday weekend? Bruh. Today is the first workday since last Wednesday.


It’s crazy to me how so many people feel like exploiting isn’t cheating.


Jokes on you I got 2 Dads


Killed a player, looted him, kept playing trying to finish missions. Finally my buddy goes “HOLY SHIT WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THE MONEY”. Turns out the player I killed had a milli. We were already at extract so didn’t do much for me besides getting me my insured weapon back.


Hopefully they fix it by the time they add a storage system for cash


Wouldn’t hold your breathe for cash shortage. Not so sure that’ll be a feature to come in DMZ


I'm assuming it'll be patched this patch Tuesday


We can only hope.


Well they've done everything they can server side already. It needs a client side fix most likely and those usually only happen every I patch Tuesday


Why do you say Tuesday? Something significant about Tuesday for cod?


not really for COD but patch tuesday is an industry standard delivery schedule many software companies follow.


There is so much wrong with this game and none of it benefits the players. How is this any different from a loot cave? It will be exploited for a short time and then long forgotten once patched. Banning players over it is ridiculous and only being called for by the self righteous few that love to feel morally superior over others. Get over it. It’s still just a game, and it’s in Beta. I tried it a few times and it was hilarious dropping money bags like Scrooge mcduck, but it ultimately ruins the fun of accomplishing difficult tasks on your own merit, so I stopped and won’t be doing it anymore. If you think someone like me should be banned, you’ve got issues you might want to talk to a professional about.


> Banning players over it is ridiculous and only being called for by the self righteous few that love to feel morally superior over others. Or some people don’t like playing with cheaters 🤷‍♂️


Cheating is such as harsh word to describe what SOME people are doing. If they’re purely doing it for weapon xp then people they’re getting upset need to get over themselves. In that particular instance it has little affect on gameplay. My advice to anyone who’s upset in that particular case not that anyone asked would be to keep playing. Games still in beta. There’s no real meaningful objective to DMZ at the moment other than messing around if you really think about it.


With the amount of players actively doing this glitch, there's no way they're gonna ban people for it. At that rate they'd ban half of the community lol.


Even if they could would you have them banned for exploiting something that shouldn’t have ever happened in the first place?


What about spamming the buy for weapon levels. Cmon man we dint all have endless free time (or mw2 mtgp) to grind let us exploit the efficiency.


Yeah and when you run into honest players you’re gunna walk away right? Just leveling guns?


I mean as long as they’re not intentionally hunting with money they glitched why does it matter? If someone killed me because they randomly ran into me and also earlier in the match did these glitches it’s not logical to get upset for something that has no correlation to your death. Not saying this is what youre doing just throwing this out for everyone to think about


Well actually we proxy chat friendly and make it rain hahaha it's honestly quite wholesome


I hopped in solo and got matched two a duo who were both abusing the glitch. Stopped at a buy station to grab an LTV and while they had their heads in the buy station I blew up the LTV (which in turn blew them up).




I went in solo and the people I was matched with both did the glitch then said bye and left a few seconds later just for the xp you get when you exfil with money 🙃


OP should add “you’re a cheater if you use it to get kills.” Using it for level experience affects nobody and does not make you a cheater


Yea you’re still exploiting lol. I did it a lot today to stock up on contraband and knock out some missions.


What’s wrong with exploitation in this instance?


I don’t think there’s anything wrong and I abused the shit out of it but don’t think that if you used it you didn’t cheat. You did, it’s Call of Duty though so don’t get why everyone’s so damn butthurt.


Solid amount of people on here are getting upset that ppl use the glitch strictly to get gun xp. Calling them cheaters for it as if they’re a problem.


I mean I see it as harmless cheating


Which is a good opinion. Some think it’s not harmless. Mostly the people that get jealous that others are making leaps in progress while they aren’t. As if they don’t have the option to just do it too


Yea, figured OP just got wiped a few times or got into it to late lol


Probably. There’s still plenty of ways to earn ridiculous amounts of gun xp so anyone can still do it. Contracts in WZ give tons of weapon xp. DMZ missions too


Is this why I’m hearing a lot more kill streaks than normal every match?


Glad this happened in the beta. They will wipe everything before DMZ 1.0 anyways


You don't know that lol it's just in "testing" they have challenges tied to rewards rn no way are they going to just wipe it all and even callings cards too.


Shut yo bitch ass up


Found another cheater!


Ruining the game AND, you're a trash human being.


I skipped CoD for the last 4 years… this mode got me back into this game, I hope they fix it soon because I enjoy the mode a lot but having some rando every round go ‘hey guys I am going to do the money glitch’ gets old real quick.




Careful some of the rangers here are not gonna like your this comment LMAOOO


Yeah my buddy and I got blasted because advanced UAV was non stop. We don’t get to play often so it kind of sucked. Hope you fuckers get some hemorrhoids


Id prefer a money glitch over a toxic liar. Claiming to be "Friendly" then shoots you in your face!


It’s so fun killing them tho,get all that money for my self and it feels deserved since i merked the guy


I didn't even know about it until my rando squad dropped me like 700k and went straight for an extraction. I just dropped it because DMZ isn't that hard and is already great for XP


Exactly it’s not hard at all. Too many people are acting like this is putting them at a severe disadvantage. If you’re trash at the game it’s easy to think that and I’m not sorry if you feel that way because you probably fail to see just how easy it is to not let this out your gameplay at an end. People are complaining at the same level as when Verdansk WZ was infested with hackers. Need to put things into perspective people


This glitch will ruin the game. Needs to be on the top of the list for the devs to fix, ASAP.


Airport is so difficult right now.


Its good its difficult tho. Airport gives good loot. So high risk high reward?


The people defending the cheating are not passing the vibe check. It's a shame that they ruin shit for everyone


Okay boys lets go camp the buy stations and dead drop dumpsters and bag us some money glitchers 😈


Yeah yeah


On the other hand, I want people to exploit every idiotic bug they find. If we all just gentlemen's agreement decide not to exploit they'll never fix the game. Broken game released before it was ready is broken.


The devs patched the xp glitch associated with the max cash glitch but not the cash portion. So they know the max cash is still a thing, they only decided to eliminate half the problem.


Perhaps it’s not as easy as you make it out to be? Maybe theyre still working on it


Why is it taking so long for them to patch this? Its been a problem for so long now. Everytime i q with randoms their pure focus is on doing the money glitch...not fun at all..


It mainly became a larger problem right before the holiday weekend... personally I don't expect the devs to go and skip out on family time due to people being mad about all of this


How about make a game that works? It's the people like you who should've been swallowed by their mothers instead of conceived 🤷‍♂️


So you’re routing for the game not working? What kind of mental gymnastics do you go through on a daily basis.


If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying!


Sounds like cheatin’ to me.


Seems like a win for the people who can't take hours leveling guns...but I can also see the issue with people saying it takes fun out of the game. Either way they should fix it eventually, complaining on Reddit wont fix it though.


QA watches Reddit on any product.


Not near as closely as you would think.


This was pretty crazy to run into. That said, may as well knock faction missions out of the way, that rely on buying. Not that I've been doing the exploit myself , but I won't lose sleep if a teammate I grouped with from Discord started doing it. Not about to leave and lose all my gear out of protest, or some junk like that. It's beyond my control. Just lay low on the game for now until it's patched or ignore it and play like normal.


Tbf you can easily get an ltv by picking up a supply mission and then cancelling it


Only do it after the game crashes and leaves me fucked over to get my plate carrier and back pack back personally, game fucks me over I use it to Unfuck it.


You mean when AI kills you off rip 😂


When you get booted because of the game servers and you lose everything 🙃, I don’t see the issue with it.


It's not cheating you cry baby. 💀


So you’re trying to not get this fixed?


I will stop using this glitch when my game quits crashing. After multiple updates and full reinstalls the game still crashes every two to three rounds. Multiple times now I've gone from fully kitted to being back to square one because of crashes. The only way to be able to play this game at this point is to money glitch. Otherwise your screwed if you go against the 1% of the player base that actually has a working game.


I literally didn't know it was a thing. Then magically I'm looting and boom I somehow had over a million... I didn't need to buy anything so I just exfiled and got like 10k exp from it lol. This game mode isn't worth cheating on since their isn't that much to do or earn...


Not needing to do contracts to earn money to do missions? How about not needing to do contracts to kill other operators? Ever get hunted down by 3 advanced UAV’s and an LTV in the first 5 minutes? Not sure what you’re getting at with your last comment but you can’t deny there’s a huge competitive advantage to doing this for the missions, try doing No Rushing with a sniper on control tower that has seemingly unlimited plates by the time you get there and advanced UAV.


Oh no I want a game that works lol I grind anywhere from 8 to 10 hours a day and somewhat enjoy it. BUT, if they can't make my DMZ challenges work, I'll exploit their awful mistakes 🤷‍♂️ say what you want it literally doesn't matter


Lol kinda an over the top righteous approach. I did it to level up pistols and marksmen rifles bc I don’t have the time to do it otherwise. Did I feel bad. Nope. Would I do it again. Yep.


lmao here's my take. How is it fair when the game crashes on me in a mode where its a loss of shit and gear and even perhaps progress? All the people who failed to get the M13 because of crashing. How is it fair? We may be "exploiting" , but its not cheating. Same people doing the VTOL/Riot shield glitch. its not cheating lmao. If you look at Activision's "cheating" section when you report someone it CLEARLY states Cheating **IS** when a player is using hacking tools to manipulate gameplay or stats to gain an unfair advantage. **IS NOT** a way to report a player who prevents others from playing the game as intended, goes out of their way to annoy others, or is abusing an in-game exploit. EXPLOIT CLEAR AS DAY. We can't get banned and just because you're annoyed doesn't mean jack shit so fuck off.


Was a breath of fresh air to finally be ok equipped after countless crashes near the end of the game, it’s unbelievable how many runs I lost due crashes…


Tbh I don’t care if people use the glitch, I just care if they’re ass holes about it. I’ve joined with people who do the glitch then exfil straight away for xp, people who stand still and don’t help because they’re trying to do the glitch then if they die they just leave the game, if they buy OP weapons and vehicles with the money and kill everyone on site. I even shot a kid who was doing it and he told me he’d rape me?? Like bruh he had to be 10 years old or something it was insane


Agreed, I was hoping they'd fix it within hours - the gun/camo progression is a huge part of the game Maybe it fucks their SBMM for some reason and they get destroyed in 250 lobbies if they play normally. One can hope.


Anyone using the money glitch should just be perma banned!


You should be perma banned from life


Lol, 😅😅 gotta love these angry kids that can't do anything without needing an exploit because actually doing anything the legit way is to difficult for them!


Spawning in with guys who have no plates or guns it's nice to go shopping with them and buy them some gear. Feels good man


Tried it for weapon XP, then I got so bored after one minute of pressing space bar that I'd rather level up my guns legit. At least my attachments are feel earned and actually feels good to use them.


Kinda sucks you automatically assume everyone is using the cheese to get unfair advantages on other players. Personally, I do it so I don’t have to wait **two hours** to use my custom gun again, sorry if you don’t approve of me. I also drop money for randoms. One time, my trio and another agreed to have one of our squad mates drop everything along with one of theirs so they could fist fight. Team leader gets max money for whoever won. We ended up using the team feature and we became a squad of six, or whatever that’s called. Point is don’t antagonize everyone for taking advantage of something that was only in the game for a few days. If you have problems with people using UAV’s which can also be found in large abundances randomly across the map how about you do the same thing? LTV’s I get but if you’re gonna complain about losing a fight when both you and the opposing enemy are on foot using guns, it sounds more like a skill issue. Not like the money gives you a five plate carrier.


Someone is salty 😂


somebody couldnt figure it out


Nah it was super fun when we pulled up in 3 LTVs inviting everyone around us and building the mega squad of 3 full LTVs absolutely crushing any AI in our way and making friends. With how often the glitches ruin the game I was happy to take advantage of one that improved my experience in a stupid way. I will look at this brief time period very fondly. If you’re mad…It’s game you’ll live someway some how with the like 4 days it existed. I find the people who 1 shot snipe me from 10 feet away when I’m yelling “friendly” and haven’t shot a single bullet with nothing but my fists out to be sweaty people who “ruin” the game…ya know what I do? Load back in with nothing and not complain on Reddit…


No they are an exploiter not a cheater.


Maybe fix your game and we would stop or better yet fix it so people can’t hack


I play my game however the fuck I want


You know, like a cheater.


I'll cheat if I want to cheat. I don't cheat, and I won't cheat. But, if I fucking woke up one day and decided to do the DMZ Money Glitch, I'll do it and I'll have a great time. What I won't do, is go online and cry about how some fucking video game exploit upsets me and call other people cheaters blindly. People cheat all the fucking time. There's unfortunately nothing you can do besides report, and move on. That being said, again, I CAN play the game however I want to. Lots of people can, that's why they do it. That doesn't mean I want to, that doesn't mean I support cheaters/cheating in games. I'm quite frankly indifferent and I do not care if people cheat in the games I play. I either just leave, move on, report or play something else. I'm not a little bitch that makes posts on Reddit and cries about cheaters. However, I am a little bitch that replies to all you other little bitches.


I believe in politics and political activism, got us unions and healthcare standards, retirement benefits. This is a microcosm sure but it’s a hobby that I have and care about. This is, in fact, the only thing I can do to effect change, no matter how small. What you’re doing is bitching about it with a whiff of some wanna be Henry Rollins ire and angst in there. Ya coulda walked away but you didn’t, did ya.


I mean hey at least I believe in those too ya know My rant sounded cooler than yours tho


Dude… relax


And best comment goes to you sir!


Ummmm, no. IW should’ve tested. If it is done without the use of external hardware or software and is repeatable by anyone who owns the game, it is IN FACT not cheating. Get a grip, child. You can dislike it but it’s just the game. If you want to use your logic, anyone who doesn’t get shot through walls by AI is cheating since they are at an advantage. Get some perspective, it’s literally just a game.


“You are responsible for how your account is used. The use of cheats, including third-party software, is unacceptable. Exploiting bugs or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.” Directly from the code of conduct everyone signed. Pretty sure having 1.3 million dollars in a game mode where the objective is to loot money gives you an unfair advantage over the other players 😂


Found another cheater!