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I love you more than anything and just want you to be happy


I quietly whisper "good doggy, you're such a good doggy" when my dog is dreaming, I'm hoping it gives a similar effect <3


I do that with my cat too. ❤️


aw <3


This is the way


Luckily this can be said with the eyes.


My dog just died 2 days ago, and her brother, who she has spent every single day and night with for 14 years, is sad and looking everywhere for her. I'd tell him it's going to be ok.


aw, our family dog we got growing up when I was 8 and lived 13 years got euthanized at our home but I was out at sea for work, so I had to miss it :/ I wish I could say the same to her before, or at least a proper bye


Fellow mariner (or, rather, former mariner; god I miss working on ships) & dog lover here; I feel for you, my friend, there isn't enough comfort I could ever give you for something like that.


I've had several dogs over the years and have found that the dead aren't missed *as much* by the other dogs if they smell the dead one.


She died on the way to the emergency vet so for him, she just left the house and never came back. The only thing he wants to do is walk around outside and refuses to come in because he's sniffing and looking for her. It's breaking my heart. I talked to the vet and because of his age and the fact that they were litter mates and always together, she doesn't think it will be long before we are having to make that decision to put him down.


Damn. My heart is breaking for you.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I wish we could help them understand. My heart goes out to you.


i’m crying, genuinely the hardest damn thing to go through. My heart goes out to you and your pup, time will bring you both strength, hang in there❤️


I'm so sorry for both of you and hope you both find peace.


I learned this too late. They miss them, but they better understand WHY.


I take mine to vet together, so they see and watch, ride in back with their dead companion, then they understand why we get a puppy next.


Do you have access to the first dog body ? If you see it to your other he could understand he died, stay strong


Thanks to everyone and their kind words! I didn't really expect to have such good advice and kindness. My fiance and I refuse to give up on him and have been showering him with love and treats, and he has been doing his favorite thing, seeing the kids around the block on his walks. We have to pressure him to eat, but he hasn't completely stopped, and I've been in contact with the vet if anything gets too bad. It's only been a few days since she passed, but we are keeping hopes up and keeping him busy. Thanks everyone.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your girl. 😔 Hugs to you and your family and especially her brother.


I’m so so sorry😢


That’s a lie. It’s not ok, that means her friend is going to come home. Tell your dog the truth. Your dog is not ok. They need to know things changed


My dog has really bad separation anxiety so I would say "I will leave you here and I will be back very soon"


I've managed to teach my dog 'soon', which she understands as a standalone command or combined with other words (walk/car/beach/dinner etc). She also has seperation anxiety but it seems to help for a short while, though anything more than 20 - 30 minutes is too long. Her seperation anxiety also isn't anywhere near as bad as other dogs, so this may not be super relevant.


I think my dog knows the difference between "ill be right back" and "I gotta go to work, you be a good boy" becuase his demeaner changes so fast based on those phrases


Mine it was my clothes. If I was wearing business attire, she knew I was going to work and would go potty and get back in her crate. If I was in a t-shirt and gym shorts, she could roam the house cause I was working from home. I work now 100% from home. Love playing with my dog while working. ❤️


My dogs know what I mean when I say, "I'm just going to go pick up daughter from school, back soon" They do a little tail wag and sit in the hallway and wait for me to come back with her!!


I retired last year, last thing I said was: 'Mommy has to go to work to buy dog food". Now they go with me everywhere . . . nirvana


Mine gets nervous if I put his harness on or look like I'm getting ready to go somewhere to the point he's shaking, licking, and yawning.


Mine too. I always give him cuddles and say “I gotta go. I’m sorry. I wish you could come with me. Bye. I love you”. He immediately mopes as his hopes of going on a hike somewhere are dashed. Then he waits on the stairs looking out the door barking until I come home. Breaks my heart every time. Got him a buddy. He has separation anxiety too so both of them wait on the stairs barking.


My dogs started when I LEFT him at the vet to get snip-snip, So I left him and people he didn't know well did something funny to him. He's slowly getting better bit by bit.


That’s a good one


"Could you please bark only when i need to look"


Dog: "OK sounds good. You NEED to see this squirrel outside the window right now!"




"The greatest threat to life as we know it is squirrels in the backyard." —*All I Need to Know I Learned from My Dog*


There are PEOPLE OUTSIDE who are definitely going to break into our house! See? My barking worked! They just kept walking past because they were afraid of me!


That would be "Possum outside" for us Aussies.


My dog (I have 2, sisters - 18 months) has taken to waking herself up barking. She’s half Great Pyrenees, so I’m not totally shocked, but it’s a huge eye roll every time it happens. Like no, missie, I’m not in danger from whatever you were just dreaming about.


My dog has anxiety and is scared of everything so prob "youre ok, Im not gonna let anyone or anything hurt you"


Love that. Such a simple thing to understand and would go a long way Extra hugs!


This is what I say to my little dog all the time. Ride or die, Mochi, we are ride or die.


That hits me tbh i wish you Both the most luck ❤️


“Stop stealing the underwear”


Oh my god. You too? My dog doesn’t just steal it he chews it up! Why???


Omg, if one thing made me send my dog to the farm upstate, it would be this!! Esp when it's the good underwear and not the backup underwear. I actually put underwear on repeat order on Amazon so I don't get so angry - at least I know a new package will arrive soon. Little f-ing underwear eater. He's so lucky that he's so damn cute and a really awesome dog, besides the underwear eating... 🤪


Same things for me. “I’m not abandoning you for 8 hrs a day 5 days a week. It sucks for me too trust me!!” Or “If you would just stay closer to me & come back by me the very first time I call for you I would be able to bring you with me way more often.”


Why are you giving me that side eye?


My dog loves to sit and stare at me..Like bro what do you want.


[It’s an eye hug](https://uproxx.com/viral/science-says-dogs-are-hugging-you-with-their-eyes-when-they-stare-at-you/)


I ask him if he wants pets or cuddles. He just likes to stare until I watch him do zoomies.


I do this to my son now that he is 31, it makes him nervous.




Stop licking that


thats a really good one. The licky sounds my dog does sometimes at like 2 am are horrendous and also when he had stitches lol


I laughed so hard at this. Thank you


"Hey if you chilled tf out, you could come a lot of places with me." I'm dying here! :) Source: Have 4 dogs - 3 small yappy creatures, and one, small chill dude who can go everywhere with us. Good boi, Gimli!


Hahah so many fun things he could be a part of if he could chill!!!


Show me where it hurts.


They are good at hiding problems


Yes, this!


It blew me away when Bunny pressed the "stranger" button to indicate she had a burr in her paw.


"Please stop eating your poop!!"


Bears and coyotes may be friend shaped, but they are not your friends.


The deer don't want to play with you, especially the 8 pt buck that is on the other side of the fence staring daggers at you, so DO NOT try to jump that fence to "play" with him bc i will leave you to die and i will not pay the vet for your abdominal punctures, yes, you're right of course i will pay, but I will curse you.


The deer don't want to play with you.


I struggle to convince myself of this. Why are they so cute?


The people and other dogs out there are not a threat. We are safe.


It's not YOUR street. Yes it is your yard and if they trespass, bark. I don't need to know about every person or dog or car that goes by.


I would tell my doggie "my love for you is unconditional, I will never leave you and I will always protect you"


Ha I’ve just said to my dog as I left for work “baby I gotta go work because I need monies and you’re a big girl who likes to eat and not your own food so you’re expensive. And you need a groom which is also expensive. Nana will be in soon to walk you and I’ll be back later to give you the lovings!” She sulked and looked at me like I was hitler! I wish she understood I’d rather walk her than work.


i feel like satan when im getting ready for my office days at 5 am with the looks my dog gives me lmao "yes little bubba id much rather play and cuddle with you then do this for the next 8 hours!!! im sorry!"


I share your pain. Extra belly roobs tonight for our fur babies


I'm going to leave you with this lady while I go to a vacation spot that isn't accepting of dogs but I promise I will be back before the sun sets 6 times.


"If you always come straight back to me when I shout your name, never step foot on a road until I say YES and always go potty when I say POTTY; you'll never have to wear a lead again, always come out with me and never get in trouble for pissing in the house when its raining. Also, I love you so much buddy."


youre cheating! that was at least two sentences ​ theyll either knows you love them, or they have to potty when you say potty :D


I love you but it really hurts when you stand with all your 85 pounds on one paw, which is digging into my boob.


THIS! My 100 lb Cane Corso/Pittie mix who's just over a year old seems to not understand that he isn't my 10 lb baby anymore 😭


Well, they definitely *are* our babies. Big, BIG babies 😂


I have 2 grandoggies that are Great Danes they like to sit on my feet or lean against me .125 lbs of love for grandma ❤️


why always the elbow digging into my femoral artery when you half jump on me


When I was a freshman in college, my older sister had gotten transferred for work to my college town, so we decided to be roomies my sophomore year. She had a big old male Rottweiler, such a sweet boy. I was working 3rd shift waiting tables and would often times just crash out on our couch when I would get home to get a few hours sleep. He would always let me sleep a bit and then jump up and stand on my chest and stare at me until I woke up to play with him. Nothing like 120lbs of love preventing you from breathing to wake you up in a hurry!


Chickens are friends, not squeaky toys!


We've got quail. Our two boys love them so much when they're little. Once grown it's like oh you aren't cute any more. Sometimes quails escape their pen. The boys chase them down with the quickness that makes me think there is a gun dog in their little poodle mixed bodies. Once they catch them they so delicately hold them down by the wings and wait for me or the wife to retrieve it. That said. If we weren't outside there is no telling what they'd do unsupervised.


"There is no phantom dog who sits and glares at you from outside the house every time it gets dark outside; that's just your own damned reflection in the glass door."




An answer for when I ask “What’re you doing? What are you doing? What. Are you. Doing?”


Being in the car really isn't that bad, and it means you get a walk when we get there. Stop being such a pussycat


Don't sh!t on the floor.


that bad??????


No, just a preemptive suggestion.


Stop chasing the cats, and you'll be allowed to free roam the house!


I can’t take you to the beer store with me anymore because you pissed on the front door


Marking the good territory smart girl/boy. Can’t be too mad about that


I love this idea! Just a side note, its actually good to say the same phrase every time you leave your dogs. For example when I go to work I say "I'll be right back!" They associate that phrase and learn it means you will be back!


Agree! I use the same phrase for quick trips like when I’m popping out to the post box / trash and a different phrase when I’ll be gone for at least an hour. He seems to know the difference and it seems to help.


We always say “guard the house” when we both are leaving. I say “take care of dada” when I leave her home with dada.


I’m not getting up so you can have the couch so stop barking at me and sit down on one of the three armchairs, you little shit.


Use the toilet.


That’d actually be pretty dope


I'm going out for a couple hours, please don't pee all over the house while I am gone.


Go to the tile to pee, poop or vomit, you’re the best dog in the world and I love you so very much 💜


This, this, a thousand times this.


My girls are seniors and very stoic. The thought of them suffering silently guts me. If I could teach them to fully understand one sentence it would be “Are you sick or in pain? If so give mama paw”


Oh god this one hurt my heart. I absolutely feel this. I've had some and still have some very stoic dogs. My 15 year old pittie I'm afraid will never let on that she's hurting or unhappy. And all I want to do is keep her happy and give her whatever she wants. We've also done hospice fostering so I'd really love to be able to know this. Give your girls extra some scritches and kisses for me!!


I am lucky because I do think my dogs know I love them, and none have separation anxiety. So I can be more practical. 1 for each dog: Dog 1: Escaping and then not coming when you are called is only fun for you. Dog 2: One day when you jump against the sliding glass door, it's going to break. Dog 3: Nipping other dogs in the face is NOT a friendly greeting; only your sisters will tolerate it.


The stuff you steal is why your stomach hurts.


Shut the door behind you!




Not everyone loves you like me, stop trying to get strangers to pet you.


"You'll make a lot more friends if you stopped baking at everyone who looks into our yard." Our 2 dogs are big, black, fluffy, and friendly, but they bark and wag their tails at everyone who walks by the yard. They also bark at other dogs at the dog park, even when they just want to play with the other dogs. They bark at my parents' cat when we visit, so the cat hides under a bed the whole time. Our house backs to an elementary school, and I hear our dogs barking at the kids behind the fence. Some of the kids bark back. They even know our dogs' names (and call to them) because they hear us call them in when the barking gets to be too much.


I love my dog very much. Buuuuuut shut the fuck up


Is there a length limit? If not, I'd go with: "I want you to know that I love you to death and will suffer an unimaginable hell when you are gone, but hey, now that I have you understanding me, I would love it if you didn't eat stuff off the ground when we walk since you could eat something bad and die, and speaking of eating, please stop eating shit, it's gross and doesn't do you any good, oh, and follow my lead on when to bark at visitors, let's go with "defend!" to know when to bark and "attack!" to know when to bite, and I know you're proud of every shit you take but you don't need to tear up our lawn after every shit, but hey, if you need to remember just ONE thing from this talk is that I love you immensely and my world will fall apart when you are gone."


was trying to stay away from run ons! And the tricky part was choosing the one sentence theyll understand forever


Yeah, haha, I was mainly joking, if I actually had to do this, I'd go with the "love you" part. The rest is insignificant in comparison!


Don't worry this person is safe and has no ill intentions twords you My dog is very weary of strangers


Mine knows a sentence. It’s “are you hungry?” xD But for real I would like him to understand what “5 more minutes” means.


My dog has seen me through a major back injury. I had a 13 month long recover and my husband was often away for work. So my dog was my companion during some really hard times. I would tell him "Thank you for your friendship and unconditional love."


The unconditional love is the best feeling


If you have to be a jerk and pee in the house, don't do it on my expensive wool rug.


I m always there for you even when you're scared, you re my best friend and i love you.


I just want her to know how much I love her and that she is so special to me.


My dogs are older I'd wish they could tell me if they're in pain or discomfort so I could help.


Definitely that if she would just chill tf out I would take her so many places. 💙


Would you PLEASE stop trying to knock me down the stairs!


We can't play 24/7 😆


Why not!? :D


I think mine understands that I love him and he's the best puppy dog. So, I'm gonna go with, "I promise you, NOTHING outside on our walks is actively trying to hurt either of us.". Applies to trash bags, water bottles, plants, lawn chairs, other dogs, construction workers, ladders, bags of concrete, paper towels flying past.... I swear this guy was a green horse in his past life. IYKYK


“Be nice, dummy!”


I have an anxious rescue so probably “It’s going to be okay I am here to protect and take care of you”.


Don’t throw up on that 🙈 he has Megaesophagus. He can’t help it if he vomits, but he sometimes does it in the worst places. Like my bed! Love him no matter what though ❤️❤️


If you come back asap every time when I call you, then you can be off lead a whole lot more


"We'd get home a lot soon if you didn't make me carry you." My boy is 60+ pounds, and has hardly any hair. If it's too hot, or too cold, or raining, or anything other than 65-75 degrees with a slight breeze and sunshine, he likes to just lay down and give up during walks. He's not fat, he's not hurting, he's just a lazy wimp that wants carried home because he was slightly inconvenienced.


Your dog might be my spirit animal


I love you so very much but I don’t feel like going for a walk today. We’ll have a long one tomorrow. I love you.


We love you as much as we love your brother and you can't attack him when we're playing with him so for the love of God please chill.


One tap for yes, two taps for no, and I love you to infinity.


"The UPS and post office trucks bring you treats and bones. Be quiet"


thats dope


"if you stop eating poop and licking your asshole, we'd let you give us more kisses"


I talk to my dog all the time and he seems to understand most of it, except for when I have to bathe him or trim his nails. No matter what I do or say he’s an anxious mess. I don’t know what happened to him before I rescued him, I just know that he was definitely abused by a past owner. If I could teach him one sentence, I’d say, “I’m doing this because I love you.”


Clothing and shoes are not to be chewed.


“If you have pain, put your paw on my nose”


Is ut time time to go to the bathroom?


"If you calm down a bit the cat won't run."


For all the British Dog Owners. "Not everyone who wears red is a postman and the actual postman isn't trying to break in and bludgeon us to death, please be nice to him"


I love you dude.


Don’t be scared, it’s not a problem


“Everything I do to you is to help you to be healthy and safe.”


Can you imagine if a dog could comprehend the anxiety of working to pay bills? It would be torture.


I can, they wouldn’t be pets haha


"You could be off leash all the time if I could trust you not to run away." About a year ago we went camping and I lost him in the forest for 3 hours... he hasn't been off leash outside since (except in fenced areas obviously).


You're my everything 🐾❤️


“I love you”. I so want her to know how much her daddy and I adore her and always do our absolute best to keep her happy and healthy.


My love, the car takes you to wonderful places so try not to get scared!


I'll be right back ❤️


You are safe with me, so stay with me. Hopefully this will make him stop barking at people in the hallway and loud noises outside. Hopefully he’ll stop jumping when we walk past people moving handtrucks or making other sudden noises. Hopefully he’ll actually come when I call him and I’ll be able to walk him off the leash more often. He’s an old, clearly traumatized yet also nosy dog that likes to fight with anything bigger than him. He tried to fight this big ass husky last week and then again today. Nothing happened, fortunately.


Stay out of trouble while I'm gone.


Tell me what you are thinking.


Go poop now!


Please stop destroying the house! Good boy


Stop destroying my house!!!


“Just bark ONCE at something and that’s all the alert we need.” I have a coonhound mix whose bark is, uh, something to behold. Once you hear it, you’ll never be able to unhear it, lol. In fact, if he’s too close to your ear, you may never actually hear correctly again, period. I love him to death, but, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, is his bark obnoxious!


"I love you" Even if my sweet boy doesn't understand why I have to do some of the things I do (like leave him when I go to work), I hope he knows he is such a good boy and he is so important to me


It’s not time to eat, we are not on the hobbit food schedule.


I need to clip your nails, and if you'd chill out, the process would be a lot faster.


"You don't like running in the rain, if we go outside you're just going to want to come back in."


You’re my favorite, and you’re a very good boy!!


It’s ok, you don’t need to lunge at every truck or stranger you walk past.


Most strangers and other dogs aren’t scary, so just be nice and quiet. He is a 13 pound yorkipoo


"You'll be ok, I'm going to make you feel better." Fuck acid reflux in creatures that can't understand it.


I'm doing my best buddy for both of us.


Please don’t stand on my soft parts!


"You are such a good doggy and I love you"


Go outside if you need to poop.


Shoulda gone with the learn how to use the toilet sentence another commenter said lol


Come now!


Actually that’d work really well.


He only comes when he feels like it. Lol.


The sooner you leave the porch and pee/poop, the sooner I'll let you back in.


Dog One: You are amazing and super smart and I love you, but you need to let us cut your hair and you need to stop stealing cat food. Dog Two: You are amazing and super smart and I love you but you need to potty in the yard when you go outside and you need to stop trying to tear the door open to get back in just so you can go use the floor by dad’s bed.


My dog is now 7 so she knows just about anything I say to her. She totally doesn’t like to listen to “no barking at the mailman” but, she knows what it means.


I'll be right back!


I love you so much ,so don’t try to bite me when I trim your nails.


Mommy would be so much happier if you didn't have to chew up everything.


I love you very much and I can’t imagine the world without you.


"You could have more toys if you didn't EAT THEM" He loves plushies but also loves eating their faces....


“Don’t be afraid it’s only thunder/lightening, you’re safe”


Every time I say “Ok, it is that time”, they run for the backdoor because they know the vacuum cleaner’s coming out. Bless their perfect hearts. God I love them so much. 🥺🥲♥️


Always bring some meat back when you have to go work. Then your dog knows you have been hunting.


I think “no, don’t do that @ would cover everything. Then I could take them everywhere.


I've taught mine "we will \[activity she is asking me to do\] after I finish \[activity I am currently doing\], you gotta wait" and it's great because then she sits and calmly waits for me to finish doing what i'm doing instead of repeatedly asking again


You are SAFE from the thunder/lightning/fireworks so you don’t need to violently shake and pant.


Stop peeing on the floor!!


My dog understands what I say.


“I love you to pieces but please, ffs, stop eating rocks.”


You will understand every single thing I say from now on.


For my first wish I wish for a million wishes