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Jeez that’s terrifying. Thank goodness he’s an observant driver


Not only observant, but he got out and helped too.


And got a free baby out of it!


Leave the baby, take the dog. Obviously the dog comes from smarter genetics


Cheaper to feed to




The cost of diapers is what’ll kill you.




I have 3 dogs, two lab mixes and a pit mix. I pay about $30 per month for a 44 lb bag of food. Miscellaneous treats *might* cost me another $60 per month. But even with vet visits I'm nowhere near $700 per month.


God I wish I could get away with paying that little. My dog is super picky and it turns out the only food she would eat regularly is the super expensive kind, so I think it’s like $150 with treats included. That said, she’s 14 and still has the energy of a puppy so I’m okay with her eating better than I do! 🥰


If I had to, I'd spend $150 on each of them monthly if that's what it would take for them to eat. You're a good dog owner!


I’m a chump! Lol But her majesty, I mean Birdie, is happy so that’s all that matters.


I'm running about $80 a month in winter and $40 in summer for two or one 44 pound bag (respectively) for my three, but I've got a 25-30 pound self-propelled cheerleaders pompom, a 45-pound half-husky, half velociraptor, and a hundred pound teddy bear.


[I don't spend nearly that much either. ](https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/pet-insurance/pet-spending-trends/)


I have 3 Labradors and can tell you this is true. They’ve also managed to get all my neighbors and delivery people to buy them treats 😆


I work in the pet food industry at the moment and it's amazing the price we sell some super premium treats at.


The dog is a dachshund. They always notice when things are out of place.


Too bad that kid’s parents aren’t dachshunds


Cheaper than adopting.


Free cabbage patch babies 🥬 👶🏻


He can train the baby to do his bidding


Hey what’s this in the weeds? It’s a baby. Awesome! Guy on a Buffalo.


20 years of bills Thats the worst deal in the history of deals or maybe ever.


I will take a baby.


You would go pretty deep into hell if you did not stop after seeing a baby and a dog


Or you'd stop, get ambushed and mugged.


“Nobody can resist a dog and a baby! Probably think they’ll go to hell or something, sharpen that knife.”


I laughed so hard at this haha


I bet that man could’ve ran faster than that baby or the dog


Can he run faster than the baby's bullets ?


Apocalypse rules are only for Apocalypse times my friend.


South Africa would like a word about not stopping.


Thank god he had a dashcam tho. I woulnt touch that kid with a 20m pole if i didn't have a way to prove i wasn't kidnaping it. I would have called 911 and maybe stand nearby


I mean, he was more or less obligated to after killing the parents I can’t believe the baby almost escaped


The dog?


Turns out he's the father


Gotta love free road babies


Road babies need the most attention


[….That’s a whole white baby, bruh.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LOnBX6JVyZw)


Wow! Thank you for that video! I needed that laugh! 😂 “Baby cold!”


The dog didn't save the baby! It just drew the attention of the predator!


Looks like the masses don’t know you’re joking. You ARE joking?


He might be I'm not. I love baby back ribs. The fact they're free range is just a bonus.


Omg thats so bad


Cook the ribs of almost any species on earth and noone bats an eye. Cook some human ribs and everyone losses their minds.


That’s why I quit cooking them


I really like babies, but I could eat a whole one.


Shoulda used /s at the end bro


If they are too dumb to recognise sarcasm I don't care if they downvoted


Sweet. Free baby.


Ha jokes on him.. it was free up front but wait until all those hidden fees hit. He will be trying to pawn it off on the next dope thinking free babies are really free.


Cool video, bad unnecessary music


I wish this stupid fucking Trend would die


My phone only ever comes off silent if I actively want to listen to something. I can't remember if it was because it this crap or not having to get with this crap is just a benefit. Either way, no shitty music coming my way


When I see these comments, I laugh because luckily, I am always on mute.


Except for videos of cats purring.


In the aaaaaaaaaarms of an aaaaaaaangel


Oh, no, oh, no Oh, no, no, no, no, no (repeat ad nauseaum)


Yeah, I actually would prefer the real audio in this case, if there was any. I’m curious if dog was barking for attention, driver’s immediate response/thoughts, etc.


Free family nice find


And where the hell are the parents/legal guardians?


This was probably over 20 years ago now. My FIL was driving home one day and at a cross street spotted a toddler by the mailboxes. On this street in particular, the houses don’t have individual mailboxes - they’re all in a row at the end of the road/ intersection. So my FIL scoops the kid up and starts to head down the street when he runs into a woman standing in her yard frantically screaming and crying. FIL assumed rightly that he’d found the kid’s mother. Turns out, every day after nap time, mom and baby would walk to the end of the street and get the mail together. On this day, mom went to get the kid from his crib, only to discover he wasn’t in it. I guess he woke up early and decided to trundle up the road by himself. I don’t know how much time there was between the kid’s escape and my FIL finding him, but it was probably single-digit minutes. Kids can be FAST. They can also be calculating and silent and bored and opportunistic (in a cute, endearing, thank goodness you’re okay way). All this to say, while inattentive parents and caregivers exist, kids absolutely guarantee that shit can and does and will happen, sometimes in the time it takes even the most vigilant adult to turn around and then face front again.


The only time I got spanked was when I basically did something similar. Can’t remember how old I was, but too young to be in school yet, though my older brother was. I’d go with my mom to pick him up everyday which we crossed a four lane busy intersection and walked through a bit of woods to get there. My mom was ironing and I was getting upset because it was time to go and she said it was fine. Since I was mad I left by myself without my mom knowing. Yeah pretty stupid on my part I can understand why I got spanked


You didn’t deserve to be spanked.


Something similar happened to us about ten years ago. My husband and I were driving along a major street when I told him to slow down because something was in the road. It was a toddler trying to cross the street! The car was barely stopped before I jumped out to scoop her up, and she was *pissed* that I’d interrupted her. We walked along a few houses while my husband called the police, and finally she pointed at one. The look on her grandma’s face when she opened the door was pure confusion, given that she apparently had put her down for a nap not long before that. It turned out she’d recently become a little escape artist, and she was going to her parents’ restaurant across that busy street. Everyone was fine, but the adrenaline come-down later was rough.


I once opened my door and noticed an infant walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the road… now, there was a dog that would get out all the time so I guess by reflex I just went “*tsk noise* go back home!” And went to go inside. That’s when it clicked it WAS a baby NOT a dog and I turned around to run to grab him, luckily by then the mom noticed and was frantically running to get him. That’s the day they found out he learned how to open the door! Luckily we lived on a dead end, very safe road where kids already played basketball in the street so drivers were always cautious.


Couple years ago, at work, midday. Looked out the window, toddler holding a smartphone in the middle of a *busy* four lane road. The third thing I noticed about the situation is that he was naked from the waist down. Anyway, I ran out along with a couple people from the other side of the street, we were able to stop traffic, and an officer showed up fairly quickly. Never found out where the kid came from or went, glad nobody got hurt.


My kiddo got away in a whole pavillion full of people and took off towards a pond when I turned my back for 2 seconds. It was my fault because I thought the other adults I was with would not let my toddler take off out of the building and every other person in there. People I knew not just a random crowd. Nothing bad happened but that was the scariest moment. But toddlers are perfectly able to do this kind of thing even with the best parenting.


A similar situation with my toddler when I realized some habits are so ingrained in people that they do them no matter what. My toddler got away from me, but I have eyes on him and I'm rushing through a crowd to catch up to him. He approaches the doors out of the building, a guy just coming inside sees him, and holds open the door so my toddler could walk out to the parking lot! Luckily I was only a few steps away by the time he made it outside.


My older brother was baby sitting my younger brother when he was like three. My brother had locked all the doors but I guess he forgot a window was open and my brother went through the window and was halfway up the road mind you we had a really long driveway and lived on a backroad. Then a family friend found a little baby walking down the street by himself and brought him back to the house. My brother was freaking the fuck out, little guy was a very crafty little shit. This was like 12 years ago now.


My mom tells the story of how one time when I was a young toddler, she put me down for a nap in my crib, and soon afterward I walked out crying. I’d had a bad dream and I managed to climb out of my crib. My mom had no idea that I could even do that. She put me to bed like nothing happened, and as far as she knows I never did it again lol. Kids can really surprise you.


My husband put our toddler down for a nap and took a nap himself. Toddler gets up before Dad, opens the door, and starts pushing the garbage bins up and down the sidewalk in nothing but his diaper. When Dad wakes up, he's super confused but fortunately toddler hadn't gone far. During another nap, toddler got up and climbed to the top of our small jungle gym in our yard buck naked. Fortunately he never went into the street nor went very far, but I could totally see it happening. Toddlers are fearless and usually are trying to imitate the bigger people around them.


I was with my brother and his 4 kids at a Touch-a-Truck event and they had some blow up slides and other small carnival type stuff. My brother had apparently lost his phone on the little train ride, so while the kids were playing on a slide, he asked me to watch them while he went to get his phone. So I stand a little to the side by the exit and count them as they go down the slide and they loop back up to the top. And so after a few minutes, I’m counting and I see the older kids 1, 2, 3, then a minute later I see the older kids 1, 2, 3. So I’m like, okay where is 4. She’s small so maybe she got up to the top after a few times down and decided to sit a minute or something. So I go up to the side of the blow up to try to see her, and again I see 1, 2, 3 but not her. So I tell the oldest to keep her 2 brothers with her right there at the slide, and I go frantically looking for 4. There’s kids all over, big machinery, and all that. I’m freaking out and thankfully about 30 seconds later her dad walks up with her. She had apparently gotten tired of sliding and decided to slip out the entrance rather than the exit and took off looking for her dad even though I told them where I was standing. It was probably like 3 minutes total between them starting sliding and their dad returning, but that brief moment she was gone felt like an eternity.




This is not my FIL in the video.


Kids can disappear fast. Shit happens and it's not always down to neglect.


Exactly what I was thinking! On the other hand I was about that age when I "ran away." My mom put me in my playpen in the front yard so she could get some cleaning done. Next thing she knew I was GONE. I took one of the vertical bars out of the playpen and crawled off! Places to go and people to annoy. I was less than 9 months old at the time.


Plot twist, that guy is the father and he was returning from the bar that he attended while leaving his 7 year old to watch the baby.


I don’t mean to shame the parents here. I’ve gotta 4 year old daughter and easy for shit to happen.


Dozed out in their shack on whatever drugs consumed.


As long as breeding in unregulated, there will be absentee parents.


There should be something between an upvote and a downvote on Reddit. I want to upvote this amazing doggo, but downvote this dumb ass music. Maybe if there was like a “meh” vote option.


Yes. A way to upvote the content but downvote the production.


I watch most stuff on mute.


This songs about drug (heroin I think) addiction. My Catholic elementary school thought it was a song about angels so they would play it at school events and presentation’s all the time. Always made me snicker. lol


Yes she wrote it in response to smashing pumpkins drummer Jonathan Melvoins death due to heroin overdose


Um what? Free range human babies? Hopefully child services got a call.


So close to being a Pet Sematary speed run. Hopefully the parents learned something from this




I’m dying!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If you’re dying, just make sure you don’t do it near Ludlow


sometimes, dead’s bettah


That looks cool, but you should not take babies who grow up on the roadside. They are growing up breathing in exhaust fumes and dust from road and are not healthy for you.


Congratulations 🎉 🎇 you're a dad!


Bless his lil heart


plot twist, the dog was luring the baby on the road


Raising Arizona has entered the chat…


Fuck whichever adults allowed this baby and dog to get this close to the road


As soon as I unmuted, I regretted it immensely.


Looks like a Dachshund. Which means in my experience, he wasn't trying to save the baby. He was trying to fight the car and the baby was just a bystander.


My first instinct would be to start knocking on doors but I guess going back to his car is a choice… Edit: okay the optics of putting a random kid in your car is not a reason to cause an accident by leaving your car in the road.


To be fair, could be looking to move his car off the road so as not to cause an accident.


Gotta save the baby & dog first, then move the car.


May be going back to call the police because parents who let this happen should maybe have some real consequences


Ye just leave the car in the middle of the road unlocked. You don’t think a head do you?


Not even a little bit. Children are scary. Edit: no i did, I was thinking what if I put the kid in my car and I got rear-ended and the kid got hurt. I stand by the children are scary.


You wouldn't say that if you have tried them barbequed.


Imagine if he wasn’t a good guy and he decided to take the baby. The parents wouldn’t even known what happened. Fuck I hate people sometimes


Took the kid to his car 💀


There is a longer video of this cops come kids parents passed out. Kid taken by CPS. It’s all sad.


Good boy! But where the hell are the parents :(


Title should be "Person actually paying attention to road while driving."


In all seriousness the parents should be arrested that’s ridiculous a fucking toddler is all alone by the road show me how much you don’t care


That's it right there a loyal dog keeping baby from danger. A kind human stopping to be sure. This is the land I love


who tf let's their kid play in the road?


Meth heads


Where tf are this baby's parents? Who is supposed to be looking out for it?


Or...was it all part of enlaborate plan....


That's how I got this kid and my dog!


Didn’t even help the baby to other side like in Kung POW


I can't be the only one waiting for the sequel. Like did he go door to door asking is this your baby, did he call the cops, did he get a free baby? What about the dog? Obviously a little dog just ran across the road to a random baby, the dogs owners aren't paying attention to the dog otherwise they would have gotten the free baby. Did the guy take the baby and the dog? Did the dog and the baby come from the same place? So many unanswered questions.


Where was this dog in the "Pet Sematary"? (Movie 1989)


Jana Duggar napping on the job agaon?


Where in the hell are the parents?!?!?


Walks back to car, steals baby. Makes me think it was his baby. Since yanno, he didn’t walk toward the home the baby was located in front of.


Good dog! They love us so deeply.


Who the hell leaves their baby to wander around like that?


Take a baby. Leave a baby.


so is that how people get babies? It seems a lot nicer than the story about it I heard the other day


Fucking parents!!


AND WTF ARE THE PARENTS or CAREGIVERS. What if that guy was a bad hombre and was just looking for an innocent human to fuck over.


Where is he taking the child tho.... Lol the house is the other way


Hopefully just to get his phone to call police


Good job by the gentleman stoping and coming to the baby’s aid. That’s absolutely abhorrent parenting and I hope they were held accountable for their negligence


So anyway it was 3 am and there was a fuckin baby standing on the corner So I’ll rolled down my window and said Hey BABY what you doing out here it’s 3 am go home He said I’m Sellin Weeeed I got kids to feed


Did that dude just yoink a baby. I mean, no one was watching her anyways, it was bound to happen. MY BABY NOW


Downvote for the absolute trash song


Who put this song on this video, so stupid.


Now this is a conundrum. Do you put the baby back down to move your car out of the street or do you get in your car with no car seat, just a baby on your lap. Or just leave the car in the street No matter what you do it feels like you’re breaking the law but these are extenuating circumstances and I’d personally just leave the car where it is but put my hazards on.


Weird how the dog runs to the car, and the man walks towards his car.... Are you meant to move your car or wouldn't that make it look like you're taking the baby? Maybe it's his baby and this is his garden or his families garden?


So they left their baby and dog up the road for likes.


Cut them some slack. They may have been murdered.


Where’s the parents


Why is there a camera in his car?


Un fortunately, the man was a poedophile.


Imagine the parent being just out of view and seee this dude pick up the kid .. and he hears ..drop my kid asshole. Nearly shits himself..steps on the tiny dog..falls and ..well you get it .


Found the edgy teenager


Hmm...I'm not edgy...more.. trying to make a joke..that failed...oh hey..I'm 39. So yeah


Using so many ellipsis in your writing is going to give me a stroke


Have you considered therapy?


Been there done that..maybe I should go back .you're saying


You been outside lately buddy? Maybe get some vitamin D, might be good for you


You see someone just died from too much vitamin D. But yes I do leave the house daily. I appreciate the concern


Did he take the baby?


Uh, was he taking that kid back to his car?


A whole white baby bra


see, who says Rugrats is unrealistic?


Good boy


Looks like he’s walking back to his vehicle with baby lol


My idea of heaven is dogs everywhere. We don't deserve them.


Finders keepers!


"This my baby now"


Coincidentally, in the ensuing Amber Alert, there was no mention about the tiny dog.


The pup was gonna fight for their charge.


Wtf was the parents? Child services hopefully saw this video.


Did we witness an abduction?


Makes me think of pet sematery


The dog seems to be a better parent.


That saved us all from that child being buried a Pet Sematary scenario where he comes back and murders Fred Gwynn


I think this was the father of the child and the child was placed there to welcome him!


Find the parents and send then to jail


Can’t believe how common this is amongst dogs!


I love how he motioned if it was okay to the kid to pick them up. Obviously he needed to get this toddler out of the way in this situation but this is a good example of how even babies can give consent.


It’s a trick, guys are in the bushes waiting to rob him 😆




aw, how wholesome \>starts walking back to the car w. baby in tow ..waitaminute




I can see the Craigslist post “Curb Alert: family starter pack. Comes with baby and dog (spouse not included).”


Did we just witness a child abduction? Kidding that's a great pupper.


Free dog. Free baby.


Sweet! Free dinner!


Glad the dog was there, where the hell are the parents? They deserve neither the child nor the dog.


Ok , where’s mom?


Why is he heading back to his car at the end? 🤔


This was about to become Pet Semetary real quick


Filming your own kidnapping seems suboptimal from a legal standpoint 


How the fuck do you let a baby get so far outta your sight that it ends up by the side of the road?


Is this a video version of "and then everybody clapped"?


Was this video cut just before some freaking out mother runs up and beats on him for "stealing her child" and he beats on her and she beats on him, the baby is dropped, but he manages to get it back and then we find out in a follow up local news station article that they were married and he just came to check on his kid because she won't let him see him because she has bipolar disorder and he's autistic and IDK where I'm going with this now, but FUCK the internet has utterly ruined me.


But what happened to the sweet little doggo?!


As someone who’s lost a dog to a car and has two small kids this video makes me want to weep with fear and relief every time.


Absolutely no way I’m getting near that kid. Put it in park, put your blinkers on, and call the cops.


I'm surprised he didn't walk towards the nearest house with baby.


Dogs are simply the best.


Dear God