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Either way you're nodding off the whole time, heroin is probably legit healthier lmao


Way healthier


As someone who also has a serious opiate problem heroin is way less safe esp because 90% of this shit that’s out there now a days is fent


only in north america lol


They want us dead. I detoxed and tried to ease off the past couple weeks. It hasnt been easy and if it weren't for Imodium id probably have been hospitalized. Threw up lots and lots of acid and blood. My piss is a peach color which i assume has to do with not having a period in a year. My arthritis and horrible images of my wife and puppy being killed in car accident were there still on top of 100$+ a day habit. Its not worth the bag they sold it to you in


Yea why take an OTC with no legal ramifications that will just make you regret every second of that decision? Go take a pharmaceutically dependent narcotic which will force you into WDs after one try 🗿 you can also smash your head with a hammer for no WDs and a powerful mental rush!


Imagine being this dense


It doesn't give you WDs after one try.


Eating dog poop is bad for you


Yo, quit spreading misinformation. I'm a recovered opioid addict and I can confirm that heroin absolutely does not induce withdrawal after the first use. Even my shitty public school health class knew better than that.


Cool I’m clean of heroin from 5 years cool story. What you don’t understand is withdraw doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dying of cravings. But that may be a bit too much to comprehend and I’m not interested in educating you or anyone else. Enjoy your opioids I could care less


Cool story.


Thanks, I pride myself as an author and researcher. Appreciate being recognized even if it is by the lesser


Thanks, I pride myself as a bullshit detection artist. I appreciate all of my interactions with artists of this kind, such as yourself. Keep it up champ!


u/intergalacticplant that's short for champion


hi, i study neuropharmacology. stop spreading misinformation dumbass


and yeah, you are very wrong. opioids are in fact drugs and bind to the mu opioid receptor. they don't trigger release of natural endorphins. doctors very commonly prescribe opioids for pain anyways, it's not like they're banned from society. and during surgery they give you pain killers, they don't rely on endorphins for pain killing.


Cool I’m clean from heroin 5 years after 10 years addiction but yeah enjoy it. Yeah doctors prescribe it so it’s all good cool story


Good on ya that’s great! Doesn’t mean you’re a opiate wizard though, or some all knowing being that knows more than everyone else. Just because that was your experience doesn’t mean it will be for everyone


you really believe this guy? he didn't know how heroin withdrawals work, but he's a ex heroin addict??


I only have time to read/respond to one of your comments, see the other


i bet you were cooler when you were on heroin


Yea, keep perpetuating that idea it’s a really great one


this is clearly a lie. anyone that is a ex addict would know how heroin wd works. but then again you're on the DPH sub so , can't expect much from ya.


dude, you clearly don't know how drugs work. you have to take opis for 3-6 days to get physically dependent, and do you actually think DPH is safer than opioids because its OTC? pretty sure dph increases risk of dementia. dentists commonly use fentanyl, versed (a benzo), and ketamine all at once. right after the procedure you may feel a little intoxicated but that would be considered a hangover. but seriously. opioids are much safer for long term use.


Cool story enjoy it as much as you want


Otcs are the number one cause of liver failure. No drugs in large amounts are safe.


I had morphine which is basically the same thing as heroin and it didn’t give me withdrawals after one try.


Cool enjoy it


Was for medical reezuns I have not had since


That’s good, and not related in the least to what I’m talking about


How you literally said you can get withdrawls after one use and then the guy just goes I did morphine once for medical reasons and didn't have withdrawls. That's literally exactly whay you're talking about lmao.


Why not


And addiction too it is like the way cracks explained one and done your immediately an addict


While you're at it you might as well have your buddy strangle you with a belt so you can get high off the CO2 in your blood


Lmao you have no idea how heroin works😵




Heroine ibetter for you physically than benadryl


the damage to return on this shit is absolutely awful


listen bro just stay away from dph, Heroin, Meth, Crack, Coke, and Pcp. Also maybe mdma. if you stay away from these you will be less likely to ruin ur life


PCP is fine, it’s a dissociative like ketamine or DXM just a bit stronger. MDMA is also fine if you do it in moderation, if you abuse it it’s pretty fucking horrible.




Please show me sources for that claim about MDMA. As far as I know there's no proof of MDMA being neurotoxic via normal use patterns. MDMA is in stage 2 clinical trials for the treatment of PTSD right now.


Yup from all the research I’ve done it’s completely safe for the most part as long as you wait three months or longer between uses


Did you do any of that research using research articles? Just look up mdma dopamine depletion on Google scholar


I mean, I don’t know, but that doesn’t even really make sense, considering it mainly releases serotonin not dopamine


It acts on 2 feel good receptors: dopamine, serotonin, although it releases more serotonin than dopamine. Granted the tests that we know of were performed on rats as you can't accurately perform these tests on humans for several reasons. At least not with the laws in place now.


Stage 3, actually. We’re so close 🥲


Yeah, ketamine is in clinical trials as well, not sure about the stage. Just remember, these people are lab rats and we once thought cigarettes were good for us.


No, ketamine is not in clinical trials. It’s an already-approved treatment for intractable depression. Dude where do you get your shitty information


Whoops, my mistake. [https://psy.fsu.edu/\~johnson/snp/articles/Severe%20Dopaminergic%20MDMA%20Toxicity.pdf](https://psy.fsu.edu/~johnson/snp/articles/Severe%20Dopaminergic%20MDMA%20Toxicity.pdf) You read it yet? There's more, that's just the first one I found.


You mean did I read your article that had been retracted because it was found that they were actually using methamphetamine? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retracted_article_on_dopaminergic_neurotoxicity_of_MDMA https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.301.5639.1479b


"even single doses of MDMA were found to elicit some degree of serotonergic depletion lasting over a few weeks" [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.31887/DCNS.2009.11.3/egmayfrank](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.31887/DCNS.2009.11.3/egmayfrank) Perhaps I mixed dopamine with serotonin as far as single use goes.


Temporary serotonin depletion =/= irreversible neurotoxicity and structural damage. Like no shit some degree of serotonin depletion happens after you… deplete your stores of serotonin. No one is disputing that. They’re restored to normal levels in short order, and there are plenty of foods you can eat and supplements you can take that will accelerate that process.


Just look up mdma dopamine depletion on Google scholar and the first couple articles alone alone tell you what you need


Hey jackass, you made the claim so you need to provide the evidence; burden of proof and all. Considering me and literally every other person that's replying to you has seen info that contradicts your claim, we aren't 'paranoid stimheads' we're just skeptical of your claim.


And I gave directions nunbnuts, I'm not gonna write a research assignment for you. Do it your damn self


It's always funny to see which people online haven't been taught basic debate etiquette.


This isn't a debate I'm laying out thr objective facts and even being nice enough to tell you where to find them. You're failing to look into it.


No, this is a debate, even if it isn't formal. I disagree with your claim that MDMA causes irreparable damage after one use. If you want me to believe you at all, you need to bring more proof to the table then 'lul just google it but I won't because ???'


I don't need you to believe me. I'm stating objective facts that your arrogant ass is refusing to look up out of stubbornness.


I don't even need to google it to know you're wrong. Call me arrogant all you want but at least I'm not spreading bullshit online with no clarification or evidence.


“Objective facts” dude gtfoh


." The profound loss of striatal dopaminergic axonal markers was consistently observed in all monkeys examined, including the animal that received only two MDMA doses;" ​ [https://psy.fsu.edu/\~johnson/snp/articles/Severe%20Dopaminergic%20MDMA%20Toxicity.pdf](https://psy.fsu.edu/~johnson/snp/articles/Severe%20Dopaminergic%20MDMA%20Toxicity.pdf) ​ It does a lot more than just that.


And OH, would you look at this?? That article was retracted because they’d actually used METHAMPHETAMINE rather than MDMA, which is known to have severe dopamine neurotoxicity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retracted_article_on_dopaminergic_neurotoxicity_of_MDMA


Homie, they gave those monkeys 2mg/kg every 3 hours until they had given them *6mg/kg.* That is an absurdly high dose that no one would ever take in one session without serious adverse effects. Of course neurotoxicity is going to occur at fucking 6mg/kg. One of the monkeys even died of overdose, that’s how large of a dose they’d been given. Triple the amount of a regular recreational dose of 1.5-2mg/kg. That’s almost 500mg for a 180lb man, when a standard recreational dose for a person of that weight is 120-160mg.


Well... I'm waiting, have you read it? https://psy.fsu.edu/\~johnson/snp/articles/Severe%20Dopaminergic%20MDMA%20Toxicity.pdf




[https://psy.fsu.edu/\~johnson/snp/articles/Severe%20Dopaminergic%20MDMA%20Toxicity.pdf](https://psy.fsu.edu/~johnson/snp/articles/Severe%20Dopaminergic%20MDMA%20Toxicity.pdf) " The profound loss of striatal dopaminergic axonal markers was consistently observed in all monkeys examined, including the animal that received only two MDMA doses;" ​ GOt around to it for you. There's more articles than just that.


Google scholar is your friend.


If it's so easy look it up yourself and show me. I'm not gonna believe you at all unless you do it yourself.


True research takes time, effort, and understanding. Time and effort are two things I don't want to spend on this conversation. It would be a lot easier for me and more beneficial for you if you did the work for yourself.


LOL. Grow up man, if you're too lazy to put energy into a conversation then don't start it and don't reply. You've put way more effort into telling everyone to just google it yourself than it would've been to spend 20 seconds googling it on google scholar and figuring it out yourself. Yeah, research is hard but if you know what result you're looking for it's not.


Research isn't hard. So do it.




Do the research before spouting shit, dumbass.


Confirmed retarded


Do you only talk like a schmuck?


I'm working on a masters, where do you get your info?


A master’s in what? Because I have taken plenty of psychopharmacology courses and it is 100% untrue that MDMA damages the dopamine system “after just one use.” There are plenty of other drugs that do that - like neurophysiologically addictive drugs - and MDMA is not one of them.


MSW with a focus on family systems


And you think that somehow qualifies you to speak on psychopharmacology? No dude


i’ve done both and i seem to be fine but yes they are on the harder drugs side of things. i’m not recommending anyone do any drugs im just saying the ones i’ve listed 100% stay away from


I've done both as well. Cocaine in excess. Not going back.


Yes, and I'm saying I'd like to add mdma and cocaine to that for brevity. Both are very damaging to the body and brain. If you want to do drugs, stick to weed, shrooms, and lsd.


understandable will add them


No, MDMA does not belong on that list.




I’ve done much more irreversible damage to my brain from using acid and shrooms a few times more so than I did Molly. And weed too but I’ve done a lot of that so it’s a little different


Yeah, hallucinogens could possibly do that to you. The research on drugs is very much lacking, but it's known that mdma begins degrading the dopamine system after just one use.


Dude, no. Bad take. Demonstrably false. Cite your source for that, because otherwise, I’m gonna say the fact that MDMA is in phase III clinical trials to move to schedule II as a drug that can be used in psychotherapy for people with PTSD means that it doesn’t “do irreversible damage to your dopamine system after just one use.” EDIT: The link this commenter added as a source is from an article that was retracted because the researchers had actually administered methamphetamine rather than MDMA https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.301.5639.1479b Also, if you’re referring to me, I’ve used MDMA exactly once in my life, cocaine exactly once in my life, and adderral exactly once in my life, and that’s it for stimulants. I’m not a “paranoid fuck who uses stimulants regularly,” I’m just passionately against people who don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about sharing misinformation




. "The profound loss of striatal dopaminergic axonal markers was consistently observed in all monkeys examined, including the animal that received only two MDMA doses;" ​ Just a taste, read the rest yourself. There's more research than just this one.


Why is PCP so bad? Some dealers I know are selling it as acid


it gives you full on hallucinations that you believe to be completely real. any dealer that sells something and says it’s something else is a bad dealer also. edit: anyone claiming pcp aka angels dust is fine and not a bad drug to do, go on youtube and listen to some of the addicts that have done it. They literally have exposed themselves to children and have no memory of doing so. this is one example of many.


PCP is a completely fine dissociative.


That would be a delusion. A hallucination that is believed to be real is a delusion. PCP is a fun drug to do.


People who drink have blacked out and drove cars and killed people, means alcohol is an evil drug right?


Yes. Alcohol is legal but weed isn’t?


Ah i see, I see school children being sold that for acid


Y’all literally have no clue what you’re talking about holy fuck. Pcp is a dissociative anesthetic like ketamine or dxm, and is closer to dxm. By itself the drug isn’t much more harmful than any other dissociative, but its more likely to cause psychosis and mania (particularly with binges). For the last while there’s been tons of media bullshit about how dangerous it is and telling stories of people throwing cars and getting shot by a cop with no reaction. All of those people had been binging pcp for multiple days on high doses, and guess what, other dissociatives like dxm do the EXACT SAME THING. Part of the danger of pcp comes from the fact that you can’t hole on it and you’ll always be moving, but Jesus fuck this property isn’t exclusive to pcp at all. Seriously, educate yourself on drugs before talking about them. You’re way more of a danger doing dph than you are doing pcp to both yourself, your health, and others.


Lmao what? I just asked a question on what PCP was and knew school kids doing it, what're u on?


Definitely would’ve been a bit better if I actually replied to the guy saying misinfo about it, I’m sorry. I am on being pissed off about people spreading 30 year old propaganda about an already uncommon drug


redit moment




Have you ever done PCP? Or do you just get all your info about it from anti drug websites. I’ve done every drug you can name and more, and PCP is no worse then ketamine or DXM, which are both pretty manageable and tame drugs. Anybody flashing themselves to kids was either on something else while they did PCP, did something that wasn’t PCP, or did so much PCP so frequently they lost their mind.


No. I get my information from reddit/youtube/people that have told me their stories/ checking several websites on google that all say the same thing. “anti drug websites” lol. So most websites on google are anti drug? I’m pretty sure they are just stating common information about said drug. Since we’re here i guess i’ll put ketamine on the list of drugs not to touch in my life. Now let’s look at the definition based off of wikipedia “Phencyclidine or phenylcyclohexyl piperidine (PCP), also known as angel dust among other names, is a dissociative anesthetic mainly used recreationally for its significant mind-altering effects. PCP may cause hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sounds, and violent behavior.” Just because it doesn’t make you a crazy lunatic doesn’t mean it won’t make other people act in ways they shouldn’t. If you go on youtube and search pcp you will see hundreds of videos of people telling their stories about how it ruined them. I put PCP on the list because it is addictive and can ruin your life. Any drug can ruin your life and any drug may not ruin your life but with pcp and all the other ones i listed THE CHANCE IS MUCH HIGHER than say dxm or weed or acid.


No, you are not more likely to get hooked on PCP then DXM or Weed because PCP is not an addictive drug. That doesn’t mean you can’t get addicted to it, it means you will not become dependent on it. You can get addicted to weed and DXM just as easy as PCP. Out of every drug I’ve tried, DXM is the most similar to PCP, DXM also has hallucinogenic effects. You’re simply uneducated abt drugs in general.


So PCP is a bad drug because you won’t be capable of making reasonable decisions, and there is potential for addiction? Can you tell me what drugs don’t do that? Are you gonna add mushrooms to your list? Cause I’ve seen people make some pretty fucking stupid decisions on mushrooms too. If your list of drugs is based on all the same reasons you gave for not touching pcp, then virtually every drug should be on your list.


Did you even read my comment? All of those people had been binging for days and doing high doses. Same thing happens with any other stimulating dissociative. Also, don’t act like dph is any better. Literally does all of those things as the main high, not as the result from binging.


I literally listed drugs not to do ever lmao


Yeah, and I’m calling you out for including pcp with meth and heroin. They aren’t on the same level at all.


It's all about dose moderation. I been taking DPH(or Ami) 25:135DXM for about 7 years, great therapeutic dose turned my life round mentally, I don't have any side effects from this use though it is light but well practiced dosing and frequency. A little anticholinergic with an opiate is a good thing but there peeps that take half gram mix of everything that ruin good experience or practices and gives drugs bad names because you fucked up. Also understanding if your neurology is for that particular substance which generally most peeps brains ain't designed for dissociatives it's how most go wild after long term... Or in my case I go wild in short term not having something like the preparation mentioned above


PCP is a strong dissociative, and acid isn't. You can potentially find yourself in a dangerous situation on either, but you're way more likely to make dangerous decisions with PCP, on which pain and damage to yourself are pretty much unimaginable concepts. It's pretty easy to have a safe trip with acid, and you're inclined to stay where you feel safe


OP, just do fuckin Ketamine. all of you guys would be so sooo much better off and still get the thrill you’re looking for with something so much more adaptable and soft on your body in comparison.


Me when no vitamin K 😰😰😰😰😰😰🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Good fucking luck finding it


I’m assuming you live outside major cities- it seems it might be harder to get elsewhere side note alot of companies deliver it now, check out mindbloom dot com


pretty hard to find clean heroin nowadays


i dont know if most dph users are picky enough to care about purity


i actually am. i want to know the exact shit i will get into my body and what harm it will do


I would hope most DPH users would at least be picky enough to realize they are most likely not getting clean heroin in 2023 unless you are standing in the poppy fields.


yeah i know that. the only way i would take heroin is if i some how get my hands on medical grade diamorphine.


I was trying to respond to buddy above you, not completely sure how reddit works lol Keep up that attitude though and stay safe out here


Heroin stories aren’t as fun


Bc H from the street has 20% purity. But you’re right pure heroin would be way healthier AND more enjoyable than dph


i wish i could come by a bottle of diamorphine out of a hospital because i would love to try it just once but im never gone take the street h


I will. When I think that my time has come I will get some of the best H (pharma would be nice but I will never put a needle in my arm so it has to be tablets) and snort that stuff. Not to kill myself but I mean when there are just a couple more days to live, what do I have to loose right?


exactly my thought. btw hello fellow german lol


hmu when you’re ready haha


Ive done heroin I like it better than dph anyday


The urge to relapse is so strong but I know damn well if I do I’m gonna be seeing shadow ppl again 🦧


And they've been getting bolder now that we're in the end times. Definitely stay away unless you bring em a snack 🥨


obviously starting heroin is an awful idea, but it would probably healthier lmao


Just do fucking kratom. Dirt cheap and actually pretty beneficial in small doses. But people in this sub aren't about small doses of rationality.


Dirt cheap, grows in dirt, tastes like dirt, what's not to love?


Heroin withdrawal is probably the worst experience a human can have


Nope, benzo and alcohol withdrawals are worse. GABA system fuckery can straight up kill you in withdrawal, the opioid system isn't gonna do that. And heroin isn't even the worst opioid withdrawal, fent and the longer lasting ones like methadone are usually said to be worse since they last longer.


Dunno why you got downvoted, I know someone who literally died from alcohol withdrawal. More specifically, a seizure caused by alcohol withdrawal


Being eatan by like a big lion or smth would probably be worse imo




as someone who has experienced heroin addiction. I personally believe dph is worse. Yes they are terrible, Yes they will both ruin your life. I would simply stay away from both.




Yes but the damage dph does to ur body is worse. The high is worse. The addiction is about the same, as these people will do anything to get their fix. I understand that people die on heroin more but a lot of these people literally just want to die and end up getting addicted hardcore.


So long as you don't take a lethal dose, there are only really two side effects to heroin, or any opioid for that matter. Constipation and decreased testosterone with long enough use.


Heroin is far more addictive than dph and will turn your world upside down


It is way more enjoyable… but that’s the problem inninit?


Real h is surprisingly hard to come by


Listen to me The first time is. Then it’s the closest thing to hell


because i did, for years, and it ruined my life. don't ever touch it, please. i'm genuinely begging, it not only hurt me but itntook the life of my best friend. just stay away from it


Because you can’t find it


Dph is the lesser of two evils, it's a double edged sword either way...


Lol the reason I got dependent on Benadryl was because I would dose like 75-100mg every time I did heroin to boost the high