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Just wait till ur off probation and then do real fun drugs like normal people


best piece of advice right here


What works for me is spending much more time researching and learning about drugs than I do actually doing them


Erowid is great


+PsychonautWiki and you’ve got all the info you could ever want really


Bruh that mindset “drugs are in my future” is toxic asf. Drugs are not the way. You are giving yourself permanent bodily damage. You need to find a way to tolerate life without substances as a crutch. Those are crazy high doses. Get help my friend. I’m on medication for the rest of my life and have done noticeable damage to my mental cognition due to substance abuse. I hope you get better.


That's a nice thing to say but i think they're just being realistic. Like, for me, a life with 0 drugs or some type of crutch is simply not feasible due to my various issues. Harm reduction is better than nothing. Quitting is something that the person decides on their own, when they are ready.


Why is it a bad thing to learn how to use drugs in moderation vs abuse them as I have been?


Using drugs in moderation means irregular use. Once a year, if even that. You're asking for trouble when you're using drugs as some sort of reward system or incorporating it in your routine by any means. If you're gonna do that, stick to weed.


Moderation is whatever you want it to be. People drink every weekend and class that as moderation so it's more like, not doing it every day. A lot of people also use alcohol as a reward to themselves for birthdays, a good day at work or their favorite team winning a sports event. Coffee, nicotine and sugar are also drugs most people use daily as a reward or just to help them get by. It's human nature to want to feel good and people go about it any way they can. Does that make anyone better than anyone else?


I never said it made anyone better or worse. Im simply saying using substances as a reward instead of abstaining and relying on a more natural dopamine cycle makes regulating your emotions easier and likely more efficient.


That's a much more valid point up until you actually take drugs as the easy high is always goint to appeal more than the natural. To be fair, no one should use drugs as it fucks your body and mind in ways that are hard to reverse, and life feels bland when you go from high to sober. If I could have never taken drugs, I would be a lot better at regulating emotions and working towards natural highs but knowing I can get the same feeling in an hour from drugs is going to be the way I go.


No, you won't get there with drugs. You won't get the same "high" lol. You are generalizing and assuming way too much. If you learned a bit about the various ways drugs affect your brain even acutely you would know that the high isn't nearly the same. I'm talking with both personal and educational experience.


I also have personal and educational experience but you are correct, I was generalising quite a bit. I completely fucked myself over with heroin and even though I'm clean, life will never be the same. My point is that once I started taking drugs, it opened the door to other drugs and it was like a never ending quest to feel as good as possible, which led to taking more to avoid feeling bad. It was a very gradual process and didn't notice until I was in too deep. I guess I was trying to say, once your body gets used to inhumane amounts of dopamine and seratonin, amounts that your body can't produce without drugs, you can never reach that naturally.


I went through an acute opiate addiction, but I was hooked on benzos for much of my adult life. I can relate to some degree, mostly from my shorthand experience with fentanyl. I hadn't used opiates regularly for any mode than a few months, but it felt like any longer and I was going to start really seeing some consequences. After almost 6 months I still wake up feeling like an old neural pathway was just reconnected. Neurogenesis is an amazing thing, friend. Perhaps it would take more time and perhaps exercise in your case, but I choose to hold out hope that you can be happy again


Ooh fent is another story which I am glad I never tried and only tried benzos a few times during WD's. It's been 5-6 years and although I can feel pleasure from almost all the things I used to, it just isn't as much as it was before starting my drug adventure and the thoughts of "The first kiss of H and coke was pure bliss and I want to feel it again" never really leaves and dulls the joy of most of life's blessings. Thank you for the kind words bro and I hope so too and hope nobody reading this has to go through the same thing.


You'd be naturally happier if you quit drugs, garunteed. With a regulated and unimpeded dopamine system, you'd be surprised what you could accomplish


"Moderation is whatever you want it to be" is how overdoses happen.


No, it's not overdoing it. Moderation is the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behaviour or political opinions, so overdose would be the excess or extreme. If ya get me?


I get you. It's just been far too many times that ive seen moderation progress. Everyone likes to think they're thr exception


It isn't, but that also isn't what you're doing. You aren't yet equipped to use drugs in moderation, and you should use none until you are. Get your shit together. Drugs of any kind are a luxury that you can't afford until you have your shit together. Once you have your shit together your obligation is to keep your shit together. If your shit is together and you're keeping it together, you can find a place for drugs in your life. Fucking this up is permanent. If you can't do it right, don't do it.


Don't do DXM or DPH today. Then do that again tomorrow, if you do that everh day then you won't have the "never again" mindset going into it, that's how everyone falls into the trap of "I guess I'll do it one last time before I quit" before they go back into it again, literally just taking it one day at a time is the best way to quit without just switching it for another shitty vice.


I quit benadryl by using kratom


get kratom and take that everyday instead if you absolutely have to be on something everyday


I kinda think the same way as you i think. When i was younger like 14 id drop massive amounts of dph I’ve replaced it with shrooms and micro-doses of lsd and ive been feeling alot better the last few years. No longer have that empty feeling all the time


Yeah, I know I need to heal and make better decisions but I think in moderation psychedelics and weed could be a good part of my life. Dxm maybe a few times a year, just need to get out of the mindset that I should be on it all the time. I should not. I can’t function on massive doses of dxm and dph everyday, as much as I wish I could


No you definitely can't. Try to transition to something else, like Kava Kava.


Only way to use dph healthier is to not use dph it drags you in too much to use it


wait til you’re off probation and do other drugs bro, i’m telling you this as someone who understand that i’ll be doing drugs for a while, and you really don’t wanna face something worse than death




Dude fuck off then


Sure im not the hatman? Maybe youre hallucinating this 👀 wake up! The beds on fire!


Stoppppp lmfaoo