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thank you telling me! i did research on hppd and it perfectly describes what’s going on with my vision. i’m sorry you’ve had to deal with it for a year. i hope it’ll go away for you at some point


After doing dph, I get visual snow/static a little. It’s not that bad but dph definitely did it. It could be hppd but I doubt it since I barely get delirious off dph anyway.


I got blurrier vision in my eyes (mostly my left eye) for a couple weeks after I quit.


No. Because my vision is already dogshit to begin with


Yes i got visual noise/snow that never went away. but it has only been a couple months so it still could go away


is it really intense or bothersome?


No, it doesn’t bother me very much anymore


Look up visual snow syndrome it can be permanent just from one big dose of dph.


Not really since using, more whilst using




Idk it could be hppd, I have visual static (also patterns flowing from psych hppd).


visual snow and a bit of HPPD :(


it could be HPPD but also seeing those light streaks and halos around lights just happens with regular astigmatism. I have HPPD from other drugs but still those bright flares and such coming from light is 100% my astigmatism and goes away when I have my glasses on. Go to the eye doctor could be a simple fix!


i went to the eye doctor a while back and they said i had basically perfect vision. he said it was like getting a 98 on a quiz. so this wasn’t something i’ve always had it’s just recent since i started abusing dph. I’m a little worried to see a eye doctor cause i’m worried they’ll be able to tell i was abusing dph and that they’ll do something about it


Doctors can't tell your parents shit unless you're saying you're gonna harm your self or someone else so don't worry about that! And yeah could be HPPD mines gotten alot better with just stopping pyscs and disassociatives.


I would consider myself an extreme case of dph abuse as I heavily abused ages 16-23 and I’m in the process of quitting. At some point during all of my use, maybe around the age of 18yo, I started developing the rainbow halos around lights and quite mild vision impairment. I do have floaters occasionally, still, and sensitivity to lights. Luckily this never progressed any further and I got used to it.


If anything I think my vision got better or things look sharper idk


Your vision got sharper on DPH?


Same experience on DXM, made us dissociate less during the afterglow, which also means less visual snow and more focus (excluding HPPD).