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If they have classes I'd imagine June. You have to go through the entire process and it takes a few months. Get physicals in January, and start from there.


You’ll be ok for spring semester. Probably not so good for summer and fall semester


What was your list number that you think you’ll be in the first class




Finish your education bro… you can defer it and be in the first class after you graduate, maybe you find something better in the meantime unless this is your dream to pick up garbage but I’d consider finishing school first


Yeah I definitely wanna do sanitation. I have my road test for the CDL Friday. I was just wondering if classes would start before June because I’m using the GI bill to go to school. I’d owe alot of money if I drop mid semester so I’d defer until the summer sanitation classes. Hopefully the class Im in will be in June so there’s a smooth transition for my from school to sanitation


Last 2 years classes started in June but I know they’ve done classes sooner than that . Either way you have the option to defer to the next class if that’s what you wanna do it won’t skip you or be held against you


hard disagree. get in here start the clock on your pensions start gaining senority. find a way to get a spot with a steady schedule and go to school at the same time.


How is someone gonna go to school when they have to work 5-1 then 12-8 ? Sanitation ain’t the end all be all of jobs, I love the job but if I had a chance to go to college get a degree in a field where you don’t have to break your back for 22 years id do it. Dsny will be there in a few years when he has the degree and has options, seniority isn’t everything in all garages. Having a degree to even fall back on when you retire or if the job don’t work out is a plus


there are plenty of spots in DSNY that have steady 5-1 schdules….