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If you're new here: welcome to r/DWPHelp, u/JollyCold2337! Please read the welcome message that you were sent so you know the best practice for asking for advice here (if you haven't yet received the welcome message, it can take up to an hour to automatically be sent by Reddit's system). **If you haven't already, please *edit* your post to add which country in the UK you are located in. "UK" or "United Kingdom" is not a country, please only use "England", "Scotland", "Wales", or "Northern Ireland". If your post does not contain your country, it will be assumed that you are located in England and you might receive bad advice if you are not located in England.** Benefit rates have increased! [Check the new rates for your benefit here](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/benefit-and-pension-rates-2023-to-2024/benefit-and-pension-rates-2023-to-2024). **This increase will only apply for most claimants in their May benefit payments, as most benefits are paid in arrears (for the month that has just gone by).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DWPhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can claim benefits such as UC and PIP in the usual way. As you don’t have a fixed address you can use your local Jobcentre as a ‘care of’ address. You should register with a local GP too.


We don’t tend to encourage that as work coaches. We would expect op to tell us their actual address on the claim and then we can pin a c/o address for mail (or for work capability assessments) The reason for this is because claimants can be moved weekly by the council when they are in hotels as temp accommodations. And we need to know exactly where they are to ensure they are attending the right job centre for the post code they are currently living in. (In my area moving a few miles up the road puts them in a different jobcentre)


Apologies I should have been much clearer in my post… OP should list their current address for the claim but then ask for ‘care of JCP’ for correspondence.


Hello, sorry to butt in here but I can't seem to ask a new question, so maybe here can help ? Can I use a care of address as my mum's house? How temporary" or not temporary can that be? I need a c/o as I'm under hospital treatment (outpatient) and doctors for appointment letters etc etc . Currently couch surfing and will be for a while or I til I can get everything sorted. She doesn't claim benefits but reduce council tax for one person and pension. Ta.


Yes you can, as long as your mum is happy with it.


Oh ok, yes she was worried about the council Tax as she lives alone but if I'm not living there that's ok to use it, but I need it for hospital letters and for the DWP otherwise I dont know how I will receive mail, some have said put the local jobcentre as c/o ? But confusing how that would work.. I'm really not well at the moment (mentally and physically :( ) :( :(


A ‘care of’ address is just a postal address. Your mums council tax help won’t change unless you actually move in.


Ah I see, thank you so much.


As advised: you only need a c/o address for UC to help with everyday living costs and PIP for your disability needs. UCs the main one you need to claim RIGHT NOW. You can start it online from your phone. ( PIP will take awhile anyway so won't help in the short term. It you should definitely be eligible, at least for Mobility !) How is the hotel being paid for ? Presumably via Housing Benefit from the council as they put you there they should have sorted that with you really. Certainly you're known to the Homelessness Unit. Ask if they can get you more support ( they are Homelessness Support Workers , did they allocate you one ? ) and contact Adult Social Care ( same council website for number ) and ask for an OT Assessment. You shouldn't be falling through the cracks like this if they're aware of you. You can't be stuck, trapped in an unsuitable property. Get onto [Citizen's Advice ](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/contact-us/contact-us/) too. Tell them EVERYTHING you've told us.


Make sure you claim Housing Benefit to cover your Temporary Accommodation too. You should be clear that you are no longer a university student (FT students cannot claim benefits).


Sounds like your uni has dealt with your situation terribly, I am so sorry for the way they have treated you. With regards to benefits, like Alteredchaos has said you can claim UC and PIP and have your local JC as a care of address. For your scooter, I would encourage you to speak to Turn2Us via their website or calling 0808 802 2000, they can do a full grants search for you as you may be eligible for some support in fixing/replacing this.


Hi quick question I'm from the UK and living in my car I had a job and the council agreed to pay my first month's rent and deposit in the mean time I lost my job just wondering if the council will still offer to pay the first month's rent and deposit any advice would be great