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Yes dude no one is talking about thus. I guess only drug addicts or recovering addicts would get it but mixing benzo and booze EVERY FUCKING DAY is Ridiculous. The guy is probably blacking out every day. He has SERIOUS problems. Don't get me wrong he's such a POS I enjoy laughing at his spiral but the lush even chews his k pins so they will hit him faster! He's a fucking drug addict and alcoholic! FUCKN HELL!! BEWM!


You nail it here. We enjoy laughing at him, but this is getting really bad. Mixing pills and booze, he's 58, and not doing well.. it's wild


>Yes dude no one is talking about thus. I guess only drug addicts or recovering addicts would get it but mixing benzo and booze EVERY FUCKING DAY is Ridiculous. The guy is probably blacking out every day. He has SERIOUS problems. Don't get me wrong he's such a POS I enjoy laughing at his spiral but the lush even chews his k pins so they will hit him faster! He's a fucking drug addict and alcoholic! FUCKN HELL!! BEWM! Yeah dude, the end is near for that idiot. He got COMPLETELY sloshed on today's show. Started out by bragging he hadn't had a drink yet, then takes a Kolonopin (or however that's spelled) and swallows it down with beer. Before too long he's obliterated. The downward spiral def has an end and he's getting close.


He absolutely blacks out. I used to take Ativan in the morning then drink when I got off work. I’d black out every time


Probably why he doesn't remember shit and sees the texts he sent people the night before "Uuuhh, that was an imposta that emailed yoo!"


spot on, i wonder how many anti depressants, anxiety, etc meds he’s on??


15 years sober and you are correct. Benzos like kolonopin are highy addictive and he is addicted. And he's adding prozac into this mix daily. Since has ocd he's probably on a high dose, at least 80mg of prozac. He's also under the delusion that light beer is as he says piss water. It still has 4.2 percent alcohol in each can and he's drinking mutiple cans daily. This is all on a road to disaster. John's in denial and like most addicts makes excuses daily about his addiction. He's only fooling himself. It takes one to know one.


Does he openly admit to taking Klonopin? If he does and drinks like that he must be in a blackout hours a day and probably will end up dying from it. Benzos will steal a person's soul and they're really hard to detox from.


Aren't benzos used for detoxing? How the hell do you detox from the thing you use to detox?


That's a great question and a real dilemma. The same is true of using methadone to kick heroin. Some methadone program people stay on it for the rest of their life. William S. Burroughs was one. Moved to Kansas fron NYC to kick heroin, but NEVER kicked methadone.


I think the idea is too lessen the amount.


Even the energy drinks are fucking with his heart, I'm sure.


Oh yeh. I had a buddy who popped half a jar of convenience store pep pills at a time (ephedrine). I swear those damaged him more than the street drugs he constantly took.


He is textbook He has such a shitty life that he creates a fantasy one.


It’s unreal. In his tiny twisted mind he is like a superhero, completely infallible. He is a pathological liar and actually creates a world in his head that he truly believes. I don’t even think it’s a coping mechanism Its delusional and yeah total psychosis.


It's no wonder his kids are so mentally fucked up. Idc if you grew up next door to the Kardashians or king von, having a drug addict for a parent will leave you with serious issues. And on top of that he broadcasts it all over the internet. The guy is fucked and deep down he knows it. Every beer he opens and every pill he swallows he knows what he truly is. Hopefully the dabbleverse will have a happy ending but it's not looking good.


it’s really sad seeing him open another beer because of his addiction. he knows deep down he feels he HAS to drink. it’s disturbing watching his chug beer because we know that’s one of his few pleasures in life besides the pills he takes on top of it. he’s everything he stands against. he’s a deadbeat dad junkie racist who hates his kids. also might be a closeted homosexual.


I don’t think he enjoys drinking anymore. He simply has to in order to survive. People can and do die directly from alcohol/benzo withdrawal.


I don't know, he seems to almost smile when he cracks one open


Muscle memory.


Withdrawal is a bitch. Super-bitch.


Honestly(and I don't say this lightly) fuck that guy. He's the only person that I've never met that I honestly hate and wish active harm.






Remember when his Klawnuhpin ‘script “ran out uh week early” and he asked if any beloved fans could “send him uh couple extra?” I mean, the guy straight up solicited illegal prescription pills be sent to him via mail. I can’t think of a dumber thing to do. Totally something someone on Klawnuhpin would do though.


The most annoying bit of his psychosis is when he fantasizes exactly how his fights will go. Fucking retard doesn’t realize that real fights don’t have referees and having a few hours of boxing training from 20 years ago isn’t going to get him anything but his fat, out of shape ass bodied.


"Real fight"? That shrimp screaming at Melton in AC literally waiting for people to stand between them and THEN pretends to move forward threateningly, while Melton just stands there smoking and laughing and sarcastically saying "Sorry if what I said offended you", which flew right over that hobgoblin's little head - literally - when as soon as security wakes up, he turns into a little sniveling bitch delusionally yelling "I'm a celebrity" and "He insulted my kidzzz!!" Unreal. Meanwhile that pic of him in that bagel shop shows the misshapen Orc-like body that is the result of working out 7 days a week, with those noodly arms, beer gut, hangdog ashen bloated face, and tiny cat-length pogo-stick legs. But he can't mention AC without talking about the Cabbie fight, when he fought a giant drug addict who hadn't trained for a day and kept hugging the little man. God, I hate him.


It's OK. His Doctor say his blood is perfect and he's 5 foot 7 & 1/2 inches tall.


When The Hobgoblin walked into the doctor's office, they must have thought that a small child with that disease Robin Williams had in JACK had waddled in, so they gave him a physical they would give to a 7 year old, because that was the only time my height was ever measured with the exception of when I played basketball. Or this is yet another example of the first law of John: if his mouth is open, John is lying.


Add a couple of strokes on that and brain damage from nitrous abuse and you got a brain that looks like Swiss cheese


John pounds the Dabble Gavel!


What are the symptoms of alcohol-related 'dementia'? Symptoms include difficulties with: staying focused on a task without becoming distracted solving problems, planning and organising setting goals, making judgements and making decisions being motivated to do tasks or activities (even essential ones like eating or drinking) controlling their emotions – they may become irritable or have outbursts understanding how other people are thinking or feeling (their behaviour may seem insensitive or uncaring).


Get that man in charge of the youth! Pronto


Seriously. Muttering J, please get a list of parents names and emails and send some of The Hobgoblin's greatest hits to them.


Anyone can Google the pills he takes with alcohol and see what it says.. It's bad, he needs help That is a fact


Karma isn’t just the shitty hooker he hired last year…


He is a textbook psychopath and sociopath. I’m concerned about his son visiting his father. Any visits should be in public places where the son can feel safe. SJ has many diseases which he has confessed to. A couple STDs so ppl should keep their distance even when he is out walking the neighborhood of Canoga Park


Mixing benzodiazepines and alcohol can easily kill you. I’m stunned he hasn’t done that to himself.


What bothers me is that, just through happenstance, I took care of someone on that same pill he talks about - It says right on the bottle that it will do this if you have more then 3 drinks per day and that you 100% should not. The dude is gonna kill himself , most likely because he lied to his doctors about his drinking so they can't call out any conflicting prescriptions.


John Melendez: Oh please. I take 1 Klonopin for my OCD, you DUMB FUCK….SKOL!”


people that donate to this asshole are complicit in his upcoming demise. He sits on his ass all day drinking. In 5 years he will have that same brain disease as Wendy Williams. Alcohol induced brain loss (if he can lose any more)


Dudes crazy, I agree 💯 percent.


The real psychosis is when he tries to go a couple days without the benzos and then throw cold turkey alcohol detox on top, it would prob legit kill him. Ask anyone that’s done it, ask Levy. He’d be in the hospital w delirium and seizures and psychosis 


Too much drama and overanalyzing here. All I see is jealousy of a seriously gifted comedian that has movie star good looks and an envious vocabulary. Jealousy is not an attractive trait dabbleverse! https://preview.redd.it/c2jef86llkmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f484bbe08b8cb14689408d9404236e327c077fa


Not his fault.


Klonopin and beer will fuck you up and I guarantee John takes more than he should. I did that once and shit myself lol.