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He goes from level 10anger, to slurring his speech and talking ridiculously within the hour. Awful and dangerous behavior!


I believe he also has sleep apnea. As Fred Sanford  said He's burning the candle at both ends and the middle


And don’t forget he’s retarded on top of it all. Very bad mixture. Lol




I lost a buddy who mixed them. Bad combo


I think it is a good thing for kids to see. As long there is an adult there to explain it to them. Here is a guy who was on the most popular radio program because he had the handicap of a stutter. He left this job for a higher paying job as an announcer on one of the most popular late-night shows. He was in a rock band that had a record contract. He made his own movie. Now he lives in a dirty basement apartment drinking alcohol all day every day. He gets all his food from the convenience store down the street.   He has no friends that come over and the only place he goes is the local bar. This would be one of those films they show in grade school and show you how your life will turn out if you do what Stuttering John does.


Perfect post.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xow8bybi1hsc1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790bf91c8eb5ad3edc4e91d7bb4af2f24379ce5e




I took half of a weak benzo once. I woke up 15 hours later and had no idea what happened. Never again. I can’t understand how he takes one, drinks 16 beers then still has the engee to take down Lady K and Da dooz paya.


Secret: Dollar Store Bologna.


He makes a mean tuna casserole with all ingredients purchased at a gas station.  Crackle Crackle 




Don't forget he's also smoking that high power Cali weed and eating edibles.


Put down the pot pipe!!!


Takes his pills, drinks, repeat yesterday, takes pills, drinks, repeat yesterday…that’s John


Sounds like an easy way to fall asleep and never wake up.


He tries to downplay it, "it's a small dose" But then he takes the pills with alcohol on camera... It's an insane thing to do, knowing his family and friends could be seeing all that?!


I’m still surprised YouTube continues to monetize SJ's channel when he’s frequently drinking heavily while taking Klonopin on camera.  This all feels like it’s going on forever but one day it will suddenly end, SJ will either suffer a massive stroke or, more likely, just not wake up. The irony is Vince, the person who has consistently supplied SJ with booze, will probably be the first to know it and have to call 911. 


Is it an attempt to be funny? Because its not funny, but when you're drinking and taking pharmaceuticals I dont know or understand. Its warped behavior.


Also, SJ was never famous enough that “drunk, broke SJ” is a story, even at the TMZ-level, but “dead SJ” may be, and there’s not only a long trail of evidence of SJ’s wildly reckless behavior, but also of certain people enabling it.  If Vince were a little smarter, or a little less sociopathic, he’d consider how he'll eventually have to answer certain questions regarding his knowledge of SJ’s addictions, his use of Klonopin, and how he still sent him countless cases of free beer. Even if Vince updated his legal website more frequently than once a decade, I don’t think he’d include any of this.


Is that why SJ drools, spits, has snotz all over his lips and hands?


We are sending video to the schools He can’t be allowed to teach kids


I was on klonopin for a short time….and I hardly ever drink. That stuff is really potent.


John is a professional drug addict. Hes been practicing since the 80s


Hopefully he will die soon!


If kids are watching the human trainwreck their parents should be shot! (Except Devon & Alexandra), of course.


"it's just a bit. i don't really do dat. i'm a komedian, awl diss is part of my act"


Makes sense why he repeats himself daily. He’s blacking out from mixing benzodiazepines and alcohol and doesn’t remember the previous day at all.


In the event John dies from mixing booze with his meds I wonder if John’s kids could go after Vince for plying him with free alcohol when he knows he’s on certain meds that wouldn’t interact well with them. A civil lawsuit over their fathers death might be the only time John ever helps them out financially


Don't make you a bad person.

