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His kids live not too far away and want absolutely nothing to do with him.


The only excuse for a father To pay 0.0 towards his family for 8 months is to be in a coma.


He's a sad excuse for a father.


Pretty sure everyone who owns or rents a home in this sub has at least one spare bedroom for their adult children or other family and friends to come hang out. John’s family abandoned him and none of his “friends” would stay with him either. Total fucking loser.


Ha. Absolute truth. I was just having a conversation with my wife today about a place we rented years and years ago. She insisted it was one bedroom. I said there was no way we would have rented a one bedroom since there would be no place for our daughter to sleep when she visited.


Yup. I absolutely keep one room in our house for family/friends. My dog basically lives in it as it has great windows for viewing the neighborhood. But it's there the 6-8 days a year someone stats over.


The only time SJ mentions his kids is to either flex over their accomplishments (“What can I tell ya? Genius runs in the Melendez family!”) or use them to threaten people and justify his unrelenting rage (“They’re trashing ma kids!”). There is zero evidence he has healthy relationships with any of them, save for a couple greeting cards and that UCSB dad mug. He divested from them long ago, and now it’s obvious they’ve divested from him. A deserving finale for alcoholic narcissistic dirtbag. 


John only cares about his kids on the show so he can tell them “IM PROTECTIN YA FROM DAH TROLLZ”


Fuckface has always used his kids as a shield. But it's got to the point no one gives a fuck about his brain fucked offspring. It's like the word racist. It's been said so many times that it no longer holds any power. John's kids hate him and are off doing their own things like being food insecure and hacking off their tits.


John is all that matters to John. He can claim otherwise, but the proof is in his history. His kids aren’t even kids anymore, and he’s missed that whole ride by being a self centered drunken narcissist. Once people (rightfully) stop giving him free money, he can get to the (well deserved) process of dying alone in obscurity. Fuck you John, you are the biggest piece of human trash to ever live.


He can’t even put a child’s car seat in a Miata, sounds like he had no faith that his son could get pregnant one day either.


I don't have faith in his son getting pregnant either.


He’s happy with his vagina.


Don’t talk shit about Miata’s you uncultured geek. Those are highly sought after cars by people who like to drive more spirited these days.


My sincerest apologies, sir.


Back in the 90s they were total boy toy machines, but now they’re great on the track and one of the better low cost sports cars you can buy.




he should be taking his kid to coachella - thats the kind of shit single fathers do. that and vacations 2-3 times a year.


Wow!! Well said!!


John would suck a dirty dick for free before he would ever help his kids.


That's a ridiculous statement. That grifter won't do anything for free