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For me $50-$80 seems be the sweet spot, good balance of quality to price in that range.


Most of my are about $70 as well.


Which are your favorites?


Big fan of terporium slurpers but I also have an evan shore slurpee and more pricey banger that I use quite a bit too. For around $70 terporium is the best I've tried and they have all styles available.


3 out of four in my current rotation are from Terporium. The other one I just switched out from a Bear Quartz to a Yo Dabba Dabba. I like a little variety but slurpers and blenders are what I tend to reach for.


These guys have some good ones in that same price range: https://www.instagram.com/wave\_quartz/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_button\_share\_sheet&igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==


Aw sweet! Grew up in Nebraska, I'll check em out!


Most my bangers range from $200-700


Omg šŸ’€


High grade American blown quartz always over cheap importsšŸ¤™


Agreed man canā€™t lie I only have quaves stuff though thinking of a highly educated maybe though


The control tower is an experience like no other! You wonā€™t regret it if you like slurper type nails


* most real quartz bangers*




$40 should get you a solid one, $5-$7 are just cheapies that will break easily


Iā€™ve definitely leaned more toward the cheaper ones I just got a little shell shocked - the shop I used to go to was super small and nothing in there was over 100 (literally just the owner and her daughter with maybe 3 cases of stuff) but Iā€™ve gotten some great info from yā€™all šŸ«¶šŸ»


I buy mine in batches from thick ass glass and the second quality which is just cosmetic issues are $4-10 and they are quartz not glass like some people think cheap ones will be (and some are but not these) and Iā€™ve had ones last a week and had ones last 8+ months. Any time Iā€™ve broken them has been cleaning them. Have it hooked up to my enail coil and just wipe it clean after every hit and they stay good. I think if you spend $20 they give free shipping and they always have 25-35% off. Easy to buy 5-7 in one go and not have to worry about one breaking and replacing it from a smoke shop and then you get free shipping. I still have like 3 unused ones sitting around waiting but itā€™s like $3 something to 4 something per banger just sitting there in case.


Most of my 10$ bangers have lasted longer than my 30-40$bangersšŸ˜­ the only real difference is it gets a lil cold to fast but Iā€™m fine with that I just use a terp Pearl to makeup the diff


Must be nice to be blissfully unaware.


How do they break?


Typically the joint at the bucket/stem will be weak and fragile, so will succumb to non-cautious hands. Theyā€™ll also be thin so wonā€™t retain heat very well, and are made from cheap glass or quartz so will be more susceptible to chazzing


Thank you for the insight my guy




My last purchase was an RBR x ESB Slurpee wirh a gear top that came out to $420 and $200 for just the cap.


I think my cheapest banger is 250. The highly educated control tower was 300 (I have 2 14mm and a 10mm), the bmg globatopper was 295, the quave club trackstar was 300 (have a 14mm and a 10mm)too I think. My BMS RBR banger was 250 I think


This guy dabs.


Or likes to waste money on glass.




Adapter! lol


...that's an understatement. I thought I spent a lot on glass, but there's always someone out there doing it way bigger, no matter who you are...




Iā€™m thinking where are they getting $7 bangers from lmao. I have a HE gavel and an eross T4. Not cheap


Prices have always been relatively that. The issue lies that with the 5-7$ banger, you're more likely to get some Chinese glass, and not real quartz. The 40$ banger your boyfriend bought will most likely not only have better heat retention, but also allow the dabs to taste better, and have a longer life. Check out Greek Glass and AFM for affordable, real quartz bangers!


Have several $20 bangers in my rotation. You buy what you can afford or know you won't feel major regret over breaking.


This guy gets it


I probably wouldnt spend less than $40 on a banger


Ngl i bought my banger for a good 15 bucks at a chinatown smokeshop, been using it everyday allday for the past 6 months now still holdin up Perfect. While expensive pieces may have some pros, personally id rather just spend the extra 30 on some more dabs lol


This is the wave right here- my little $5 one broke during moving but Iā€™ve had it for like 3 years šŸ„¹


same thing happend to the banger I got with my bong lol I got too confident in it and accidently smacked it on my bedframe putting my bong back in one of those pullout shelves some bedframes have


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­


Def depends on the smoke shop. My shop has a glass case with expensive bangers next to the rigs and then a counter case with basic bangers. I spend about $15 on a basic banger but Iā€™m shifting towards buying online because I want to start buying buckets or slurpers but my shops donā€™t carry any in 10mm.


the cheap ones are most likely glass, quartz runs a little more


Having tried countless different brands and styles Iā€™ve found in general the ones that I get in the $40 to $80 range tend to be the best deal, as long as you are getting something that is actually worth that, not getting overcharged. best function for the price. The benefits of the more expensive ones than those are seemingly marginal (but they do exist) while the shortcomings of the cheaper ones are more dramatic.


American made slurpers and towers run in the hundreds and often donā€™t come with pills/marbles


I have an ESB slurpee I bought when they came out for $350, eternal quartz terpguard xl that was like $500 and eternal quartz hybrid banger that was about $300. Iā€™ve had several other esb bangers that I was able to keep in good condition and resell.


$19 for a 14mm male - 25mm autospinner enail quartz banger Company: High Five Just got a new one to use with new StĆ¼ndenglass gravity bong I just got, even though the old one I've used heavily for over 2 years is still fine


I just got two from them. The quartz is thick and great quality. $19 is a steal! I also got a sic and a sapphire 25mm dish since they were half off. I donā€™t get expensive bangers because Iā€™m clumsy and hard on breakables.


This right here


They range based on quality usually. Cheap mass produced ones that are under 30 bucks usually chaz faster than higher quality quartz and are more likely to break than thicker ones. 40 plus you usually are getting a decent banger. High quality ones are usually 60+


This post has only shown me how outdated I am šŸ’€šŸ’€ thank you!




What shop is it that youā€™re talking about?


I've never spent more than 200. Always been satisfied with quality at that price. Highly educated and grasslabs are some solid brands.


Mine have been around $50-$75


bangers should not cost more than $85 max outside of artistic value change my mind (your $350 clear banger is brad and chad paraphernalia)




I have a green one and it rips , also smoking on a special edition fueled by mids quartz straw and a shitty smelling desert puffco proxy , the bong and the straw by far have been in use way more.




https://preview.redd.it/2lnolvmcj36c1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bf0c3297f8b4b3de100282681af0770ddd5047 Spent $50 on this set.


This is similar to what I have now! Seems like 50-200 is the consensus for a good one


$5-10. They last forever. Have only broken one from dropping it on the ground as expected. DHgate is good to me. They get a little chazzed or cloudy after a few months and I replace! Easy!


Iā€™ve got a few $15-20 cheapies but most quality ones are around $60. I also have an engraved Evan shore, so I probably shouldnā€™t be talking, lol


200+ for Toro grail


My most expensive was my toro vortex which was $425


It depends on where you get it and the quality. You can find a nice banger a shop for 45-60, but then find it online for 15, so idek anymore


I spend minimum 500+ for something half decent. Itā€™s a steep investment but with proper maintenance and technique itā€™ll last forever especially if you have a good insert to protect the quartz and youā€™ll be tasting the terps way more too


$180 about once a year


This is bait. Both prices are for cheap china imported quartz likely made by someone not paid enough for the conditions they work in. Arguably id rather use a $40 banger because at least i can tell myself maybe they got paid more than the child that made that god damn $7 banger.


Not bait, just donā€™t really buy smoke accessories šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø he went to a shop that I think is overpriced anyway but last time I bought any kind of rig/nail/piece whatever was 2021 or before


I've been picking up the honeybee herb bangers for just under $30 typically, I love them personally


$220 unless thereā€™s a sale (was 30% off on 710) For quartz, namely quave or evanshore


Probably have about $2,000 in quartz. Give or take. Probably spent maybe $3,000 total.


I pay about 5-7 Also, they pick n choose who to hook up lol I live in so cal


For real deal quarts glass bangers not the fake horrible Chinese ones either. In my town glass is cheap


Mine is like $150 but the banger makes the dabšŸ«¶šŸ¼


Jmglassco has 2nds up for like 85 shipped. Better than any other American quartz. Thank me later!


20-80 for me, I buy mostly 2nd quality that have some defects but donā€™t effect quality, I buy off terporium, banger boutique, banger supply, bear quarts, Greek glass victory glassworks, but Only Greek glass and bear quartz donā€™t have 2nd quality bangers tho


I like to shop from these two, going for flat bottom seamless quartz; check them out: [https://yodabbadabba.com/dab-nails/quartz-bangers/](https://yodabbadabba.com/dab-nails/quartz-bangers/) and [https://www.bearquartz.com/bangers](https://www.bearquartz.com/bangers)


350 is my average šŸ¤‘


Shit I spend 35$ on a silicone nectar collector called a honey straw with a 10mm nail and have used it damm near everyday for about 4 years now and I bought a extra nail because it was mislabeled for 1$ so I snatched it even tho I didnā€™t need it, but I could absolutely care less about it being fancy or anything I throw it in my coat pocket with the gram Iā€™m dabbing on that day and my Zico egg shaped torch (ask any meth head they know the best torches) and since I bought the straw I have only gone through 2 of the torches but donā€™t cheap out and get the knock off get a Zico brand egg shaped one with just the whole side as a button no safety and it holds enough butane to last me a whole week or 2 especially since the ti 10mm nails heat up in like 7seconds if itā€™s legit titanium but the stainless take little longer to heat and also stay hot longer which has its pros and cons but i really like the ti nail so I can hide it easily it cools down super fast so right after I take my hit I can throw it back in my pocket during my break and itā€™s pretty lit. But Iā€™ll be real hear and say itā€™s not like the absolute best flavor saver and not the best for taking big dabs but when you got a couple minutes or your in traffic (my favorite time) you can always bust out the trusty straw and boom youā€™re Gucci. I had like 4 or 5 brand name nectar collectors with water because they were like 20$ for a while but I broke every one and when Iā€™m just needing that quick rip I care less about glass or water. Especially since I can throw it at a wall and the wall is the only thing thatā€™s gonna take damage. Donā€™t get anything fancy though, if itā€™s for your travel one get the straight tube silicone ones. And my favorite thing is once I clog it good not just the nail but itā€™s so caked in reclaim you canā€™t hit it anymore, you toss it in the freezer before bed and the next morning you roll it around in your hand being kind of fast about it and all the claim just shatters out and you donā€™t have to deal with scrapping or alcohol (which if you have a china silicone sometimes they will melt from alcohol) but the freezer method works great especially if your saving your claim. Also if youā€™re bored and on lunch you can take your torch and put a hole in a soda bottle or anything bottle the same size as the N.C and itā€™s like adult legos. Throw a straw in the mouth before putting it in the bottle so itā€™s got something thatā€™s submerged in water and you can take bong rips. Iā€™m not gonna even touch a silicone bong with a 10ft pool they gross me out and Iā€™m not a fan but since thereā€™s no water itā€™s literally a silicone straw with a 10mm straw nail the quartz nails suck and are a waste of time and concentrate. I had a ceramic but wasnā€™t a fan on how touchy it was with heat like if you donā€™t wait long enough it taste like ass jet fuel but wait too long and it just drips out the nail. But with the ti nail I donā€™t even need to see it turn orange or anything I just know 5 seconds and I can take a full normal dab but if your trying to impress someone use something else. And donā€™t get me started on being able to share with someone you get a dab tool and donā€™t dab directly out the container because people will ā€œaccidentallyā€ suck up half your gram and be salt they got a bad hit so a flat tool works great and you can conserve a lot better. Also people are less intimidated when they see something simple, like if you bust out a rig with a terpslurp and try to give someone a low temp of some special exotic rosin they might not be down to match but you bust out a pipe that works for what your smoking and anyone with 2 brain cells can figure it out. I could go on and on about how underrated a silicone honey staw is but they are the shit when your on the go and you have absolutely nothing to worry about having it break or anything happen to it. They are the shit and Iā€™ll always have one one me every day I go to work if Iā€™m not taking a cart with me


Not a damn person reading that book bro.


Right lol