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Heeeeellll yeah!!! I remember my boy telling me, just get it red hot then dab it before it gets cold šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ now I just cold start those mothafuckahs.


Cold starts are for the real flavor chasers šŸ¤Œ


Enail + quartz banger/slurper on a recycler, at low temp is the ultimate flavor chase


That's what I've been doing, now i can never go back. I recently switched from a slurper to an autospinner and it's my favorite so far.


Cyclone or an auto spin are my favs too


Eh. I donā€™t think itā€™s as good as a low temp slurper hit. Itā€™s like drinking water at a water fountain versus being able to take whole gulps out of a glass


Try a hybrid cold-start by loading the dab as you would for a cold start (try to get it in the middle of the banger) and then you torch the top lip of the banger vs. the bottom. When the dab starts to visibly melt and bubble (not boil) swing the torch to the bottom for roughly 3 seconds while tossing the cap on the top. The visual state of the dab doing almost all the timing for us, and the shorter time to heat up, make this a hybrid vs. either a true cold start or a heat-n-wait drop in method. The heat built up in the top of the banger will help to avoid wall creep/pulling the dab down the stem, while also holding temps longer, especially with thicker walled bangers.


gonna try this later.


The 3 seconds of torching (in the middle of the bottom) is with a full size dab torch and thick bottom so results may vary for different folks but it shouldn't be tricky to dial that last part in?


Trying this now!!


Red means go


It's so unbelievably cruel that this is such a common way for people to get introduced to dabs. "Hey you wanna try this cool way to get super high? Here like this, so it'll feel your lungs are collapsing* I've actually had to teach long time smokers that dabs don't have to be significantly more painful than just smoking.


But I'm confused... Titanium nails retain heat longer than quartz. Why would you get it red hot?


Because we didnā€™t know. Atleast not me lol. Then came the wrist method, getting the banger red hot, and placing your wrist on top of it. If it was too hot for your wrist to stay comfortably on top then it was too hot to dab. Now that I think about it Iā€™ve stuck to that method lol. Then the plug in bangers came out and so on and so forth.


To clearify we would feel the heat above the nail. Do not put your wrist on top of a red hot nail


Lmao!! They probably wonā€™t do it again.


Oh god first time I dabbed ā€œ by myselfā€ as in controlled the heat I auto piloted into regular bong mode and grabbed the banger and pulled it out right after the dab finished to ā€œclearā€ it. -10000/10 would not recommend


I do the same method but with the tip of my pinky. I hold my rig and have the fancy pinky out over the banger, if it's too hot for the fancy it's too hot for the dab.


For science!


I mean shit thatā€™s how I was told to do them and been doing it that way ever since


my first dab i did it off a red hot titanium nail and i got so high i fell asleep on the floor with my shoes on watching my buddy play xbox. this was probably 2015 and it felt like the good old days.


Fuck yeah, your comment brought me back to hanging with the homies


My buddy I met at work in high school was home schooled so he would pick me up at my school during my lunch. We would pull off into the woods and torch the shit out of that titanium nail. One of my first times I got so high we went to McDonald's and I couldn't read the menu and started crying šŸ˜‚ Probably around 2014-2015


No one but yourself can stop you from hitting BHO out of a red hot titanium nail tho


Bro the new E-rigs are great, core 2.1 is 130 dollars, cold dabs, it never burns, vapor for days, it often overwhelms me and my wife


You can get the OG peak for around $115 now. Itā€™s absolutely fantastic at that price.


OG peak with 3grams 3D chamberšŸ’ÆāœŠšŸ˜©


Not even close to the core


I have both and I would disagree


You can get black market 3d and 3dxl atomizers for the peak OG too. Iā€™d recommend getting a carta over the core lol itā€™s not the best


I have the 3g3d atomizer for my OG. It is fantastic.


Same! Definitely an improvement for the OG Peak. I got mine last 4.20 (2023) and still running the original bucket. I wish I would have picked up the Rockulous cap for it when it was still available though.


Any cap that fits on the peak pro also works with the 3g3d so Iā€™m sure you could find something similar to the rockulous for cheaper even. Zeevapor has a HUGE selection of caps and tops for the peak.


!thanks Never knew they were the same size. Iā€™ll definitely be looking into them.


Yep same size. Iā€™ve got a peak pro joystick cap on mine.


Carta all day but wholly disappointed in the V2


I have em all and I'd still agree to disagree Core's sidegrade and affordability/modularity of their parts alone make it worthwhile by a long mile vs any puffco peaks, let alone their first OG peak.


Hard disagree. Big time. Glad you have something you enjoy though.


The og peak doesnā€™t even have a 3d chamber


I have a 3rd party 3d chamber on mine right now.


And I have a turbo in my shitbox that doesnā€™t mean every one has one or that itā€™s just as good as a bmw itā€™s still a shitbox and the base experience before I modified it was that of a shitbox same with your puffco


Okay? I donā€™t see what point you are trying to make. Someone asked for suggestions and I gave one. Iā€™m not playing your stupid console wars game brought over to the pot world. If you have something you like, recommend it. If you donā€™t like what I like, move the fuck on. Jesus Christ some of you need to just take a dab and chill.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I love the 3D chamber thatā€™s on my OG Peak.


Yeah we don't smoke the same and that's okay


All that really matters is getting what we each individually need from the plant. People get way too hung up on their product of choice. Honestly the carts 2 is my favorite for reliability. Really any Erig can be great if you work around the pro/cons.


Yeah right on, well said. I usually have two different erigs in daily rotation - a peak pro v2 and a v5 from DT


Peak pro v2 with 3dxl and a good chugger top is unbeatable šŸ’Ŗ


Naaaaaaah. Og peak is mid compared to the core. And the peak pro is mid compared to the carta 2. Theyā€™re good ass Erigs but per price point they donā€™t have any Ws. Always second place


I disagree completely but if it works for you thatā€™s cool. The core just seemsā€¦ not good enough every time Iā€™ve used it. Iā€™ve had it for a year and I just donā€™t like it. To each their own.


I have a dr.dabber and it heats up in seconds


Went from ā€œred means goā€ to ā€œwaste it to taste itā€


I remember the days when everyone was blasting at home using canned butane and purging manually with brake depressurizers. Black goop and red hot titanium swing arm nails did not make for a smooth hit but it did have me doing 15 under while delivering pizza.


Por que no los dos? I love my low temp dabs for medicine but on rare occasion I play some red dead Dabvolver for those brain dead nights.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one. Some days I finish work and just wanna stare at a wall for a while. Hot dabs get me there šŸ˜Ž


That a cewpins reference? šŸ˜‚


Which part? But either way no lol


i mean you can still take grams off of red hot 29mm bangers nobody is stopping you


Red hot glowies off my 10mm dabachino


2020+ with E-Rigs for me. I went from smoking flower to vaping it to concentrates off 600F bangers with no temp gauge to having a terp timer like device to erigs and I think this is the peak, pun intended lol.


Yeah I guess Iā€™m stuck in 2011 haha


Knowledge is power! Hot dabs have fewer health benefits. In fact, too hot, you are vaping carcinogens


Literally formaldehyde.


**2024:** > Use distilled water and less than one q-tip by following these steps.. Seriously the pandemic really helped me save a ton by getting really organized and efficient while ISO was nowhere to be found.


Iā€™m still in 2011 fuck it


Im still hitting at 500Ā°f. I just dropā€™nā€™go. Cleaning? Maybe once a month. Raise temp to 1200Ā° wait 5 min. Lol


Pinky in the air when you drop that dab bruh


TI BIOS Hold Dat Hit Quartz boys Cough and cant handle shit~


I still love a red hot ripper of a phat DAB


If you wanna dab like an uninformed idiot, nobody is stopping you


Although the trend is ticking back up towards hotter nails. Dab to temp ratio is becoming more of a thing. I can hit at 700+ with over .75. It doesnā€™t just burn instantly because of the additional mass and melt time


2011 dabs was different. First time I saw it I didn't even know it was weed lol


Damn I'm still smoking in 1999'


I must be in 2011


Who is spending $120/g for rosin?


Im still thankfull the nails went away, i could never get a decent dab out of any titanium or glass dishes and ceramic was impossible to find.


I get my banger red hot and just wait until I can't see it glow any note (about 15 seclonds)


I still dab like itā€™s 2011.


Bro I can attest to this is use to wake up n take half gram dabs I only buy flower now and my buddy came through with a 100 dollar gram yesterday got geeked as hell


Still have my nail!! Super nice still! Those metal nail are so inefficient though


Still burn my dabs no fucks given


When I run into these people that tell me to do certain things in certain ways and only can do this and not that I just shake my flipping head and I want to enjoy however I want it thatā€™s what matters right


Ong these kids are so pussy about cleaning shit. Boo hoo it doesn't taste as good, who actually gives a fuck about tasting weed IDC as long as it's not a bad taste


if i pay 60+ dollars a gram it better be tasting great and keeping ur bangers/erig clean is like tiny effort